University Archives and Records Center Appalachian State University Accession #: 2011.008 Title: Alumni Placement and Biographical Records, 1949-1990 Extent: 2 linear feet 93 rolls of microfilm, Alumni Records: Bio Info, 1949-1990; Placement Credentials, 1980-1989 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Aanes, Steven thru Aley, Nancy M. Alfano, Carolann thru Angell, M. J. Rouie Angee, Steven thru Azzarello, Susan Boatshwana, Boitshepo D. thru Barbrey, Rickie T. Barchi, Elwanda thru Bazzle, David Allen Beach, David thru Benson, William M. Bent, Mary B. thru Blackmon, Terri Elizabeth Blackwelder, Betty L. thru Bonner, Robert L. Bonniwell, Kay A. thru Bradshaw, WilliamL. Bradsher, Addie Thomas thru Brookhart, Frances Brooks, Alice C. thru Brownell, Susan N. Browning, Charles thru Burgess, Michele Burgess, Patty L. thru Byunn, Kit Fong Cabaniss, Cynthia L. thru Capucille, Anita L. Caraway, Anne Marie thru Carvis, Patricia S. Casale, Ellen M. thru Chelko, Teresa M. Chen, Grace Hu-Mei Yang thru Clark-Horner, Beverly Clarkson, David G. thru Clokley, Timothy Colbert, Bonita K. thru Cook, Lyle B. Cook, Margaret thru Cox, Louise Chandler Cox, Maria Lynne thru Crytz, Thomas J. Cubbage Susan C. thru Davis, Cynthia Young Davis, Dan T. thru Dellatorre, Joseph P. Dellinger, Alvin G. thru Doll, Wanda Benton Dollar, Barry William thru Dupree, Craig A. Dupree, Deborah H. thru Eklund, Tami E. Elam, Jackie C. thru Euliss, Boas Hutton III Euliss, Helen H. thru Ferguson, Mary E. Ferguson, Robert W. thru Ford, Timothy B. Ford, Tracey Capps thru Fricke, Verna G. Friday, Cynthia G. thru Garrett, Doborah Burt Garrett Emery E. thru Glass, Rebecca S. Glass, Ruth S. thru Graham, Nancy Graham, Patricia H. thru Gregory, Warren S. Gregory, William L. thru Haigh, Paul Ed Haigler, Conrad E. thru Hardie, Rebekah E. Hardie, Robert Kevin thru Hart Bob 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Hart, Charlotte K. thru Hayes, Susan A. Hayes, Teresa B. thru Henson, Larry P. Henson, Larry Ray thru Hinshaw, Paul Hinshaw, Sandra Vance thru Holman, Glenda P. Holman, Howard W. thru Howell, Darryl D. Howell, David S. thru Hunter, Doris Hunter, Dorothy J. thru Jacobs John A. Jacobs, Lewis B. thru Johnson, Linda J. Johnson, Linda L. thru Jones, Susan K. Jones, Susan C. thru Kenerson, Bernard W. Kenley, Barbara Stewart thru Kirkman, Robin G. Kirkman, Ronald Sr. thru Lamar, Roger Harold Lamar, Sara thru Layette, Frances Lea, Dorothy J. thru Limehouse, Arthur Eugene Limerick, Sandra Annette thru Lorick, Bonny Jean Lorie, Anthony Bey T. thru Mackorell, Sylvia L. Mackorell, Wendy L. thru Martin, Timothy Lewis Martin, Tina Ellen thru McCallister, Robert D. McCallum, David S. thru McGrail, Stephen F. McGraw, Brenda Y. thru McPherson, Gratha Mae McPherson, Lu A. thru Miller, James Bob Miller, James C. thru Moffitt, Michael C. Moffitt, Minnette L. thru Morris Cecil A. Morris, Charlene Mason thru Muse, Mike G. Muse, Thomas E. thru Nichols, Rebecca Dianne Nichols, Richard Russell thru Osborne, James Glenn Jr. Osborne, James M. thru Parkes, David Edwin Parkhurst, Marie Wray thru Pennell, Judy P. Pennell, Kay Brittain thru Pincek, Sandra N. Pinder, Paige Annette thru Presnell, Jennifer Luann Presnell, Paula Klutz thru Rabb, Hollis C. Rabb, Iris Leigh thru Reese, Charlene B. Reese, Clyde B. thru Riddle, Patricia S. Riddle, Randy Aaron thru Robinson, Nancy Rankin Robinson, Osborne W. thru Rudisill, Mary E. Rudisill, Susan M. thru Scercy, Jeannie Marie Scercy, Paul R. thru Severt, Tammy Renee Sevier, Nicole E. thru Shope, Anne Schneider Shope, Robin thru Sisk, Paul Sisk, Steve thru Smith, Lafaye Smith, Lana B. thru Sosby, Kathleen Sosebee, Carolyn thru Stanley, Stephen Stanley, Susan K. thru Stork, Pamela Ross Storm, Charles Clarence thru Swift, Omega Swift, Rosa V. thru Thacker, Norma E. Thaker, Harshadray Harilal thru Tippett, John C. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Tipton, Carl K. thru Turbyfill, Roy H. Turk, Geraldine T. thru Vizzini, Charles T. Jr. Voet, Faylene F. thru Ward, Lillis Ward, Mark G. thru Webber Eleanor M. Webber, Lynn Webb thru Wilkins, Charles M. White, Lloyd thru Williams, Byron Williams, Candace J. thru Wilson, Mary A. Wilson, Mary E. thru Wooten, Samuel R. Wooten, Sara A. thru Younglood, Jennifer Olivi Youngblood, Mary Jane thru Misc. (Zwilling, Chris R.)