spiritus - Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, Belmont, MI

September 2006
Church of the Holy Spirit
1200 Post Drive NE
Belmont, MI 49306
September 2006
Church of the Holy Spirit
An Emerging Episcopal Community
1200 Post Drive NE
Belmont, Michigan 49306
Schedule of Services
Sundays, Holy Eucharist – 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School and Childcare
Rev. Susan S. York - Vicar
Rev. Charleen Crean – Deacon
September 2006
Church of the Holy Spirit
The Rt. Rev. Robert R. Gepert
Bishop of Western Michigan
Rev. Susan S. York, Vicar
Rev. Charleen Crean, Deacon
Tel: 616-784-1111
Fax: 616-784-1335
Email: belmontmichurch@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.holyspiritbelmont.org
Christian Education:
Pre School to young teens begin at 9:45 a.m.
Nursery: beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Adult Forum 9 – 9:45 a.m.
Katherine York, Parish Secretary/Music Director
Office Hours – Monday & Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Also by appointment
Advisory Committee
Amy Zimmerman – Bishop’s Warden
Todd Rugg – People’s Warden
Rob Wagley-Secretary
Marcia Duvall
Brenda Benham
Brian Macomber
Jim Finkler
Jean Dibell-Treasurer
Mission Statement
Holy Spirit is a faith community that celebrates and brings God’s love to
the world through our children, our people and our lives.
Prayer List
Hazel Tramper
Mother Pam Breakey
Dr. Chuck Aldridge
Jean Snoeink
Bradley Patten
James Melendez
Jim Winchell
Nellie Osband
Carrie LaFond
Edwin Oliver
Karen Dalstra
Helen Andree
Nicole Nessen
Andy Bsharah
Del & Hazel
Ashley Hendricks
September 2006
Happy Birthday!
Simon Rinck – 9/2
Tara Wudkewych – 9/7
Heather Zylstra – 9/8
Savannah Zylstra – 9/8
Celeste Rogers – 9/9
Hazel Tramper – 9/12
Megan Wudkewych – 9/12
Paul Zimmerman – 9/15
Gi Gi Singleton – 9/21
Linda Mae Zimmerman – 9/21
Christopher Gerrard – 9/27
McKenzie Rugg – 9/27
Collette Boekeloo – 9/29
Happy Anniversary!
Cindi & Steve Carnes – 9/4
Rev.’s John & Charleen Crean – 9/19
Welcome back from summer vacation!
There are lots of exciting things happening this fall at
Church of the Holy Spirit. All of our committees and
commissions have reorganized into SMALL GROUPS. This
means that you can sign up for involvement in any small
group that is available, or you can suggest the information of
a NEW small group. Just give me a call at 616-915-0277 or
schedule a time to discuss your idea. If you feel called to be
the convener or Lay Pastor for one of the small groups,
please let me know. We are suggesting involvement in no
more than two at a time. Small groups will meet a minimum
of four times a year, more often if necessary. A Small Group
Council of Lay Pastors will meet with me 3-4 times a year as
well. This is an exciting change in our structure and one that
has the endorsement of the parish and Advisory Council.
Our Christian Education Program is ready to go and
the planning and organization has been outstanding. Our
Christian Education Director, Mary Macomber or “Mrs. Mac”
and the teaching staff are doing such a wonderful job in
preparation for the fall. We will again be using the Episcopal
Children’s Curriculum with supplementary materials from
The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry is open and
running and the Homework Help program is in development.
Much is happening at our church, so please let me know
where you feel your calling.
Come and join us this Sunday, we are waiting for you and
your family.
From your Vicar,
Rev. Susan York
September 2006
The Annual Apple Country
Saturday, November 4,
You will love our new
location at 1200 Post Drive,
Exit 95 off of US 131. We started this
annual bazaar in Sparta, but moved to
our new location last November. We will
continue to have our famous apple
butter, cookie walk and great bake sale.
If you would like to have a craft table to
sell your goods, please call Helen Little,
616-866-9809 or Linda Gerrard, 616447-8874. The fee is $20.00 for a table
and two chairs.
Church of the Holy Spirit
1200 Post Drive NE
Children’s Choir
A children’s choir, involving all of the Grand Rapids
Area Episcopal churches, will be forming in early
November. The choir will consist of three sessions
throughout the liturgical year. Church of the Holy
Spirit, St. Andrew’s and St. Marks Episcopal
Churches will be sponsoring this fun and exciting
event. Sign up for just one or all three sessions.
This choir will consist of ages 1st grade through High
School and led by Choir Master, Katherine York,
MT-BC. Katherine is currently the music director at
Holy Spirit and a Certified Music Therapist by trade.
She has several years of experience with children
and is looking forward to creating fun
Session I November 7-December 12th 2006
Singing at CHS on Dec. 17th
Session II February 20th – April 10th 2007
Singing at St. Mark’s on April 15th
Session III April 17th – May 15th 2007
Singing at St. Andrew’s on May 17th for
September 2006
Session I & III are Tuesday evenings and Session II
will be on Wednesday evenings. Look for more
details through your church in the next month.
If you are interested in signing up your child for one
of the sessions or if you have questions, please
contact Katy at Holy Spirit, 616-784-1111.
Choir Dates to Sing During the Service:
September 10
Introducing PATH…..
Personal Action Towards Health
Beginning September 28 - November 2, 2006.
A 6-week class from 12:30- 3:30 pm. Lunch
and class are FREE.
Presented to you by Gerontology Network
1. Learn to deal with frustration, fatigue, pain and
2. Discover tips about using your medications
September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5
3. Learn how to communicate effectively with your
doctor and family members.
Register by calling Shellie at 365-6151. Held at the
Plainfield Township Senior Citizen Center.
Contact Marsha Duvall for details, also.
November 19
December 3
December 10
December 24, 10:00am only
Rehearsals will begin on September 3 after the church
service. Please call Katy with questions, 616-784-1111.
September 10, 2006 is the beginning of
our Fall Programming at Church of the
Holy Spirit. Breakfast at 9am and
Sunday School at 9:45am.
See you then!
September 2006
September, 2006
We are excited about the opening of our
food pantry, “Loaves and Fishes!”
Opening day was Tuesday, August 29,
and the pantry will continue to be open on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:30p.m. “Loaves and
Fishes” will serve up to 4 families each week as referred to us
by ACCESS, and will also welcome walk-ins.
We welcome our friends and partners from Assumption
Catholic Church in Belmont and their help with our pantry,
also letters are going out to other parishes in the Deanery
inviting them to join us.
There are so many “behind the scenes” tasks that need to be
done to operate a successful food pantry. Each Tuesday and
Thursday, we will need 3-4 volunteers to work as “Crew
Leaders,” “Greeters” and “Shoppers’ Assistants.” There will
be volunteer training sessions offered periodically for anyone
would like to help with our newest outreach project.
On Sunday, September , (Katy, please fill in as needed)
“Loaves and Fishes” and the volunteers will be commissioned
to “Be fruitful and multiply” into the community!
Everyone can help make this mission successful by donating
to the pantry. Juice, canned fruit, peanut butter and jelly, also
1# packages of chicken and hamburger meat that can be
frozen are especially needed. Remember, your dollars go a
long, long way: we can purchase many items from Second
Harvest Gleaners for 15 cents per pound. Special envelopes
are available for monetary donations. There will be a “noisy
collection” taken up on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Save up your change, fill your pockets, empty them into the
plate, and make a “joyful noise” for our food pantry!
Many thanks to everyone who has helped with “Loaves and
Fishes” so far.
The Holy Spirit is truly moving us once again!
Judy Wagley
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Pine Rest will be one of many organizations
nationwide to host National Depression Screening
Day, a free confidential service by a trained mental
health professional. Underwritten by Blue Cross
Blue Shield of Michigan, there are several locations
for the screening. Please call 616-455-6500 for
more information and a location nearest you.
Help is Available
September 2006
September 10
Welcome back! Continental Breakfast
and registration for Christian Education.
September 21
Quilter’s Shop Hop
September 25
EFM (Education for Ministry) begins,
6:30 – 9:00pm.
September 30
ECW Second Best Sale, 9-5
October 5
Pet Blessing, 5pm.
November 4
Apple Country Bazaar
November 7
First rehearsal of Children’s Choir
November 23
December 3
First Sunday of Advent
December 17
Children’s Choir to sing during service
December 24
Christmas Pageant, 10:00am
Christmas Eve Music 9:30pm
Candlelight Eucharist 10:00pm
Habitat for Humanity Happenings
Katy York has been
accepted to attend
the Jimmy Carter
Work Project in India.
She will be helping to
build houses for one
week with several
volunteers from 20
different countries. Leaving on October 27 and
returning November 4, Katy will be one of only a few
hundred that going from the U.S. Her trip is all
volunteer and the cost is totally out of pocket. She is
very excited to go and has already received much
support from her church and her Diocese. If you
would like to support HFH is the form of helping to
sponsor Katy’s trip, please make your check out to
“Church of the Holy Spirit” with “India” in the memo
section. A letter of donation can be made to you for
your 2006 taxes. She is very proud to represent her
church, her Diocese and the Episcopal Church in
this beautiful country.
September 2006
Church of the Holy Spirit is
scheduled for the following
dates to help with the “Mixen
Sat. Sept. 16 – Framing
Thurs. Sept. 21 – Framing
Sat. Oct. 7 – Vinyl Siding
Sat. Oct. 28 – Landscaping
8am to 4pm 14166 Division NE Cedar
Please bring a utility belt, hammer, pencil, utility
knife, tape measure and drill if possible. Lunch will
be provided on Saturdays and don’t forget to be
prepared for all types of weather. Please call Ted
Gerrard with any questions or Habitat Kent Country,
Second Best Sale
September 30, 9-5 a.m.
If you would like to get rid of that gently used “stuff”
in your home, please consider bringing it to our
church for a sale. A great way to clean out your
house and support the church at the same time.
Due to limited storage, however, please begin
bringing in your donations on Wednesday,
September 27th. Please contact Jean Dibell or
Marsha Duvall with questions.
September 2006
September 2006
Sept. 3
Holy Eucharist
1st Choir Rehearsal
After service
10:00am Holy
Welcome back
Breakfast 9am
Sunday school
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist
Small group
Leader Orientation 7-8pm
First Day of School
Sept. 1
ECW Gently Used
Sale, 9-5
Small Group
Orientation 7-8