Pamela Haines`s Biosketch - UNC Gillings School of Global Public

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2.
Following the sample format (on preceding page) for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Associate Professor
Haines, Pamela S
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education. such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
M. S.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Food &
Public Health
Research and Professional Experience:
Peace Corps Volunteer, Colombia, South America.
Nutritionist, Dept of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Polk County (Florida) Health
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University
of Florida.
Nutrition Consultant, Tompkins County Nutrition Program for the Elderly, Ithaca, New
Lecturer/Research Associate, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University.
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, UNCChapel Hill.
1983-1984 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, UNCChapel Hill.
1984-1991 Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, UNC-Chapel
1991-present Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, UNC-Chapel
Selected Peer Review Publications:
Women’s Health Initiative Study Group. Dietary adherence in the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary
Modification Trial. Journal of the American Dietetics Association. In press.
Siega Riz AM, Kranz S, Blanchette D, Haines PS, Guilkey DK, Popkin BM. The effect of participation in
the WIC program on presechoolers’ diets. J Pediatrics 2004;144:229-234.
Zizza C, Herring A, Domino M, Haines PS, Stevens J, Popkin B. The effect of weight change on nursing care
facility admission in the NHANES Epidemiologic Followup Survey. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
Haines PS, Hama MY, Guilkey DK, Popkin BM. Weekend eating is linked with greater energy, fat, and
alcohol intake. Obesity Research. 2003;11:945-949.
Kim S, Haines PS, Siega-Riz, Popkin, BM. 2003. The Diet Quality Index-International (DQI-I) provides an
effective tool for cross-national comparison of diet quality: as illustrated by China and the United States. J
Nutrition. 133:3476-3484.
Kim S, Siega-Riz, Haines PS, Arab L, Popkin B. A cross national comparison of lifestyle between China and
the United States using a comprehensive cross-national measurement tool of the healthfulness of lifestyles:
The Lifestyle Index. Preventive Medicine 2003;38:160-171.
Sharkey JR, Branch LG, Zohoori N, Guiliani C, Busby-Whitehead J, Haines PS. Inadequate nutrient intake
among homebound older persons in the community and its correlation with individual characteristics and
health related factors. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, In press.
Sharkey JR, Giuliani C, Haines PS, Branch LG, Busby-Whitehead J, Zoohori N. A summary measure of
dietary intake of musculoskeletal nutrients (Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Phosphorus) is
associated with lower-extremity physical performance in homebound older men and women. American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2003;77:847-56.
Sharkey JR, Haines PS. Use of telephone-administered survey for identifying nutritional risk indicators
among community-living older adults in rural area. J Appl Gerontol 2002; 21(3):385-403.
Sharkey JR, Haines PS. Nutrition risk screening of home-delivered meal participants: Relation of individual
risk factors to functional status. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 2002; 22(1):15-34.
Popkin BM, Siega-Riz AM, Haines PS, Jahns L. Where’s the fat? Trends in US diets 1965-96. Preventive
Medicine, 2001; 32:245-254.
Sharkey JR and Haines PS. The feasibility of using a telephone-administered survey for determining
nutritional service needs of non-institutionalized older adults in rural areas: Time and Costs. The
Gerontologist, 2001; 41(4):546-552
Sharkey JR, Haines PS, Zohoori N. Community-based screening: Association between nutritional risk status
and severe disability among rural home-delivered nutrition participants. Journal of Nutrition for the
Elderly. 2000; 20(1):1-15.
Sharkey JR, Haines PS. Black/White differences in nutritional risk among rural older adults: The Home
Delivered Meals Program. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 2001;20(3):13-28.
Sharkey JR, Haines PS. Nutrition correlates of functional disability among community-living older adults.
The Gerontologist, 2000;40(Spec 1); 377.
Casso D, White E, Patterson RE, Agurs-Collins T, Kooperberg C, Haines PS. Correlates of serum lycopene in
older women. Nutrition and Cancer. 2000; 36:163-169.
Haines PS. Consumer trends in fats and sweets: Policy options for dietary change. Journal of Food
Distribution Research. 2000; 31(1): 32-38.
Haines PS, Siega-Riz AM, Popkin BM. The Diet Quality Index-Revised: A measurement instrument for
populations. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1999; 99:697-704.
Popkin BM, Haines PS, Siega-Riz AM. Dietary Patterns and Trends in the United States: The UNC-CH
Approach. Appetite. 1999; 32:8-14.
Popkin BP, Siega-Riz AM, Haines PS. The nutritional impact of fortification in the United States during the
1970's. Family Economics and Nutrition Review. 1996; 9(4):20-30.
Popkin BM, Siega-Riz AM, Haines PS. A comparison of dietary trends among racial and socioeconomic
groups in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine. 1996; 335:716-720.
Haines PS, Popkin BM, Guilkey, DG. Trends in breakfast consumption of US adults between 1965 and 1991.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1996; 96:464-470.
Haines PS. Food consumption patterns in women. In: Nutrition and Women’s Health Eds D. Krummel and
P. Kris Etherton. Aspen Pubs. 1995; Chapter 4 pp103-140.
Patterson RE, Haines PS, Popkin BM. Diet quality index: Capturing a multidimensional behavior. Journal of
the American Dietetic Association. 1994; 94:57-64.
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Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
Ammerman A, DeVellis R, Carey T, Keyserling T, Strogatz D, Haines PS, Simpson R, Siscovick D.
Physician-based diet counseling for cholesterol reduction: Current practices, determinants and strategies for
improvement. Preventive Medicine. 1993; 22: 96-109.
Haines PS, Hungerford DW, Popkin BM, Guilkey DK. Eating patterns and nutrient intakes of U.S. women.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1992; 92:698-704.
Croft J, Strogatz D, James S, Keenan N, Ammerman A, Malarcher A, Haines PS. Socioeconomic and
behavioral correlates of body mass index in black adults: The Pitt County Study. American Journal of
Public Health. 1992; 82:821-826.
Popkin B, Haines PS, Patterson RE. Dietary changes among older Americans, 1977-87. American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition. 1992;55:823-30.
Dodds J, Parker L,Haines PS. (Guest Editors). Hunger in the '80's and 90's. Journal of Nutrition Education
special supplement. 1992; 24(1):1S-96S.
Ammerman A, Devellis R, Haines PS, et al. Nutrition education for cardiovascular disease prevention among
low income populations-Description and pilot evaluation of a physician based model. Patient Education
and Counseling. 1992; 19(1):5-18.
Ammerman A, Haines PS, DeVellis R, Strogatz D, Keyserling T, Simpson R, Siscovick D. A Brief dietary
assessment to guide cholesterol reduction in low income individuals--Design and validation. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association. 1991; 91:1385-90.
Strogatz D, James S, Haines PS, Elmer P, Gerber A, Browning S, Ammerman A, Keenan N. Alcohol
consumption and blood pressure in Black Adults: The Pitt County Study. American Journal of
Epidemiology 1991; 133(5):442-450.
Haines PS, Popkin BM, Guilkey DK. Methods of patterning eating behaviors of American women. Journal
of Nutrition Education 1990; 22(3):124-32.
Haines PS, Guilkey DK, Popkin BM. Modelling food group decisions as a two-step process. American
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1988; 70(3):543-552.
Popkin BM, Haines PS. Factors affecting food selection: The role of economics. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association. 1981; 79: 419-425.
Research Support
a. Title of Project: Women’s Health Initiative Clinical Center and Observational Study
Principal Investigator: Gerardo Heiss
Co-Investigator: (only if P.I. is outside the department) Haines
Source of Funds: (e.g. agency) NIH N01-WH-4-2117
Amount of Funds: (list annual direct costs awarded) Total $8,893,787
One sentence summary of grant purpose: The objective of the Dietary and calcium/Vitamin D Clinical
Trials are to ascertain the benefits of a low fat dietary pattern, and calcium and Vitamin D
supplementation on breast cancer, colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease in post menopausal
women ages 50-79.
b. Title of Project: Lifestyle Mediators of Diet Quality
Principal Investigator: Haines
Co-Investigator: (only if P.I. is outside the department)
Source of Funds: (e.g. agency) USDA, ERS
Amount of Funds: (list annual direct costs awarded) $199,997
One sentence summary of grant purpose: To develop lifestyle patterns to explain differences in diet
quality and health outcomes.
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Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
c. Title of Project: The In-Sight Geriatric Education Program
Principal Investigator: R. Hunter, SOM
Co-Investigator: (only if P.I. is outside the department) Haines
Source of Funds: (e.g. agency)
Amount of Funds: (list annual direct costs awarded)
Grant purpose: To increase interdisciplinary efforts in geriatric research and services
d. Title of Project: Geriatric Education Training Alliance
Principal Investigator: Jan Busby-Whitehead, SOM
Co-Investigator: (only if P.I. is outside the department) Haines
Source of Funds: (e.g. agency
Amount of Funds: (list annual direct costs awarded)
One sentence summary of grant purpose: To strengthen effective interdisciplinary clinical approaches
to the care of underserved older people in rural areas.
e. I serve as a faculty trainer on five additional Training grants including the Department of Nutrition
Training Grant, the Department of Nutrition MCH training grant, the Nutritional Epidemiology and
Cancer Training Grant, the NIA Training Program on Aging and Healthcare Research, and the DEAR
(Demography and Economics of Aging Research) Training Grant, PI David Blau.
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