PROPOSED ULSU CONSTITUTION Table of Content Table of Contents 1. Table of Content 2. Article 1 Supremacy Name Office 3. Article 2 General Provision I. General II. Equality III. Aims and Objectives IV. Membership V. Organs of ULSU VI. Functions of Organs of ULSU VII. Tenure of Office VIII. Select Committee IX. Impeachment Proceedings 4. Article 3 ULSU Executive Council I. Officers of ULSU Executive Council II. Position of ULSU Executive Council III. Meeting of ULSU Executives 5. Article 4 ULSU Legislative Council (ULC) I. II. III. IV. 6. 7. 8. 9. Legislative Power Composition of the House Principal Officer of the House Powers and Functions of the House Page 1 2 2 2-3 3 3 3-4 4 4 5 5 5-6 6 6-7 7-11 11 11 11 11 12-13 13-14 Article 5 ULSU Congress 14 I. II. III. 14 14-15 15 Composition of Congress Powers of Congress Meeting of the Congress Article 6 Election Matters I. Electoral College II. Electoral Committee III. Election Process 15 15-16 16 16-17 IV. 17 Election Petition Committee V. Eligibility Article 7 I. Faculty/College/Department/Halls of Residence /Associations II. Association Bye-law Article 8 1 18 18 19 10. Clubs and Societies Formation 20 20 Article 9 Statutory Committee I. Finance Committee II. Composition III. Duties of the Committee IV. Source of finance 20 20 20 20 21 V. VI. VII. 21 21 22 Financial Year Financial Regulation Audit 11. Article 10 Amendment of the Constitution Amendment 12. Article 11 External Relations 22 23 2 PREAMBLE We, the students of the University of Lagos, solemnly resolve to form a purposeful students’ union herein referred to as the University of Lagos Students’ Union (ULSU) for effective students’ administration in the University of Lagos towards the protection, preservation and advancement of students’ security and welfare in all ramifications and do give to ourselves this Constitution. Article 1 SUPREMACY Section 1: Supremacy Ss.1: This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall be binding on all members, organs and bodies exercising power on behalf of ULSU. Ss. 2: In case of any inconsistency in the action of any member, organ or body exercising power on behalf of ULSU or the provisions of any bye-law, with the provisions of this Constitution, such inconsistent act or provision(s) shall be null and void to the extent of the inconsistency. Section 2: Name Ss. 1 The Union shall be known as: The University of Lagos Students’ Union, hereinafter referred to as “ULSU”. Section 3: Office Ss. 1 The office of ULSU shall be located at ULSU Building, University of Lagos. Article 2 GENERAL PROVISION Section 1: General Ss. 1 ULSU shall: a. be a non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-profit organisation. b. co-operate with other organisations and groups, provided that those persons representing ULSU in such matters shall not make commitments that would adversely affect the interests of ULSU. 3 c. co-operate with the University of Lagos authorities to support and advance the welfare of students in ways that will not adversely affect administration of the University. Section 2: Equality Ss. 1 All students are entitled to equal treatment and protection under this Constitution. Ss. 2 Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, no student shall be discriminated against directly or indirectly, in particular, on the grounds of race, tribe, gender, disability, socioeconomic status, political, or religious considerations. Section 3: Aims and Objectives Ss. 1 The aims and objectives of ULSU shall be to: a. protect the general welfare and interest of the students; b. promote the moral, social, academic and intellectual interests of its members. c. cherish, uphold and further the highest traditions of the University. d. provide its members with a healthy academic environment suitable for the pursuit of well-rounded education in order to develop responsible citizens. e. promote and foster friendly relations with other student bodies within and outside Nigeria whose aims are acceptable to ULSU. Section 4: Membership Ss. 1 ULSU shall consist of: a. Regular Members: These shall be all matriculated students duly registered as members of ULSU. b. Honorary Members: ULSU may confer honorary membership on any person(s) by the reason of interest and record of commitment to ULSU affairs. This membership shall be conferred by a motion supported by not less than two-thirds of the members of the Students’ Executive Council (SEC) and the Students Legislative Council (SLC) present at a special joint meeting. Any person(s) so conferred with such 4 membership shall be awarded a certificate signed by the President and the Speaker of the Legislative Council. c. Life Members: Life membership shall be conferred on such past member(s) of ULSU as may be appointed by ULSU to the Roll of Honours by reason of past activities in ULSU, interest and role in public life. For any person to be so honoured with such appointment, it shall be by a motion supported by four-fifth of the total membership of SEC and SLC at a Special Joint meeting specifically called for that purpose. Any person(s) to be so conferred with such membership shall be awarded a certificate signed by the President of ULSU and Speaker of the Legislative Council. Section 5: Organs of ULSU Ss1. Organs of ULSU shall be: a. ULSU Executive Council (SEC) b. ULSU Legislative Council (SLC) and c. The Congress Section 6: Functions of Organs of ULSU Ss. 1 The ULSU Executive Council (SEC) is the executive body and is responsible for the day-to-day governing of students’ affairs and is accountable to the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) and the Congress. Ss. 2 The Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) is elected on a constituency basis as set out in article 4 of this Constitution. Ss. 3 In the event of dispute between the Students’ Executive Council (SEC) and the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) such matter shall be referred to Congress for determination. Ss. 4 ULSU shall consist of the following Associations which are under the University of Lagos: a) Faculty/College Associations; b) Departmental Associations; c) Halls of Residence Associations; d) Distance Learning Institute Students’ Association (DLISA) and Institute of Continuing Education Students’ Association (ICE). 5 Section 7: Tenure of Office Ss. 1 Tenure of office shall be for a period of one academic session Ss. 2 Voluntary resignation by any officer of the union shall be with immediate effect upon a written notification through the President to the House. Ss. 3 A candidate shall not hold an elective position more than once Ss. 4 In the event of death, or any medical incapacity, a bye-election shall be conducted within a month. Section 8: Select Committee Ss. 1 The Select Committee shall comprise the following: a. The President b. The Speaker c. The Clerk d. The General Secretary e. Three (3) other floor members of the SLC f. Two (2) members of the Congress with voting right. Ss. 2 The functions of the Select Committee shall be: a. To appoint members of the statutory committees of ULSU b. To appoint members of the ad hoc committees c. To create and appoint members of committees from time to time as they may deem necessary. Section 9: Impeachment Procedures Ss. 1 Where there is a petition for violation of any provision of this Constitution, the SLC shall decide by a two-thirds (2/3) majority, within 5 days, to set up a panel to establish the validity or otherwise of the offence. Ss.2 The SLC shall constitute a 7-man ad hoc committee, who shall not be holding any office in ULSU. Ss. 13 The person being investigated shall be informed of the allegation and be afforded the opportunity to defend him or herself. Ss. 14 The Committee will investigate and consider the allegation(s) and submit its report to the SLC within 10 working days of its inauguration. Ss. 5 The person being investigated shall be on suspension pending the completion of the investigation/impeachment process. Ss. 6 The person assisting the officer under investigation shall continue to perform the functions of that office pending the determination of the allegation and if impeached shall continue to perform those functions until election is held within one month. 6 Ss. 7 In the case where there is no assistant, the SLC shall appoint someone to act in that capacity pending the conduct of an election. Ss. 8 The copies of the report from the Committee shall be sent to the office holder in question, the SEC and the SLC. Ss. 9 If allegation is not proven, no further action shall be taken and a vote of confidence shall be passed by the congress. Ss. 10 If the allegation is proven, the Congress, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority, shall decide on the recommendation of the Committee to impeach the office holder and such office holder shall stand impeached. Article 3 ULSU EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Section 1: ULSU Executive Council The ULSU Executive Council shall consist of members elected and declared winners at ULSU’s Electoral College election. It shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution: Ss.1 be vested with all executive power of ULSU; Ss. 2 be responsible for the day-to-day administration of ULSU and implement all policies and programmes of ULSU; Ss. 3 have the right and power to set-up committees which are deemed necessary and vital in achieving the aims and objectives of ULSU; Ss. 4 defend and uphold the ethics of ULSU at all times. Section 2: Officers of ULSU Executive Council The ULSU Executive Council shall comprise: a. The President b. Vice President I c. Vice President II d. General Secretary e. Assistant General Secretary f. Public Relations Officer g. Welfare Secretary I h. Welfare Secretary II i. Financial Secretary j. Treasurer k. Social Secretary 7 l. m. Sports Secretary Internal Auditor Section 3: Positions of the ULSU Executive Council Ss. 1: The President a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Shall be a full-time student; shall be the number one member of ULSU and elected from any Campus; shall preside over all ULSU Executive Council meetings; shall only vote when there is a tie; shall coordinate all ULSU activities in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution; shall present the budget of ULSU to the House; shall have the power to refer any act of indiscipline of any member(s) of the ULSU Executive Council to the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) but only after such member(s)have been issued two consecutive queries; shall be one of the signatories to all ULSU accounts; shall have the power to give lawful directives to other ULSU Executive Council member(s) in carrying out any of ULSU’s programmes, duties, functions and other activities; shall summon a Congress meeting at least once in a semester or twice in a session. Ss. 2: The Vice President I The Vice President I shall be elected from the Idi-Araba Campus of the University, provided that the President is not from the Idi-Araba Campus and shall: a) have his/her office in the ULSU Secretariat; b) act for the President in his absence or perform duties delegated to him/her by the President; c) in conjunction with the President, be responsible for the academic welfare of ULSU members in all campuses of the University; d) advise and assist the President in the performance of his/her functions with special reference to the welfare of members and overall activities of ULSU. e) coordinate and organise academic seminars or workshops for the members, at least once in a session; f) become Acting President upon removal or incapacitation of the President until a bye-election is conducted. Ss. 3: Vice President II The Vice President II shall be elected from the Distance Learning Institute (DLI) and other Part-Time Programmes in the University and shall: 8 a) also have his/her office in ULSU Secretariat; b) act for the Vice President I in his/her absence or as delegated by him/her; c) in conjunction with the President, be responsible for the academic welfare of members; d) advise and assist the President and/or Vice President I in the performance of their functions with special reference to the welfare of the members and overall activities of ULSU; e) the Vice President II shall become Acting President I upon removal or incapacitation of the Vice President I until bye-election is conducted; Ss.4: The General Secretary a) shall be responsible for the general secretarial duties of ULSU; b) shall, at the instance of the President, summon all statutory meetings of ULSU Executive Council; c) shall, at the request of five (5) other members of ULSU Executive Council, summon emergency or other meetings of ULSU Executive Council; d) shall take and keep minutes of ULSU Executive Council meetings; e) shall, through the President, treat the correspondences of ULSU and subsequently pass the contents to ULSU Executive Council members through memos; f) prepare and present to ULSU Executive Council a report of ULSU activities, at regular intervals of three (3) months throughout the academic session for which the ULSU Executive Council is elected; g) regularly compile and update the list of ULSU members. Ss. 5: The Assistant General Secretary a) shall assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his/her duties and act in that capacity in his/her absence or on his/her directives; b) shall become Acting Secretary upon removal or incapacitation of the General Secretary until a bye-election is conducted. Ss. 6: Public Relations Officer a) shall be the mouthpiece of ULSU by disseminating information about ULSU activities; b) shall be responsible for the proper circulation and display of ULSU publications; c) shall prepare press releases on ULSU activities with approval of the ULSU Executive Council; d) shall publish the ULSU Journal at least once in an academic session; e) shall provide, maintain and co-ordinate a public opinion collection centre in each Hall of Residence, Faculty/College and ensure that such collated opinions are submitted to the ULSU Executive Council at least every two (2) weeks; 9 f) shall be the custodian of all ULSU notice boards. Ss. 7: Welfare Secretary I The Welfare Secretary I shall be elected from Akoka Campus and he/she shall: a) be responsible for all matters relating to general welfare of ULSU members on the Akoka Campus; b) liaise with relevant departments on students’ welfare on the Akoka Campus through the office of the Dean of Student Affairs (DSA); c) be the Chairperson of the Welfare Committee and in conjunction with the Committee be responsible for monitoring butteries on the Akoka Campus. Ss.8: Welfare Secretary II The Welfare Secretary II shall be elected from the Idi-Araba Campus. He/she shall: a) be responsible for all matters relating to the general welfare of ULSU members on the Idi-Araba Campus; b) liaise with relevant departments on students’ welfare on the Idi-Araba Campus through the office of the Provost; c) liaise with the Students’ Affairs Office on students’ welfare matters. Ss. 9: Financial Secretary The Financial Secretary shall: a) be one of the signatories to ULSU’s account(s); b) with the assistance of the Treasurer, be responsible for preparing financial records of ULSU Executive Council and collate budget input from all relevant organs of ULSU; c) receive and account for all ULSU money derived from whatever source and deposit same with the Treasurer within twenty-four (24) hours; d) submit at monthly ULSU Executive Council meetings the receipts and payments account of ULSU for the previous month; e) with the approval of the ULSU Executive council, prepare and present a financial statement of ULSU to the House at its last meeting, provided such report has been sent to all members of the House at least one week before the proposed meeting; f) Present ULSU’s statement of accounts to the House every month and publish same at the end of each semester. Ss. 10: Treasurer The Treasurer shall a) be one of the signatories to ULSU’s accounts and custodian of ULSU’s cheque books; b) assist the Financial Secretary in the preparation of ULSU’s budget; 10 c) receive from the Financial Secretary all ULSU money and deposit same into ULSU’s account(s) within twenty-four (24) working hours on receipt of such money; d) keep an imprest account as provided for in the financial instruction in this constitution. SS. 11: Social Secretary The Social Secretary shall: a) co-ordinate all the social activities of ULSU; b) be the custodian of all audio-visual instruments and equipment of ULSU and with the approval of the ULSU Executive Council use such instruments and/or equipment for the activities of recognised Associations, Clubs and Societies; c) maintain a proper inventory of all the audio-visual instruments and equipment of ULSU and ensure that they are maintained and kept within ULSU Secretariat; d) be responsible for the safety of any ULSU member in any social event both within or outside the University campuses. SS. 12: Sports Secretary The Sports Secretary shall: a) be responsible for ensuring a steady stream of sporting activities on campuses; b) be the Chairperson of the Sports Committee; c) co-ordinate the activities of sports and games of clubs recognised by ULSU; d) be ULSU’s representative on the University’s Sports Council; e) be the custodian of all sporting facilities and equipment of ULSU and with the approval of the ULSU Executive Council use such facilities and/or equipment for the activities of recognised Associations, Clubs and Societies of ULSU; f) maintain a proper inventory of all the sporting facilities and equipment of ULSU and ensure that they are maintained and kept in good condition. SS. 13: Internal Auditor The Internal Auditor shall: a) be a student with integrity and requisite knowledge of the principles and practice of auditing, financial investigations, uses of financial source documents and interpretation of financial statements; b) have the right to be present and be heard at all meetings called by the ULSU Executive Council; c) have access to all financial documents of the Union and have the right to express an objective opinion on all financial matters of ULSU; d) after rational and objective vetting, give consent to any proposed imprest or budget of ULSU or any of its Committees (ULSU Executive Council, House and Congress) before final approval; 11 e) have (a) separate book(s)/ledger(s) where monies voted for any of the organs or officials of the Union are systematically recorded for reference; f) at the request of the House or Congress, disclose or publish information relating to the finances of ULSU. Section 4: Meetings of ULSU Executives a) The Executives shall meet regularly for the effective and efficient administration of ULSU; b) Meeting(s) shall be summoned upon a notice by the President through the General Secretary and/or upon the request of three (3) other members of ULSU Executive Council for emergency or other meetings; c) The quorum for meetings shall be nine (9) of its total membership. d) Resolutions shall be reached or agreed upon by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of total members present at such meeting and such resolutions shall be time-bound and measurable; e) The SLC can cause the Executive to meet within 48 hours with a notice in writing through the speaker to the President and such shall be communicated to the General Secretary for necessary action when the need arises. Article 4 ULSU LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Section 1: Legislative Power The legislative powers of ULSU shall be vested in the Students Legislative Council (SLC) Section 2: Composition of the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) The SLC shall comprise members who shall be: a) One (1) Executive member and two (2) Non-Executives members elected from each Faculty. b) One (1) Executive member and two (2) Non-Executive members elected from the Hall of Residence; c) Three (3) members each from DLI and other part-time programmes; and d) Nine (9) members from the College of Medicine. Section 3: Principal Officers of the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) The principal officers of the SLC shall be the: 12 (i) Speaker (ii) Deputy Speaker (iii) Clerk and (iv)Chief Whip The above principal officers shall be elected as members of the SLC. SS. 1: The Speaker The Speaker shall: a) preside over all sittings of the SLC but shall have no voting right except where there is a tie; b) promote and ensure orderly democratic debate and voting on motions; c) manage media access to sittings of the House; d) represent the House or delegate any officer of the ULSU Legislative Council to represent him within and outside the University; e) prepare, in consultation with other principal officers, the proposed expenditure for the session; f) ensure that members of the House are given the opportunity to do what is democratically necessary to ensure the accountability of the ULSU Executive Council subject to the provisions of this constitution; g) be one of the signatories to any publication of the House. SS. 2: The Deputy Speaker The Deputy Speaker shall: a) assist and perform the duties of the Speaker in his absence or on his directives; b) act as the Speaker, at the suspension, resignation or removal of the Speaker but for not more than fourteen (14) days before a new one is elected; c) perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the House. SS. 3: The Clerk The Clerk shall: a) be responsible for the general secretarial duties of the House; b) at the instance of the Speaker or request of one-third (1/3) of members, summon the sitting of the House; c) take proper records of all proceedings at all sittings of the House and disseminate such to the Congress not later than forty-eight (48) hours after such sitting; d) in conjunction with the Chief Whip, prepare and provide the members with minutes of the previous sitting of the House; e) in his absence, a member shall be nominated from the House for such sitting to perform his function at such sitting; f) be one of the signatories to any publication of the House; 13 g) perform other duties as may be assigned to him by the Speaker or the Students Legislative Council. SS. 4: The Chief Whip The Chief Whip shall: a) be the custodian of ULSU’s symbol of authority (mace) and ensure its safety at all times; b) be the disciplinary officer of the Students’ Legislative Council and serve as the mediator of communication between members during SLC sittings or general meetings; c) enforce order and a humane sitting environment; d) in conjunction with the Clerk, prepare and provide the members of the SLC with minutes of the previous sitting; e) under the advice and protection of the Speaker, caution or otherwise discipline any member for act or conduct of indiscipline during SLC sittings or joint meeting with ULSU Executive Council; f) Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Speaker or SLC. Section 4: Powers & Functions of the SLC The SLC: a) shall be vested with all legislative powers of ULSU; b) shall review, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, any action or resolution of ULSU Executive Council other than any resolution specifically approved, directed or passed by the Congress; c) shall have power to reject, question, modify or adopt any proposal brought forward by the Students’ Executive Council when deemed not to be in the best interest of ULSU and of value to its members; d) shall debate, scrutinise, consider and approve any budget or part(s) as presented to it by ULSU Executive Council; save in special circumstances, no money shall be spent by the ULSU Executive Council without approval by the Students’ Legislative Council; e) shall, in collaboration with the Executive, recommend the due payable by ULSU members to Congress for approval; f) shall, after deliberations, arrive at resolutions either by consensus or casting of votes; g) shall have power to set up ad hoc committees as it may deem fit and shall have power to dissolve such committees as well as suspend or remove member(s) of such committees; h) shall have the power, at any time, to summon: 1) any person(s) who has/have led, or is holding any office of ULSU, to submit or give an account of his/their past or present official activities. 14 2) any member of ULSU to attend its meeting(s), submit a report or testify to an issue before it. 3) any Association, Club or Society recognised by ULSU, or any of its officer(s) or member(s), to attend any of its meetings or testify to any matter before it. i) shall have the power to screen ULSU member(s) preparing to contest any external election, on the platform of ULSU; j) shall have power to summon an emergency Congress when the President fails to do so and/or the situation demands such; k) shall have power to request for ULSU’s statement of account at any time or when the need arises; l) shall have the power of confirmation, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, over any appointment into the committees and other organs of ULSU; m) shall have power, subject to the approval of the Congress, to discipline, suspend or remove any ULSU Executives or SLC member who has been alleged and found guilty of offence(s) as prescribed by this Constitution. n) shall do all things necessary to uplift the aims and objectives of ULSU to the glory of the University and the Society at large. Article 5 ULSU CONGRESS Section 1: Composition of the Congress Ss. 1 The Congress shall comprise all the matriculated and registered students of the University of Lagos. Ss. 2 The Congress members who shall have voting rights shall be: a. Two Class Representatives (across all levels – Full-Time and Part-Time Programmes) b. Departmental Association Presidents and General Secretaries c. Five representatives each from Faculties of Law and Pharmacy. Section 2: Powers of the Congress Ss. 1 There shall be a Congress for ULSU which shall be the Supreme Organ of ULSU. Ss. 2 The Congress men and women who will be eligible to vote shall be inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of the University, or representative. 15 Ss. 3 The Congress shall have the final say in all affairs of ULSU and shall, by a simple majority,: a. debate and pass a resolution, if necessary, on any issue which is of importance to the general body of students in the University which endangers the rights and privileges of University students in Nigeria; b. debate and pass a resolution, if necessary, on any matter that is referred to it by the ULSU Executive Council or the Students’ Legislative Council; c. pass a motion of confidence or of no confidence on any officer(s) of ULSU and in the latter case such officer(s) shall stand suspended until the outcome of an investigation or the satisfaction of a stipulated condition; d. have the powers, subject to recommendations of the ULSU Executive Council and Students’ Legislative Council, to determine how much is to be collected as due from all members. Section 3: Meetings of the Congress Ss. 1 The proceedings of the Congress shall be presided upon as herein provided in this Constitution: a) the President of ULSU shall preside over meetings of the Congress, but would lose the moral responsibility when he/she is accused of misappropriation of funds/embezzlement or when he/she has a case to answer. On such occasion, a chairperson shall be elected among the Congress members for that particular purpose only. b) The Congress shall hold at least once every semester or twice in an academic session and/or: i. at the written request of the President of ULSU; ii. by a resolution of the SLC (through the Speaker); iii. by a written request and signed by at least one-sixth (1/6) of the total membership of the Congress with voting right; c) The quorum at any meeting of the Congress shall be half of the total membership of the Congress men and women. Article6 ELECTION MATTERS Section 1: Electoral College Ss.1 Election into the ULSU Executive Council shall be conducted through an Electoral College specifically composed for that purpose. Each member of the 16 Electoral College shall have a single vote. Ss.2 The Electoral College shall compose of 10% of the total student population with: a. 5% on equal representation from each faculty; while b. 5% will be on proportional representation based on the population of each faculty. Ss. 3 Only members of the Electoral College shall be allowed to cast their votes. This shall be determined by means of identification as shall be deemed fit by the presiding Electoral Officer. The principle of one vote in an election will operate. Ss. 4 The Electoral College shall be dissolved immediately after a successful election. Section 2: Electoral Committee Ss. 1 The Electoral Committee shall consist of the following: a. a Supervisor who shall be a Staff Adviser recommended by the ViceChancellor through the Dean, Students’ Affairs of the University of Lagos who shall oversee the election process and announce election results. b. a Student Representative from each faculty, with proven records of integrity, honesty and transparency. c. an Electoral Chairperson elected from the students’ representatives by a simple majority. Section 3: Election Process Ss. 1 All counting shall be made public after which the winner shall be announced by the Supervisor of the Electoral Committee. Ss. 2 Representatives of each candidate shall be present at the counting. Ss. 3 Election into office shall only last for one academic session. Ss. 4 Elections shall be held one month before the commencement of second semester examinations in the University. 17 SECTION 4: Election Petition Committee Ss.1 There shall be an Election Petition Committee set up by the Dean of Students’ Affairs. Ss. 2 The Committee shall consist of at least three (3) students of the University who must be of impeccable character, credible and full of integrity. Any complaints after the election shall be referred to the Election Petition Committee for determination. Ss. 3 All electoral petitions shall be heard and determined within 14 days of the election for the position in question. Ss. 4 Objections to the conduct of an Election or a Bye‐election shall be submitted in writing, together with a statement setting out the nature of the objection, not later than 72 hours after the determination of the election or bye‐election. Ss. 5 Objections shall be deemed to have been submitted when handed personally to any representative of the Election Petition Committee or when placed, timed and dated in the box that shall be made available in the Students’ Union Office for the purpose, or sent via e‐mail marked as an official complaint and verified by an electronic read receipt. Ss. 6 The Election Petitions Committee shall decide on the merits of the objection and shall be empowered to: a. Invalidate all, or any part of, the Election or the Bye‐election; and/or b. Disqualify any candidate; and/or c. Order a recount or a bye-election as the case may be; such decisions will only be made if approved by a simple majority of the Election Petitions Committee, provided that the number voting in favour shall not be less than three (3). d. A decision by the Electoral Committee shall only be amended or overturned by a decision of the Election Petitions Committee. Section 5: Eligibility Ss. 1 Candidates for the ULSU Executive election shall only be eligible provided all of the following criteria have been met: a. have a minimum 3.00 C.G.P.A by the result of the preceding semester. In the case of the College of Medicine, Surgery, and Dentistry, a candidate must have no reference pending and not repeating the present class. 18 b. The candidate must have completed one academic session in the University. c. Any candidate found guilty of misconduct in contravention of the University rules shall not be eligible to contest. d. Any person previously convicted for an offence by, or having a criminal case pending in any recognised court of law in Nigeria, shall also not be eligible to contest in the Students’ Union election. e. No candidate in ULSU election can be a full-time employee of the University. Article 7 FACULTY/COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT AND HALL OF RESIDENCE SECTION 1: Association Ss. 1 Association shall consist of the following which are: a. b. c. d. Faculty/College Associations; Departmental Associations; Halls of Residence Associations; Distance Learning Institute; SECTION 2: Association Bye-law Ss. 1 There shall be established for each of the Associations in section 1 (above) bye-laws which shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution. Ss. 2 In this article, Faculty, refers to faculties on Akoka campus and faculty of Pharmacy at Idi-Araba; College refers to College of Medicine, Idi-Araba. Ss. 3 There shall be established for each association in section 1 (above): a) An Executive Council; a) A Legislative Council; b) Congress or its equivalent and such organs as may be required for the smooth running of the Association. 19 Ss. 4 The Executive power of each association in section 1 (above) shall be vested in the respective Executive Council officers of the Association as provided for in their bye-laws. Ss. 5 The functions of the Executive Council of each Association in section 1 (above), led by their President, shall be as provided for in their respective Bye-Laws. Ss. 6 The legislative powers of each Association in section 1 (above) shall be vested in the respective Legislative Council of that Association as provided for in their bye-laws. The Legislative Council of each association in section 1 (above) shall have power to make resolutions for the smooth running of their respective Associations. Ss. 7 Members of the Legislative Council of each Association in section 1 (above) shall be as provided for in its bye-laws. The Legislative Council of each Association in section 1 (above) shall have principal officers as shall be provided for in its bye-laws. Ss. 8 Members of the Congress of each Association in section 1 (above) shall be as provided for in its bye-laws. Ss. 9 The powers of the Congress of each Association in section 1 (above) shall be as provided for in its bye-laws. The Leadership of Congress of each Association in section 1 (above) shall be as provided for in its bye-laws. Article 8 CLUBS AND SOCIETIES SECTION 1: Formation Ss. 1 No club or society based on religious, political, racial or ethnic considerations shall be formed by ULSU and/or wholly or partially supported by ULSU. Ss. 2 All student-related clubs/societies which intend to operate within the campus must be duly registered by the Students’ Affairs Division and their list forwarded to ULSU for proper recognition and documentation. 20 Article 9 STATUTORYCOMMITTEE Section 1: Finance Committee Ss. 1 There shall be established a finance committee, who shall be responsible for the financial activities of ULSU. Ss. 2 Composition of the committee The committee shall be composed of the following: a. b. c. d. The Financial Secretary as Chairman The Treasurer as Vice Chairman Four Members of the Parliament Four members of the Congress. Ss. 3 Duties of the committee a. The committee shall receive statement of accounts from the Students’ Executive Council (SEC) every month. b. Shall present to the Auditor the statement of accounts and all other financial documents. c. Deliberate on, where necessary, the issues raised by the auditor and advise the Financial Secretary in writing to publish the accounts within a week. d. Shall not perform any act that negates the financial regulations of ULSU in giving the account of money expended. Section 2: Sources of finance Ss. 1 ULSU shall be funded by: a. Dues: ULSU shall receive a fixed sum of amount from all students of the university every session as dues to be agreed upon by the Congress. b. University grant: ULSU may receive a sum as grant from the university. This shall, however, be at the discretion of the University. c. Donations as social responsibility from companies. d. Other sources: these include the following: (i) Sponsorships, donations and grants from individual and corporate organisations. (ii) Funds from shops located within students’ residential areas on campus. (iii) Income from investments made by ULSU. 21 Section 3: The financial year Ss. 1 The financial period of ULSU shall be two weeks from the inauguration of the Students’ Executive Council (SEC) to the end of that academic year. Section 4: Financial regulations Ss. 2 The financial regulations include the following: a. ULSU Executive Council shall have the power to open bank accounts in ULSU’s name. b. The names of the accounts shall bear the name of the Union: “University of Lagos students’ Union account.” c. The financial secretary shall be responsible for collating the total amounts of money from all sources. d. Any funds released must be used for the purpose for which it is meant and fresh approval sought to be used for another purpose. e. There shall be a presentation of estimated income and expenditure for every session. f. The budget of the SLC in terms of finance must be made available to the President not later than 72 hours prior to the meeting for approval. All other organs of ULSU shall also submit their budget to the President for onward presentation to the SLC. Section 5: Audit Ss. 1 The account of ULSU must be subjected to audit. Ss. 2 The account should be subjected to three stages of auditing which are: a continuous audit, which will be carried out by the internal auditor an interim audit, which will be done at the end of every semester, and a final audit, which will be done one week after the expiration of that tenure. This will be carried out by an External Auditor. Ss. 3 The internal audit shall be carried out by an Internal Auditor. Ss. 4 The Students’ Affairs Division shall receive a copy of every audited statement of account. Ss. 5 The External Auditor shall be one who is independent of the ULSU. Ss. 6 The auditor’s report and statement of accounts shall be published by the Financial Secretary not later than 72 hours from the date of receipt. 22 Article 10 Amendment of the Constitution Section 1: Amendment Ss. 1 Any section of this constitution shall be amended with a motion in writing for amendment submitted to the SLC by any member of the Union. Ss. 2 The motion shall be signed by at least 10% of the students in each Faculty of the University. Ss. 3 A 2/3 quorum of the House shall be needed to support the motion for amendment of the constitution. Ss. 4 A 4/5 quorum of the congress shall support the motion for amendment at a special congress called for that purpose. Article 11 External Relation Section 1 Ss. 1 The President shall be required to represent ULSU externally in all matters that affect the Union. Ss. 2 Where unavailable, the President shall have powers to delegate any member of the Student Executive Council to represent him at such function. APPENDIX FINANCIAL INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION The funds of ULSU, the Clubs and Societies of the category described in the Constitution shall be managed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the students’ Union and the following instructions: BUDGET I. SEC shall prepare and collate the budget of ULSU at the commencement of every financial year and shall through the President lay it before the House; 23 II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. The Financial Secretary in consultation with the Treasurer shall establish appropriate budgetary Heads and Sub-head of Expenditure for the purpose of Budgetary Control and Accounting; While preparing the budget, ULSU Executive Council shall ensure that essential services of ULSU are fairly estimated and provided for and that under no circumstances will ULSU spend more than its income; The Financial Secretary shall receive proposed budgets from other organs for the purpose; The budget shall spell out the designations of SEC officers who control the expenditure under each budgetary heads; Five percent of the total estimated income of ULSU shall be set aside in the budget as contingencies to meet emergency expenses not provided for in the budget; ULSU Executive Council may, in exceptional circumstances, present a supplementary Budget to the House and in doing so, it shall adopt the same steps as those prescribed for in the main budget. The main and supplementary budgets shall become operative only after their approval by the House. RECEIPTS AND DEPOSITS (a) If money is paid to ULSU in form of cash, cheque, draft, money or postal order, or through any other means, a receipt shall be written in duplicate by the Financial Secretary; (b) The original of each receipt shall be issued to the person from whom the money was received and the duplicate shall be kept by the Financial Secretary; (c) It shall be duty of the Financial Secretary to ensure that all payments made to ULSU have been duly received and accounted for; (d) The receipt shall be numbered serially and issued in that order; (e) All collections shall be deposited intact within two (2) working days thereof in ULSU's bank account and no part of the collection, under any circumstances, shall be deposited in the personal account of any officer or employee of ULSU or be disbursed for any purchase or expenditure; (f) Bank tellers shall be obtained from ULSU's Banker for all deposits and this shall be serially numbered and preserved by the Treasurer for the purpose of accounting and auditing. 24 PAYMENT FUNCTIONS AND EXPENDITURE (a) Cheque for withdrawal from the bank for purchases and expenses shall be signed jointly by: i. The President ii. The Financial Secretary iii. The Treasurer. (b) No payments of any amount exceeding N2,500 shall be made through an Imprest Account; (c) Purchases and expenses shall be within the limit prescribed by the budget as approved by the House; (d) Such purchases and expenses shall be charged to the appropriate Budgetary Heads; (e) Serially numbered requisition for purchase and expenses showing, among other things, the estimated amount and the appropriate budgetary Heads shall be signed jointly by the officers controlling the vote and the vote and the President which shall also be counter-signed by the Treasurer; (f) The Treasurer shall disburse money to any member of SEC for the purpose of executing any proposed expenditure over N2,500 on the completion of an I.O.U. form which shall be signed by the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and the President; (g) All purchases and expenses shall be supported by official invoices or receipt issued by the authorities. The purchases or expenditure shall certify on the invoice of receipt that the goods or services have been received in satisfactory condition before payment is made; (h) No reimbursement shall be for purchase or expenses made in excess of the amount in the requisition unless satisfactory explanation is tendered for the excess purchase or expenditure supported by the official invoice and receipts; (i) ULSU Executive Council shall, from time to time, after approval by the House: i. fix specific sums for allowance to the officers, members, and employees of ULSU for official travel: ii. Establish the class of travel which shall be by the economic means and class of the lowest feasible rate; iii. allowances should normally be paid after the submission of claims supported by the voucher or receipt, and where they are paid in advance specifically to be accounted for and supported by the vouchers and receipts where necessary; (j) Any amount to be spent must be approved by the president (k) Payment shall be supported by serially numbered vouchers which shall be issued in duplicate, the original copy to be attached to the cheques and sent to the payee and the duplicate copy to be preserved in serial order by the Financial 25 Secretary for the purposes of accounting and auditing. The payment voucher shall be signed by the President, the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer in the approval or the payment; (l) A statement of expenditure prepared by the officer concerned and cheques approved by the Treasurer shall be produced in support of expenditure for which or in circumstances in which no official invoice can be obtained from the payee until he/she: i. ensures that expenditure on the activity will not exceed collections; ii. renders proper account for the activity together with supporting voucher and other documents and hand over surplus collections to the Financial Secretary within 48 hours of conclusion of the activity; iii. presents the account of all fundraising activities shall be incorporated in the general account of ULSU; STOCK REGISTER AND STOCKTAKING (a) There shall be a register showing the receipts issued, balance and the relevant particulars of the property (fixed and current assets) of ULSU (b) Physical stocktaking of the property of ULSU shall be undertaken: i. At the beginning of the tenure of SEC, ii. At the time of vacating office through resignation, or iii. At the end of tenure of SEC. (c) The above listed officers of ULSU shall account for the differences, if any, between the book balance and the physical stock, then the officers shall forward a copy each to the House and Dean of Students' Affairs within 48 hours of such stock; (d) At the time of assumption of duties by each officer listed in IV (a), he shall obtain from the Dean of Students' Affairs and the House an inventory of ULSU's property, the custody of which bestows on him by virtue of his holding office. He shall acknowledge receipt of such properties in writing to the Dean Students' Affairs; (e) At the time of vacating office or the expiration of the terms of office by each officer listed in IV (a), he shall also obtain an acknowledgment of receipt from the Dean of Students' Affairs; (f) The provisions of item IV (a)-(e) shall also apply to other members and employees of ULSU who get custody of any of ULSU's property. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 26 (a) The Financial Secretary shall keep the following books of account and documents: cashbook; petty cash book; journal; ledger; receipt book; payment voucher; bank teller; bank statement and other documents, if any, in support of the entry in the books of account; (b) The Treasurer shall have access to the book account, voucher and documents referred to in 5 (a); (c) The books of accounts, vouchers, and other documents referred to in V (a) shall be subjected to audit as provided for in this constitution; (d) The Financial Secretary and Welfare Secretary shall present to the General Secretary when SEC meets every month, the receipts and payment accounts of ULSU for the previous month certified by at least two members of the Financial Committee. AUDITING FINANCIAL INSTRUCTION (a) The account(s) of ULSU shall be: i. internal audit at the end of each month by the Finance committee of ULSU; ii. interim audit midway into the life of ULSU Executive Council by the Audit Committee; and Final Audit at the end of the life of the regime, which should have been completed one week after to the end of life of the administration; (b) The Financial Secretary shall prepare a receipts and payment Account of ULSU and submit its book of account vouchers and other documents maintained by him to: i. the Finance committee of ULSU every month as well as ULSU Executive Council for inspection; ii. Audit Committee for audit in pursuant to the provisions of this constitution; (c) shall forward within one week of the completion of audit the compiled interim audit report and final report, together with audited statement of accounts to: i. ULSU Executive Council through the General Secretary, ii. The House through the Clerk, iii. The Dean of the Students' Affairs. (d) ULSU Executive Council and the House shall consider the Auditor's report and statement of account submitted to it in their meetings and take appropriate action; (e) The Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Welfare Secretary, other officers, members 27 and employees of ULSU shall render wholehearted cooperation and assistance, and shall provide additional information and explanations, if necessary, to the Finance committee for timely completion of the interval interim and final audits as provided for in this constitution. PUBLICATION OF AUDITOR'S REPORT AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS (a) The Financial Secretary shall publish the interim and final Audit report and statement of account referred to in item VI (c) above within 72 hours of the date of the receipt of these documents from the Audit Committee; (b) The Financial Secretary shall forward to the Public Relations Officer on a day of the last week of each semester for publication in ULSU Gazette a receipt and payment account of ULSU, from the beginning of each academic year to: i. the Saturday of last one week of the first semester; ii. the Saturday of the last week of the life of ULSU; (c) The Public Relations Officer shall ensure that the receipts and payment account appears in the University of Lagos Students' Union Gazette at the end of each semester as provided for in this Constitution. COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION AND FINANCIAL INSTRUCTION (a) The financial instruction shall be a statutory appendix to the constitution of ULSU and ULSU Executive Council officers, members and employees of ULSU shall familiarize themselves with these instructions; (b) Every SEC officer, member and employee of ULSU shall ensure that each financial transaction which he conducted on behalf of ULSU shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the constitution and the Financial instructions of ULSU; (c) The Treasurer shall maintain a petty cash balance under the imprest account as determined by the SLC; (d) Purchases and expenses up to N5, 000 shall be made out of the petty cash balance supported by serially numbered vouchers which shall be signed by the President, Financial Secretary and Treasurer in approval of the payment. The relevant invoice and bill of receipt shall be attached to the vouchers; (e) An analytical petty cash ,book shall be maintained by the Treasurer and this shall be balanced periodically before reimbursement is made; (f) The Treasurer shall present the imprest account and voucher to the Finance Committee every month for the purpose of internal audit and to the Committee, for the purpose of interim and final audit. 28 STUDENTS’ RIGHTS Students’ rights are inalienable and should be respected by fellow students: a. b. c. d. e. f. Every union member has the right to a copy of the constitution. Every student has a right to fair and equitable treatment by all student leaders. No student shall be discriminated against directly or indirectly, on the grounds of race, sex, GENDER, socioeconomic status, nationality, language, ethnic or social origin, political or other belief, religion, sexual orientation, disability or year group within the four walls of the University of Lagos. Every student is entitled to equal treatment and protection as provided for in the regulations of the University. Every student has the right to demonstration, or submission of petition to student union leaders. And such other rights that might not be stated in this Constitution. Any report of infringement of these rights should be referred to the Students’ Disciplinary Committee, who shall then make due investigation into the matter. The victim’s name should not be released as a protective measure. CODE OF CONDUCT a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. No member shall be a member of any affiliation, society or group whose objective is incompatible with the aims and objectives of ULSU. Students shall behave in a responsible manner at all times. No member shall be remunerated for services rendered in his capacity as an ULSU official. No member shall conduct themselves in a manner that will impair public confidence in the character of ULSU and the University. No member shall consume or be in possession of hard drugs. No member shall disturb the peace of the University Community. No member shall intimidate, victimize or bully a fellow student. No member shall submit false credentials for electoral purposes. No member shall impersonate an ULSU official. No member shall solicit funds in the name of ULSU unless duly authorised. All demonstrations and protests must be peaceful. No member shall vandalise public property. No member shall use foul and abusive language, either orally, in writing or by expression or by engaging in any form of discriminatory or anti-social behaviour. ULSU officials should conduct their activities in transparency and accountability. 29 FORMS OF MISCONDUCT The following shall amount to misconduct that is likely to lead to disciplinary action, although the list is not exhaustive: a. Unacceptable behaviour on or off the University’s premises arising from the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs; b. Indecent behaviour or language while engaged in Union activity whether on or off the University’s premises, or using University computers; c. Engaging in cybercrime; d. Making defamatory or maliciously false statements about any member of the University community; e. Discrimination against any student or person on any grounds or manner; f. Misuse or unauthorized use of Union or University premises and property, including computer misuse; g. Any act that would demean the name of ULSU or the University at large. SANCTIONS Where an allegation against a member is upheld, the Students Disciplinary Committee may recommend any of the following sanctions as they may deem appropriate, including: a. Suspension of union membership for a specified period of time, up to and including the remainder of the academic year or equivalent period; b. Qualified membership, defined restrictions to the membership rights of the individual or club/group/society; c. Withdrawal of union membership; d. Suspension of a club, group or society; e. A fine and/or ban; f. In all cases of misconduct and serious misconduct ULSU may employ more drastic measures other than those listed above such as involving the Security Unit. Upon the report of a criminal offence the Students’ Disciplinary Committee shall refer the matter to the Security Unit of the University. 30 31