Hillebrand H 2004 On the generality of the latitudinal diversity gradient

Helmut Hillebrand
Associate Professor
*03 August 1966
Institute for Botany
University of Cologne
Gyrhofstrasse 15
50931 Köln
phone: ++49 (0) 221 470 2762
telefax: ++49 (0) 221 470 5181
e-mail: helmut.hillebrand@uni-koeln.de
Foto by M. Feiling
Short CV
2004 -
Associate Professor, University of Cologne (D)
2002 - 2004
Assistant Professor, Institute for Marine Science,
University of Kiel (D)
Docent qualification in Limnology, University of Uppsala (S)
1990 - 2002
Post Doc and Research Fellow at Erkenlaboratory,
Department of Limnology, University of Uppsala (S)
1996 - 1999
Ph.D. thesis, Institute for Marine Science, University of Kiel
“Effect of biotic interactions on the structure of
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. U. Sommer, P.D. Dr. U.G. Berninger
Diploma (corresponding M.Sc.) 1994, ICBM, Oldenburg (D)
“Nitrogenous nutrition and growth of Nitzschia pungens”
1988 - 1994
Studies in Biology, Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg
Main topics: General Ecology, Zoology, Botany, Geography
Research interests
Causes and consequences of biodiversity
Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of communities
Species-area relationships
Global biodiversity patterns
Scaling of regional and local impacts on plant diversity
Microbial diversity
Trophic interactions in aquatic ecosystems
Indirect effects in trophic interactions
Ecological stoichiometry of littoral food webs
Grazing and nutrient effects on benthic microalgae
Nutrient competition in benthic microalgae
Aberle N, Hillebrand H, Grey J, Wiltshire KH 2005. Selectivity and competitive
interactions between two benthic invertebrate grazers (A. aquaticus and P.
antipodarum) - an experimental study using 13C- and 15N-labelled diatoms.
Freshwater Biology 50: 369-379
Blenckner T & Hillebrand H 2002. North Atlantic Oscillation signatures in
ecosystems – a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology 8: 203-212
Giller P, Hillebrand H, Berninger UG, Gessner M, Hawkins S, Inchausti P, Inglis C,
Leslie H, Malmqvist B, Monaghan M, Morin P & O’Mullan G 2004. Biodiversity
effects on ecosystem function: emerging issues and their experimental test in
aquatic communities. Oikos 104: 423-436
Haglund AL & Hillebrand H 2005. The effect of grazing and nutrient supply on
periphyton associated bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology: 52: 31-41
Hillebrand H 2002a. Diversity of unicellular aquatic organisms scaled to body size.
Verhandlungen des Internationalen Vereins für Theoretische und Angewandte
Limnologie 28: 352-354
Hillebrand H 2002b. Top-down versus bottom-up control of autotrophic biomass –
a meta-analysis on experiments with periphyton. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society 21: 349-369
Hillebrand H 2003. Opposing effects of grazing and nutrients on diversity. Oikos
100: 592-600
Hillebrand H 2004a. On the generality of the latitudinal diversity gradient.
American Naturalist 163: 192-211
Hillebrand H 2004b. Strength, slope and variability of marine latitudinal gradients.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 273: 251-267
Hillebrand H 2005a. Light regime and consumer control of autotrophic biomass.
Journal of Ecology, in press
Hillebrand H 2005b. Regressions of local on regional diversity do not reflect the
importance of local interactions or saturation of local diversity. Oikos, in press
Hillebrand H & Azovsky AI 2001. Body size determines the strength of the
latitudinal diversity gradient. Ecography 24: 251-256
Hillebrand H & Blenckner T 2002. Regional impact on local diversity – from pattern
to process. Oecologia 132: 479-491
Hillebrand H & Cardinale BJ 2004. Consumer effects decline with prey diversity.
Ecology Letters 7: 192-201
Hillebrand H, de Montpellier G & Liess A 2004. Effects of macrograzers and light on
periphyton stoichiometry. Oikos 106: 93-100
Hillebrand H, Dürselen CD, Kirschtel D, Zohary T, Pollingher U 1999. Biovolume
calculation for pelagic and benthic microalgae. Journal of Phycology 35: 403–
Hillebrand H & Kahlert M 2001. Effect of grazing and nutrient supply on periphyton
biomass and nutrient stoichiometry in habitats of different productivity.
Limnology and Oceanography 46: 1881-1898
Hillebrand H & Kahlert M 2002. Effect of grazing and water column nutrient supply
on biomass and nutrient content of sediment microalgae. Aquatic Botany 72:
Hillebrand H, Kahlert M, Haglund AL, Berninger UG, Nagel S, Wickham S 2002.
Control of microbenthic communities by grazing and nutrient supply. Ecology
83: 2205-2219
Hillebrand H & Shurin JB 2005. Biodiversity and aquatic food webs. In Aquatic food
webs –an ecosystem approach. Edited by Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scharler,
Jennifer Dunne, Robert E. Ulanowicz. Oxford University Press, pp. 184-197
Hillebrand H & Sommer U 1996. Nitrogenous nutrition of the potentially toxic
diatom Pseudonitzschia pungens f. multiseries Hasle. Journal of Plankton
Research 18: 295-301
Hillebrand H & Sommer U 1997. Response of epilithic microphytobenthos of the
Western Baltic Sea to in situ experiments with nutrient enrichment. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 160: 35-46
Hillebrand H & Sommer U 1999. The nutrient stoichiometry of benthic microalgal
growth: Redfield proportions are optimal. Limnology and Oceanography 44:
Hillebrand H & Sommer U 2000. Effect of continuous nutrient enrichment on
microalgae colonizing hard substrates. Hydrobiologia 426: 183-190
Hillebrand H & Sommer U 2000. Diversity of benthic microalgae in response to
colonization time and eutrophication. Aquatic Botany 67: 221-236
Hillebrand H, Watermann F, Karez R, Berninger UG 2001. Differences in species
richness patterns between unicellular and multicellular organisms. Oecologia
126: 114-124
Hillebrand H, Worm B, Lotze HK 2000. Marine microbenthic community structure
regulated by nitrogen loading and grazing pressure. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 204: 27-38
Kahlert M, Hasselrot AT, Hillebrand H, Pettersson K 2002. Spatial and temporal
variation in biomass and nutrient status of epilithic algae in Lake Erken, Sweden.
Freshwater Biology 47: 1191-1216
Liess A & Hillebrand H 2004. Direct and indirect effects in herbivore - periphyton
interactions. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 159: 433-453
Liess A & Hillebrand H 2005. Stoichiometric variation in benthic food webs – the
variability of C:N:P ratios in benthic invertebrates. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society, in press
Watermann F, Hillebrand H, Gerdes G, Krumbein WE, Sommer U 1999.
Competition between benthic diatoms and cyanobacteria as influenced by
different grain sizes and temperature. Marine Ecology Progress Series 187: 7787
Wickham S, Nagel S & Hillebrand H 2004. The control of epibenthic ciliate
communities by grazers and nutrients. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 35: 153-162
Worm B, Lotze HK, Hillebrand H, Sommer U 2002. Consumer versus resource
control of species diversity and ecosystem functioning. Nature 417: 848-851
Hillebrand H 2004 On the generality of the latitudinal diversity gradient. American
Naturalist 163: 192-211
Hillebrand H 2004. Strength, slope and variability of marine latitudinal gradients.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 273: 251-267
Hillebrand H & Cardinale BJ 2004. Consumer effects decline with prey diversity.
Ecology Letters 7: 192-201
Hillebrand H, de Montpellier G & Liess A 2004. Effects of macrograzers and light on
periphyton stoichiometry. Oikos 106: 93-104
Liess A & Hillebrand H 2004. Direct and indirect effects in herbivore - periphyton
interactions. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 159: 433-453
Wickham S, Nagel S & Hillebrand H 2004. The control of epibenthic ciliate
communities by grazers and nutrients. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 35: 153-162
Aberle N, Hillebrand H, Grey J, Wiltshire KH 2005. Selectivity and competitive
interactions between two benthic invertebrate grazers (A. aquaticus and P.
antipodarum) - an experimental study using 13C- and 15N-labelled diatoms.
Freshwater Biology 50: 369-379
Eriksson BK & Bergstrom L L 2005. Local distribution patterns of macroalgae in
relation to environmental variables in the northern Baltic Proper. Estuarine Coastal
and Shelf Science 62: 109-117
Haglund AL & Hillebrand H 2005. The effect of grazing and nutrient supply on
periphyton associated bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 52: 31-41
Hillebrand H 2005. Light regime and consumer control of autotrophic biomass.
Journal of Ecology, in press
Hillebrand H 2005. Regressions of local on regional diversity do not reflect the
importance of local interactions or saturation of local diversity. Oikos, in press
Hillebrand H & Shurin JB 2005. Biodiversity and aquatic food webs. In Aquatic food
webs –an ecosystem approach. Edited by Andrea Belgrano, Ursula M. Scharler,
Jennifer Dunne, Robert E. Ulanowicz. Oxford University Press, pp. 184-197
Liess A & Hillebrand H 2005. Stoichiometric variation in benthic food webs – the
variability of C:N:P ratios in benthic invertebrates. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society, in press