Policy of Waste Treatment

Policy of Waste Treatment at LLC “ErgoPack”
The activity of our company results in generation of certain types of wastes. Therefore, the
following provisions have been made to ensure safe treatment of wastes on the company’s
Hazard Class I wastes (used fluorescent lamps and contaminated metal containers):
- Used fluorescent lamps are stored in sealed metal containers;
- Contaminated metal containers are stored within a special closed site on the company’s
Hazard Class II wastes (lead-acid batteries) are stored on strays (to prevent propagation of
harmful substances) within a special area with unauthorized access protection. The central storage
place is the warehouse.
Hazard Class IV wastes (iron-and-steel scrap, utility wastes, slime, paper and cardboard):
- Iron-and-steel scrap is stored within a special site on the company’s premises;
- Utility wastes including garbage are stored in metal containers within a specially equipped
concreted site.
All waste containers feature identification plates indicating hazard class of wastes. Special
sites feature hard road surfacing.
For wastes kept in temporary storage, on open sites or in unsealed open-top containers, the
following conditions are provided:
- Content of harmful substances in the air within an industrial site, 2.0 m off the ground surface
does not exceed 30 % OEL for the work area;
- Concentration of harmful substances in the soil of a sanitary-protection area does not exceed the
acceptable levels; concentration of harmful substances in the soil and surface waters does not
exceed the OEL;
- The industrial site intended for temporary wastes storage is located at the leeward side and
features nondestructive coating that is nonpermeable to toxic substances coating. Waste storage
facilities are also protected against atmospheric precipitation and wind;
- Waste storage facilities are equipped with stationary or mobile loading mechanisms used for
handling/loading of waste receptacles, and, waste removal to waste landfill, etc. Waste
receptacles are of special design allowing transportation by vehicle.
The company’s wastes are transferred for further treatment to special recycling companies.
The recycling companies are licensed to specific waste treatment operations as stipulated in existing
contracts. Wastes transfer is performed according to the following scheme:
- For hazard class I and II wastes: within 6 months of occurrence;
- For hazard class III and IV wastes: within one year of occurrence.
Handling of industrial and utility wastes
Waste type
Fluorescent lamps
Iron-and-steel scrap
Contaminated metal containers
Utility and mixed wastes, including garbage
Slime occurring from in-company waste water treatment
Package paper and cardboard (spoilt, used or
Lead-acid batteries
Handling type
Transfer to LLC “Ukrainian center of
handling wastes”
Transfer to LLC “VTORMETAL”
Transfer to LLC “Ukrainian center of
handling wastes”
Transfer to Housing Operations Office, Kaniv
Transfer to Housing Operations Office, Kaniv
Transfer to LLC “Modern Ecological
Transfer to LLC “Ukrainian center of
handling wastes”