Rain Forest Bullet Points - school

Rain Forest Bullet Points
The climate is hot and wet and the
temperatures are between 20 C – 28 C
in the rain forests
There are usually thunderstorms in
the afternoon.
. There is four layers: Forest Floor,
Under Storey, The Canopy and The
Emergent Layer
. On the forest floor coasties capyaras
jaguars and the cock of the rock
. The Under Storey is a home to
lizards , anterers, fruit bats ,
.Tarantulas grow up to 26cm (10 ins)
The emergent layer is home to spiders
and howler monkeys.
.Howler Monkeys are the nosiest
animals in the tropical forest.
. There is smaller rainforests in
Australia, New Zealand, and
.Very few tall trees grow higher than
the Canopy.
. Tarantular spiders eat other spiders,
insects, frogs, small lizards and even
.Coaties have long snouts for out
grubs and insects.
. Jaguars are the largest cats in the
tropical forest.
. The Cock of the Rock is a brightly
coloured bird, which eats insects and
.There are usually four of plants, all
plants fighting to get to the light.
. Tropical forest near the equator in
South America, Africa and Asia
. The forest floor is the lowest .It gets
little sunlight so it is quite dark and
gloomy. The floor is cover with mosses
and fungi.
.The Under Storey is the next layer.
Small trees such as palms and young
trees sprout up in the gaps in the
forest floor.
. The Canopy is the next layer above
the under storey. The canopy can form
a roof over the forest floor and trap
warm air and most of the water from
the rain.
. The Emergent layer is the highest
layer . A few very tall trees have their
tops there.
By Niamh Quigley