Biology 112 Chapter 5

Biology 110 Chapter 5
1. The type of bone that functions in the storage of mineral salts is called __________________ bone.
2. The ____________________________ ___________________ is the area of a long bone that causes
lengthwise growth.
3. The ____________________ _____________________ is the area in a long bone that serves as a
storage area for fat in adults.
4. The area of a long bone that contains red marrow in children is called _________________________.
5. The area that is covered and protected by fibrous connective tissue membrane is called the
6. The area of a long bone that contains glassy hyaline cartilage that provides a smooth slippery surface
that decreases friction is called the (a) _________________________.
7. Blood cell formation is called ____________________________________.
8. _____________________________ are giant cells that destroy bone.
9. _____________________________ is a disease of the bone in which bone reabsorption outpaces bone
deposit, leaving the person with thin and often very fragile bones.
10. The disease in children whose diets lack calcium or vitamin D, where bones fail to calcify, is called
_____1. Vertebrae are considered ___________ bones, whereas ankle bones are considered __________.
a. short; irregular
b. flat; short
c. short; flat
d. irregular; short
e. compact; spongy
_____2. Which of the following groups of bones in the human body, categorized according to shape, is
a. wrist and ankle bones—long bones
b. arm and leg bones—short bones
c. facial bones—flat bones
d. coxal bones—irregular bones
e. carnium—round bones
_____3. The periosteum is secured to the underlying bone by dense connective tissue called _____.
a. Volkmann’s canals
b. a bony matrix with hyaline cartilage
c. Sharpey’s fibers
d. endochondral bone
e. articular cartialge
_____4. Red bone marrow functions to ______________, whereas yellow bone marrow functions to ____.
a. produce adipose tissue; produce cells
b. produce cells; store fat tissue
c. provide osteocytes; produce blood cells d. provide osteocytes; produce osteoblasts
e. provide osteoclasts; produce osteocytes
_____5. The presence of an epiphyseal plate indicates that ______.
a. bone is dead
b. bone length is no longer increasing
c. bone diameter is increasing
d. bone diameter is decreasing
e. bone length is increasing
_____6. Compact bone is characterized by ____, whereas spongy bone is characterized by _____.
a. small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space; dense tissue that looks smooth and
b. dense tissue that looks smooth and homogenous; small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of
open space
c. having epiphyses; having diaphyses
d. having red marrow; having osteons
e. its internal location in bones; its external location in bones
_____7. The small cavities in bone tissue where osteocytes are found are called ______.
a. lucunae
b. Volkmann’s canals
c. Haversian canals
d. trabeculae
e. lamellae
_____8. What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?
a. elastic connective tissue
b. dense fibrous connective tissue
c. fibrocartilage
d. hyaline cartilage
e. loose fibrous connective tissue
_____9. The process of long bone growth is controlled by ____________, whereas bone remodeling is
controlled by ___________________.
a. osteoblasts; osteoclasts
b. vitamins; minerals
c. minerals; vitamins
d. growth hormone and sex hormone; osteoblasts and osteoclasts
e. osteoblasts and osteoclasts; growth hormone and sex hormones
____10. Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are _______________, whereas
articulations permitting no movement are called ___________.
a. amphiarthroses; synarthroses
b. synarthroses; amphiarthroses
c. diarthroses; amphiarthroses
d. amphiarthroses; diarthroses
e. diarthroses; synarthroses