OKLAHOMA COUNTY JUNIOR SPRING LIVESTOCK SHOW STATE FAIR OF OKLAHOMA FAIRGROUNDS FEBRUARY 12, 13 & 14, 2009 SPONSORED BY OKLAHOMA COUNTY FREE FAIR BOARD SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 12 –9:00 A.M. - Gate open for move in. NO LIVESTOCK IN THE BARN BEFORE THIS TIME. 5:00 P.M. -- All livestock entries must be in place. 2:00 P.M. -- Entry cards available. Anyone who interferes with or disrupts either/or the management or judging of both the Oklahoma County Free Fair or the Oklahoma County Junior Livestock Show will be removed from the grounds and barred from the shows for a period of not less than one (1) year. Cards must be filled out correctly or animal in question will be disqualified. All entry cards must include (printed): Name, Home Mailing Address only, (do not use school address), Ag Ed Instructor/4-H Leader and Exhibitor Signatures. CARDS WILL NOT BE CHECKED UNTIL COMPLETELY FILLED OUT. FEBRUARY 12 -- 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. -- Breeding animal registration papers will be checked. All papers must be checked by 5:00 p.m. 6:00 P.M. -- ALL CATTLE, SWINE, SHEEP, AND GOAT CARDS must be TURNED IN 5:00 – 6:00 P. M. – Official weigh-in steers, swine, sheep and goats SHOW SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 13 -- 8:00 A.M. -- Breeding Swine Show followed by Market Swine 10:30 A.M. -- Market Goat Show Following Goat Show -- Breeding Sheep Show followed by Market Lambs 6:00 P.M. -- Beef Show – Breeding Heifers, Commercial Heifers followed by Prospect and Market Steers. FEBRUARY 14-- 9:00 A.M. -- Horse Show -- Entries due by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 6th Horses in place no later than 8:00 a.m. Release all livestock after they show. General Superintendent – Don Alsup RULES No livestock or equipment shall enter the Fairgrounds until 9:00 a.m., Thursday, February 12. All breeding animals in place and registration papers checked by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 12. All swine, sheep, and goat cards must be turned in by 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 12. Steers must be in place and weighed by show committee by 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 12. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DEADLINE. ELIGIBILITY -- Residents of any school district which overlays into any other county shall be eligible to exhibit their products at the fairs in the county in which the school district is located. Exhibitors must be 9 years of age prior to opening day, must have neither graduated from high school nor reached their 19th birthday as of January 1 of the year of the show, and be a bonafide member of a 4-H or FFA program 120 days prior to the opening day of the show, with the exception of those becoming 9 years of age within 120 days of opening day of the show. Boys Ranch Town is exempt from the above rule. (OWNERSHIP: STEERS 120 DAYS; PROSPECT STEERS 60 DAYS; MARKET LAMBS 90 DAYS; MARKET SWINE 90 DAYS; AND MARKET GOATS 90 DAYS. All exhibitors showing breeding animals including beef, sheep, swine must have proof of ownership 60 days prior to opening day of show. Exhibitor must show ownership by presenting original registration paper, in exhibitor's name, at time of entry. (Exception: breeding animals from Boys Ranch Town need not be registered in exhibitor's name, but they must have cared for the animal). SHOWING - Each animal exhibited must be shown by the bonafide owner for placing in any class in which it is entered. Any exception to this rule will require a written request signed by the exhibitor and approved by the department superintendent. This request will be written by the exhibitor on the back of the card used for judging ring record. OKLAHOMA COUNTY BRED CLASS -- Only market animals of these species are eligible to show in this class: Sheep, Swine and Goats. Market and Prospect steers are eligible. Only one entry per exhibitor. The animal must be bred, raised and owned in Oklahoma County. The animal will be subject to verification by the fair secretary or superintendents. All breeds and weights will be shown together. The animal must have been shown in a regular class. There will be no substitutions. You must fill out a card and turn it in on Thursday February 12th for this class THERE WILL BE A COMMITTEE TO BREAK THE WEIGHT CLASSES AFTER THE ENTRY CARDS ARE TURNED IN. THE SHOW CLASSES WILL BE POSTED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE AREA. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE SHOW RING WHILE JUDGING IS IN PROGRESS, EXCEPT JUDGES, EXHIBITOR AND OFFICIALS ASSISTING WITH THE SHOW. ONLY PEOPLE DESIGNATED BY SUPERINTENDENT MAY BE IN THE SHOW RING DURING THE SHOW. (OTHER THAN EXHIBITORS). SPECIAL RULE When a legal protest is made in the Oklahoma County Free Fair in the fall or in the spring livestock fair, the exhibitor protested will put his animal or exhibit in a special place selected by the superintendent and leave it there until released by superintendent. All premiums will be held up in the class in which an exhibit is protested. Placings will be made to move up in case the protested exhibit is eliminated. ALL RULES IN FAIR PREMIUM CATALOG APPLY EXCEPT, CHANGES LISTED HERE. 2 AGE VERIFICATION FOR JUNIOR EXHIBITORS I. Proof of Age for Junior Exhibitors: A. Require proof of age only in the case of a protest. B. In the case of a protest, an original or certified birth certificate will be required as proof of age. II. For protests filed: A. A time for hearing the protest is set, granting both sides (2) hours to gather documentation. B. The protest is heard before a committee of at least four (4) Fair Board Members. Both sides are given time to present their cases. C. After the protest is heard, a decision is made on the case and no further discussion will be heard on this protest. III. Consequences of illegal action: A. Member must return all ribbons, trophies, prize and premiums moneys. B. Member will not be allowed to exhibit in an event sponsored by the Okla. Co. Fair Board for two (2) years. LISTED BELOW ARE OKLAHOMA FREE FAIR PREMIUM BOOK PRESENT RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ALSO APPLY TO THE OK CO JR. LIVESTOCK SHOW Rule l, Section #3, Page 5: Any person who violates any of the Special or General Rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums. Rule 3, Section #6, Page 5: If it be ascertained any exhibitor has made or caused to be made any false statement in regard to EXHIBITOR'S age, to any animal or article, or if any exhibitor shall attempt to interfere with the judges in the performance of their duty, he/she shall be excluded from all competition of exhibition; and any and all awards that he/she may have received may be forfeited at the discretion of the Board. Rule 5, Section #2, Page 6: In addition to the right of protest herein guaranteed to exhibitors, the Directors reserve the right to take cognizance of FRAUD consummated or attempted in connection with an exhibit, and take such action as they may deem just and proper. POWERS AND LIABILITIES: Rule 6, Section #2, Page 6: The management reserves the right to remove from grounds ANY EXHIBITS THAT MAY HAVE BEEN FALSELY ENTERED OR MAY BE DEEMED UNSUITABLE OR OBJECTIONABLE, or to remove any sign, banner, identification mark or signature or advertising matter of any kind which may be deemed objectionable by them without giving a reason therefore. POWERS AND LIABILITIES OF THE ASSOCIATION Rule 6, Section 5, Page 6: All property of every character entered for competition, display or any other purposes, or brought upon the Oklahoma County Free Fairgrounds by a person shall be subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by said Oklahoma County Free Fair Association. Rule 6, Section 6, Page 6: In no case shall the Oklahoma County Free Fair Association or any of its officers be held responsible for any loss, damage, injury or any other cause to any such property, or to any person coming on said grounds. The Oklahoma County Free Fair Association hereby refuses to assume any responsibility for the safety as bailee, or other wise for any property brought upon said property and kept upon said grounds at owner's risk. Rule 6, Section 7, Page 6: If the property owners or others interested in the property desire protection against loss, damage or injury from fire or any other cause, they must make their own arrangements and pay for such insurance. 3 Rule 6, Section 8, Page 6: The Oklahoma County Free Fair Association expressly refuses to assume any liability for injuries to the person of any of the exhibitors upon the grounds of the Oklahoma County Free Fair and no claims for injury instituted or maintained against the Oklahoma County Free Fair Association, its officers, agents, representatives, servants, or employees for said cause by a person having license or privilege to exhibit, on the Fairgrounds or occupying any space thereon, and it is part of the consideration for such license or privilege that such claims for damages are specifically waived. PSEUDORABIES & BRUCELLOSIS TESTING REQUIREMENT CONTINUES FOR 2009 The State Department of Agriculture requires evidence of a negative PRV test chart for all 2009 shows. Health certificates may or may not be required, depending on the individual show or fair and their requirements. The following steps are required to exhibit market swine and open gilts in Oklahoma Spring shows: 1. Have a negative Pseudorabies and Brucellosis test conducted after December l, 2008, and be identified on the test record by official identification number. 2. Be individually identified with an official identification device permanently affixed to the right ear. (Plastic ear tag is recommended). 3. Present test record at each exhibition. 4. After being exhibited, be kept separate and apart from all breeding swine or until they are retested negative in not less than 30 days following last exhibition or shipped directly to slaughter. Owners and/or immediate family members of owners or pseudorabies qualified herds may exhibit swine originating from their qualified herd without the required testing provided the required identification device is permanently affixed to the right ear and the evidence of pseudorabies/brucellosis free qualified herd status and number is presented at each exhibition. Swine from pseudorabies/brucellosis qualified herds that have been exhibited in Oklahoma lose qualified status and must meet all state of destination test requirements prior to interstate movement. After being exhibited they must be held separate and apart from all other breeding swine and be retested negative in not less that thirty (30) days following last exhibition before re-introduction to the qualified herd. Pseudorabies Brucellosis requirement for Oklahoma County Junior Spring Livestock Show All swine both market and breeding must be pseudorabies and brucellosis tested regardless of pseudorabie free head status. All animals must be identified by an ear tag and ear notch. Each animal must have the name of the exhibitor who will show the animal at the show (no family name). Copies may be mailed to the OSU Extension office at 930 North Portland OKC, OK 73107 or Faxed to: 947-1199 attn. Ray Ridlen, by Februaty 6th 2009 Amount of premiums to be paid will be decided after show by Fair Board for the following classes. Checks will be mailed at a later date. 4 SHOWMANSHIP JUNIOR -- 9 to 12 Years - Plaque 1st, 2nd, 3rd INTERMEDIATE -- 13 to 15 Years - Plaque 1st, 2nd, 3rd SENIOR -- 16 Years and Over - Plaque 1st, 2nd, 3rd Youth must enter and get a number card to wear during the show. Entry cards that are not filled out correctly and legibly will result in disqualification. All cards must be turned in by 6:00 p.m., February 12, 2009. This announcement supersedes any other date or time found in this premium list. All species will have an official weigh-in. SPECIAL HERDSMAN AWARD – ALL SPECIES Premiums $50.00, $25.00 The Oklahoma County Junior Spring Livestock Show will make daily awards to Junior Exhibitors presenting their animals in the most attractive manner. Every Junior Livestock exhibitor is eligible to compete. Awards will consist of daily ribbons and overall plaques to outstanding herdsman in the areas of Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy and Goats. Exhibits will be judged as follows: 1. Appearance of exhibits and personnel. 2. Availability of exhibitor to furnish information about their exhibit. 3. Interest of personnel in cooperating with officials in making the best possible showing of their livestock. 4. Herdsman Trophies Award will be made at conclusion of fair. Stall inspections will be made three times daily, before daily Herdsman Awards are announced. Money will be awarded only if the Chapter or Club deserves to win. Decision of Superintendent is final. All sheep both wethers and ewes as well as all goats, wethers and does must have a scrapie tag in their ear before they will be allowed to be weighed or checked in. Any animal that does not meet the minimum weight or is over the maximum weight will show in a class by themselves and will not be eligible to show for Breed Champion, Reserve Breed Champion, Grand Champion or Reserve Grand Champion of each species. (1 class per species of under weight and over weight animals) Pen all species together. If not it will result in disqualification. 5 MARKET GOATS Goat Superintendent - Dawn Rowlen Exhibitor may enter three (3) Market Goats per person (wethers only). 2 non-registered market breeding goats. 1. All goats must be inspected by a show official for absence of any health related problems prior to unloading. Inspector's judgment will be final. 2. All goats tipped, dehorned or disbudded. 3. No steroids shall be used on market goats. 4. All goats must be under 1 year of age -- no permanent teeth. (market goats) 5. Official Weigh-In Feb. 12, 5:00 p.m. (7 lb. weigh back at discretion of show officials) 6. To be shown in this show, market goats must have been nominated at Oklahoma County weighin to be allowed to show. 7. Testicles must be off the animal. 8. Breeding market goats must be mouthed and cards turned in during check-in. Ribbons will be awarded one thru ten. Classes to be broken by superintendent. Market Goats Only (Wethers) CHAMPION MARKET GOAT -- PLAQUE RESERVE CHAMPION MARKET GOAT -- PLAQUE C. County Bred Market Goat – (Wethers only) There will be one class for County Bred all breeds and weights will be shown together. The animal must be bred, raised and owned in Oklahoma County. Entry Card must be filled out for this class. CHAMPION COUNTY BRED -- PLAQUE ONE SCHOOL GROUP OF FIVE (5) MARKET GOATS (WETHERS ONLY) – FIRST PLACE -- PLAQUE NON-REGISTERED BREEDING MARKET GOATS -- ALL BREEDS Class 1. Doe Kid (milk teeth) (Divided by age and weight) Class 2. Doe Yearling (2 tooth) ( Divided by age and weight) GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE SHOWMANSHIP JUNIOR -- 9 to 12 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd INTERMEDIATE -- 13 to 15 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd SENIOR -- 16 Years and Over -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd 6 BREEDING SWINE Swine Superintendent - Kenny Paine Exhibitors may enter two (2) gilts. They may be in the same class or different classes according to breed. Definition of Ages Senior Pigs -- must be farrowed on or after August 1, 2008. Junior Pigs -- must have been farrowed on or after September l, 2008 but must be 4 months old or older. Ribbons will be awards one thru six. 1. 2. Sr. Berkshire Gilts Jr. Berkshire Gilts 11. 12. Sr. Spot Gilts Jr. Spot Gilts 3. 4. Sr. Chester White Gilts Jr. Chester White Gilts 13. 14. Sr. Yorkshire Gilts Jr. Yorkshire Gilts 5. 6. Sr. Duroc Gilts Jr. Duroc Gilts 15. 16. Sr. Landrace Jr. Landrace 7. 8. Sr. Hampshire Gilts Jr. Hampshire Gilts 17. 18. Sr. All Other Breeds Jr. All Other Breeds 9. 10. Sr. Poland Gilts Jr. Poland Gilts BREED CHAMPION -- Ribbon RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- Ribbon GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 15. BRED AND OWNED There will be one class for bred and owned females and all ages will be shown together. To be eligible for the bred and owned Class, the breeder and owner must be one and the same. Animal must be shown in regular class. CHAMPION BRED AND OWNED -- PLAQUE Swine to be exhibited in the Oklahoma County Junior Spring Livestock Show must be pseudorabies and brucellosis tested after December 1, 2008. Ear tag, ear notch, pig type (breed), sex and owners full name along with veterinarians name must be on test papers. The swine must be tagged and ear notched and must correspond with test papers. A copy of the pseudorabies papers must be mailed or faxed to the OSU Extension Office by January 6, 2009, to 930 North Portland OKC, OK. 73107. Fax Number 947-1199. If not received by this date animal will not be allowed to show. The original pseudorabies papers will be checked at the gate and must match copy, otherwise animal will be disqualified. 7 MARKET SWINE Swine Superintendent – Kenny Paine Exhibitor may show three (3) Market Swine per person. They may be in the same class or in different classes according to breed. Rule 1. Swine and entry card must be at the official weigh-in Thursday Feb. 12 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Swine may be weighted back at discretion of show official with a 10 lb. weigh back with card weight. Due to being weighed out, the remaining swine will automatically move up. Rule 2. A committee will divide the breeds into weight classes after the white cards have been turned into the show clerk. The show classes will be posted. Minimum weight will be 190 lbs. and there will be a maximum weight of 290 lbs. Ribbons will be awarded one thru ten. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Berkshire Market Swine Chester White Market Swine Duroc Market Swine Hampshire Swine Poland Market Swine 21. 22. 23. 24. Spot Market Swine Yorkshire Market Swine Landrace Market Swine Crossbred Market Swine BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 23A. County Bred Market Swine There will be one class for County Bred all breeds and weights will be shown together. The animal must be bred, raised and owned in Oklahoma County. Entry Card must be filled out for this class. CHAMPION COUNTY BRED -- PLAQUE ONE SCHOOL GROUP OF FIVE (5) MARKET SWINE -- FIRST PLACE -- PLAQUE SHOWMANSHIP JUNIOR -- 9 to 12 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd INTERMEDIATE -- 13 to 15 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd SENIOR -- 16 Years and Over -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd 8 BREEDING SHEEP Sheep Superintendents – Marty Lovelace, Sheila Cockrell Exhibitors may enter two (2) ewes. They may be in the same or different classes according to breed. Yearling cannot have two yr. old teeth. All ewe lambs must have their lamb teeth (NO PERMANENT TEETH). Ribbons will be awarded one thru six. 24. 25. Southdown Ewe Lamb Southdown Yearling Lamb 32. 33. Suffolk Ewe Lamb Suffolk Yearling Lamb 26. 27. Shropshire Ewe Lamb Shropshire Yearling Ewe 34. 35. Montadale Ewe Lamb Montadale Yearling Lamb 28. 29. Dorset Ewe Lamb Dorset Yearling Lamb 36. 37. All Other Breed Ewe Lamb All Other Breed Yearling Lamb 30. 31. Hampshire Ewe Lamb Hampshire Yearling Lamb BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 36. BRED AND OWNED There will be one class for Bred and Owned females and all ages will be shown together. To be eligible for Bred and Owned Class, the breeder and owner must be one and the same. Animal must be shown in regular class. CHAMPION BRED AND OWNED -- PLAQUE 9 MARKET LAMBS Sheep Superintendents – Marty Lovelace, Sheila Cockrell Exhibitor may enter three (3) Market Lambs. They may be in the same class or in different classes according to breed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ARTIFICIAL COLORING, PAINT OR POWDER NOT PERMITTED FOR USE ON LAMBS A committee will divide the breeds. Classes will be posted in the sheep area. Lambs must have their lamb teeth. Market lambs and cards must be at the Official Weigh-In Thursday, Feb. 14 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Market lambs must be identified by an ear tag. Bring lambs with cards to be classified. The lambs may be weighed at the discretion of show officials. Lambs weighing 7 pounds over the show weight as listed on the entry card will be disqualified. Only 5 lambs can be exhibited and penned at the show (3 market, 2 ewes) by one (1) exhibitor in Junior Show. Market Lambs must have been nominated at either Oklahoma City Spring Show weigh-in or the Oklahoma County weigh-in to be allowed to show. Minimum weight: 70 lbs., no maximum. No force filling of lambs. All lambs must be slick shorn before opening day of fair and must show no signs of disease or fungus. No blankets during weigh-in. Ribbons will be awarded one thru ten. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Southdown Lamb Shropshire Lamb Dorset Lamb Hampshire Lamb Suffolk Lamb 42. 43. 44. 45. Crossbred Lamb Speckle Face Natural Montadale BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION LAMB -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION LAMB -- PLAQUE 42C. County Bred Market Lamb There will be one class for County Bred all breeds and weights will be shown together. The animal must be bred, raised and owned in Oklahoma County. Entry Card must be filled out for this class. CHAMPION COUNTY BRED -- PLAQUE ONE SCHOOL GROUP OF 5 MARKET LAMBS -- FIRST PLACE -- PLAQUE SHOWMANSHIP JUNIORS -- 9 to 12 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd INTERMEDIATE -- 13 to 15 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd SENIORS -- 16 Years and Over – PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd 10 BEEF BREEDING Beef Superintendents – Jill Worthington OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Exhibitors may enter two beef heifers. They may be in the same class or in different classes according to breed. Papers checked from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m., February 12. 2. Blow and Show. No adhesives, foam or boning aids. 3. Other Breeds - A separate show class will be made for breeds having 3 or more heifers entered in the show. Or at discretion of the Superintendent. Ribbons will be awarded one thru six. Heifers born after March 1, 2007, and born before September 1, 2008. Classes will be made at the show after all animals are checked in. Three to make a breed BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 59. BRED AND OWNED There will be one class for bred and owned females and all ages will be shown together. To be eligible for the bred and owned class, the breeder and owner must be one and the same. Animal must be shown in regular class. CHAMPION BRED AND OWNED – PLAQUE 60. COMMERCIAL HEIFERS Rule 1. Non-registered heifers. Rule 2. Divided by weight. Rule 3. Minimum weight 500 lbs. Rule 4. Must follow same age requirements as registered heifers. GRAND CHAMPION COMMERCIAL HEIFER – PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION COMMERCIAL HEIFER -- PLAQUE 11 PROSPECT AND MARKET STEERS Beef Superintendents – Jill Worthington Exhibitors may enter two (2) steers both being in one class or different classes. There will be a committee for the following steer show regulations: 1. An Official Steer Weigh-In will be conducted by the Beef Superintendent and committee appointed by the Beef Superintendent on Thursday, February 12, 5:00 p.m. (One trip across the scales). 2. All steer entries must have a full mouth of baby teeth (No visible permanent teeth). 3. The state tags or county tags will be checked at the time of weighing steers 900 lbs. or more. The tags will be verified by the County Summary Nomination forms for the 2007 Spring State Jr. Livestock Show. 4. Blow and Show. No adhesives, paint, foam or boning aids. 5. A separate show class will be made for breeds having 3 or more prospect and market steers entered in the show. 6. Steers will be divided into Prospect and Market Steer Classes. 7. A committee will divide the prospect and market steers. 8. The steers may be weighed at the discretion of show officials with 5% weigh back allowance of the card weight on official scales in all divisions. Any steer over 5% will be disqualified and remaining steers will move up in placing. PROSPECT STEER CLASS Weight requirement for Prospect Steer -- 500 lbs. to 899 lbs. maximum. Ribbons will be awarded one thru ten. Three to make a breed. BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 12 MARKET STEER CLASS Weight requirement for Market Steer -- 900 lbs. and over. Ribbons will be awarded one thru ten. Three to make a breed. BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON RESERVE BREED CHAMPION -- RIBBON GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION -- PLAQUE 72. County Bred Prospect and Market Steers There will be one class for County Bred all breeds and weights will be shown together. The animal must be bred, raised AND owned in Oklahoma County. Entry card will need to filled out for this class. CHAMPION COUNTY BRED -- PLAQUE ONE SCHOOL GROUP OF 3 STEERS/HEIFERS -- FIRST PLACE -- PLAQUE (CAN BE PROSPECT AND/OR MARKET STEERS) SHOWMANSHIP JUNIORS -- 9 to 12 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd INTERMEDIATE -- 13 to 15 Years -- PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd SENIORS -- 16 Years and Over – PLAQUE 1st, 2nd, 3rd LET'S RESPECT THE FAIRGROUND FACILITIES. EXHIBITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR DURING THE SHOW. CURFEW WILL BE AT 11:00 P.M., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, AND FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2009. ALL LIGHTS WILL BE TURNED OFF AT THIS TIME. NO WASHING OR GROOMING LIVESTOCK AFTER 11:00 P.M. 13 HORSE SHOW Horse Superintendent – Lisa Hamblin February 14 – 9:00 a.m. Pre-enter by Feb. 6, 2009. All horses must be in place by 8:00 a.m. Sat., Feb. 14, 2009. Horses may move into Barn 6 after 12:00 noon on Friday February 13th.. Must be a bon-a-fide 4-H/FFA member enrolled in a Light Horse Project with the Oklahoma County OSU Extension Center as of Nov. 1, 2008. All horses shown must be fully owned or leased by the 4-H member, member’s parent, siblings or guardian as of Nov. 1, 2008. ‘Fully owned’ is defined as: no consideration of any kind (i.e. monetary or otherwise), has been given in exchange for contemplated, pending, or completed sale of horse between Nov. 1, 2008 and show date. Registration papers alone are NOT ACCEPTABLE as proof of ownership. They must be accompanied with a notarized statement of ownership or lease signed by the 4-H member and parent/guardian. Forms are available at the OSU Extension Center, 930 N. Portland, OKC, OK 73107 or online at http://countyext.okstate.edu/oklahoma/. A current (within last 12 months) negative Coggins test must accompany each entry. All riders are required to wear an assigned number on their backs while competing. Failure to do so results in disqualification. The judge or designated show official has the authority to excuse from competition any horse deemed unsafe and/or out of control. Inhumane treatment of a horse identified by designated officials may result in disqualification, dismissal and suspension from further participation in the show. All performance classes and proper attire will be judged according to the Official Handbook, Rules for Oklahoma 4-H District and State Qualification Horse Shows. For safety reasons, no stallions will be allowed on show ground premises. No adults may ride or train horses the day of the youth horse show. Ribbons awarded one thru six. All riders are required to wear safety helmets during speed events. Helmets will not be provided. High Point will be calculated by the one horse/one rider rule. When pre-registering for the 4-H Spring Show, at least one parent/guardian per member must sign up to work at the show. Jobs will include: gatekeeper, ring steward, announcer, ribbon distribution, set up & tear down of barrels, poles and jumps, and other jobs as needed. There will be no adding classes after pre-registration. Classes may be scratched during the show; however, it is the rider’s responsibility to notify the show superintendent. Riders may enter no more than one horse per class and no more than 2 horses per age division i.e., (9-11, 12-14, 15-19). JUNIOR DIVISION – 9 to 11 Years INTERMEDIATE DIVISION – 12 to 14 Years SENIOR DIVISION – 15 and Over 73. 74. Geldings (All ages) Mares (All ages) 90. Novice Walk-Trot - (Youth that has never won a ribbon at a Horse Show) 75. 76. 77. Jr. Showmanship Int. Showmanship Sr. Showmanship 91. 92. 93. Jr. Western Pleasure Int. Western Pleasure Sr. Western Pleasure 78. 79. 80. Jr. Hunter Under Saddle Int. Hunter Under Saddle Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 94. 95. 96. Jr. Western Horsemanship Int. Western Horsemanship Sr. Western Horsemanship 81. 82. 83. Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation Int. Hunt Seat Equitation Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation 97. 98. 99. Jr. Barrels Int. Barrels Sr. Barrels 84 85. 86. Jr. Hunter Hack Int. Hunter Hack Sr. Hunter Hack 100. 101. 102. Jr. Poles Int. Poles Sr. Poles 87. 88. 89. Jr. Working Hunter Int. Working Hunter Sr. Working Hunter 14 HIGH POINT JUNIOR -- PLAQUE RESERVE HIGH POINT JUNIOR -- PLAQUE HIGH POINT INTERMEDIATE – PLAQUE RESERVE HIGH POINT INTERMEDIATE – PLAQUE HIGH POINT SENIOR -- PLAQUE RESERVE HIGH POINT SENIOR -- PLAQUE Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local Governments Cooperating. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer. 15 ATTENTION ALL FEMALE GOATS AND SHEEP MUST HAVE AN OFFICIAL USDA EAR TAG BEFORE UNLOADING! A new federal disease control program designed to accelerate the eradication of the fatal brain disease, Scrapie, from the nation’s sheep flocks and goat herds will begin November 19, 2001. The program will require ear tags to be placed in all sheep and most types of goats by their owners before they are sold by private treaty or transported to a sale, show, or exhibition. Tags and applicator pliers are available to producers free of charge from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture (ODA). What animals must be identified? All sexually intact sheep and goats of any age before being moved for: Sale, Exhibitions, Slaughter, Change of Ownership. Each of the following qualify as official identification: An official USDA tag. (Obtained from the ODA) Legible official dairy goat registry tattoo. (Only if the animal is accompanied by a registration certificate) For animals not suitable for eartaging, legible flank or tail-web tattoo containing the premise and individual ID. What are the record keeping requirements? The following records are required to be kept for five years: Animals that are tagged by owners Date the animals were tagged, tag numbers applied, breed, age, sex. Purchased Animals Animal ID, name, address and phone number whom purchased from. Animal ID, name, address and phone number of person or market animal sold to. Date of acquisition or sale, breed, age, sex. How are official USDA ear tags obtained? Tag Request Forms can be obtained from the ODA (405) 522-6131. Tagging pliers will be provided at no charge with the first order; and additional pliers can be purchased from ODA. Do I have to identify all the animals I own now, or only before I move them? You do not have to identify your animals until they are to be exhibited, change ownership, move to a sale, market or slaughter. 16 SHEEP AND GOAT IDENTIFICATION TAG REQUEST FORM Owner Name: Farm Name: Address: (City) (State) (Zip Code) Phone Number: (Home) (Work) Primary Breed: Flock/Herd Size County : No. of Tags Requested: Tags will be issued in increments of 10. Request enough tags to identify animals that will be sold during the next 12 months. For more information, please call 405-522-6139. Tagging Pliers will be provided at no charge with the initial tag order. Check here for Premise ID only. Send me information on the Scrapie Flock Certification Program. By completing and signing this form, I certify that I am requesting official tags and/or a premise ID for the purpose of identification of sheep and goats in interstate commerce. (Signature) (Date) Return this form to the following address: ODA Animal Industry Services PO Box 528804 Oklahoma City, OK 73152-9984 Or you may FAX this to 405-522-0756 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Premise ID Number: Number of Tags Issued: Low Tag: High Tag: Date Mailed: Pliers Issued: