PRE-ANESTHETIC BLOODTESTING, ANESTHESIA, & SURGERY RELEASE FORM Please carefully read and sign this form. The following information is essential to providing you and your pet superior care, coupled with a long-lasting personal relationship with the Greenbrier Animal Hospital Staff. A complete physical examination of your pet is standard procedure here at Greenbrier Animal Hospital, however we do always recommend bloodwork prior to anesthesia. Because anesthesia always carries some rick & anesthetic agents are removed from the body by the liver and kidneys, we recommend a Complete Blood Count (CBC) and chemistry blood profile be performed prior to your pet undergoing anesthesia to ensure that he/she is at low-risk during their procedure. We strongly recommend a FULL blood panel test for pets over 8 years, as they are more at risk than younger animals. Greenbrier Animal Hospital utilizes the latest technology, thus enabling us to run blood chemistries in-house, within minutes, safely & accurately before your pet’s procedure. Yes, I would like my pet to have Pre-Anesthetic blood testing. ($59) Yes, my pet is over 8 years old and I would like full panel Pre-Anesthetic Blood testing. ($122) No, I do not want my pet to have Pre-Anesthetic blood testing. I hereby consent and authorize the following procedure(s) or operation(s): ________________________ I understand that postoperative pain management is important, and authorize any medication deemed necessary by the doctor to be administered. ($20-$40) I understand that if my pet is in heat, pregnant, or has recently been nursing, there will be an additional fee for her procedure. ($20-$30) I understand for the health of my pet and to ensure a sanitary hospital environment, a safe prescription flea/tick (topical or oral) adulticide will be administered if necessary. ($18-$25) I understand that a current Rabies vaccination, given by a veterinarian, is required for any animal entering our hospital; and if my pet is not current, a Rabies vaccination will be administered. ($16) The potential risks associated with anesthesia and my pet’s procedure have been satisfactorily explained to me. I understand that all anesthetic procedures carry some risk & authorize any life saving measures to be taken if deemed necessary. I assume full financial responsibility for my pet. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Primary phone number: ________________________