Chapter 8 Practice Questions

Practice Questions
Cell Reproduction
Part I. Cell cycle. Name the phase of the cell cycle in which each event occurs (interphase,
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, G1, S, or G2).
1. Part of interphase in which DNA replication occurs. ____S_____________
2. The chromatin shortens and thickens to become visible as chromosomes.
3. The centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell. ____ Prophase____________
4. The nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear. ____Prophase______________
5. Sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite ends of the cell.
6. Part of interphase in which the cell performs most of its growth and activity.
7. The cell spends the majority of its life in this phase of the cell cycle. Interphase_________
8. The spindle fibers form. ___Prophase________________
9. The chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell. ____Metaphase_______________
10. The nuclear membrane reappears. ___Telophase______________
11. The chromatids turn back into chromatin. __Telophase________________
12. The cell membrane pinches in to divide the cell into two new cells. _____Telophase_______
Part II. Fill in the blank. Complete each sentence below with the word(s) that fit.
13. The sex cells are known as __gametes__________, or _sperm_____ and ___egg_____.
14. The sex cells are produced during a process called ___meiosis___________, in which cells
with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell are produced.
15. The male sex cell is known as ___sperm_________, and the female sex cell is known as a(n)
16. Before cell division can occur, the DNA must copy itself in a process known as
17. The ___centrioles_______ are cell structures seen in animal mitosis but not in plant mitosis.
18. Females have two X chromosomes. Males have an X and a Y chromosome. These are
known as the ___sex_______ chromosomes since they determine gender.
19. A _____karyotype___________ is a photograph of the chromosomes taken during cell
division. It can be used to determine the gender of a baby, and whether the child has certain
genetic disorders.
20. In the nucleus DNA is in the form of ___chromatin___________ during interphase, which
resembles long threads or fibers.
21. In telophase in plants, the ____Cell plate_______ forms to divide the cell.
22. In animal cells, the _____cleavage furrow_______ pinches in to divide the cell during
23. After replication and during prophase the DNA condenses to form ____chromosomes_____.
24. Two reasons why cells in your body divide are for ____reproduction_________ and
25. Mitosis makes ____2______ diploid cells and meiosis makes up to __4____ haploid cells.
26. Cells with two copies of each chromosome are referred to as (haploid/diploid).
27. Cells with one copy of each chromosome are referred to as (haploid/diploid).
28. Bacteria cells divide through a process called ___binary fission____________, which
occurs without the use of spindle fibers or centrioles.
29. Mitosis makes cells with (the same/half/double) the number of chromosomes as the parent
30. Meiosis makes cells with (the same/half/double) the number of chromosomes as the parent
31. _Homologous______ chromosomes have the same genes at the same locations.
32. The chromosomes mentioned in 31 come from your ___mother___________ and your
33. __Sister Chromatids_____of a duplicated chromosome are held together in the middle by a
constricted area called a __centromere__________.
Part III. Meiosis vs. Mitosis. For each statement below, identify whether it refers to mitosis or
34. Occurs in body cells, such as skin or bones. Mitosis
35. Occurs in sex cells. Meiosis
36. Makes eggs or sperm. Meiosis
37. Makes haploid cells. Meiosis
38. Makes diploid cells. Mitosis
39. Produces cells that are genetically identical to the parent. Mitosis
40. Produces cells that are genetically different from the parent. Meiosis
41. Produces 2 cells. Mitosis
42. Produces up to 4 cells. Meiosis
Part IV. Asexual vs. sexual reproduction. Identify whether each statement below refers to
sexual or asexual reproduction.
43. Involves 2 parents. Sexual
44. Produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Asexual
45. Produces offspring that are different from the parent. Sexual
46. Examples include processes such as binary fission in bacteria, or budding in yeast.
47. Involves the union of sex cells – eggs and sperm. Sexual
48. Involves only 1 parent. Asexual
Part V. Karyotype. Examine the karyotype below, read the information below, and answer the
questions that follow.
Turner syndrome – A girl has a missing X chromosome
Klinefelter syndrome – A boy has an extra X chromosome
Down Syndrome – A child has an extra chromosome 21
Edward’s syndrome – A child has an extra chromosome 19
a. Is the baby a boy or a girl? How do you know?
Girl – Sex chromosomes are XX
b. Will the baby have any of the syndromes listed above? Which one, and how do you
know? Yes, Down Syndrome – Trisomy 21
Part VI. Meiosis questions.
What type of chromosomes are lined up on the equator of the cell during metaphase of meiosis I?
Homologous or tetrads
What is the total number of chromosomes in each of the two resulting cells from Meiosis I if the
parent cell has 12 to start?
What is crossing over?
Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes on chromosome arms
during Prophase of Meiosis I – contributes to genetic variation in offspring
How does crossing over contribute to genetic variability?
DNA between mother and father’s chromosomes are exchanged resulting in a chromosome
that is a mix of the parents.
What other way is genetic variability created in Metaphase of meiosis I?
Random distribution of chromosomes along the equator of the cell during metaphase of
Meiosis I – this random distribution is called independent assortment
What is being pulled apart in anaphase of meiosis II?
Sister Chromatids
How many cells result from meiosis II? 4