Account Statements for EMPLIDS

Enterprise Information Systems
Financial Management  Human Resources
Student Administration
Generating EMPLID Account Statements
Business Process Guide
May 2004
Insert most recent info in top row.
Brief description. May include section #
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 2
Account Statements Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2
Before You Begin .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites and Assumptions ............................................................................................................. 2
Other Materials Needed ........................................................................................................................ 2
Creating Account Statements .......................................................................... 3
Creating the Billing Standard Request – General Selection Tab .............................................. 3
Creating the Billing Standard Request – General Selection 2 Tab ........................................... 6
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Communications Info Tab......................................... 9
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Academic Selections Tab ....................................... 10
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Academic Selections 2 Tab .................................... 11
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Messages Tab ........................................................ 12
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Student Groups Tab ............................................... 13
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Account Selection Tab ............................................ 13
Creating the Billing Standard Request – Corporate Info Tab ................................................. 14
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
(Insert a high-level flowchart of the processes in your module.
Reference where this particular process is located in relation to the
big picture. Include a short descriptive paragraph here. If this
diagram is not applicable, delete this entire section. An example is
shown below.)
Account Statements Overview
There are different populations, methods and timing of statements. Individuals such as
students, university employees, former students and/or employees all have an ID in
the system and each ID can have an account. Organizations also have an ID and can
have accounts. The statement generation processes separate these two groups of
With the utilization of Groupwise Email as an official means of communication,
generation of account statements will take on a new dimension. With limited printing
of statements, and account information available on the web, a simple reminder of a
balance due via e-mail may suffice as notification. The process will be a series of
processes using the same program but with different variables in the setup.
Before You Begin
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Before you can successfully perform the Generate Account Statements process, it is
assumed that each of the following conditions has been met:
All of the setup values are complete for the term and year being processed including
any appropriate messages, invoice layout, billing types, communications, service
indicators etc.
Other Materials Needed
To carry out the Generating Account Statements process correctly, you may need to
refer to the following documents:
Creating Billing Messages
Creating Billing Types
Creating Business Unit Messages
Creating Customer Messages
Creating Invoice Layouts
Creating Invoice ID Numbers
Creating Message Categories
Creating Communications
Creating Service Indicators
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
1.0 Creating Account Statements
Creating Account Statements involves several steps.
1.1 Creating the Billing Standard Request – General
Selection Tab
Use the Billing Standard Request component to establish a set of parameters to
determine how you identify and bill groups of customers. Once you set these
parameters, you can use them repeatedly. Therefore, you do not have to spend time
setting up your billing parameters every time you generate bills.
The billing standard request gives you many options. You can create requests for
either students or corporations. You can set the request to bill a range of names and to
generate bills for charges incurred after a certain date. You can add billing messages
to the bills generated and update communication information.
Navigation: Home > Manage Student Financials > Bill Customers > Setup > Billing Standard
Navigate to the Billing Standard Request page. Select the Add a New Value
In the Bill Request ID field, enter a code for the request.
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Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
Click on the
The General Selections tab will be displayed.
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Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
Type of Request
Select this option if you want to use the billing standard
request to create billing requests for students and individual
customers. If you select the Student option, all fields in the
General Selections page are available.
Select this option if you want to use the billing standard
request to create billing requests for external organizations. If
you select the Organization option, the fields in the Last
Name Selection group box become unavailable on the
General Selections page. You must use the Last Name
Selection group box on the Corporation Info (corporation
information) page instead.
Last Name Selection
From and To
In the Last Name Selection group box, you can set a range of
students for which the system generates a bill based on the
students' last names. For example, you could generate a bill
for all students with last names starting with the letter A
through the letter C. To do this, enter A in the From field and
Czzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in the To field. Leave these fields blank to
generate bills for all students who meet the criteria you set in
this component. In most cases, CWU will bill for all students
so these fields can be left blank.
Balance Selection
The two fields in the Balance Selection group box work together to generate bills for
customers based on their credit and debit balances. You can choose to bill only those
customers whose account balances are over a certain dollar amount.
Minimum Credit Balance
Enter the minimum credit balance above which you want a bill
or invoice generated. The system will not generate a bill for a
customer with a credit balance less than this amount. Enter
the minimum credit balance as a negative number. CWU
does not usually send statements for credit balances therefore
this value would normally be large such as $9,999.99.
Minimum Debit Balance
Enter the minimum debit balance above which you want a bill
or invoice generated. The system will not generate a bill for a
customer with a debit balance below this amount. Enter the
minimum debit balance as a positive number. This amount
would normally be low, such as $5.00
To create a bill for all students regardless of account balances, leave the Minimum Credit
Balance and Min Debit Balance fields set to 0.00. This will create statements for anyone with
account balances of all amounts, positive or negative.
Transaction Selection
Added After and Added Until Use the fields in the Transaction Selection group box to filter
the charges and payments included in the bill based on the
date they posted. Only charges and payments posted after the
Added After date are included in the bill. Only charges and
payments posted before or on the Added Until date are
included in the bill. To include all charges and payments, leave
these fields blank. CWU will use this field during open
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Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
registration to send email notices to students that have
registered after the term’s first statements have been issued.
Miscellaneous Selection
You can set certain billing and invoicing options in the Miscellaneous Selection group box. To
bill all customers, leave all fields and options in this group box empty.
Zero Bill Handling
In this field, determine how the system processes bills for zero
amounts. There are three valid values for the Zero Bill
Handling field:
Ignore Zero Bills: If you select this value, the system ignores
zero amounts and does not generate bills. Be careful when
using this value. If you set the Zero Bill Handling field to
Ignore Zero Bills, the system looks for a net amount due and
does not process bills when a credit balance in one account
offsets a balance due in another account.
Create Zero Bills: If you select this value, the system
generates bills for zero amounts.
Update Zero Bills: If you select this value, the system sets
flags indicating that the account has been billed but does not
generate a bill. The next time you run the billing process, the
system will ignore any flagged zero amounts, thereby
increasing performance.
Not Billed Since
Enter a date in the Not Billed Since field to bill only those
customers whom you have not billed since that date. For
example, if the Not Billed Since date is 10/1/2000 and you
run the billing process on 10/15/2000, the system generates
bills for students whom it billed before 10/1/2000 or whom it
has not billed at all. The system will not bill students whom it
billed on 10/1/2000 or between 10/1/2000 and 10/15/2000.
This field will be used by CWU to process e-statements vs
hard copy statements. Hard copy statements will be created
first, then e-statements will be created using the “not billed
since” dated the day of the hard copy statements.
If you select a value in this field, it overrides any conflicting
selection criteria you define.
Insert additional rows to add an additional set of parameters with a new effective date.
1.2 Creating the Billing Standard Request – General
Selection 2 Tab
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
Billing Type
Select a billing type. CWU currently uses 3 billing types - EMP
(Empl ID), ORG (non Third Party Contract) and TPC (Third
Party Contracts).
Invoice Option
Create Invoices
If you select this option, your invoices will not reference the
amount of the previous invoice. For example, suppose that
you bill a student for tuition charges of USD 500.00 and
housing charges of USD 2,000.00 for a total of USD 2,500.00
on 10/1/2000. On 10/15/2000, a USD 75.00 miscellaneous
charge posts to the student's account before he pays his
original bill. If you generate another bill on 10/15/2000, it will
list only the new invoice amount of USD 75.00 and detail only
the miscellaneous charge.
Note that if you select the Create Invoice option, the system
generates bills for only those accounts with new activity.
CWU will use this method for TPC’s only.
Create Account Statements
Select this option if you want the billing process to generate
account statements rather than invoices. The details that
appear on the account statement depend on the value that
you select in the Prior Invoice Calc Option (prior invoice
calculation option) field. The Prior Invoice Calc Option field
is available only if you select Create Account Statements.
Note that if you select the Create Account Statements
option, the system generates bills even for accounts with no
new activity. However, the system does not allow you to
generate a bill more than once per day for an account with no
new activity.
CWU will use the Account Statement Method for Empl ID’s.
Prior Invoice Calc Option
In this field, determine what kinds of details appear on your
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
(prior invoice calculation option) account statements. There are two valid values for the Prior
Invoice Calc Option field:
Use Previous Invoice Amount: If you select this option, your
account statements reference the amount of the previous
invoice and indicate the previous invoice ID on new bills. For
example, suppose that you bill a student for tuition charges of
USD 500.00 and housing charges of USD 2,000.00 for a total
of USD 2,500.00 on 10/1/2000. On 10/15/2000 a USD 75.00
miscellaneous charge posts to the student's account before he
pays his original bill. If you generate another bill on
10/15/2000, it will list a prior invoice amount of USD 2,500.00
along with the new invoice amount of USD 75.00 that details
only the miscellaneous charge. CWU will use the Previous
Invoice Amount Method for Empl ID’s.
Account Balance Method: If you select this option, your
account statements will reference the amount of the previous
invoice but will not indicate the previous invoice ID on new
bills. For example, suppose that you bill a student for tuition
charges of USD 500.00 and housing charges of USD 2,000.00
for a total of USD 2,500.00 on 10/1/2000. On 10/15/2000 a
USD 75.00 miscellaneous charge posts to the student's
account before he pays his original bill. If you generate
another bill on 10/15/2000, it will list a prior invoice amount of
USD 2,500.00 along with the new invoice amount of USD
75.00 that details only the miscellaneous charge.
Campus Select
You can define the billing standard request so it applies only to
a specific institution. The system generates bills for only those
students who attend the institution that you select in this field.
A value must be entered here for service impacts to be used.
You can define the billing standard request so it applies only to
a specific campus within an institution. The system generates
bills for only those students on the campus that you select in
this field. You must select an Institution before you select a
Campus. CWU does not currently bill by campus.
Remaining Fields
Invoice ID Number
Select the user-defined invoice ID number generation scheme
that you want to use to assign unique invoice ID numbers to
each bill. Current valid values for CWU are Empl ID, ORG (all
orgs except Third Parties), and TPC (all Third Parties)
Bill Scan Line Definition
If your bank requires bill scan lines on your bills, select the bill
scan line generation scheme that you want to use to attach a
bill scan line to each bill. Not currently used by CWU.
Service Impact
If appropriate, attach a service impact to the billing standard
request. You would usually use this field to attach a positive
service impact that excludes from billing those students with a
service indicator associated with the selected service impact.
If no values display, be sure that the Institution field have been
This field is not available if you select the Corporation option in
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
the Type of Request group box on the General Selections
Print Schedule of Classes
Select this check box if you want to print the schedule of
classes on your invoices. This field is not available if you
select the Corporation option in the Type of Request group
box on the General Selections page.
1.3 Creating the Billing Standard Request –
Communications Info Tab
Select the Communications Info tab. The information from this tab is used to update
communications on the Empl ID’s record.
Create Communication
If you select this check box, the system creates a
communication record during the bill generation process. In
most cases, this should be used when creating statements.
The other values are only available if this box is checked.
Academic Institution
Select the academic institution to which the communication
record applies. This will always be CWUID
Administrative Function
Select SFBI in the Administrative Function field. This
indicates the communication is from the billing process.
Communication Category
Select the type of communication record that you want the
system to create. Current value is MSTMNT.
Communication Context
Within the communication category that you select, choose the
context of the communication record that you want the system
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
to create. Current valid values are MPRINT (printed
statements or MEMAIL (email notification).
Additional Bill Communication
Bill Comm Flag (bill
communication flag)
If you select this check box, the billing process will produce a
duplicate bill for the parent or guardian of each student
affected by the billing standard request. The system uses the
parent or guardian that you specify on the Relationships page
within PeopleSoft Campus Community. When you select the
Bill Comm Flag check box, the Letter Code field becomes
available. Not currently used by CWU.
Letter Code
If applicable, enter one or more letter codes. The system
matches these against any letter codes specified for the
communication recipient on the Relationships page within
PeopleSoft Campus Community.
1.4 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Academic
Selections Tab
All Careers
If you select this check box, the billing process generates a bill
for all students regardless of their academic career. When you
select the All Careers check box, the Academic Institution,
Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, Academic
Program Status, and Admissions Program Status fields
become unavailable. CWU creates statements for all careers.
Use Records
If you want to select the students billed based on academic
program status, select the Use Records check box to make
the Academic Program Status field available. Remember
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
that if you select the All Careers check box, the Academic
Program Status field is unavailable even if you select the Use
Records check box.
Use Admissions
If you want to select the students billed based on admissions
program status, select the Use Admissions check box to
make the Admissions Program Status field available.
Remember that if you select the All Careers check box, the
Admissions Program Status field is unavailable even if you
select the Use Admissions check box. You can select this
check box in addition to the Use Records check box.
However, if you select both check boxes, during the billing
process the system checks Academic Program Status first to
determine whether it should bill a student. It only uses
Admissions Program Status if a student has no Academic
Program Status.
Academic Career
Academic Institution
If you do not select the All Careers option, select the specific
academic institution with students that you want to bill.
Select the academic career for which you want to generate
Academic Program
Select the academic program for which you want to generate
Academic Plan
Select the academic plan for which you want to generate bills.
Insert rows to add additional institutions, careers, programs, or plans.
Academic Program Status
In this scroll area, select the academic program status for which you want to generate
bills. In order for the system to generate bills based on Academic Program Status,
you must select at least one academic Career and Academic Program in this page.
Insert rows to add additional academic program statuses.
Admissions Program Status
In this group box, select the admissions program status for which you want to generate
Insert rows to add additional admissions program statuses.
CWU will use the Records and the Admissions data when creating account statements
for Empl ID’s. The All Careers, Use Records and Use Admissions boxes should all
be checked. This will make all other fields on this tab unavailable.
1.5 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Academic
Selections 2 Tab
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
The Academic Selections 2 tab further defines the academic level of the students
included in the selection criteria. Although CWU does not normally issue statements
based on academic load, this will be used to send Freshmen their first account
statement in printed format rather than email notification.
The only fields that should be entered on this tab are the Academic Level – Term
Start and the Academic Level – Projected. Both of these values should be set to 10
to indicate a status of Freshman.
1.6 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Messages Tab
PeopleSoft offers great functionality for attaching messages to account statements.
Messages entered here will display on all statements and should be generic.
Messages specific to Item Types or Students are not included on this page. Item Type
specific messages automatically display whenever the item type is appears on a
statement. Including the message here will make it display on every statement.
Message Number
Select the message number associated with the text that you
want to appear on your customer's bill. Remember that any
business unit messages that you create will appear on the bill
in addition to the messages that you select here. The first
message does not appear until a second row is added, the
page is saved, or by going to another tab and then returning to
this page. Additional messages appear as they are entered.
Message Text
The text of the message that you select appears in this box.
Insert rows to add additional message numbers.
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
1.7 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Student
Groups Tab
CWU will use Student Groups to identify those students that request a printed
statement rather than email notification.
All Groups
If you select this check box, the system generates bills for
students within all student groups. When you select the All
Groups check box, the Institution and Student Group fields
become unavailable.
Current Table Entries Only
Select this option to create bills and invoices only for students
that are currently in the student groups you specify in the
Student Groups group box. For example, the system would
exclude any students with a future-dated active status in a
student group. This will be used for students that request a
printed statement.
Student Groups
Institution and Student Group If you do not select the All Groups check box, select the
Institution and the Student Group within the Institution for
which you want to generate bills. The institution will always be
CWUID. The Student Group is PRNT.
You can use the Insert rows to add additional institutions and student groups however we are
currently using only the PRNT student group.
1.8 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Account
Selection Tab
SAFARI Project
Account Statements for Empl ID’s Process
All Accounts
Select this check box to bill all account types. Use this option
for Empl ID statements.
Account Types
Account Type
If you do not select the All Accounts check box, select a
specific Account Type for which the system generates bills.
This option will be used for Org Statement only.
Insert rows to insert additional account types.
1.9 Creating the Billing Standard Request – Corporate Info
Used for Org ID and Third Party Contracts only.
Save the Request. You are now ready to create the Billing Request.