Nausea and Vomiting Acute Patient Arsenicum Album Don`t have to be fastidious in acute illness .Restlessness, burnings, prostration, midnight <, chilly, cold hands, rigors, chill like iced water, Heat >.Mentals – anguish, fear, anxiety, sure to die. Sensitive to smells, touch , surroundings .vomiting and diarrhoea together .Acute pains. Thirst for small warm drinks. Veratrum Album Profuse vomiting and purging together .Cholera. Collapse, cold, blue, weak. Cold sweat on forehead. Cramps in extremities. Retching. Dehydration. Thirst for cold water, but vomited as soon as it is swallowed .< least motion .Hiccups. Craves fruit, juicy and cold things, ice, salt.. Also gastric irritability and chronic vomiting. Ipecacuanha Nausea and cough. Persistent vomiting with clean tongue. Much saliva.Pale, twitching face. Hiccups. One cheek red, one cold. Irritable, difficult children. (cf Cham. – bilious vomiting.) Phosphorus Vomiting, burning in stomach, Often bleeding. Post – operative vomiting.Throws up ingesta by mouthfuls. Likes cold, iced things.>cold (opp Ars).But chilly, anxious, restless. Water is vomited as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. (cf Veratrum) Wants company, touch, sympathy. But abdo. Painful to touch. Colocynth Agonising colic >doubling up, hard pressure, heat or twisting about. Distension, belching, vomiting. From suppressed anger. Bitter taste (is Bitter Cucumber). Tongue rough, as from sand and feels scalded. Nux Vomica Want to vomit – Can`t.Esp .morning.>eating. Indiscretion of eating, drinking, stress, overwork. Headache on waking, bad taste. Dirty tongue, retching. Distension 2-3 hrs after food, >vomiting. Weight and pain in stomach ; <some time after eating. Flatulence and acidity. Sour, bitter eructations. Region of stomach very sensitive to pressure. (cf Ars ; Bry) Bryonia Nausea and faintness on rising. Vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating. <warm drinks which are vomited. Stomach sensitive to touch.. Pressure in stomach after eating, as from a stone.