Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan Karaganda State Technical University "Confirm" Chairman of the Academic council, Rector, Academician of NAN RK A.M. Gazaliyev _______________________ «____» _________ 2012 TRAINING PROGRAM ON DISCIPLINE FOR THE STUDENT (SYLLABUS) Discipline POPIK 35 «Processing and mineral processing» for students of specialty 5B070700 - Mining Mining Institute Chair - Working out of mineral deposits (WOMD) 2012 The preface The training program on discipline for the student (syllabus) is developed by, senior Lecturer Nemova N.A. It is discussed at chair «Working out of mineral deposits» meeting The report № ______ from «_____» ______________ 201_ Head of chair _____________ Isabek T.K. «_____» ________ 201_ It is approved EMC of Mining Institute The report № ______ from «_____» ______________ 201_ Chairman _____________ Nokina Zh. N "_____" ____________ 201_ 2 Data on the teacher and the contact information First name, middle initial, last name - Nemova Natalia Anatolievna Scientific degree, rank, post -, senior Lecturer Chair WOMD is in 2nd case of Kar STU (56, Bulvar Mira), lecture room 308, contact phone 56-26-19. 5 Quantity of credits ECTS Quantity of credits Semestre Laboriousness of discipline 5 3 Kind of employment quantity of contact hours Quantity quantity in total of hours laboraof hours practical IWS hours lectures tory IWST studies studies 30 15 - 45 90 45 Total of hours The control form 135 Examination The discipline characteristic The discipline of «Processing and mineral processing » is included into an obligatory component (ОC) profile disciplines (PD). The discipline purpose The purpose of this course is to study the students with knowledge about recycling and mineral processing, methods and processes of mineral processing Tasks discipline Harnessing knowledge screening, crushing, grinding, gravity concentration processes, flotation concentration methods, magnetic, electrical, and special methods of enrichment, sintering mineral dehydration dressing products. Tasks of discipline As a result of analysis of the given discipline students should: - to have a notion Indicators and the main requirements for the quality of minerals, directions for their use; - to know processes and apparatus for processing and enrichment of fossil, the technology and features of enterprises the main technical and economic indicators; - to have skills choose and calculate simple process steps, equipment, and to use the latter in accordance with the technical regulations and the requirements of environmental protection and labor; - to be competent on the definition and calculation of particle size and fractional compositions of minerals and use that data to predict the number and the quality of products at enrichment, on the calculation of the yield of products and the balance of dressing products and content of the securities in the averaging of fossil raw 3 materials in the production and processing it in mines; calculation standards of quality indicators minerals; determine the technical and economic indices of mining and processing parameters. Prerequisites For study of the given discipline mastering of following disciplines is necessary: Discipline The name partition (theme) Engineering Graphics all section Geological discipline Crystallography, mineralogy, petrography, development of geological processes Physics and destruction of Physical and mechanical properties of rocks. The rock burst strength characteristics of the rock Fundamentals of mining all section Postrequisites The knowledge received at study of discipline of " Processing and mineral processing», is used at development of following disciplines: "Management of geomechanical processes during mining operations," "The processes of mining", "Dissection and preparation of deposits", "Systems of mining" The thematic plan of discipline The name of partition (theme) 1. Basic concepts of recycling and mineral processing 2. Processes and apparatus for processing and mineral processing 3. Processes and apparatus for the separation of minerals by size. Screening. Crushing. classification 4. Processes and equipment of gravity, flotation, magnetic and electric mineral processing 5. Special methods of enrichment 6. Dewatering, dust collection and treatment of water and air 7. Of ore 8. Enrichment and processing of coal TOTAL Laboriousness by kinds of employment, h lectures practical laboratory IWST IWS 4 6 6 2 4 3 3 4 6 6 6 12 2 18 18 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 30 1 3 3 45 3 3 45 15 The list of practical (seminar) lessons 1. Particle size distribution of mineral resources (of 3 hours) 2. Crushing minerals (of 3 hours) 3. Gravity concentration of minerals (of 2 hours) 4 4. Flotation concentration of minerals (of 3 hours) 5. Magnetic separation of minerals (of 2 hours) 6. Electrical mineral processing (of 2 hours) The thematic plan of independent work of student with the teacher (IWST) Name of theme IWST Topic 1: Determination of particle size of the mineral. Тopic 2: Measuring the effectiveness of the screening process minerals. Topic 3: Determination of the crushing of the mineral in a jaw crusher. Topic 4: Determination of distillation characteristics of coal. The construction of curves concentratibility. Topic 5: Gravity concentration of coal by jigging. Topic 6 flotation of coal Topic 7 Determining the rate of deposition of coal sludge in the thickening Topic 8 Wastewater treatment at the concentrators Topic 9 Quality minerals and concentrates. Averaging minerals and concentrates Topic 10 Ore Employment purpose Form of carrying out of lesson Task content Recommended literature 1-6 More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject Meeting the challenges Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options More knowledge note-taking Baseline data on 5 nonferrous and ores of ferrous metals. Topic 11 Enrichment nonmetallic minerals and coal. Topic 12 test and control enrichment processes. Topic 13 Classification enrichment plants. main shops and offices enrichment plants. Topic 14 tailings facilities. on this subject options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options More knowledge on this subject note-taking Baseline data on options Themes of control tasks for IWS 1. Preparation of a report on "Screening. Crushing. Classification is. Segmentation ". 2. Preparation of a report on "The gravity of the enrichment process." 3. Preparation of a report on "Flotation methods of enrichment." 4. Preparation of a report on "Magnetic methods of enrichment. The electric enrichment " 5. Preparation of a report on "Special methods of enrichment." 6. Preparation of a report on "The agglomeration of minerals. Dehydration products of enrichment. " 7. Preparation of a report on "Waste water treatment processing plants. Obespylevanie and dust control. " 8. Preparation of a report on "Technology of mineral resources." 9. Preparation of a report on "enrichment and reprocessing of minerals" Criteria of an assessment of undergraduate knowledge The examination assessment on discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum indexes of progress on control of knowledge (to 60 %) and total certification (examination) (to 40 %) and compounds value to 100 % according to the table. Assessment on alphabetic system А АВ+ В В- Digital equivalents of an alphabetic assessment 4,0 3,67 3,33 3,0 2,67 Percentage of the acquired knowledge 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 6 Estimation on traditional system Perfectly Well С+ С СD+ DF 2,33 2,0 1,67 1,33 1,0 0 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 0-49 Satisfactorily Unsatisfactorily The assessment «A» is (perfectly) exposed in the event that undergraduate during a semester has shown excellent knowledge on all program questions of discipline, and also on themes of independent work, regularly handed over midterm tasks, displayed independence in studying of theoretical and applied questions under the basic program of studied discipline, and also on extra program questions. The assessment «A-» is (perfectly) assumes excellent knowledge of fundamental laws and processes, concepts, ability to generalization of theoretical questions of discipline, regular delivery midterm tasks on auditorium and independent work. The assessment «B +» is (well) exposed in the event that undergraduate has shown good and excellent knowledge concerning discipline, regularly handed over semestrial tasks basically on «excellent» and some on «good». The estimation «B» is (well) exposed in the event that the undergraduate has shown good knowledge on the questions opening the basic maintenance of a concrete theme of discipline, and also a theme of independent work, regularly handed over semestrial tasks on good and excellent". The estimation «B-» is (well) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that it well is guided in theoretical and applied questions of discipline both on auditorium, and on themes IWS, but irregularly handed over in a semester midterm tasks and had cases of a repeating an examination of semestrial tasks on discipline. The estimation «C+» is (satisfactorily) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that he owns questions of conceptual character by all kinds of auditorium employment and IWS, can open the maintenance of separate modules of discipline, hands over on "well" and "satisfactorily" semestrial tasks. The estimation «C» is (satisfactorily) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that he owns questions of conceptual character by all kinds of auditorium employment and IWS, can open the maintenance of separate modules of discipline, hands over on "satisfactorily" semestrial tasks. The estimation «C-» is (satisfactorily) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that the undergraduate during a semester regularly handed over semestrial tasks, but concerning auditorium employment and IWS owns only the general concepts and can explain only separate laws and their understanding within the limits of a concrete theme. The estimation «D +» is (satisfactorily) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that it irregularly handed over semestrial tasks, concerning auditorium employment and IWS owns only the general concepts and can explain only separate laws and their understanding within the limits of a concrete theme. The estimation «D-» is (satisfactorily) exposed to the undergraduate in the event that it irregularly handed over semestrial tasks, concerning auditorium employment 7 and IWS owns the minimum volume of knowledge, and also supposed admissions of employment. The estimation «F» is (unsatisfactorily) exposed when the undergraduate practically does not own the minimum theoretical and practical material of auditorium employment and IWS on discipline, irregularly visits employment and does not hand over in time semestrial tasks. Attendance Abstracts of lectures Test midterm poll Practical Performance of settlement tasks IWSP In total on certification Examination Total % th maintenance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0,2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The academic season of training, week Total, % Control kind Midterm control is spent on 7,14th weeks of training and develops proceeding from following kinds of control: 3,0 3,0 * * 6,0 4,5 * * 9,0 * 14.0 1,0 * 7,0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 30 28,0 30 60 40 100 Policy and procedures On studying discipline «Basics of mining production» please observe the following guidelines: 1. Do not be late for classes. 2. Do not pass classes by any reason, in case of illness, I ask to provide me inquiry, in other cases - an explanatory note. 3. To be active in educational process. 4. To study the additional literature. 5. To turn mobile phones OFF during lessons. Study-methodical support of discipline Surname of the author 1 Publishing house, year of the edition 2 3 The basic literature The name of the studymethodical literature 8 Quantity of copies in library in chair 4 5 Шилаев В.П., Основы обогащения по- Недра, 1986 лезных ископаемых Бедрань Н.Г., СкороНедра, 1986 богатова Л.М. Зверевич В.В., Перов Основы обогащения по- Недра, 1971 В.А. лезных ископаемых, Авдохин В.М Основы обогащения по- М.: - МГГУ, лезных ископаемых 2006 Абрамов А.А. Переработка, обогащение М.: - МГГУ, и комплексное использо- 2004 вание твердых полезных ископаемых The additional literature Глембоцкий В.А., Флотационные методы М., Классен В.И.. обогащения 1981. Мошинин В.М. Основы обогащения М., полезных ископаемых 1983. Фишман М.А. Основы обогащения руд М., цветных металлов. 1968. Мальченко Т.Д. 20 20 20 20 20 Недра 10 Недра 10 Недра, 10 Методические указания к Караганда, выполнению практиче- КарГТУ, ских работ по дисци- 2000г. плине «Переработка и качество полезных ископаемых» 10 The graph of implementation and delivery of tasks on discipline Control kind The purpose and the task maintenance 1 2 The control task № 1 The control task № 2 The control task № 3 The control task № 4 The recommended literature 3 Duration of performance The control form Delivery term 4 5 6 1. Granulometric composition mineral [1,6] 3 weeks current Week 3 2. Crushing minerals [1,6] 3 weeks current Week 6 3. Gravity concentration of minerals [1,6] 2 weeks current Week 8 4. Flotation of minerals [1,6] 3 weeks current Week 11 9 The control task № 5 The control task № 6 Examination 5. Magnetic separation of minerals [1,6] 2 weeks current Week13 6. Electrical mineral processing [1,6] 2 weeks current Week 15 Check of mastering of a stuff of discipline All list of the basic and additional literature 2 contact hours The total In session Questions for self-checking 1. Methods and processes minerals processing, the range of use. 2. Technological parameters of enrichment. 3. Processes and apparatus for the separation of minerals by size. 4. Particle size distribution and methods of its determination. 5. Feature size and its use to measure the ratio of varieties and brands of dressing products. 6. Classification of mineral separation processes by size. 7. Appointment of screening operations. Basic laws and the effectiveness of screening. Screening surface. 8.Klassifikatsiya screens, characteristics of work scope. Design screens. 9.Klassifikatsiya. Characteristics of the process and the basic design of the device for classification in water and air, the area of application. 10.Promyvka. The essence of the process and the conditions of use for washing ore dressing and coal. 11.Protsessy and apparatus for crushing and grinding of mineral fossil. 12.Klassifikatsiya and technological purpose of crushing and grinding processes. 13.Zakony crushing. 14. The basic design of the device and the characteristics of the process of the droble. Range of applications. 15.Osnovnye construction vehicles and characteristics of the process of grinding. Destination area mills. 16.Protsessy and apparatus gravitational enrichment of fossil. General. 17.Klassifikatsiya gravitational enrichment processes. Theoretical basis of separation of particles by gravity concentration. 18.Fraktsionny analysis. Washability curves. 19.Otsadka. Characteristics of the process of enrichment, concentration tables, in locks, gutters, on screw, screw steeply inclined separators in hydrocyclone, centrifugal concentrators. 20.Obogaschenie in harsh environments. 21.Obogaschenie in a stream of water flowing down an inclined plane. 22.Protivotochnaya separation. 23.Promyvka and rubbing. 24.Pnevmaticheskoe enrichment. 25.Obschie idea of flotation separation of minerals. 26.Naznachenie flotation reagents and their mechanism of action in the flotation. 10 27.Tehnologicheskie modes flotation ore and coal. 28.Konstruktsii flotation machines and their applicability. 29.Magnitnoe enrichment. Physical and characterization process. The basic design of magnetic and electromagnetic devices, their fields of application. 30.Elektricheskoe enrichment. Physical and characterization process. The basic design of electric vehicles, the range of use. 31.Spetsialnye enrichment methods. Photometric sorting. enrichment on differences in strength, shape, color, luster, the coefficient of friction and elasticity. Breaker dekripitatsiya enrichment. The concept of chemical and biochemical enrichment. 32.Harakteristika dewatering drainage, concentrated by centrifugation, filtration, drying. 33. Processes and apparatus for waste water treatment and cooling circulating water in accordance with the environmental requirements to protect the environment from pollution. 34. Processes and devices for dust collection and air. 11