
Early Religious- Byzantine- Medieval Multiple Choice
1. The Bayeux Tapestry provides a pictorial narrative of
A. destruction of the Temple in Jersualem
B. construction of St. Peter’s Basilica
C. Norman conquest of England
D. Roman victory over the Dacians
Question 6 is based on Figure 2
2. The semi-circular niche set into the qibla wall of an
Islamic mosque is called a
A. metope
B. mihrab
C. tympanum
D. minaret
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Question 3 and 4 are based on Figure 1
Fig. 2
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6. This manuscript page is inspired by artists working in
which of the following media?
A. Mosaic
B. Oil
C. Tempera
D. Stained glass
Questions 7 and 8 are based on fig 3
Fig. 1
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3. In this sculpture, the Virgin Mary functions as the
A. throne of wisdom
B. seat of love
C. marriage of heaven and hell
D. immovable object and the irresistible
4. This sculpture is from which period?
A. Romanesque
B. Gothic
C. Northern Renaissance
D. Italian Renaissances
5. The Bayeux Tapestry tells the story of
A. the hunt of the unicorn
B. the liberation of Bayeux
C. Ugolino and his children
D. the conquering of England
Fig. 3
7. The Royal Portals at Chartres are so-named because
A. kings were crowned here
B. Old Testament kings and queens are depicted
on the jambs
C. the kings of France are depicted on the jambs
D. French kings came to worship here
8. Contextually, these figures
A. physically and morally support the church
behind them
B. act as an interpreter for those who are not
C. are in the spot where royalty must pray
D. are symbols of the revival of the Catholic
faith during the Counter-Reformation
14. Religions that generally avoid figural images in their
art include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Orthodox Christianity
B. Judaism
C. Protestantism
D. Islam
Questions 15 and 16 are based on figure 5
9. Iconoclasm refers to the
A. exploration of iconography
B. making of icons
C. modern usage of icons
D. destruction of images
10. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is built on the
site where
A. Islam was founded
B. Muhammad rose to heaven
C. The Virgin Mary died
D. Muhammad was born
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Questions 11 – 12 are based on figure 4
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Fig. 5
15. This building is English Gothic in that it
A. has no flying buttresses
B. has no stained glass
C. is surrounded by a park called a close
D. has sculpture on the façade
16. This building is located at
A. Salisbury
B. Canterbury
C. London
D. Ely
Question 17 and 18 are based on Figure 6
Fig. 4
11. This is the ground plan for a building that is
A. centrally planned
B. axially planned
C. longitudinally planned
D. basilican plan
12. The oblong area on the right refers to the
A. ambulatory
B. narthex
C. rib vault
D. bay
13. The synagogue at Dura Europos is unusual in that
A. it contains Christian imagery
B. mosaics adorn the walls
C. religious compositions dominated the walls
D. there is no torah niche
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Fig. 6
17. This building originally functioned as a palace
chapel for
A. Charlemagne
B. Nefertiti
C. Constantine
D. Ottonian emperors
18. This building is unusual in that the columns
A. are from ancient Egypt
B. cannot be seen from the ground floor
C. have no support function
D. are made of iron
22. Animal forms and interlace patterns can be seen in
the art of the
A. Mayans
B. Renaissance
C. Vikings
D. Aztecs
Question 19 is based on Figure 7
Question 23 is based on Figure 9
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Figure 9
Fig. 7
19. The style of architecture seen on the façade of this
building is called
A. Early Gothic
B. High Gothic
C. Rayonnant
D. Flamboyant
20. Islamic art is particularly rich in
A. monumental sculpture
B. stained glass
C. carpets and tapestries
D. mosaics
Question 21 is based on Figure 8
23. This schematic plan represents an ideal rendering of
A. a palace
B. a castle
C. a monastery
D. a villa
24. In which culture is calligraphy an important artistic
A. Byzantine
B. Islam
C. Roman
D. Etruscan
25. What is the subject of the Gothic paintings in the
Arena Chapel by Giotto?
A. The life of Mary and Jesus
B. Good and bad government
C. The life of Noah and Moses
D. The story of Creation
Question 26 is based on Figure 10
Fig. 12
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21. This group is unusual for its time because the artist
studied and used the style of sculpture from
A. Ancient Rome
B. Ancient Greece
C. Early Christian Art
D. Islamic art
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Fig 10
26. This sculpture is done in which of the following
A. Byzantine
B. Romanesqure
C. Baroque
D. Gothic
27. In the Middle Ages female artists specialized in
A. Stained glass
B. Mosaic
C. Oil painting
D. Tapestries
28. An iconostasis is put up in a
A. French Gothic cathedral
B. Byzantine church
C. Persian mosque
D. German Romanesque church
29. Underground burial sites
a. catacombs
b. necropolis
c. mausoleum
d. earth works
30. Prayerful figure painted in the catacombs
a. kouros
b. kore
c. orant
d. icon
31. All the following were found in a Mosque EXCEPT
a. minaret
b. qibla
c. minbar
d. icon
32. Location of Hagia Sophia
a. Rome
b. Constantinople
c. Ravenna
d. Alexandria
33. Characteristic of Byzantine architecture
a. central plan
b. cruciform
c. stupa
d. tympanum
34. An almond shape enclosure
a. apse
b. narthex
c. campanile
d. mandorla
35. Guardians of Buddhist temple
a. Buddha
b. Votive figure
c. Centaurs
d. Yakshi
36. Early Christian buildings adopted this form
a. Temple
b. Basilica
c. Cathedral
d. Ambulatory
37. Location of Early Christian and Jewish
places of worship
a. homes
b. basilicas
c. temples
d. pendentives
38. Buddhist Architecture is often based on
a. Teachings of Jesus Christ
b. The four noble truths
c. The four pillars
d. The Koran
39. Which of the following arts flourished in the
Carolingian Court of Charlemagne?
a. stained glass
b. designing large pilgrimage churches
c. architectural sculpture
d. manuscript illumination
40. Which of the following was located at the
EAST end of a medieval church?
a. choir
b. narthex
c. nave
d. side aisle
41. The painted or sculpted lower portion
of an altarpiece that relates to the upper
portion is a
a. tondo
b. mandorla
c. predella
d. register
42. A culture known for its production of
intricate illuminated manuscripts is
a. Hiberno-Saxon
b. Cycladic
c. Sumerian
d. Minoan
43. In his remodeling of St. Denis, Abbot
Suger did which of the following?
a. attempted to separate church and king
b. reinforced the preexisting walls
c. recreated Roman building techniques
d. initiated the Gothic style
44. In High Gothic architecture, which of the
following is NOT found in the nave elevation
a. clerestory
b. side aisles
c. choir
d. crypt
45. All of the following contain extensive
narrative decoration EXCEPT
a. the Bayeaux tapestry
b. the Column of Trajan
c. the Great Mosque at Cordoba
d. the Judgment Before Osiris
52. Which is NOT true of San Vitale in Ravenna
A. is a centrally planned church, which
influenced Charlemagne’s palace chapel
B. contains extensive mosaics glorifying
Justinain and the orthodox faith
C. contains an oddly placed narthex, which has
never been explained
D. depicts royal processions, which are
stylistically similar to the Ara Pacis
Question 53 is based on Figure 11
46. The tympanum in a Romanesque church often
depicts Christ as
a. the good shepherd
b. a stern judge
c. a philosopher
d. the Christ child
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Figure 11
47. Which of the following most directly caused the
construction of Romanesque churches
a. revival of learning during Carolingian era
b. popularity of pilgrimages to holy relics
c. spiritual needs of Protestant churches
d. architectural innovations by Abbot Suger
48. The carved column between the two front doors
of a Medieval church was called a
a. voussoirs
b. trumeau
c. tracery
d. genre
49. In paintings found in Early Christian catacombs,
Christ was typically shown as
A. a crucified figure
B. a Roman emperor
C. a good shepard
D. a river god
50. Iconoclasm refers to
A. the worship of images
B. an artistic movement
C. the process of painting icons
D. the destruction of images
51. The term pendentive describes
A. the keystone of an arch
B. a convex element of a capital
C. a single block column
D. a dome support
53. The compositional arrangement of this early
Romanesque carving is derived from
A. Greek metopes
B. Early Christian sarcophagi
C. Egyptian wall paintings
D. Gothic tympana
Question 54 is based on Figure 12
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Figure 12
54. The figure style of this panel is most closely related
to which of the following?
A. Early Medieval manuscript illumination
B. Byzantine mosaics
C. Roman relief sculpture
D. Greek vase painting
55. Which of the following is an important characteristic
of Early Christian basilica churches in Italy?
A. Timbered ceilings
B. multiple apses
C. westworks
D. domed naves
56. A sarcophagus is a
A. vase
B. porch
C. drawing
D. coffin
60. The building was commissioned by the
A. king
B. university
C. religious order
D. local government
57. The apses of the most expensive early Christian
basilicas were decorated with
A. fresco
B. egg tempera
C. mosaic
D. oil
Question 58 is based on Figure 13
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61. The primary purpose of the building was to house
A. private library
B. crown jewels
C. sacred relics
D. a scriptorium
62. The upper chapel of the building could be entered
only by
A. judges, lawyers, and their clients
B. monks and nuns
C. monarchs and high ranking clerics
D. guild members
Question 63-65 is based on Figure 15
Figure 13
58. The sculpture shown above is an example of which
of the following periods?
A. Byzantine
B. Romanesque
C. Gothic
D. Roman
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Question 59-62 is based on Figure 14
Figure 15
63. The work was commissioned by
A. Bishop Bernward
B. Archbishop Gero
C. Abbot Suger
D. Pope Julius II
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Figure 14
59. The building was created in the
A. 11th century
B. 13th century
C. 15th century
D. 18th century
64. Because it contains sacred religious objects the work
is both a statue and a
A. sarcophagus
B. reliquary
C. triptych
D. predella
65. The emotional power of the piece suggests that the
style is
A. Late Roman
B. Early Christian
C. Hiberno-Saxon
D. Ottonian
Question 66-69 is based on Figure 16
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Figure 16
66. The architectural grouping shown is located in
A. Rome
B. Pisa
C. Ravenna
D. Venice
67. The architectural grouping shown is
A. a monastic complex
B. a cathedral complex
C. a civic forum
D. an observatory
68. The principal style of the architectural works shown
A. Early Christian
B. Romanesque
C. Carolingian
D. Renaissance
69. Which of the following identifies the building in the
foreground as belonging to a later period?
A. tracery
B. engaged columns
C. Tuscan tiles
D. a lantern on the dome