1 STRATEGIC RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT GRANT (SRDG) Emerging Opportunites and Challenges INTERDISCIPLINARY CENTRE FOR MEDICAL PHOTONICS Interim Report October 2005 Professor Kishan Dholakia, Professor Wilson Sibbett, Professor Andrew Riches, Dr. Peter Bryant University of St. Andrews Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri, Dr. PaulCampbell, University of Dundee 2 Table of Contents 1 Overview of specific targets and milestones 2 Detailed scientific evaluation 3 Summary and forward look 4 Appendix of published journal papers 5 Appendix of publicity generated from the work 3 1. Progress with specific aims and objectives (a) 2. Increased capacity and expansion of the research base (b) New laboratory areas in Physics have been refurbished and new dedicated laser rooms developed. A tissue culture laboratory has been included in this plan to allow rapid and convenient access to the laser facilities. An optical tweezers facility has been established in the Bute Medial School to facilitate the work on cell and chromosome separation. (c ) Research development and innovation (d) interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research activities Regular Biophotonics Tuesday teatimes have been instigated alternating between the Physics and Medical School site and have proved a useful forum for discussion between all staff. Regular meetings of the SRDG group have also been undertaken to ensure integration and planning These biophotonics meeting take the form of a lunch with two or three talks on various on-going projects. A Cancer Colloquium on “Biophysical Approaches to Cancer Diagnosis : cancer diagnosis under a new light.” brought International experts to St. Andrews for a highly successful meeting. (e) Core research programmes and research teams Thematically a number of key areas have emerged from the grant (f) opportunities for postgraduate research Next generation of researchers Training, PhDs, postdocs, courses (g) 4 3. Knowledge Transfer (h) Engagement with users category of other users by type location of users (j) Response to other users (k) spin-outs (l) industry interaction 4. Communication, collaboration and dissemination (m) enhanced reputation (n) networks/strategic partnerships (p) publications Peer reviewed journals (k) Spin-out/IP (l) Specific Targets / Milestones. 5. Sustainability and forward look (q) (r) (s) Future plans 5 6. Finanical Report Appendix One Copies of journal papers published Appendix two Publicity generated Year 1 and 2 To: recruit staff and refurbish existing laboratories. Action :Three excellent postdoctoral fellows have been recruited. establish the proper environment and group dynamics between medical scientists, physicists and clinical scientists through internal workshops and research colloquia. Action: Regular Biophotonics Tuesday teatimes have been instigated alternating between the Physics and Medical School site and have proved a useful forum for discussion. Regular meetings of the SRDG group have also been undertaken to ensure integration and planning. A Cancer Colloquium on “Biophysical Approaches to Cancer Diagnosis : cancer diagnosis under a new light.” brought International experts to St. Andrews for a highly successful meeting. establish milestones within the initial research themes and ensure interdisciplinary effort. Action: Initial meetings set up milestones and experimental plans. The results are summarised below. 6 run specialist Workshops to disseminate interface science to healthcare and scientific communities and pave the way for wider interactions Action : 7 Scientific Summary of Work 1. Targeted gene and drug delivery using optical systems. The cell membrane represents the outer extremity of all eukaryotic cells. In mammals, this is a thin (5nm) bi-layer film of lipids, embedded with various protein molecules at interspersed locations. The membrane encloses the cell, defines its boundaries and maintains the essential physio-chemical differences between the cytoplasm and the extracellular environment. Under normal circumstances, the lipid nature of the cell membrane acts as an impermeable barrier to the passage of most water soluble molecules. Thus the selective introduction of therapeutic agents to the inside of dysfunctional or diseased cells remains problematic. Only a handful of useful approaches for the delivery of membrane impermeants have been devised thus far. These include physical injection into individual cells using glass micropipettes membrane fusion of loaded lyposomes, ballistic introduction of coated gold nanospheres (gene gun), delivery of therapeutic agents encapsulated in membrane permeable shells (vectors), local permeabilisation of cells via the application of pulsed electric fields, local permeabilisation of cells via the application of diagnostic ultrasound (Sonoporation). The introduction of foreign DNA into cells (transfection) is a key procedure in genetic analysis and recombinant protein experiments. Various methods for puncturing the cell membrane without causing any collateral damage have been implemented. While it is possible to introduce genes into cells by a variety of methods, it is very difficult to do this in a targeted way so that specific cells in a population are targeted. We have now developed a method of doing this using laser targeting within this SRDG proposal which is protected by Intellectual Property. Additionally, colleagues at Dundee in collaboration with St Andrews and researchers in the USA have performed studies of cell membrane disruption using microbubble injection. This too is covered by Intellectual Property. A low cost, compact, violet diode laser, of 405 nm wavelength, was used to transfect Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with plasmid DNA. The strongly focused beam, with an optical power density of around 1200 MW/m2, creates a hole in the cell plasma membrane allowing uptake of plasmid expression vector. This power density is six orders of magnitude less than femtosecond, infrared lasers (around 104 TW/m2), 8 that have also been used for photoporation. Laser-assisted cell transfection techniques offer the attraction of sterility, a high degree of selectivity, and compatibility with standard microscopes. Figure : An example of photoporation on four CHO cells in one sample using a 405 nm violet diode laser at a power of 0.3 mW focused to a spot of 1 m diameter. A x100 microscope objective is used to both image the cells and focus the laser beam. 9 Figure : a) Transfected, live, CHO cells expressing DsRed-Mito, viewed under x 100 magnification, using the Rhodamine channel of a Zeiss Axioscope. b) CHO cells expressing EGFP, viewed under x63 magnification, using the FITC channel of a Zeiss Axioscope. Transfection was achieved, in both cases, by photoporation with a violet diode laser. 2. Optical micro-manipulation. a. Chromosome tweezing and FISH probe generation An optical tweezer system (employing an Nd:YAG 1064nm laser; see Fig. 1) has been developed to tweeze and isolate single chromosomes from suspensions of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell chromosome preparations. CHO cell lines are maintained in the laboratory and mitotic cells are harvested for chromosome preparation. Chromosomes are trapped in the focus of the laser beam and manipulated towards the end of fine-bore glass capillaries which are produced using a micro-electrode puller. The capillary is attached to a micro-syringe allowing 1µl aliquots of suspension to be dispensed for use in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) experiments to generate probes for use in Fluorescent in-situ Hybridisation (FISH). 10 Fig.1 – Optical tweezer system Fig.2 – Chromosome tweezed to capillary Chromosomes have been successfully tweezed as demonstrated in Fig.2 above and are being used in PCR. Fig.3 below shows hybridisation of a PCR-generated fluorescent probe in CHO cell metaphase spreads. Fig.3 – FISH experiment on CHO metaphase spreads. Arrows represent hybridisation of probe. Work is continuing to optimise conditions for probe production by varying PCR parameters and conditions. b. Optical tweezing using a femtosecond laser c. Cell sorting using a Bessel beam Tailored optical potential landscapes have been used to accumulate microscopic particles and to arrange articles in pre-described arrays for example in linear fringes (MacDonald et al. 2001) or extended lattices (Korda et al. 2002, MacDonald et al. 2004). A mixture of microscopic particles with different optical properties may be separated when placed on a sculpted or modulated optical potential by exploiting differing particle responses to the pattern. Particles of different sizes, 11 shapes or refractive indices may be separated in such an optical pattern. The Bessel beam is used as the optical potential landscape with which to sort mixtures of spheres of differing sizes and also different cell types. The Bessel beam is described as ‘nondiffracting’, and consists of a series of concentric rings surrounding a central beam. Each ring of the Bessel beam acts as a potential well within which particles can reside and undergo Brownian motion. Random hopping can occur according to Kramers’ theory (Kramers. 1940; McCann et al. 1999). Each ring has equal optical power therefore the intensity of the rings increase closer to the beam centre. The rings of the Bessel beam define a series of potential wells that increase in depth towards the centre. Particles smaller than, or similar to, the well diameter will reside within the optical potential well and thermal activation will lead to the particles hopping very slowly across the optical potential landscape of the Bessel beam. Larger particles which straddle two or more potential wells in the pattern respond to the overlying envelope of the pattern rather than respond to each individual well. Therefore, the gradient force of the overlying envelope draws the larger particles rapidly towards the beam centre. This allows the particles to be sorted and separated without the need to implement microflows within the system. The separation of erythrocytes and lymphocytes has been performed in this manner. An approximation to a Bessel beam was created by passing a Gaussian beam from a Nd:YAG laser through an axicon, then telescoping the beam into a sample chamber containing the cell mixture. The beam had a central core of 5 m diameter, ring width of 3 m, ring spacing of 2 m and a propagation distance of 3 mm. Erythrocytes (bi-concave disc-shaped, approximately 8 m diameter, 2 m wide) are well known to re-orient or align in optical traps (Grover et al.) with their longest axis in the direction of beam propagation. When erythrocytes were placed in a low power Bessel beam (150 mW) many of them were transported towards the beam centre where they re-oriented and were then guided upwards within the central core or they re-oriented in the first or second rings. At higher beam power, the rings in which the erythrocytes aligned were further away from the beam centre, for example 550 mW of total beam power, the erythrocytes re-orient and were guided within the third, fourth and fifth rings. Lymphocytes (spherically shaped, 8 m diameter) straddled two of the Bessel beam rings and were always transported to the beam centre where they 12 were guided upwards. As the lymphocytes moved closer to the beam centre, their velocity increased due to the gradient force of the overlying envelope of the pattern. As power increased, the velocity of lymphocytes traveling to the beam centre also increased due to enhanced convection (figure 1). Separation of lymphocytes and erythrocytes as performed at 550mW as shown in figure 2. The erythrocytes aligned and were guided in the outer rings, whereas lymphocytes were transported to the beam centre and were then guided within the central core. Frame (e) of figure 2 shows how lymphocytes may be extracted from the central core using a microcapillary. Subpopulations of cells were also be labeled, via antibodies to cell surface markers, with silica spheres. Due to the increased refraction and scattering of the laser light by silica spheres, these cell-sphere conjugates were transported to the beam centre and were guided upwards more rapidly than unlabelled cells. This enhanced separation can be seen in figure 3, which shows a mixture of lymphocytes containing Tlymphocytes labeled - via the CD2 cell-surface marker - with 5 m diameter, silica microspheres. The sphere-labeled cells were separated from the unlabelled cells due to greater refraction of the beam through the spheres than through the cells resulting in a stronger gradient force on the spheres. Therefore they traveled more rapidly than unlabeled cells across the Bessel beam optical potential landscape to the central core, where they were guided upward by radiation pressure. The final frame shows a stack of two sphere-T-cell conjugates, viewed from above, at the top of the sample chamber in the central core of the Bessel beam, separated from the unlabelled cells. In summary, cell sorting was achieved in the optical potential landscape of a Bessel beam. Exploiting the differing interactions of different cell types with the beam leads to some cell types residing within the individual wells, and some cell types accumulating in the beam centre. This mechanism of sorting is static and requires no fluid flow as is easy to implement using simple optics. Figures 13 Figure 1: Velocity of lymphocytes (white blood cells) across the Bessel beam rings for three power regimes. Figure 2: Separation of lymphocytes and erythrocytes in a Bessel beam of 550 mW. Figure 3: Separation of sphere-labeled T-lymphocytes from unlabeled lymphocytes in the Bessel beam. 14 References MacDonald, M.P., L. Paterson, W. Sibbett, K. Dholakia and P.E. Bryant.. Trapping and manipulation of low-index particles in a two- dimensional interferometric optical trap. Optics Letters: 26, 863-865 (2001). Korda, P. T., M. B. Taylor and D. G. Grier. Kinetically locked-in colloidal transport in an array or optical tweezers. Physical Review Letters: 89, art. no.128301 (2002). MacDonald, M.P., G.C. Spalding and K. Dholakia. Microfluidic sorting in an optical lattice. Nature: 426, 421-424, (2003). Kramers, H.A. Brownian motion in a field of force and the diffusion model of chemical reactions. Physica: 7, 284 (1940). McCann, L.I., M. Dykman and B. Golding. Thermally activated transitions in bistable three-dimensional optical trap. Nature: 402, 785-787 (1999). Grover, S.C., R.C. Gauthier and A.G. Skirtach. Analysis of the behaviour of erythrocytes in an optical trapping system. Optics Express: 7, 533-539 (2000). 15 Published Journal Papers Femtosecond optical tweezers for in-situ control of two-photon fluorescence B. Agate, C. T. A. Brown, W. Sibbett and K. Dholakia, Optics Express 12, 3011 (2004). Optical guiding of microscopic particles in femtosecond and continuous wave Bessel light beams H. Little, C.T.A. Brown, V.Garcés-Chávez, W. Sibbett and K. Dholakia, Opt. Express 12, 2560 (2004) Imaging in optical micromanipulation using two-photon excitation K Dholakia, H Little, C T A Brown, B Agate, D McGloin, L Paterson and W Sibbett, New J. Phys. 6 136 (2004) Photoporation and cell transfection using a violet diode laser L. Paterson, B. Agate, M. Comrie, R. Ferguson, T. K. Lake, J. E. Morris, A. E. Carruthers, C. T. A. Brown, W. Sibbett, P. E. Bryant, F. Gunn-Moore, A. C. Riches, K. Dholakia, Opt. Express (2005) Membrane disruption by optically controlled microbubble cavitation, Paul Prentice, Alfred Cuschieri, Kishan Dholakia, Mark Prausnitz and Paul Campbell, accepted for Nature Physics