NATS 101 Spring 2003 Sections 4-9

NATS 101 Spring 2003 Sections 4-9
Review for Final, Friday, May 9, 2-4 p.m.
The final will consist of about 25 multiple-choice questions, plus three essay questions.
The multiple choice questions will be "very similar" to the 51 multiple-choice questions given below (26 course content, 15
information literacy, 10 computer lab), which fall under the 6 categories of 1) nuclear power, 2) global warming, 3) wind
and solar, 4) geothermal and hydro, 5) information literacy, and 6) Friday computer lab questions.
Listed at the end are 5 essay questions. Three of these will appear on the final (exactly as they are written here).
There will be an in-class review session on Wednesday, May 7, 2-3 p.m.
Use the following sources of information to determine the correct answer to each question.
1. Read the papers listed on the Nats web site
2. Review the powerpoint slides from the lectures (lectures side of pyramid)
3. Review the course content on the web (course content side of pyramid)
A. Multiple choice questions
1. Yucca Mountain is located in:
a. Arizona
b. California
c. N. Dakota
d. Nevada
2. Which of the following is a renewable energy resource:
a. Nuclear
b. Coal
c. Hydro
d. None of the above
3. Approximately what is the present direct cost to generate electricity from coal:
a. .01 ¢/kWh
b. .05 ¢/kWh
c. 5 ¢/kWh
d. 20 ¢/kWh
4. In the last 100 years the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by about:
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 100%
d. 200%
5. The average surface temperature on Earth has increased by about how much since 1860:
a. 0o C
b. 1o C
c. 5o C
d. 10o C
6. Which of the following is not a method to reduce CO2 emissions:
a. Install lime scrubber
b. Conservation
c. Plant trees
d. Switch from coal to nuclear power
7. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas:
a. water vapor
b. carbon dioxide
c. methane
d. all of the above
8. The Earth starts to warm, this creates more storms and clouds, and this causes a cooling effect. This is an example of:
a. a positive feedback mechanism
b. a negative feedback mechanism
c. heat capacity
d. Carnot efficiency
9. Which of the following energy resources is already a source of mechanical power?
a. biomass
b. solar thermal
c. hydropower
d. petroleum
10. What is the present cost of pv cells (¢/kWh):
a. .1
b. 1
c. 10
d. 25
11. A high dam results in a larger potential energy than a low dam because:
a. PE = mgd, and d is higher
b. PE = mgd, and g is higher
c. PE = 1/2 mv2, and v is higher
d. PE = ma, and a is higher
12. Which of the following is a hidden cost associated with generating electricity from coal:
a. ecological effects of acid rainfall
b. lives lost from dam failures
c. The cost of building a coal power plant
d. The cost of maintaining a coal power plant
13. What might be the cost of electricity from coal if hidden costs were included (¢/kWh):
a. .1
b. 1
c. 5
d. 10
14. Which of the following problems is solved by using run-of-the-river hydro plants:
a. dam failures
b. fish migration
c. river to lake ecological changes
d. all of the above
15. Nuclear fission involves the splitting of uranium due to bombardment by:
a. electrons
b. neutrons
c. protons
d. quarks
16. Which of the following is not a requirement for the underground storage of high level nuclear waste:
a. low rock or soil permeability
b. low population density
c. low rock or soil temperature
d. low seismic and volcanic activity
17. The following is a good thing with the Yucca Mountain site for nuclear waste storage:
a. fractures in the rock
b. low water table
c. low air pressure
d. high air humidity
18. The following is a bad thing with the Yucca Mountain site for nuclear waste storage:
a. fractures in the rock
b. low water table
c. low air pressure
d. high air humidity
19. Windy areas have a lot more potential for wind power than not-windy areas because
a. Carnot efficiency
b. wind power goes up by wind speed squared
c. wind power goes up by wind speed cubed
d. Terminal velocity
20. Approximately what is the cost of electricity generation from wind (assuming installed in a windy place)(¢/kWh):
a. .01 ¢/kWh
b. .05 ¢/kWh
c. 5 ¢/kWh
d. 20 ¢/kWh
21. Which of the following is a potential problem with wind power:
a. Fish migration
b. energy storage
c. SO2 pollution
d. CO2 pollution
22. Solar thermal electricity generation involves:
a. pv cells on the roofs of houses
b. mirrors to concentrate sunlight
c. growing a crop specifically for burning for electricity generation
d. nuclear fusion
23. Doubling the wind speed increases the wind power by a factor of:
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
24. For a geothermal resource consisting of water with a temperature of 150 C, the following type of geothermal power
plant would be appropriate:
a. Dry steam
b. Flash steam
c. Binary cycle
d. Hot dry rock
25. Which of the following is not correct:
a. There are operating nuclear fission power plants today
b. There are operating nuclear fusion power plants today
c. You can generate hydro-power without a dam
d. Yucca Mountain is in a seismically active region
26. Which of the following is correct:
a. The maximum wind power efficiency possible is 39%.
b. It is possible to produce 100% of the US electricity demand by installing wind turbines in 12 rocky mountain and
Midwestern states
c. The wind turbines installed in California have killed more birds than the Exxon Valdez oil spill
d. All of the above
Information Literacy Review Questions:
Using the SABIO icons listed below, answer questions #1 through #4.
1. Which icon would you click on to start looking for magazine articles?
a. Catalogs of Books & More
b. Indexes to Articles & More
c. Subject Guides
d. Web Search
2. Which of the icons would you click on to check whether the library has a subscription to a certain journal?
a. Catalogs of Books & More
b. Indexes to Articles & More
c. Subject Guides
d. Web Search
3. Which icon would you click on to start exploring information resources in a subject area not familiar to you?
a. Catalogs of Books & More
b. Indexes to Articles & More
c. Subject Guides
d. Web Search
4. Which icon would you click on to check whether the library owns a copy of a textbook?
a. Catalogs of Books & More
b . Indexes to Articles & More
c. Subject Guides
d. Web Search
Use the following citation to answer questions 5-8:
From Expanded Academic ASAP:
"Changing the face of the Earth" A.J. Van Loon, Earth-Science Reviews Feb 2001 v52 i4 p371
5. What year was this article published?
a. 2001
b. 2003
c. 1983
d. 1992
6. In what journal was this article published?
a. Earth-Science Reviews
b. Expanded Academic ASAP
c. Van Loon
d. Changing Face of the Earth
7. In which volume of the journal did this article appear?
a. vol. 4
b. vol. 83
c. vol. 52
d. vol. 2001
8. On what page does this article begin?
a. 83
b. 371
c. 1392
d. 52
9. Which of the following queries would be the best to use in Expanded Academic ASAP to find articles about mining and
its impact on the environment?
a. environment* and min*
b. environment or mines or mining
c. environment* and (mine* or mining)
d. environment or (mine or mining)
10. Which of the following terms would not be included under a keyword search using the term "Astrono*"
a. Astronomy
b. Astronomical
c. Astronauts
d. Astronomers
11. Which of the following is an important criterion for evaluating information found on a Web site?
a. Date the site was last updated
b. The author's credentials
c. The intended audience
d. All of the above
12. Which of the following are not essential elements when citing an image or photo on a webpage?
a. the date permission was granted to use the image
b. the name of the person or organization who granted permission
c. the date the image was created
d. a description of what is in the image
13. Are images on the web available for free?
a. Yes, people only put images on the web that they want people to use.
b. Yes, if there is no statement restricting the use of an image.
c. No, you must receive permission from the website creator.
d. No, you must receive permission from the copyright owner.
14. When exploring an unfamiliar writing topic, which of the following resources or tools are NOT appropriate to use?
a. the web
b. encyclopedias
c. research journals
d . popular journals
15. Which of the following is a source of statistical information?
a. Almanacs
b. Journal articles
c. Statistical Abstracts of the United States
d. all of the above
Friday computer lab questions:
1. What is the correct label for the picture above.
Bohr Model
Rock Cycle
Covalent Bonding
Hydrologic Cycle
2. When Defining a site in Dreamweaver (see picture above) what is the correct "Local Root Folder"?
Net ID
Floppy or Zip drive
3. You are working on your Lab in Dreamweaver and want to Modify the Background color. Which option do you use from
the Modify drop down menu (see picture above).
Selection Properties
Page Properties
4. In the picture above, write in the correct "Host Name" and "User Name".
5. In the picture above, mark the correct "Permission" setting in SSH.
6. When doing calculating Energy (kWh) in Excel, what equation should be typed in cell C2 (see picture above).
A. " = A2 * B2 / 1000"
B. " = A2 * B2 "
C. " = A2 / B2 "
D. " = C3 / A2 "
7. What is the equation for Total Energy (TE)? Remember.... Kinetic Energy = KE and Potential Energy = PE
TE = KE - PE
TE = KE * PE
TE = PE + KE
TE = PE / KE
8. A solar panel can generate 200 Watts. If this solar panel receives 500 hours of sunlight for one month, how much
Energy (kWh) can it produce in one month?
100 Watt Hours (Wh)
100,000,000 kWh
100 kWh
100,000 kWh
9. One wind turbine can generate 8000 kWh a year. Your house uses 31,200 kWh of Electric Energy in one year. How
many wind turbines do you need for your home?
10. Which is a Hyperlink?
a link from your homepage to lab2.html
an email link
a link to the University of Arizona webpage
All of the above
Essay Questions => 3 of these questions will appear on the final
1. Briefly discuss all the various resources used to generate electricity in the US (coal, nuclear, natural gas, etc.). What
percent of the total electricity generated do each of these represent? What are similarities and differences between these
various resources, in terms of environmental hazards, cost (cents/kwhr), which one are based on heating, which ones have
the most potential in say 100 years, etc.
2. Discuss nuclear power as an ongoing source of electricity for the US. What are the benefits and the problems with
nuclear power? What are the pros and cons of starting to build new nuclear power plants in the US? What are the pros and
cons of the proposed site for the storage of high level nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain? What are realistic alternatives to
Yucca Mountain?
3. Discuss the use of coal for generating electricity in the US and its relationship with global warming. Why is coal the
number 1 resource for electricity in the US today? What are the environmental hazards of continuing to utilize coal as we
do today? Why is the discussion about burning fossil fuels and global warming controversial? Assume that in the future the
US government is convinced to go along with the Kyoto treaty. What would the US have to do meet the conditions of the
Kyoto treaty? What are the pros and cons of going along with the Kyoto treaty? Describe various strategies for CO2
reductions that could be used to meet the Kyoto treaty.
4. Make the case for wind power as a viable source of US electricity. Assume that the goal is to have 5% of US electricity
come from wind by 2015. How many wind turbines will need to be installed, and where. Discuss the benefits of such a plan,
as well as the obstacles that will need to be overcome. What will need to be done by the US government and US citizens to
achieve this goal.
5. The picture above shows an SSH File Transfer window for your website. Explain what is wrong
with the file structure, how did this error occur and what steps are needed to fix it?