Customer Details - BedsforBucks

Terms & Conditions
1. Please contact me to check availability on the phone or via email. If we have
accommodation available for your required dates I will send you a booking form
that will need to be completed and returned to me prior to your pet’s arrival. I’m
unable to hold bookings for longer than 5 days during non peak periods & 2 days
peak periods (e.g. school holidays) without a completed booking form from you
2. We require that you pay the minimum non refundable deposit of 50% of the
total fee. We will then email you a booking confirmation letter, which includes
directions on how to find us
3.You will need to sign a copy of your Booking Form to agree that all information
is correct and that you agree to BedsforBucks Terms & Conditions upon your
pets arrival
4.We charge daily fees and discounts are given for bonded guests
5.The balance of you fee will need to be paid upon your pets arrival
6.Visits, arrival and departures of guests, by appointment only
7.We do not accept any liability for any personal injury whilst on our premises
8.We require all guests to be vaccinated with VHD and Myxomatosis. These
need to be done at least three weeks in advance and need to be two weeks apart
from each other. Vets will not vaccinate your rabbit with both vaccinations on the
same day!
9. We require you to bring a current/up-to-date vaccination certificate with you
upon arrival, for VHD and Myxomatosis. VHD is carried our yearly and Myxi 61yr, dependent upon the level of risk. I would advise when staying with us that
they have a 6 monthly as Myxi is currently high in Bedfordshire
10.When you transport your animal to us, you should use a secure carrier such
as a cat basket or pet carrier
11.Unfortunately I’m currently unable to accommodate and medicate sick guests
or those showing signs of illness, they will be turned away. Please discuss any
further special needs with me, for example grooming or behavioral
Telephone: 07970 115670
12.I will require your vets contact information and pets medical history also your
contact information or that of a trusted friend if you were unreachable, to be
completed on your Booking Form
13.If one of our guests were to become sick whilst with us, we will take it to your
vet, or to ours, which ever is closest. You are responsible for any vets fees and I
will need to be reimbursed when you come to collect your pet
14.In the event of your animal passing away we will contact you immediately to
discuss your wishes should your pet pass away in our care. BedsforBucks accept
no liability in the unlikely event that this may happen
15.We will take no responsibility for any of our guests pregnancies as all animals
are kept in their own accommodation unless specified by you
16.We insist that your pet is fed its normal brand of dry food and that you supply
a sufficient quantity for your pets stay with us. We will try to adhere to your pets
regular feeding schedule as closely as possible
17.Your pet will have a constant supply or fresh hay, veggies (individual
requirements noted on your booking form) and water
18.Your pets litter and bedding will be changed every day if required
19.Your pets accommodation will be cleaned on a regular basis and thoroughly
disinfected after each occupant has vacated
20.We will always keep bonded animals together, as long as we are advised of
this at the time of booking, so that we can allocate sufficient accommodation for
your pets, prior to your arrival
21.All animals will be housed in its/their own adequately sized accommodation.
We try to follow as closely as possible South Beds RSPCA required
accommodation size. Although the accommodation size will also depend upon
the size and breed of your animal and also what it is used to being housed in at
22.We also welcome hamsters, guinea pigs and goldfishes in small bowls; they
need to be bought in their own accommodation, as we do not supply them
23.At nighttime our guests are put away in their accommodation and kept
protected from predators and the elements
24. House rabbits shouldn’t be kept in unheated outdoor boarding facilities during
the winter as they will not have the thick winter coats of rabbits used to living
Telephone: 07970 115670
outdoors, so we try our up most to house them in heated facilities inside
25.All pets will receive an acceptable amount of daily exercise, but can
sometimes be dependent upon the weather
26.All outdoor accommodation and runs will be protected from the wind, rain,
snow, sun and predators accordingly
27.All guests are transported to the outdoor runs by pet carrier
28.Resident and non residents rabbit/guinea pig/hamsters/goldfish/chickens are
housed away from our boarding guests
29.You should be made aware that there are currently no licensing or regulations
on small animal boarders. Therefore you leave your pet at your own risk
30.In the event of non collection or communication from you after 7 days of the
arranged date; we will make arrangements for your pet to be re-homed
Telephone: 07970 115670