THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES BY-LAW 2009- 116 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE OPERATION OF ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES ON MUNICIPAL HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Recitals 1. The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, Section 191.8, subsection (3) provides that a Council of a municipality may pass by-laws permitting the operation of off-road vehicles with three or more wheels and low pressure bearing tires on any highway within the municipality that is under the jurisdiction of the municipality, or on any parts of such highway. 2. Council deems it advisable to allow ATVs on certain roads as approved by Resolution #CR2009-650. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2009-116. Section 1.00: Definitions and Interpretation 1.01 Definitions: In this by-law, “All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)” as defined in Section 1 of the Ontario Regulation 316/03 as an off-road vehicle: a) b) c) d) Has four wheels, the tires of which are all in contact with the ground Has steering handlebars, Has a seat that is designed to be straddled by the driver; and is designed to carry a driver only and no passengers “City”, “City of Kawartha Lakes” or “Kawartha Lakes” means The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. "City Clerk" means the person appointed by Council to carry out the duties of the clerk described in section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001; “Council” or “City Council” means the municipal council for the City. “Director of Public Works” means the Director of Public Works of the City or the person who holds that position and his or her delegate(s) or, in the event of organizational changes, another person designated by Council; “Helmet” includes the requirements for a helmet for the purpose of section 19 of the Off-Road Vehicles Act, R. S. O. 1990, c.O.4 and are those set out for motorcycles in Regulation 610 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 made under the Highway Traffic Act. O. Reg. 317/03, s. 3. “Highway” includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; (“route’) “Municipal Law Enforcement Officer” means a person appointed by Council under the Police Services Act to enforce the By-laws of the City; “Police Officer” means a person designated by Council in accordance with subsection 142(4) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to enforce the provision of this Bylaw; “VRTC” means the Victoria Rail Trail Corridor. 1.02 Interpretation Rules (a) The Schedules attached to this by-law form part of the by-law, and are enforceable as such. By-law 2009-116 To Regulate All-Terrain Vehicles Page 2 of 5 (b) The words “include” and including” are not to be read as limiting the meaning of a word or term to the phrases or descriptions that follow. 1.03 Statutes: References to laws in this by-law are meant to refer to the statutes, as amended from time to time, that are applicable within the Province of Ontario. 1.04 Severability: If a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction declares any portion of this by-law to be illegal or unenforceable, that portion of this by-law shall be considered to be severed from the balance of the by-law, which shall continue to operate in full force and effect. Section 2.00: Location 2.01 North of Kawartha Lakes Road 8 That ATV’s shall be permitted on highways (streets) as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, which are described in Schedule “A” – ATV Routes, attached to this by-law. 2.02 North of Kawartha Lakes Road 8 That in addition to Section 2.01, that ATV’s shall be permitted on all highways (streets) as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, north of Kawartha Lakes Road 8, Kawartha Lakes Road 121 as it connects Kawartha Lakes Road 8 in Fenelon falls, excluding all roads within the settlement area of Fenelon Falls except those included in Section 2.03 and 2.04, Kawartha Lakes Road 36 from the intersection of Kawartha Lakes Road 8 north to Main Street to the Kawartha Lakes boundary in Bobcaygeon, and save and except Highway 35, for the express purpose of travelling from the place of residence to the nearest designated ATV route. 2.03 Fenelon Falls – North to South Road Access Route VRTC to Garnett Graham Park, east on Francis Street to Colborne Street, south on Colborne Street to Lindsay Street, east on Elliot Street and south on Murray Street to VRTC. 2.04 Fenelon Falls – South to North Road Access Route VRTC, north on Murray Street, west on Elliot Street to Lindsay Street, north on Lindsay Street to Colborne Street, west on Francis Street to Garnett Graham Park to VRTC. Section 3.00: Rate of Speed 3.01 That the ATV shall not be driven at a rate of speed greater than: a) 20 km/hr if the speed limit established under the Highway Traffic Act or by municipal by-law for that part of the Highway is not greater than 50 km/hr; or b) 50km/hr if the speed limit established under the Highway Traffic Act or by municipal by-law for that part of the Highway is greater than 50 km/hr. Section 4.00: Operation of ATVs 4.01 That an ATV shall not be operated on highways unless it meets the equipment requirements of Section 7-15 of Ontario Regulation 316/03 and it is operated in accordance with Sections 16-24 of the Regulation. 4.02 That an ATV shall not be permitted to travel on a municipal highway if the exhaust system has been altered over the manufacturer’s recommended decibel level. Operation and use of ATV’s must be in accordance with By-law 2005-025 (commonly known as the Noise By-law). 4.03 No person shall operate an ATV on any highways between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. By-law 2009-116 To Regulate All-Terrain Vehicles Page 3 of 5 4.04 No person shall operate an ATV over and upon any municipally owned or municipally maintained land used as parks, playgrounds or for utility purposes. 4.05 No person shall travel on an ATV on any highway in a direction opposite to that of traffic. 4.06 No person shall operate an ATV on a highway without wearing a helmet. 4.07 No person shall operate an ATV on a highway without a valid driver’s license issued under section 32 of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H.8. and insurance. 4.08 No person shall travel on an ATV on any part of the highway other than the shoulder of the highway. The exception to this provision is if the shoulder is unsafe the ATV may be operated on the highway. Section 5.00: Exemptions 5.01 This by-law does not apply to police, fire, ambulance, search and rescue or other emergency vehicles while engaged in an emergency situation. Section 6.00: Enforcements 6.01 That any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on Conviction, where a fine for the contravention is not otherwise provided under the Highway Traffic Act, is liable to a fine under the Provincial Offences Act. 6.02 This by-law may be enforced by every municipal law enforcement officer or police officer. Section 7.00: Administration and Effective Date 7.01 Administration of the By-law: The Director of Public Works is responsible for the administration of this by-law. 7.02 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force on the date it is finally passed. By-law read a first and second time this 2nd day of June, 2009. By-law read a third time, and finally passed, this 9th day of June, 2009. ________________________________ Mayor ________________________________ Clerk By-law 2009-116 To Regulate All-Terrain Vehicles Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW 2009-116 DESIGNATED ATV ROUTES Road Name Black River Rd. From Dalton/Digby Line Chisholm Trail (Road #6) Road #45 (Taylor’s Rd.) Hill’s Rd. Black River Rd. To Chisholm Trail (Road #6) Road #45 Road #6 Hill’s Road Taylor’s Rd. Wolf Run Lane Wolf Run Lane Hill’s Rd. Lake Dalrymple Rd. Wolf Run Lane Lake Dalrymple Rd Alvar Rd. Alvar Rd. Lake Dalrymple Rd. Wylie Rd. Alvar Rd. Wylie Rd. Victoria Rd. Victoria Rd. (Road #35) Alvar Rd. North Mountain Rd. Victoria Rd. (Road #35) North Mountain Rd. South to North Mountain Rd. CKL Road #41 CKL Road #41 North East to Bexley Laxton Township Line West to Deer Lake Rd. North-East to Monck Rd. (Road #45) East through the Hamlet of Norland to Buller Rd. Kirkfield Rd. (Road #6) Lift Lock Road Bexley Laxton Township Line Deer Lake Rd. CKL Road #41 Monck Rd. (Road #45) Deer Lake Rd. Wylie Rd. Alvar Rd. Kirkfield Rd. (Road #6) Lift Lock Rd. Wylie Road Kirkfield Rd. (Road #6) Rockview Rd. Rockview Rd. Lift Lock Rd. Rockview Rd. Eldon Station Rd. Portage Rd. (Road #48) Rockview Rd. Portage Rd. (Road #48) Eldon Station Rd. Sandringham Rd. Eldon Station Rd. Lorneville Rd. Lorneville Rd. Sandringham Rd. Windemere Rd. Windemere Rd. Lorneville Rd. Woodville Rd. (Road #9) Windemere Rd. Glenarm Rd. (Road #8) Sandringham Rd. Northline Rd, Glenarm Rd. (Road #8) Woodville Rd. (Road #9) The West Limit of the Village of Woodville East to Road #36 (Village of Bobcaygeon) North to Somerville 7th Conc. Rd. Bexley Laxton Township Line Sandringham Rd. Type of Road Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Part Open Road Allowance – Part unopened Unopened Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Part Open Road Allowance – Part unopened Unopened Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance By-law 2009-116 To Regulate All-Terrain Vehicles Page 5 of 5 Road Name Somerville 7th Conc. Rd. Baseline Rd. (Road #42) Somerville 11th Conc. Rd. Woodcock Line Monck Rd. (Road #45) Buller Rd. From Northline Rd. Somerville 7th Conc. Rd. Sticky Lane Somerville 11th Conc. Rd. Woodcock Line Monck Rd. (Road #45) Boundary Rd. (with Lutteworth Twp.) Road #121 #380 Boundary Rd. Road #121 South Limits of the Village of Kinmount Somerville 11th Conc. Rd. Pinery Rd. Road #121 Burnt River Rd. (Road #44) Somerville 6th Conc. Rd. Somerville 3rd Conc. Rd. Boundary Rd. Somerville 11th Conc. Rd. Pinery Rd. Burnt River Rd. (Road #44) Brook Rd. To West to Baseline Rd. (Road #42) Sticky Lane Type of Road Open Road Allowance East to Woodcock Line North to Monck Rd. (Road #45) West to Buller Rd. North to Boundary Rd. With Lutterworth Twp. West to Road #121 South to the Hamlet of Kinmount South to Somerville 11th Conc. Rd. West to Pinery Rd. South West to Burnt River Rd. South to Somerville 6th Conc. Rd. West to Northline Rd. East to Road #49 Unopened Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Open Road Allowance Part Open Road Allowance – Part unopened.