------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATE: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH 2011.
-----------Aislinn Centre is situated on a twelve acre site on the banks of the River Nore in
Ballyragget, Co. Kilkenny. The first of its kind for this age group (15-21 years) was
founded in October 1998 by Sr. Veronica Mangan, a Mercy Sister. A drug free
Adolescent Residential Unit it is governed by Trustees and a Board of Management.
Our purpose is to provide quality treatment for persons between the ages of 15-21
years and to assist families by offering an addiction awareness programme. The
programme is of six weeks duration followed by a two year aftercare programme.
Aislinn also provides residential respite programmes for family and professionals who
deal with chemical dependency. In 2010 Aislinn was awarded the CHKS
Accreditation certificate in accreditation standards as set out by the CHKS group.
Aislinn is the only and unique service In Ireland in dealing with adolescent substance
misuse. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is a chronic problem among our young people:Research has shown that the average age of first alcohol use for children born in
1990 is 14 – (Alcohol Action Ireland).
Each night 2,000 hospital beds are occupied for alcohol related issues (Alcohol
Action Ireland).
Nine out of every ten school leavers drink alcohol at least once,
More than half of all early school leavers (57%) have use cannabis at least once,
Two fifths of early school leavers (40.90%) have tried at least one of these
substances (NACD – page 12).
o Deliver a quality drug-free residential treatment programme to clients (15-21
years) and their families.
o To empower clients and their families to make positive lifestyle choices.
o Recognise and accept the value/worth in everybody and everything, by
listening, having compassion, honesty, and empathy.
o Accept that everybody is a unique individual with their own values, beliefs,
feelings, culture and spirituality, possessing their own special gifts, talents,
energy and priceless potential.
o Work is carried out by a team of fully accredited professional therapists in a
supportive and respectful way for a common goal. This is recognised by a
happy, motivated environment with a team that is valued, nurtured, and
respected. An environment that allows for structured social activities for all
------------------------------------------------------------------------Aislinn at the request of the HSE South set up in June 2011 a two year medical preadmission detoxification unit. This programme caters for 15-21 year olds. Funding
for this project was approved in 2010 by the then Minister for Drugs. It is widely
recognised that heroin among other drug use is no longer confined to the Dublin
region this new programme has been welcomed in the South East. An inter-agency
approach achieves the optimum impact on the drugs problem in Ireland. Many drug
users and their families will benefit greatly from this programme. This brings real
hope and prospects for recovery to many. While in the pre-admission unit
detoxification occurs by the safe gradual withdrawal of the abused
chemical/chemicals from the drug abuser. Aislinn provides a safe therapeutic space
for detoxification in residential pre-admission unit. This unit is headed by Dr. Bobby
Smith Consultant Psychiatrist in liaison with Dr. Miriam Hogan our local G.P.
o Qualified nursing staff.
o Family Support
o Peer Support
o Mindfulness exercises
o Education
o Physical well-being
When the client is ready to enter the Residential Programme a smooth transition
takes place assisted by Nurse and Counselling staff.
--------------------------------------------------Following an initial assessment for suitability to enter the programme the client is
either admitted to the detoxification or the six week residential treatment programme.
The residential programme consists of one to one counselling, group therapy, lectures
on life issues, psychodrama, art therapy, creative art, recreational therapy, peer
support and interaction, meditation, 12 step Serenity Garden, Workshops, social
interaction, and the opportunity to attend the 12 step support groups. Family
conferences, family group therapy, family support, family interventions. Some family
members avail of the Family Residential therapeutic respite programme while their
son/daughter is in treatment.
The programme is facilitated by a skilled multi-disciplinary team headed by General
Manager. There is also a Treatment and Family Services Manager on board the
clinical team. Professional Addiction Therapists, Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Grief
therapist, Nurses, Nurse Assistants, Consultant Psychiatrist, Administrative, Catering,
Maintenance and relief personnel all work together in delivery the programme.
Sessional staff includes Literacy Teacher, Art Teacher, Psychodrama Therapist and
Recreational Leisure Instructors. Aislinn uses inter-agency approach in the treatment
of young people and inter-agency conferences and consultations and referrals are an
integrated part of our programme.
Along with the multi-disciplinary team there are a number of volunteers dedicating
their free time to working in our Aftercare Programme.
------------------Aislinn is aware of the difficulties facing a young person and their family when they
leave the security of the centre. Fear and mistrust causes anxiety for both the family
and client, therefore we offer continued support with Aislinn’s aftercare service one
night weekly to develop and build relationships. Peer support and sharing is an
integral part of the recovery process. New challenges and obstacles face the
adolescent as they enter into a new world of living with recovery. Attendance at
aftercare is vital to their ongoing journey as they walk the road of recovery. Due to
lack of resources Aislinn is unable to provide a vital step down service which
would reduce the risk of relapse.
---------------------------------Our family residential therapeutic respite programme Croi Nua was developed out of
a desire expressed by parents, professionals, and concerned persons for assistance
in their lives, dealing with life issues and living with chemical abuse within the family.
Aislinn responded to this need by offering a residential respite programme which
consists of one to one counselling, group work, art therapy, and education regarding
chemical use, massage, nurturing and time out in a peaceful and tranquil setting to
renew body, mind and spirit. Croi Nua provides the opportunity for families to face
and express the feelings they have about themselves and the person who is abusing
chemicals. The programme encourages people to look at their current situation and
to learn coping skills to help alleviate some of the stress associated with it.
“The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It is
a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance and emotional refuelling
that empowers the family to venture with confidence into a greater world and to
become all that they can be” (inclusive of client). In 2010 funding was withdrawn
from this valuable service.
-------------------------Aislinn assists primary and secondary schools with education workshops on addiction.
We also support community services by offering relevant workshops and supporting
their projects.
-------------Aislinn is a registered charity governed by Trustees and a Board of Management.
Aislinn receives its funding from a number of statutory agencies, namely the HSE,
and Probation Service. Alongside this we also have Private Health Insurance.
Fundraising events are organized annually to help maintain our comprehensive
----------------------------------------------------------------------------o To roll out a nationwide family support programme. Aislinn provides training
and support to the SERFN and this could be used as a national model.
Aislinn provides a therapeutic respite residential family programme as
recommended by action no 41 in NDS 2009-2016. Funding for this has
been withdrawn in 2010. We recommend that permanent sufficient funding
be restored for this programme.
o Promote education and early intervention from 4th class upwards in primary
schools. We suggest that SPHE programme be reviewed and be made
compulsory in all schools. This was recommended in NDS 2009-2016 action
o Residential drug free and step down services nationally needs to be
developed. At present Aislinn is the only residential drug free centre and
does not have a residential step down facility.
o Aislinn supports (Action 5 NDS 2009-2016) On Intimidation and
recommends a much more comprehensive response.
o Not all adolescent substances misuses require residential treatment. We
recommend that Tier 3 community based services be developed for those
who do not require residential treatment and for those who have completed
residential treatment.
Aislinn is the only and unique national residential treatment service for adolescents
and their families. Aislinn has treated 1,360 adolescents who would have chronic
addiction problems and may not have survived. This service needs to be maintained
and extended.
In 2010 a pilot project with HSE South was set up to provide adolescent
detoxification service. (Action 34 NDS 2009-2016). This is the only such service in
the country. This needs to be continued on a permanent basis. Lack of resources
has prevented Aislinn from developing a step down facility. This is a key facility to
help adolescents integrate with their family and prevent relapse.