University of Connecticut College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (UAGNR) First Year Courses for UAGNR Students at UConn Regional Campuses Regional campus students who are initially admitted to and remain enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (UAGNR) and complete requirements as listed below are eligible to change to the Storrs campus after one year (minimum 24 earned credits). Students who petition to change into UAGNR majors after starting at UConn may need to complete additional courses and credits before being approved for a major change and/or campus change to Storrs. Major (Plan) Fall Semester (or when offered) Agriculture and ENGL 1010 or 1011* Natural Resources BIOL 1107 MATH Q* or STAT Q* (interdisciplinary Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 interests) UNIV 1800 (optional) Take HORT 1110 if at HTFD; other possibilities: NUSC 1165, NUSC 1167, GSCI 1050, PHYS 1010Q; PHYS 1035Q CHEM 1128Q or PHYS 1010Q* MATH 1060Q or higher* PSYC 1100, COMM, or PHIL NUSC 1165 or W course Occupational/Environmental Health & Safety does not require NUSC 1165; CHEM/PHYS will vary based on career goals ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 CHEM 1127Q* NUSC 1165 (Dietetics) or Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 (SOCI 1001, PSYC 1103, NUSC 1167 recommended, if available) UNIV 1800 (optional) CHEM 1128Q* MATH 1060Q or higher* W Course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 (SOCI 1001, PSYC 1103, NUSC 1167 recommended, if available) Students initially major in Allied Health Sciences or other majors and apply to enter these professional programs for junior/senior years. Dietetics requires NUSC 1165 & 1167. ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 CHEM 1127Q* Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 UNIV 1800 (optional) BIOL 1108* CHEM 1128Q* MATH 1060Q or 1131Q* CA-1, CA-2, CA-4 or W course If math skills need strengthening, delay CHEM 1127Q until 2nd semester, if available ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 MATH Q or STAT Q course* Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 UNIV 1800 (optional) BIOL 1108* CHEM 1122 or 1127Q* W Course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 Take PSYC 1100 if interested in animal behavior or Ag Education; If CHEM 1122 not offered, take CHEM 1127Q ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 MATH 1131Q or CHEM 1127Q* NRE 1000 (if available) or Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 UNIV 1800 (optional) BIOL 1108 MATH 1132Q or CHEM 1128Q STAT1000Q or 1100Q* NRE 1000 (if available) or Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 Other possibilities: PHYS 1201Q, PHYS 1202Q, ECON 1201, MARN 1002, GEOG 2300. Environmental Sciences is offered in UAGNR and also and UCLAS. ENGL 1010 or 1011* STAT1000Q or 1100Q* NRE 1000 or GSCI 1050 Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 UNIV 1800 (optional) BIOL 1102 or 1108 Q Course PHIL, ECON, or GEOG 2300 Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 PHIL and ECON are prerequisites for some upper level course requirements. Environmental Studies is offered in UAGNR and UCLAS major. ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 CHEM 1122 or 1127Q* (Standard Plan or COMM 1000 or 1100, or PHIL Concentrations) UNIV 1800 (optional) Animal Science (Pre-Vet or Pre-Grad) Animal Science (not Pre-Vet) Environmental Sciences (UAGNR) Environmental Studies (UAGNR) Comments BIOL 1108* CHEM 1122 or 1127Q* PSYC 1100 W Course or CA-1, CA-2, CA-4 Allied Health Sciences Allied Health Sciences (Preparing for Diagnostic Genetic Sciences, Dietetics, and Medical Laboratory Sciences) Spring Semester (or when offered) Revised 5-14-2015 1 First Year Courses for UAGNR Students at UConn Regional Campuses (continued) Major (Plan) Fall Semester (or when offered) Spring Semester (or when offered) Comments Horticulture ENGL 1010 or 1011* MATH Q or STAT Q course* ECON 1201 UNIV 1800 (optional) Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 BIOL 1110 or 1108 CHEM 1122 or CHEM 1127Q* W course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 If BIOL 1110 not offered request BIOL 1108 as substitute; additional MATHQ or STATQ course recommended: take HORT 1110 if at HTFD Landscape Architecture ENGL 1010 or 1011* MATH Q or STAT Q course* ECON 1201 UNIV 1800 (optional) Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 BIOL 1108 or BIOL 1110 CHEM 1122 or CHEM 1127Q* W course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 Additional MATHQ or STATQ course recommended; take HORT 1110 if at HTFD Natural Resources ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1108 MATH 1060Q or 1131Q* UNIV 1800 (optional) Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 CHEM 1122 or CHEM 1127Q* NRE 1000 or GSI 1050 PHYS 1201Q or STAT 1100Q W Course Other possibilities: ECON 1201, COMM 1100; If CHEM 1122 not offered, take CHEM 1127Q CHEM 1128Q W Course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 One from: BIOL 1107, SOCI 1001, or PSYC 1100 Take NUSC 1167 if available; PSYC 1100, SOCI 1001, and STAT 1000Q or 1100Q apply to Dietetics concentration requirements BIOL 1108 CHEM 1128Q MATH 1060Q or 1131Q* NUSC 1165 W course If math skills need strengthening, delay CHEM 1127Q until 2nd semester – if available; Other possibilities: STATQ or PHYS 1201Q ENGL 1010 or 1011* MATH 1070Q or other MATH Q* ECON 1201 UNIV 1800 (optional) CA-3 science course ECON 1202 CA-3 science course ACCT 2001 or MATH/STATQ* W course Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 Other possibilities: MARN 1002, NRE 1000, MARN 1003 (AVPT) ENGL 1010 or 1011* MATH or STAT Q course* BIOL 1110 or 1108 Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 UNIV 1800 (optional) CHEM 1122 or CHEM 1127Q* W course ACCT 2001 or MATH/STATQ* Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 If BIOL 1110 not offered request BIOL 1108 as substitute; take HORT 1110 if at HTFD Nutritional Sciences ENGL 1010 or 1011* NUSC 1165 CHEM 1127Q MATH or STAT Q* UNIV 1800 (optional) Pathobiology ENGL 1010 or 1011* BIOL 1107 (Pre-Vet, Pre-Med, CHEM 1127Q Biomedical and UNIV 1800 (optional) Gen. Ed. CA-1, CA-2, or CA-4 other goals) Resource Economics Turfgrass & Soil Science Pre-Kinesiology Students preparing to apply to Exercise Science or Athletic Training in the Department of Kinesiology should select and follow the Pre-Kinesiology major in ACES. Pre-Teaching for Ag Sciences (Pre-AgEd) Students preparing for Agricultural Education may select Pre-Teaching Ag Sciences or a major in UAGNR. Follow recommendations for one major above and complete PSYC 1100 and HIST 1501 or 1502 during the first two semesters. HDFS 1070 is also recommended. *Follow UConn placement recommendations for initial Math and English courses. Required level of MATH, CHEM, and BIOL may vary based on career goals. College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Office of Academic Programs 1376 Storrs Road Unit 4090, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-4090 Phone: (860) 486-2919; Fax: (860) 486-4643 Email: Revised 5-14-2015 2