Teacher Mini-Grants Application The Dorothy E. Ann Fund (D.E.A.F.) was created in March 1997 to address the needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing youth. A comprehensive assessment of those needs indicated that community agencies, schools, professionals, and associations that work with this population do not always have the resources available to assist and support their clients and members. D.E.A.F. supports initiatives that focus on deaf and hard-of-hearing youth in classroom settings. The mission of D.E.A.F. is to strengthen the potential of deaf or hard-of-hearing youth by working with schools, agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. D.E.A.F. will provide mini-grants to teachers who develop projects that “strengthen the potential” of deaf and hard-of-hearing youth through innovative techniques used in the classroom. D.E.A.F. is not inclined to fund projects that are considered the responsibility of the public sector or are mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Acts. To qualify for the mini-grant, the grant application must meet the following criteria: A teacher who is certified in the State of Ohio must coordinate the project, and must have at least one student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing. The coordinating teacher must be willing to provide a brief written evaluation of the project including supporting materials such as pictures or flyers to verify use of the funds. All sections of the application must be typed and completed in the space provided. Applications must be submitted on or before the 15th of March, May, October, or December to be considered at the next scheduled D.E.A.F. meeting. Applications should be emailed to deaf@columbusfoundation.org If you have any questions, please contact Emily Savors at 614/251-4000 or email to esavors@columbusfoundation.org. Application - This form must be typewritten Teacher: School: Address: City: Email: School District: State: Zip: Project Information a. Name of Project: b. Please estimate how many deaf or hard-of-hearing students will benefit from the project? Hearing students? c. Please list the age range of the students expected to participate. Ages from: to: (Programs serving preschoolers through high school are eligible) d. Project start date: Completion date: e. Which of the following components of the D.E.A.F. mission will your project impact? Check any that apply. To promote “hands on” experience where youth who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can develop skills and values necessary for successful careers. To encourage organizations to provide youth who are deaf or hard-of-hearing with personal development opportunities, such as: leadership training, goal setting, self-esteem building, and interpersonal/communication skills. To achieve a better understanding between deaf and hard-of-hearing children’s total quality participation in their education, family, and community. To foster collaboration relationships amongst agencies which serve youth who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. f. Describe the proposed project: D.E.A.F.’s Project Information cont. g. Have you received a teacher mini-grant before? If yes, please give date(s) and a brief description of the project(s): h. List the intended outcomes of this project: (Explain how the potential of the deaf or hard-ofhearing students will be strengthened) Financial a. How much money is being requested from D.E.A.F.? (Not to exceed $500) Please detail all items D.E.A.F. funding will support. Please be as descriptive as possible to include specific names and descriptions of items with prices. D.E.A.F.’s Financial Information cont. b. This funding is to support (check one): Supplies Programming Both How do you know you are getting the best price? (Please also list the sources you have consulted for pricing) c. What other sources, including your school district, have you approached for support of this project? What materials or funding did they offer? What portions of your project, if any, did they decline to fund, and why? (Existing resources and teacher time may be included, and please estimate the value of any contributions) I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Teacher Date Supervisor’s Signature Date Print Supervisor’s Name Title