MEASUREMENT AND OBSERVATION OF SOLID PRECIPITATION AT AUTOMATIC STATIONS (JULY 2008) The migration from human to automatic observations has introduced new challenges with respect to the quality, consistency, compatibility, and representativeness of hydro-meteorological measurements. The measurement of precipitation (rain, mixed, freezing rain, snow grains, snow, ice crystals, ice pallets, hail, etc) at auto stations has unique challenges that significantly affect the ability to acquire accurate measurements over the expected range of conditions and timescales. Although precipitation measurement, in general, has been the subject of a multitude of studies, there has been limited coordinated assessment of the ability and reliability of automatic sensors to accurately measure solid precipitation. The previous WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison that took place between 1986 and 1993, “The WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison” - Final Report B.E. Goodison (Canada), P.Y.T. Louie (Canada) and D. Yang (China), (WMO/TD - No. 872, IOM 67), 1998, ( focused on the national measurement methods during the study period, mostly manual methods of observation. Additionally, during the development of proposals for measuring solid precipitation using satellite sensors, the need for validation and calibration using in-situ measurements has identified the limitations of measurement of solid precipitation at surface automatic stations as a very serious problem in assessing measurements, in cold climates in particular. With the objective of determining the nature and extent of automation of solid precipitation measurements, the fourteenth session of the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO-XIV), has tasked its Expert Team on Surface-Based Instrument Intercomparisons and Calibration Methods (CIMO/OPAG-SURFACE ET-SBII&CM), to assess the needs and methods of measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations. The proposed work, under the leadership of the CIMO ET-SBII&CM and in consultation with Antarctic WG, WCRP-CliC; WCP-CCl and CAgM, CHy, CBS and GCOS1, will include: Preparing national summaries of methods, issues and challenges of automatic precipitation measurement; Updating and making accessible all metadata related to precipitation measurement instrumentation at all NMHS AWS, and especially for those countries participating in IPY2; Documenting the needs of WMO Technical Commissions and Programs; Compiling, updating and, if required, ensuring compatibility of measurement standards and requirements of WMO Technical Commissions, in particular for cold climate precipitation measurement; Assessing the need for an intercomparison of methods and equipment for automatic snowfall/snow depth/precipitation measurements, and develop an intercomparison plan) during the IPY period. Using the information expected to be provided by member countries, the first phase of the project aims at developing global summaries of methods, instruments and associated metadata, issues, and challenges of the measurement of precipitation, solid precipitation in particular, using automatic means. The second phase will focus on compiling and documenting the precipitation measurement needs of WMO Technical Commissions and Programs, with emphasis on solid precipitation measurement. Based on the results, CIMO will assess the opportunity of conducting an intercomparison of measuring technology and methods of observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations. 1 Antarctic WG: Antarctic Working Group WCRP-CliC: World Climate Research Program – Climate and Cryosphere Project WCP: World Climate Program CCl: Commission for Climatology CAgM: WMO Commission for Agriculture Meteorology CHy: WMO Commission for Hydrology (Hydrology and Water Resources Program) CBS: WMO Commission for Basic Systems GCOS: Global Climate Observing System 2 International Polar Year QUESTIONNAIRE ON MEASUREMENT AND OBSERVATION OF SOLID PRECIPITATION AT AUTOMATIC STATIONS (JULY 2008) This questionnaire aims at identifying the current configuration of the in-situ observation of precipitation, solid precipitation in particular, in terms of data and metadata. The results will be compiled and they are expected to facilitate a better understanding of the global configuration of precipitation measurement and lead to concrete steps to identifying and addressing gaps. Please complete this questionnaire, adding all the information relevant to each question and representative for your country. WMO Member Country: ........................................................................ A: NETWORK CONFIGURATION - Is solid precipitation measured operationally in-situ in your Service: Yes/ No - The total number of sites where precipitation (liquid or solid) is measured is: ___________ - The total number of sites where solid (non-liquid) precipitation is measured is: ___________ If no measurement related to solid precipitation are made, questions of B to F can be skipped. B: SUMMARY OF MEASURED PARAMETERS AND INSTRUMENTS USED: The definition of the parameters included below could be found in the following references: 1) International Meteorological Vocabulary, WMO-No. 182 ( ) 2) Guide to meteorological Instruments and methods of Observation (WMO-No. 8) 3) Glossary of meteorology (AMS, Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 2 B1: Summary of Measured Parameters Parameter measured Number of sites where the measurement is done: Manually Using automatic means Frequency of reporting Manned sites Automatic sites Total precipitation amount (solid and liquid)1 Type of Precipitation Snowfall amount (depth of fresh snow) Snowfall Water Equivalent Depth of Snow on the ground Snow temperature and/or snow surface temperature Snow on the ground Water Equivalent Snow Wetness 2 Rate of Snow Melt3 Seasonal Statistics (for any of the above parameters)4 Other (name) Note 1: If total precipitation monitored, are rain and snow totals separated for reporting and archiving? Yes/No Note 2: Snow wetness refers to percentage of the snow pack that is in liquid form. Note 3: Rate of Snow Melt refers to the measurement of snowmelt runoff. Note 4: These statistics may include maximum or average seasonal values, for example. Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 3 B2: Summary of Instruments and Configuration used: This section focuses on gathering information on instruments used at automatic weather stations for the measurement of precipitation, with focus on solid precipitation. For each parameter listed, indicate if the parameter is monitored at automatic stations, by circling as appropriate: directly measured, derived, or not available. If a parameter is directly measured, please provide details on the instrument(s) used operationally, e.g. type, model, manufacturer, if a shield is used, etc. Add any additional information that may apply. If a parameter is derived, please indicate the measurements used to derive the respective parameter. For example, the snowfall amount may be derived from two or more Depth of Snow measurements. If several types of instruments/methods are used for a given parameter, depending on site, please repeat the description for each instrument/method. Total Precipitation (solid and liquid): Directly Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Type of Precipitation: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 4 Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Snowfall amount (depth of fresh snow): Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Snowfall Water Equivalent: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Depth of Snow on the Ground: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 5 Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Snow on the Ground Water Equivalent: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Snow temperature and/or snow surface temperature: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Snow Wetness: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 6 Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Rate of Snow Melt: Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Seasonal Statistics (for any of the above parameters): Measured/ Derived/ Not Available _____________________________________________________________________________ Other (name): _____________________________________ Measured/ Derived/ Not Available Instrument(s) type/method(s) used: _________________________________________ Instrument manufacturer: _____________________________________________________ Instrument model: ___________________________________________________________ Principle of Operation: _______________________________________________________ Type of detection system: _____________________________________________________ Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 7 Averaging Interval and Time: __________________________________________________ Number of similar instruments per site: __________________________________________ Number of sites: ____________________________________________________________ Shield used: Yes/No If shield is used, indicate shield type/characteristics:________________________________ Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 8 C: ADJUSTMENTS TO MEASUREMENTS: C1: Are the precipitation measurements adjusted for known errors? Yes/ No (E.g. wind, temperature, etc…) If yes, please provide the following: Measured Parameter Total precipitation amount (solid and liquid) Type of Precipitation Snowfall amount Snowfall Water Equivalent Depth of Snow on the ground Snow on the Ground Water Equivalent Snow temperature and/or snow surface temperature Snow Wetness Rate of Snow Melt Seasonal Statistics (for any of the above parameters) Other (name) Adjustments applied (list all that apply) When the correction is applied (i.e. Real time or archived data) Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 9 C2: Information on the measurement of wind and temperature at sites where solid precipitation parameters are measured: Is the precipitation measurement adjusted for wind effects? Yes/No Is wind speed measured at the gauge location? Yes/No Is wind speed measured at the height of the gauge measuring solid precipitation? Yes/No If wind speed is not measured at the sensor level, is wind speed reduced to the height of the precipitation gauge? Yes/No Is the air temperature measured at the site? Yes/No Are the snow pack and/or subsurface temperatures measured? Yes/No D: DERIVED MEASUREMENTS: D1: Are any parameters related to the measurement of solid precipitation, derived using measurements from automatic stations in your Service? For example, the depth of freshly fallen snow may be derived from Depth of Snow measurements, potentially in conjunction with precipitation amount, etc. For any derived parameter, indicate in the table below, those parameters used for the derivation and reporting interval. Derived parameters Depth of freshly fallen snow Snow derived density Precipitation type Other (name) Real-time vs. post processing derivation Reporting interval Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 10 D2: Indicate whether for deriving the above parameters “single-sensor algorithms” or "multi-sensor algorithms" are used: Derived parameters Derivation algorithm: Single-sensor (S)/ Multisensor (M) Parameters used for derivation (list all that apply) Depth of freshly fallen snow Snow derived density Precipitation type Other (name) D3: Are the current derivation algorithms documented? Yes/ No If algorithms are documented, is documentation available on the World Wide Web? If available, please list Web site(s): ................................................................................ If algorithms are documented but not available on a Web site, indicate below how they can be accessed: ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... E: USE OF SNOW COURSES: Are snow courses operated to measure snow depth and snow water equivalent? o How often are they conducted? o What equipment is used? o How many data points used in the snow course? Note: For definitions and additional information, please refer to the Snow Survey report from Meteorological Service of Canada at F: DEVELOPMENT WORK RELATED TO IMPROVING THE MEASUREMENT OF SOLID PRECIPITATION PARAMETERS AT AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS The information provided in this section should reflect the initiatives of different services towards improving the ability to measure and report precipitation at automatic weather stations, with focus on solid precipitation. Is your Service currently testing/developing new instruments and methods of measurement of solid precipitation parameters at Automatic Weather Stations? Yes/No Questionnaire on measurement and observation of solid precipitation at automatic stations; p. 11 Please list all that apply, including any relevant additional information. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… G: PERSONAL DATA OF THE EXPERT NOMINATED AS FOCAL PERSON FOR FURTHER CONTACTS: Prof., Dr, Ms, Mrs, Mr ............................................... , ……………................................................... Institution: ............................................................................................................................................ Position: ................................................................................................................................................ Address: ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: ................................................... E-mail: ......................................................................... Fax: …………….......................................... URL/HTTP: ……………….......................................... Date: ............................ Signature: ............................................................................ (Permanent Representative or designated expert) Please, return the completed form at your earliest convenience, but not later than 15 September, 2008 to the following address: Dr I. Rüedi World Meteorological Organization Observing and Information Systems Department P.O. Box 2300 CH-1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 730 8278 Fax: (+41 22) 730 8021 E-mail: