HEALTH OCCUPATIONS STUDENTS OF AMERICA A PATH TO MEETING DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS CAREER-RELATED LEARNING EXPERIENCES: Participate in career-related learning experiences as outlined in the education plan. Career-related learning experiences (CRLE) are structured educational experiences that connect learning to the world beyond the classroom. Experiences provide opportunities in which students apply academic, career-related and technical knowledge and skills and may also help students to clarify career goals. CRLE: Work-Based Learning, Service-Learning, Field-Based Investigations. School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning CAREER-RELATED LEARNING STANDARDS: Demonstrate career-related knowledge and skills. Career-related learning standards (CRLS) are fundamental skills essential for success in employment, college, family and community life. These skills are taught throughout the curriculum, integrated with academic learning and emphasized in the students’ career-related learning experiences. CRLS: Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations, Career Development EXTENDED APPLICATION: The student will be able to apply and extend academic and career-related knowledge and skills in new and complex situations appropriate to the student’s personal, academic and/or career interests and post-high school goals. Extended application is the application of knowledge and skills in the context of the student’s personal and career interests and post-high school goals. Students use knowledge and skills to solve problems, create products and make presentations in new and complex situations. 1 HOSA ~ An Association of Health Sciences Education Students Example Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Science Event Muscle Identification and Skeletal Identification Activity During a written test, students will demonstrate their knowledge of the muscular structure and skeletal systems by identifying labeled muscles or bones and answer questions related to muscle structure and the skeletal system Evidence Score sheet from the competition Type of CRLE School-Based Learning Type of CRLS Employment Foundations Example Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Science Event Dental Spelling and Medical Spelling Activity This event encourages students to improve their ability to spell and define terms associated with careers in the dental field and health care community. After a written test, students participate in “spell down”. Definitions will be given on request. Evidence Score sheet from the competition Type of CRLE School-Based Learning Type of CRLS Employment Foundations Example Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Science Event Dental Terminology and Medical Terminology Activity During a written test, students demonstrate their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the terminology and language of occupations in the dental field and health care community to include prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations. Evidence Score sheet from the competition Type of CRLE Work-Based Learning, School-Based Learning Type of CRLS Employment Foundations Example Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Science Event Medical Math Activity During a written test, students demonstrate their ability to identify, solve and apply mathematical principles involving temperature, weights and measures used in the health care delivery system. The test will also involve identification of related symbols and abbreviations. Evidence Score sheet from the competition Type of CRLE Work-Based Learning, School-Based Learning Type of CRLS Employment Foundations 2 Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Science Knowledge Tests During a written test, students will demonstrate their knowledge at the recall, application and analysis levels. Each test will related to a specific career or specialty area from within the health care community or related information that applies to several health specialties. The following tests are currently offered: 1. Human Growth and Development, 2. Nutrition 3. Pathophysiology, 4. Pharmacology, 5. Concepts of Health Care, 6. Kaiser Permanente Healthcare Issues Score sheet from competition Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigations, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Administrative Medical Assisting* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding the student performs selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented to the competitor at the start of the competition. Skills chosen for the scenario may include: telephone techniques, transcription of progress notes, completing an insurance form, alphabetical filing, patient information data entry and coding. Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Biotechnology* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding the student performs selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented to the competitor at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking. Skills chosen for the scenario may include: identification of laboratory equipment, infection control and transmission-based precautions, inoculate and streak an agar plate and using a microscope. Score sheet from competition Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigations, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Clinical Specialty* The student chooses a health career that she/he is planning to pursue. The student creates a career portfolio that contains evidence of career research and a work-based learning experience. The portfolio 3 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity will include a resume, career summary, education needed, professional associations, interview with someone in that field, career evaluation and work-based learning summary. The student will also select a skill that is performed by professionals in the chosen field, develop a checklist that includes all steps that would be performed as part of that skill then and perform the skill while being videotaped. Portfolio, Professional verification evaluation, Videotape, Score sheets from the competition Work-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations, Career Development Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Dental Assisting * After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: preparing the dental treatment room, seating and dismissing the dental patient, patient education, patient history and vital signs, preparing for an alginate impression, pouring an alginate impression, identification of instruments. Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Home Health Aide* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: taking an adult tympanic temperature, taking an apical pulse, emptying a urinary drainage unit, applying clean dressing and ointment to broken skin, giving a back rub, caring for dentures, moving a client up in bed using a drawsheet and applying elasticized stockings. Score sheet from the competition Work-Based Learning, School-Based Learning, Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Medical Assisting Clinical* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill 4 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: wrap items for autoclave, obtain medical history, measure and record vital signs, measure infant weigh, length and head circumference, position/drape patient in horizontal recumbent, sim’s fowler’s or prone position, put on sterile gloves Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Medical Laboratory Assisting* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: artificial venipuncture, hematology, urinalysis, bacteriiology Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Nursing Assisting* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: hand washing, make an unoccupied bed, make an occupied bed, position patient with specified disability in bed, position patient with specified disability from bed to chair/wheelchair, measure and record vital signs, prepare patient for a meal; determine intake Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Personal Care* This event is for students on an IEP. The student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the compeition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupations skills that may include: hand washing technique, make and 5 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence unoccupied bed, make an occupied bed, position the patient with specified disability in bed, transfer patient with specified disability from bed to a chair/wheelchair, measure and record TPR Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Physical Therapy* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: ambulating with a transfer belt, ambulating with a walker, ambulating with a cane, range of motion, ambulating with crutches, ice pack application Score sheets from competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Sports Medicine* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: flexibility and stretching, assessment of ROM strength testing, taping Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Health Professions Veterinary Assisting* After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, the student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: prepare an animal for surgery, restrain for canine venipuncture, identification of instruments, charting and prelim history, wrap surgical gown, canine cardiopulmonary resuscitation, identification of companion animal breeds/species, apply/remove gauze restraint muzzle, surgical gowning/closed gloving Score sheet from competition 6 Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness CERT ~ Community Emergency Response Team After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, a two person team will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: treating life-threatening conditions, triage, head-to-toe assessment and lifts and carries. Score sheets from competition Work-Based Learning, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness CPR/First Aid * After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, a two person team will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: bleeding, fracture, burns heat exposure, choking, obstructed airway and adult team CPR. During the performance of the skill scenario, competitors are required to follow the highest standard of care when treating victims. Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness Emergency Medical Technician * After completing a written test of knowledge and understanding, a two person team will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupational skills that may include: patient assessment, mechanical aids to breathing, immobilization (spinal, traction, joint, long bone), bleeding control, shock, management, cardiac arrest management. Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness Epidemiology 7 Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity This event encourages students to study the effects of health and disease in populations, to improve their scientific literacy, and to provide insights into public health careers. Competitors shall be expected to recognize, identify, define, interpret and apply these concepts on a written test. In addition to the test, competitors will apply their knowledge of epidemiology and investigative skills to an epidemiological scenario in the form of a case study. The written case study will be a part of the test packet, and will include background information about a selected public health situation and a series of short answer questions about the case study. Test score, Answer sheet from case study School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness First Aid/Rescue Breathing* This event is for students on an IEP. The student will perform selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario presented at the start of the competition. The scenario will require the use of critical thinking skills in addition to occupations skills that may include: bleeding, fracture, adult rescue breathing, infant rescue breathing. Score sheets from the competition School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Emergency Preparedness Public Health Emergency Preparedness This event encourages students to work as a team to plan and teach others about public health emergencies. This event involves a team of 2-4 members who select a topic of public health concern and create an effective public health presentation to educate the public on the chosen topic. Specific topic selection will be based on a category announced annually. Score sheet from competition, Visuals used during presentation School-Based Learning, Field-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Extemporaneous Health Poster This event encourages students to improve their ability to analyze and interpret current health and HOSA-related issues and express and communicate this interpretation through the development of a poster. The specific health issue or HOSA-related topic is given to the student at the beginning of the 8 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity event. Score sheet, poster School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Extemporaneous Speaking This event encourages students to improve their ability to organize and present information about an assigned topic in an extemporaneous manner. After being presented with the topic, the student will have ten minutes to prepare a speech up to five minutes in length to be presented to a panel of judges. Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Extemporaneous Writing This event encourages students to improve their ability to express themselves in writing. Students are presented with a topic which relates to a current health issue or HOSA and have one hour to write their essay. Score sheet from the competition, Essay School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Job Seeking Skills* This event encourages students to develop/refine skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment. The student applies for any health care related position for which they are trained or are being trained. They must complete a cover letter, resume, job application and participate in a job interview. Score sheet from competition, cover letter, resume, job application School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations, Career Development Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Medical Photography Students analyze health careers through the use of digital photography and use technology in editing and 9 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence presenting digital pictures. Students photograph three different health professionals. The photos should portray something about the profession or the skills of the professional. The selected professionals must be willing to share something about their career. The student will then edit the photos using computer software technology and make a presentation using a computer and data projector. The student also must print each picture and include a one-page narrative description about the professional in the photo in a portfolio. Score sheet from the competition, portfolio Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem solving, Communication, Career Development Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Prepared Speaking This event encourages students to improve their skills in speaking and their ability to organize and present facts by developing a five minute speech related to the current year’s National conference theme. Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Researched Persuasive Speaking* This event encourages students to improve their skills in researching a health issue, prepare written documentation supporting a thesis and presenting this information orally by writing a paper and developing a speech in which they must take a stand, either in favor of or opposed to one of two a health related issues announced in HOSA publications. Score sheet from competition, written paper, School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Interviewing Skills* This event if for students on an IEP. This event encourages students to develop/refine skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment. The student applies for any health care related position for which they are trained or are being trained. They must complete a cover letter, resume, job application and participate in a job interview. Score sheet from competition, cover letter, resume, job application 10 Type of CRLE CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity School-Based Learning, Work-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Employment Foundations, Career Development Title: Competitive Event ~ Leadership Speaking Skills This event is for students on an IEP. This event encourages students to improve their skills in speaking and their ability to organize and present facts by developing a five minute speech related to the current year’s National conference theme. Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Biomedical Debate During two rounds, teams will debate a topic related to a health care issue, having five minutes to prepare and five minuets to present. Position (negative/affirmative) are based on random selection. Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Career Health Display This event encourages students to improve their ability to present themselves and communicate career information to others. A team develops a visual display of a specific career or cluster of careers in health. The display allows students to highlight the benefits of a particular career focus and will be judged on their ability to present themselves and communicate the career information. Score sheet from the competition, visual display Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Career Development Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Community Awareness* In this event, the chapter selects a service project designed to raise community awareness of a healthrelated issue of local, state and/or national interest. It should address one specific health issue, need or concern and make a worth while contribution to the community and have a direct relationship to the organization’s purposes and to Health Sciences Education. The chapter then plans activities to make the 11 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity community aware of the health issue. Each activity is documented. At the completion of the project, the chapter develops a portfolio and presentation that documents and explains the project activities and include written verification of how the project was selected. The project should demonstrate the chapter members’ ability to work cooperatively with other school groups, community groups and/or volunteers to achieve the goals of the project. The project should demonstrate success in increasing public awareness of the chosen issue. Score sheet from the competition, portfolio, presentation materials(posters, overhead transparencies, 35mm slides, computer assisted presentation) School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning, Service-Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Creative Problem Solving After a written test that evaluates the team’s understanding of the problem solving processes and theories, the team will be given a potential problem related to a healthcare issue or healthcare community. Teams will analyze the problem and present their solution to the judges. Scoring sheets from the competition School-Based Learning Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Forensic Medicine After a written test that evaluates the team’s understanding of forensic medicine, the team will be given a case study that will include written information and may include physical evidence. The team will then write a conclusion that will identify the time of death, immediate cause of death, manner of death and record their remarks (pertinent observations) about the case that explains why they came to the conclusions they reached. Score sheet from the competition, Written conclusion Field-Based Investigations, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Health Education* A team of students select a heath-related concept or instructional objective. The team then prepares a lesson, provide instruction and evaluate the results. The instruction must include the use of presentation tools such as a student-made video, computer demonstration, slides, overhead transparencies or any 12 Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example other form of media. The team will provide instruction to a selected group of learners and will have their instruction videotaped. Score sheet from the competition, instructional materials, videotape School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork HOSA Bowl This event motivates students to participate in teams and test their knowledge on various topics and situations in Health Science Education, HOSA and parliamentary procedure by giving appropriate responses to items presented by a moderator. Score sheet from competition School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Medical Reading This event encourages students to improve their reading comprehension, oral communication and team work skills. Students will take a written test which requires competitors to apply analyze, synthesize or evaluate information from the assigned books. Teams will then answer questions presented by a panel of judges. These questions will be answered in short answer format and the answers will be rated by the judges. Score sheet from the competition School-Based Learning Personal Management, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork Parliamentary Procedure This event encourages students to develop leadership skills by using parliamentary procedure to conduct a simulated business meeting. After a written test to evaluate a team’s understanding of parliamentary procedure, they will be given a problem with motions to perform during the meeting. The team has ten minutes preparation time and ten minutes to demonstrate. Score sheet from the competition School-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Competitive Event ~ Teamwork 13 Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Public Service Announcement A team of students will analyze the general public’s understanding of a healthcare issue and using technology will produce an original public service announcement that informs the community about an important healthcare issue. The PSA will promote a healthcare service organization, bring awareness to a healthcare situation or educate the public at large in regard to health and well-being. After the PSA has been viewed by the judges, the team will describe their creative process, public use of the PSA and how they think the PSA will change the public’s opinion, actions or feelings. Score sheet from the competition, DVD of the PSA Service-Learning, Field-Based Investigations, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Recognition Barbara James Service Award Students are encouraged to become contributing members of their communities through community service. Award Application, Verification letters of certificates Work-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations Title: Recognition Chapter Newsletter Students share their chapter activities and professional learning through publishing a chapter newsletter. Newsletters will be rated according to general appearance, quality of content, organization and mechanics. Rating sheet, newsletter School-Based Learning, Field-Based Investigation, Work-Based Learning, Technlogy-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Recognition HOSA Week Health Science students are encouraged to become contributing members of their communities through activities conducted during HOSA week. The activities are designed to 1. Provide school or community service 2. Promote opportunities in health care such a as career fair, healthcare speakers, making presentations about health careers and 3. Show appreciation to the health care community. HOSA Week report, Evaluation sheet Service-Learning, School-Based Learning 14 Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Example Event Activity Evidence Type of CRLE Type of CRLS Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Recognition National Recognition Program* This event demonstrates the students’ skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to pursue a career in health care. The student will create a portfolio of evidence of accomplishments in preparation for a health career. The portfolio will show evidence of: 1. a letter of introduction, 2. resume, 3. health care knowledge/skills project or other activity the requires problem solving and hands-on application, 4. writing sample, 5. summary of 8+ hours of work-based learning experience, 6. oral presentation, 7. summary of community service, 8. credentials and school transcripts, 9. evidence of the use of technology beyond the basic skill level, 10. description of leadership activities Verification Statement, portfolio Work-Based Learning, Field-Based Learning, School-Based Learning, Technology-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem solving, communication, Teamwork, Employment Foundations, Career Development Title: Recognition National Service Project HOSA Chapters adopt goals and implementation strategies to provide community in support of a national health care organization selected at the national conference. National Service Project Application, Report Form School-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork Title: Recognition Outstanding Chapter HOSA chapter members prepare a notebook which documents the years’ program of activities that are consistent with the purpose of HOSA. The notebook must include: verification of membership, list of chapter officers, local activities participation, state participation and community activities. Score sheet from the competition, notebook School-Based Learning Personal Management, Problem Solving, Communication, Teamwork * Many student projects/work completed as a result of participation in these events may also meet the Extended Application requirement with additional documentation stating how the project/event relates to the students’ personal, academic and/or career interests post-high school. 15