LECTURE 05 EVOLUTION Read CH6: 113-123; see also parts of CH 13 MAJOR CONCEPTS 1) Organisms facing a changing environment can evolve only if genetic variation exists in population and natural selection favors alleles suitable for new environment. 2) The sources of genetic variation are mutation and sexual recombination. 3) Forces that influence evolution include: natural selection, gene flow (migration), small population size + chance (loss of genetic variation by random processes), and assortative mating. 4) Natural selection acts on phenotypic variation in population and results from differences in survival and reproduction among phenotypes. 5) The extent to which phenotypic variation is due to genetic variation determines the potential for evolution by natural selection. 6) Adaptations result from natural selection on heritable variation in traits that affect evolutionary fitness. DEFINE: Be able to use words when describe evolutionary process Phenotypic variation Genetic variation Natural selection (Relative) fitness Evolution Adaptation Pre-adaptation Phenotype is the outward expression of an individual’s genotype. Environment influences genotype expression. Phenotype = genotype + environmental influences (P = G + E) Phenotypic variation exists among individuals in a population. Results from combined effects of genes and environment. Genetic variation Required for evolution by natural selection Important in changing environments Humans bring rapid change; exceed ability of population to evolve extinction Sources of genetic variation Mutation – ultimate source 13.2 Most are harmful; natural selection weeds out deleterious mutations 13.1 Neutral mutation likely beneficial (pre-adaptation) when environment changes Meiosis and fertilization recombine genes to yield more genetic variation. Sexual reproduction does not change genotype frequency in a population. Forces that cause change in genotype frequency (= evolution) 1) Natural Selection differentiates subpopulations Evolutionary change in a population may result from a change in the environment 6.2, 6.8 Selective forces (in environment) act on phenotypic variation in population. Change in frequency of traits through differential survival and reproduction 6.4 If phenotypic variation reflects underlying genetic variation, then change in proportion of genotypes over time because genotypes have unequal fitness. 6.9 More phenotypic variation due to genetic variation (greater heritability) greater potential for evolution by natural selection. Fitness: genetic contribution by an individual to future generations Relative fitness: Maximum = 1 = most fit in population Types of natural selection remove genetic variation Stabilizing (most common) 6.6 Directional 2) Small population size Lose genetic variation by: Genetic drift: due to random variation in fecundity and mortality; alleles become fixed (no variation); common in small populations Founder event: small number found new population and carry only partial sample of gene pool of parent population 13.9 Bottleneck: period of very small population size when genetic drift can cause loss of genetic variation 13.9 3) Assortative mating: changes genotype frequency, not allele frequency Negative: mates differ genetically increases proportion of heterozygotes; avoids inbreeding Positive (includes inbreeding): mate with close relativesincreases proportion of homozygotes 13.5, 13.6 Unmasks deleterious recessive alleles-->inbreeding depression (less fit offspring) 13.7, 13.8 Optimal outbreeding distance 13.15 4) Gene flow (migration/dispersal) Mixes alleles between subpopulations homogenizes differences between subpopulations Adds new gene combinations adds genetic variation to subpopulation pg.267