a cotutelle doctoral program agreement

Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 1
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Please fill and/or modify where highlighted
The University of Ottawa, (550, Cumberland Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5,
Canada, represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The institution name and address (country, telephone, email, etc), represented by
(name and title of person to sign this agreement).
Given the Cotutelle Doctoral Program Policy adopted by the University of Ottawa Senate
in December 2008
Given the policy of partner institution relative to cotutelle doctoral programs,
The two signatory institutions support this cotutelle doctoral research to be conducted
and defended under the responsibility of both institutions and in accordance with the
following terms and conditions:
The candidate entering into this agreement is name of candidate, born on birthdate of
candidate in city and country of birth, nationality
The two institutions recognize the validity of the cotutelle implemented and that of the
degree defended (PhD).
The doctoral candidate's home institution is
institution is (name of institution).
(name of institution)
and the partner
is understood that the agreement template of the participating university can also be used by students
whose home university is not the University of Ottawa, in which case the template may need to be amended
to integrate missing elements like the project description and the candidate’s academic background.
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 2
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Article 1 – Registration and Fees
The doctoral candidate initially registers with the home institution. After the signature of
the cotutelle agreement, the candidate will then need to register full-time in both
institutions, until the completion of the doctorate degree. When the University of Ottawa
is the home institution, the residency period must be met according to the General
Regulations section B.1.
The doctoral candidate is (shall be) registered at the University of Ottawa in the (name
of doctoral program) doctoral program and as of (Anticipated or current date) and shall
be registered at (name of institution) in the (name of doctoral program) doctoral
The doctoral student pays registration/tuition fees in only one of the two participating
institutions at a given time. The doctoral student pays fees to the University of Ottawa
while in Ottawa, and pays fees to the other participating institution during the period
spent in that institution. In addition, cotutelle fees are required by the University of
Ottawa during the period spent in the other participating institution.
Article 2 – Academic Program and thesis
The thesis topic of the doctoral candidate is: title of thesis
At the University of Ottawa, the expected duration of the doctoral candidate’s course of
studies and research work is normally four years. It may be extended up to six years
without any modifications to the agreement.
At the (name of institution), the expected duration of the doctoral candidate’s course of
studies and research work is normally X years. It may be extended up to Y years without
any modifications to the agreement.
The doctoral candidate carries out the course of studies and research work
alternately between the two institutions, for predetermined periods mutually agreed
upon by both thesis supervisors and in accordance with the following conditions:
A period of at least three sessions in both institutions;
however, for doctoral candidates whose home institution is the University of
Ottawa, full-time registration for at least six sessions (two years) is required;
Protection of the thesis topic, as well as the publication, use and protection of
research data stemming from the doctoral candidate's work at both institutions are
subject to the regulations in effect and are ensured in accordance with the procedures
specific to each institution involved in the cotutelle.
This section may be modified according to specific agreements between institutions.
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 3
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Article 3 - Health coverage and legal liability
The doctoral candidate must ensure his or her own health coverage at each institution
and must take out liability insurance. For the period to be spent in Ottawa, all
international students must participate in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).
Article 4 - Thesis supervisors and cotutelle project
The doctoral candidate carries out his or her course of studies and research work under
the responsibility of both a thesis supervisor at the University of Ottawa and a thesis
supervisor from partner institution.
This thesis is supervised by name of professor, of the University of Ottawa's academic
by name of professor, of the name of institution, academic unit,
who are committed to fulfilling their role as tutors to the doctoral candidate.
They both exercise the responsibilities assigned to thesis or coursework supervisors.
Article 5 - Doctoral project
Appendix 1 describes the project to lead to the doctoral thesis (maximum 1 page).
Article 6 - Academic path
At the University of Ottawa, the doctoral candidate must meet all the doctoral program
requirements, with the understanding that some activities (e.g., seminars) successfully
completed at the partner institution can be credited toward the Ottawa program.
The required sessions and activities at the name of partner institution are determined by
the two thesis supervisors and by the doctoral program authorities at both institutions.
This is to be decided in advance and described in Appendix 2 (detailed academic path in
both institutions).
Article 7 - Appointment of board members
The examining committee is appointed by mutual agreement by both partner institutions.
It consists of academics appointed in normally equal numbers by the partner institutions.
It includes at least four members (two per institution), plus an external member unrelated
to the partner institutions. Each institution will appoint its members by its own rules. For
the University of Ottawa the examining committee cannot include a thesis supervisor,
therefore if a thesis supervisor is part of the committee it will be in addition to the normal
committee membership requirements, and the vote of that supervisor will not be
considered for the verdict on the University of Ottawa degree. The form "List of
examiners for the evaluation of the thesis” must be submitted to the thesis office of the
FGPS at the University of Ottawa, at least one month before submitting the thesis.
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 4
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Article 8 - Submission of thesis for evaluation
The student submits the thesis to the home institution, according to the regulations of
both institutions. A copy of the thesis must also be sent to the partner institution.
Article 9 - Evaluation of the thesis
There will be an evaluation of the thesis prior to the defense. The latter should be similar
to the process required by the University of Ottawa. The evaluation process is described
in the General Regulations of the FGPS, Section G (www.etudesup.uottawa.ca).
The Thesis Sectors of both institutions must consult. The email address at the University
of Ottawa is thesis@uottawa.ca . The address of the thesis sector of the partner
institution is please supply email address. Each participating institutions must send to the
partner institution copies of all correspondence in regards to the evaluation of the thesis.
Once the evaluation process is complete and satisfactory to both institutions, the home
institution may conduct the defense.
Article 10 - Defense
The thesis leads to a single oral defence, at the home institution, recognized by both
participating institutions.
Additional costs arise from expenses related to the thesis defense. These costs will be
shared among the participating institutions as follows:
• The home institution (where the defense will happen) bears the costs of travel and
accommodation (3 nights maximum) of the external examiner.
• The partner institution assumes travel costs of jury members from its ranks.
• The home institution pays for accommodation (3 nights maximum) of the two jury
members from the partner institution.
The costs for the thesis supervisors to attend the defense are their own responsibility.
Article 11 - Language of the thesis and summary
The thesis will be written in (French or English) and defended in (French or English).
A summary of the thesis will be written in (French or English).
Article 12 - Issuance of Diplomas
Upon favorable opinion of the examination committee, the University of Ottawa will
confer a doctoral degree to name of student and will deliver the corresponding diploma.
name of the institution will confer a doctoral degree to name of student and will deliver
the corresponding diploma.
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 5
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
The text of each degree must mention the collaboration of both institution [eg. PhD –
cotutelle with name of institution].
Article 13 - Submission, description and reproduction of the thesis
These must be conducted according to the regulations in effect at each institution. For
the regulations of the FGPS at the University of Ottawa, refer to General regulations
(Section G) and to the guide titled Preparing a Thesis or a Research Paper
Article 14 - Dissolution of a cotutelle
In the event of premature dissolution of the cotutelle agreement, it is understood that the
student can remain enrolled in only one of the partner institutions. Partner institutions
undertake to inform each other of the registration status of the student.
To dissolve the agreement of cotutelle, the student must petition for dissolution of the
cotutelle in writing to both institutions.
The letter of request to revoke must:
indicate where he/she chooses to pursue his/her doctoral studies;
confirm the list of inventions and creations to date in the research
This letter should be sent to the head of programs, supervisors and authorities governing
the cotutelle agreement in each partner institutions.
The cotutelle will only be dissolved following an agreement stipulating the respective
contributions of stakeholders (supervisors and student) to intellectual property created
during the project.
In the event where a student would choose to not continue his studies at the University
of Ottawa, all scholarships and funding received by the student from the University of
Ottawa will stop at the date of the dissolution of the cotutelle agreement.
(last update June 2012)
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 6
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Start of the program at the home institution: (DATE)
Start of the program at the partner institution: (DATE)
Doctoral candidate
Name and Surname
Thesis supervisor
University of Ottawa
Thesis supervisor
Partner institution
Name and Surname
Name and Surname
Doctoral program coordinator in academic
University of Ottawa
Title of doctoral program director
Partner institution
Name and Surname
Name and Surname
Vice-Dean, Faculty of …
University of Ottawa
Title of who person responsible
Partner institution
Name and Surname
Name and Surname
Dean, FGPS
University of Ottawa
Title (if another signature is required)
Partner institution
Name and Surname
Name and Surname
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 7
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 8
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Academic path of doctoral cotutelle candidate
Residency at
Year 1 (month and year)
First session: (from to)
 Definition and setup of proposed cotutelle
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Name of
Second session: (from to)
Third session: (from to)
 Signing of cotutelle agreement
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Year 2 (month and year)
First session: (from to)
Name of
 Comprehensive examination or presentation of thesis project institution
(give corresponding code)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Second session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Third session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Year 3 (month and year)
First session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Second session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Third session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Name of
Cotutelle Doctoral Agreement 9
Name of student
Student number at UofO
Student number at University x
Residency at
Year 4 (month and year)
First session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Second session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Third session: (from to)
 courses, activities (give corresponding code)
Name of