Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Residential property development intentions following the Canterbury Earthquakes Dated 30 May 2011 APPENDIX ONE – RESPONSE TEMPLATE 1. RESPONDENT INFORMATION Supply details of the organisation or individual who is responding to the Request for Information. Requirement 1.1 Organisation name Response 1.2 Primary contact (name, telephone, email) 1.3 Description of respondent’s business 2. DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Supply details of the organisations or individuals involved in delivering this development. For example, financing, building, civil works. Organisation name and details 3. Function Details of support to be provided, type of agreement LAND INFORMATION Supply details of the land proposed for development. Requirement 3.1 Territorial Authority Area 3.2 Street Address, Suburb, Township Response Christchurch City Council / Waimakariri District Council / Selwyn District Council [delete those that do not apply] [describe the location] 3.3 Land Ownership Structure [describe the land ownership] 3.4 Size of holding (hectares) 3.5 Current District Plan Zoning 3.6 Proximity to services Nearest early childhood education and distance: Nearest primary school and distance: Nearest secondary school and distance: Nearest public transport link and distance: Nearest retail precinct and distance: 3.7 Hazards 3.8 Geotechnical evaluation 3.9 Additional requirements 4. Other: Detail any known hazards (e.g. Flood risk, Airport Noise Contour) Attach any geotechnical reports Attach a map, GIS shape file, and/or land title information DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Supply details of the proposed development Requirement 4.1 Development name 4.2 Development planning stage 4.3 Nature/type of development 4.3 Scale of development 4.4 Type of housing Response [please describe the stage of development, and the stages still required, considering these questions: - What are the timelines for delivery? Are there single or multiple development stages? - Is a Plan Change lodged? - Is a Plan Change or zoning approved and operative, but no consent (may be at design stage, for example)? - Is zoning operative or approved, and consents lodged? - Are consents approved, survey plan/issuing of titles?] Mixed-use development YES/NO Comprehensive development YES/NO Infill housing YES/NO Subdivision YES/NO Size of development (hectares): [number] Total (final) number of lots/units [number] Current lots/units consented: [number] Current lots/units available to market: [number] Current lots/units already sold: [number] Current lots/units habitable: [number] [Please describe the housing mix, for example housing density, number of bedrooms, construction type and other plans for housing configuration]. 4.5 Pricing options [Please provide approximate cost/cost range of sections and/or land and house packages (including, where possible, typical prices for each unit configuration described in 4.4 above). Please include any options available such as lease, purchase, lease-to-buy, or others. 4.6 Target market [Please indicate what segment of the market this development is targeted at e.g. household income bracket, life stage] Was the development going to occur in the absence of the Canterbury earthquakes or has it being undertaken due to the earthquakes? 4.7 Timing of commencement 5. INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS Pleases supply details of the infrastructure upgrades that are required for this development to proceed. Type of infrastructure 5.1 Transport/roading Requirement [free text] 5.2 Water [free text] 5.3 Waste water [free text] 5.4 Storm water [free text] 5.5 Electricity [free text] 5.6 Other [free text] 6. TIMELINE FOR DELIVERY 6.1 Supply details of any staging or phasing of development. [free text] 6.2 Supply details of estimated dates that habitable units will be available. Month/Year Cumulative number of habitable residential units projected 6.3 [M/Y] [number] [M/Y] [number] [M/Y] [number] [M/Y] [number] When do you intend to proceed with this development? [free text] [M/Y] [number] [M/Y] [number] 7. CONSTRAINTS TO DEVELOPMENT 7.1 What are the constraints (if any) that would impede the delivery of these developments? What are the implications on the developments of these constraints? Please indicate if these constraints are related to the Canterbury earthquakes. [free text] 7.2 How do you propose to address the constraints noted in 7.1? [free text] 8. OPPORTUNITIES TO ACCELERATE DELIVERY 8.1 What options are there to accelerate the development, (including options that do not require government intervention)? [free text]