Initial Eligibility Application Instructions

Texas' Eligible Training Provider System
Initial Eligibility Application Instructions
General Information
Under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, applications for initial eligibility determination are
submitted to the Local Workforce Development Board(s) (Board) for the area(s) of the state in which a provider
wishes to offer training services. A unique and separate application is required for each program/course. In
addition, if applying for a given program/course to be offered at different training locations, a unique and
separate application is required for each training location. Questions regarding this, and other local application
requirements and procedures, should be directed to the appropriate Board(s). To access the Board Directory,
go to:
Information submitted as part of this application may be used to compile Texas’ Statewide List of Certified
Training Providers which lists all providers currently certified as eligible to receive WIA training funds. Any/all
application items may be displayed on the Internet as part of Texas’ Statewide List of Certified Training
Automated ETPS
Information regarding access to and use of the automated Eligible Training Provider System (ETPS) is available
in the Provider User Guide and throughout the Internet site. The site address is:
General information related to the creation and submission of an Initial Eligibility Application is provided below:
Creating an Application
Initial Eligibility Applications are created using a form-based method. Providers also
have the option of using a previously saved application as a template.
Selecting/Deselecting Items on a
Drop-Down List
For certain application items, you can select multiple responses from a drop-down
list. To select or deselect, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking on the
appropriate response(s).
Saving Application Information
To continue working on the application: Click the desired 'section' button
(i.e., Provider, Program) at the bottom of any application section to save entries
and access another application section.
To close the application: Click the Save button at the bottom of any
application section to save entries, close the application record and return to the
Training Provider's ETPS Home Page.
Update/Complete Application: To complete and submit a previously saved Initial
Eligibility Application, the record must be accessed via ‘Update/Complete
Application’ rather than ‘Create Initial Application’ on your navigation bar.
Submitting an Application
When you have completed all application sections, go to the Board Requirements
section to Submit the application. Review the assurances before clicking on the
Submit button. If any of the required items are incomplete, you will receive an error
Multi-Board Submission: Initial Eligibility Applications may be submitted to more
than one Board simultaneously. Additional information is provided on the Board
Selection page of the application.
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Review Status
Using the ‘Review Status’ option on the navigation bar, providers can access
current status for all application records (excluding deleted Initial Eligibility
Applications) as well as the detailed Application Status History page for a specific
application record.
Status Notes: Providers are encouraged to regularly check the Application Status
History page for programs/courses that are in review at the Board. Providers can
view all Status Note entries made by the Board.
The Initial Eligibility Application contains six sections:
Exemption Status Questionnaire
Provider Information
Program Information
Performance Information
Board Selection
Board Requirements
Based on your responses to the Exemption Status Questionnaire, red asterisks ( *) are displayed to indicate
required entry fields in the Provider, Program and Performance sections.
Information required for the Provider Information section is entered/updated in the Provider Profile. General
information about the Provider Profile is provided below, followed by information about each application section.
Provider Profile
In the first section of the Provider Profile, providers can enter or update general information that is applicable to
all training programs regardless of Training Location (Physical Address). Saving new information will update all
application records, regardless of application status.
Information about specific Training Locations is entered and/or updated in the second section of the Provider
In both sections of the Provider Profile, red asterisks ( *) are displayed to indicate required entry fields.
Provider Profile – General Information:
Provider Name
Name under which the institution, organization or individual operates as a provider of
training services.
Note: This is the name that will be displayed on the Statewide List of Certified
Training Providers and may differ from the provider’s Legal Name.
Legal Name
If different than Provider Name, the legal name of the applying entity.
The 6-digit Federal Interagency Commission on Education (FICE) code. If not
applicable, leave blank.
Federal EIN
Federal tax identification number.
Proprietary School Number
The 5-character Proprietary School Number assigned by the Texas Workforce
Commission's Career Schools and Colleges Program (formerly Proprietary Schools
Program). If not applicable, leave blank.
Type of Provider
Category type that best describes the applicant. If "Other", specify.
Main Area Code & Phone
Main phone number for the institution, organization or individual.
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Main E-mail
Primary, general e-mail address for the institution, organization or individual
E-mail Notifications: Providers are encouraged to enter a Main E-mail address
which is used to forward messages related to the application process.
Web Page Address
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for main web page address.
Mailing Address
Primary mailing address for the provider's administrative office including street
address or P.O. Box number, city, county, state and ZIP code.
PAS Signatory
Information (read-only) currently on file for the provider representative authorized to
sign and certify to all statements in the Provider Assurance Statement or PAS
Renewal Form.
Note: To request a change in the PAS Signatory designation, use the online PAS
Renewal form.
Administrative Contact
Information (read-only) currently on file for the primary contact for questions
regarding the institution, organization or individual that is seeking certification for
training programs under the Workforce Investment Act.
Note: To request a change in the Administrative Contact use the online PAS
Renewal form.
Additional Authorized Users
List of individuals (read-only) currently authorized to access the provider's secured
access view of the automated ETPS.
Note: To request authorization or cancellation of log-on privileges for an individual,
a written request from the authorized PAS Signatory must be forwarded by emailing or mailing to WIA ETP Unit, Texas
Workforce Commission, 101 E. 15th Street, Room 112T, Austin, TX 78778-0001.
Provider Profile – Training Location Information:
Training Location (Physical
The physical address at which the training services will be offered, including street
address, city, county, state and ZIP code.
Out of State Providers: City and County – If selecting “Other” on the City or
County drop-down list, enter the name in the text field.
Distance Learning: If applications will be submitted for programs that are offered
solely via one or more 'distance learning' mode(s) (i.e., instruction in which the
majority of the instruction occurs when the student and instructor are not in the same
physical setting), the provider's corporate/administrative address should be used as
the Training Location.
Exception: New suite/room number at the same street address; contact ETP at to request minor changes to a Training Location
Admissions Area Code & Phone
Area code and phone number for the Admissions Office or contact (if applicable).
Financial Aid Area Code & Phone
Area code and phone number for the Financial Aid Office or contact (if applicable).
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Mailing Address
If different than Training Location (Physical Address), enter the mailing address
including street address or P.O. Box number, city, county, state and ZIP code.
Out of State Providers: City and County – If selecting “Other” on the City or
County drop-down list, enter the name in the text field.
Administrative Contact
Primary contact for questions regarding the Training Location (Physical Address).
Include name, title, area code and phone number, fax area code and number and email address.
Exemption Status Questionnaire
The first section of the Initial Eligibility Application is the Exemption Status Questionnaire. As noted above,
based on your responses to the Questionnaire, red asterisks ( *) are displayed in the Provider, Program and
Performance sections.
This Questionnaire is used only to collect information regarding exemption status. The Board is responsible for
verifying a given program’s exemption status based on provider responses. Some application items are not
required for exempt program applications.
Title IV Eligibility Status &
School Code
If your institution is eligible to receive Federal funds under Title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, select “Yes” and enter the 8-digit Federal School Code
issued by the U.S. Department of Education, for the location where the training will
be offered. If not applicable, select “No” and leave blank.
Title IV Eligible Programs:
Program Outcome
If your institution is eligible to receive Federal funds under Title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, indicate if the program of training services leads to an
associate degree, baccalaureate degree, certificate, or other outcome.
Note: For the purpose of establishing initial eligibility, "certificate" is defined as a
document or other proof provided by an educational institution or other training
provider awarded after successful completion of a course, sequence of courses or
program that is a minimum of 144 non-credit clock/contact hours or 9 credit hours in
length. [Texas Workforce Commission Rule: 40 TAC § 841.2(2)]
Registered Apprenticeship
If the application is for an apprenticeship program that is currently registered (as of
the date of application submission) with the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL)
Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), select "Yes" and enter the effective
date of the registration.
Provider Information
This section contains general information about the provider and the physical location where the training
program will be offered. Select the appropriate Training Location from the drop-down list or use the
‘Create/Update Provider Profile’ option to add and/or update information.
Program Information
Program Name
Name of the training program or course.
CIP Code
The 6-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code number for the training
program or course.
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Total Hours of Instruction
Enter contact and credit (if applicable) hours, i.e.:
Contact Hour [Also referred to as Clock Hour] -- a unit of measure that
represents an hour (minimum of 50 minutes in a 60 minute period) of
scheduled instruction given to participants. Specify hours of actual seat time
for instruction or required lab work (excluding breaks).
Credit Hour (if applicable) -- a unit of measure representing an hour (50
minutes) of instruction per week over a 15-week period in a semester or
trimester system or 10-week period in a quarter system.
Program Status – Student
Eligibility for Pell Grant
Indicate if students in the program/course are potentially eligible for Pell Grants.
Governmental Regulation
Indicate if the program is subject to regulation by:
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board,
Texas Workforce Commission's Career Schools and Colleges Program
(formerly Proprietary Schools Program), or
another state governmental entity. [NOTE: Specify regulating state and name
of regulating entity.]
Career Schools Exempt (Where the school is exempted by Career Schools or
where the program for a Title IV institution is less than 144 hours.)
If subject to governmental regulation, indicate if the program is currently (i.e., as of
the date of application submission) in compliance with all regulatory requirements of
the applicable entity.
Program Category
Category type that best describes the program category for the program/course. If
"Other", specify.
Type of Offering
Select the single category type that best describes the offering category for the
program/course. If "Other", specify.
Course/Seminar/Workshop: Includes a course, seminar, workshop or series of
courses designed to offer participants the opportunity to acquire marketable skills,
Introduction to an occupation or occupational cluster,
Short course designed to address a portion of the skills and knowledge for a
particular occupation, or
Continuing professional education.
Academic and Employability
Knowledge and Skills
Skills gained upon successful completion of the program/course.
Occupation(s), by Standard Occupational Classification coding system, in which the
academic and employability knowledge and skills identified for this program/course
are of primary interest.
If the program/course offering is intended to prepare participants for certification or
registration, enter the type of certification or registration and the name of the
certifying or registering body.
If the program/course offering is intended to prepare participants for licensure, enter
the type of license and the name of the licensing body.
Detailed Cost Information
Include only amounts required, per participant, of all program participants. At
least one entry – Tuition In District/In State – is required. All tuition entries should
reflect the total tuition cost, per participant, for the program/course.
Note: For additional information, use the Tips & Terms links.
Program/Course Curriculum
The curriculum outline for the program or course must be submitted to each Board
to which you are applying. Enter the planned mail or delivery date or, if available,
the Internet address for the program/course detailed curriculum.
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Program Completion Criteria
Criteria used to determine successful completion of the program/course.
Note: Per Texas Workforce Commission Rule: 40 TAC § 841.2(6), "Completion" is
defined as "finishing a program or course of study and receiving a formal credential
(if offered for the given program/course) as currently recognized by the
Commission, a designated partner agency or State regulatory board". This includes
credentials recognized by a specific employer or industry, as well as industryendorsed skill standards.
Program Contact
Provider’s primary contact for questions regarding this program/course. Include
name, title, area code and phone number, fax area code and number and e-mail
Program Web Page Address
If available, the Internet address for the program/course.
Performance Information
Application items are to be based on all individuals participating in the applicable program during the
most recent complete 12-month reporting period. If the program has never been offered to any student,
regardless of the funding source, prior to the date of application submission, performance reporting is
not required. For programs that have been in operation for less than 12 months at time of application
submission, data must be submitted for the partial Reporting Period.
New Program Offering
For programs that are new at the time of application submission, enter the date that
the program is scheduled to begin.
Methodology(ies) used to collect and verify the performance information submitted
as part of this application, including a description of the criteria for inclusion in the
Participant Universe - ALL. Indicate if data is reported for the area of study (i.e.,
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code grouping) rather than for the
specific degree program specialty area.
Reporting Period
Based on the applicant's standard reporting cycle, provide required performance
information for the most recent complete 12-month period prior to the date of
application submission.
Partial Year Data: As applicable, partial year data should be submitted for
programs that have been in operation for less than 12 months at time of application
Participant Universe
Total number of individuals actively participating in the program/course during the
specified 12-month Reporting Period who were scheduled to complete the
program/course during that same 12-month Reporting Period, regardless of the
initial enrollment date.
1. This number is to be used as the denominator when calculating the
Program Completion Rate and the Entered Employment Rate.
2. If partial performance is submitted, the participant universe must be at least
Exceptions: The following exceptions apply to institutions that are currently (i.e.,
as of the date of application submission) eligible to receive Title IV funds and that
are regulated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) or the
Commission's Career Schools and Colleges Program.
Licensed Career Schools:
Graduate/Leaver universe for the standard 12-month Reporting Period as
defined by and for the Program's reporting process for licensed career
Submission of data collected and reported per the Program's established
reporting requirements.
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Participant Universe cont’d
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board Approved
Program Completion Rate
Supplemental Reporting: If utilizing one of the exceptions outlined above,
performance data must be submitted for the Graduate/Leaver universe as defined
by the applicable regulatory entity. However, providers have the option of
submitting supplemental data. Additional information on supplemental reporting
options is posted in the 'Certification Process' navigation option (public view) of the
automated ETPS.
Under WIA, the State may accept program-specific performance information
consistent with the requirements for eligibility under Title IV of the Higher Education
Act of 1965 if such information is substantially similar to the information required by
WIA. The Commission will accept the number of graduates and the number of
leavers as a proxy for Program Completion Rate for training programs currently
approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
For individuals in the Participant Universe, the percentage who completed the
program/course during the specified 12-month Reporting Period.
To Calculate: The number of program completers divided by the number in the
Participant Universe.
Number of Graduates
Number of Leavers
Entered Employment Rate
Average Hourly Wage at
For programs currently approved by the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board: For the specified 12-month Reporting Period, the number of
individuals who were awarded a degree or certificate after successful completion of
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved program.
For programs currently approved by the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board: For the specified 12-month Reporting Period, the number of
individuals who left without completing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board approved program and without obtaining a formal credential such as degree
or certificate. Includes both those who "dropped out" for a variety of reasons and
those who completed certain course(s) with no intention of obtaining a degree or
For those individuals in the Participant Universe, the percentage who obtained
and/or were engaged in unsubsidized employment (i.e., employment performed for
wages, salary or pay that is not contingent on a subsidy such as on-the-job training
reimbursements to the employer) during the specified 12-month Reporting Period.
To Calculate: The number of program participants that obtained and/or were
engaged in unsubsidized employment divided by the number in the Participant
For the program participants who obtained and/or were engaged in unsubsidized
employment during the specified 12-month Reporting Period, the average hourly
To Calculate: Total the hourly wage of all program participants that obtained
and/or were engaged in unsubsidized employment and divide by the number of
program participants that obtained and/or were engaged in unsubsidized
UI Wage Match Reference
If the Texas Workforce Commission’s UI Wage Match Service was utilized to obtain
data for any of the required performance measures, enter the UI Wage Match
Reference Number (5-digit) and submit the documentation provided by the Texas
Workforce Commission to the Board(s).
Note: See ‘Certification Process’ in the public section of the automated ETPS site
for additional information about the service.
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Average Quarterly Wage
The average quarterly wage for employed program participants calculated using
unemployment insurance (UI) wage data and/or other data sources. For this
measure, the 12-month Reporting Period may vary.
Supplemental Data Submission
If submitting supplemental data for the Participant Universe, select "Yes" and enter
your planned mail or delivery date and the number of individuals for which
supplemental data will be submitted.
Note: See 'Certification Process' in the public section of the automated ETPS site
for additional information about supplemental reporting options.
Board Selection
An Initial Eligibility Application can be submitted to one or more Boards simultaneously. To select a single
Board, click on the appropriate name on the Board list. To select (or deselect) more than one Board, hold down
the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking on your selections.
Board Requirements
Each Board may require additional information as part of the Initial Eligibility Application. Based on your Board
selection, this section will contain all items required by the Board(s). To change your selections, click on the
Board Selection button at the bottom of the page.
All items must be completed before the application can be submitted. If additional documentation must be
submitted to the Board(s), enter your planned mail or delivery date.
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