Lesson plans for upper secondary vocational EXPERIENCES

Lesson plans for upper secondary vocational
Lesson Plan 1 – Different views on culture
- become aware of their perception of their own and the host country’s culture(s).
- reflect on stereotypes in general and in relation to the work place in particular and
look for additional information in a variety of resources.
Learners within a work placement context
- can identify cultural specificities (FREPA, skills, S-2.8)
- can talk about certain aspects of their cultures and other cultures (FREPA, skills, S-4)
- are willing to suspend their prejudices (FREPA, Attitudes, A-11)
- are aware about how different cultural views can have an impact on the working
environment (ref to tool)
 ICOPROMO: http://archive.ecml.at/mtp2/Icopromo/results/index.html
 Video course European Work Placement: http://www.dcu.ie/eiw/about.shtml downloads: http://www.immi.se/eiw/training.html
 www.vocalproject.eu
 http://www.rsgo.eu/
 http://www.eurocatering.org/
 See list of video clips in the example section
 http://www.culturecrossing.net/
 http://europa.eu/about-eu/countries/index_en.htm
 http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/country-profiles.html
 http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/1cd25/1/
Ideally this procedure takes place in all the countries involved in the mobility.
Preparatory stage:
The teacher prepares information / quotations / pictures describing the culture of all
institutions participating in the mobility. Other countries / cultures can be included as well.
The links to the vocal & rsgo projects above provide plenty of information that is country
specific. It is important to include information about one’s own cultures/communities as one
is not always aware of the way other people perceive one’s own cultures. -> encourage
critical distance
The links above to the European Work Placement provide examples of cultural
misunderstandings at work that can be used in order to become aware about one’s own
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cultures-> encourage critical distance
If you use a specific text, delete the name of the country/community, of its inhabitants or any
other clues that could give away the country. Different stations are organised in the
classroom - each representing one of the countries/cultures. You can define them with a map,
so that the learner knows which station represents which country.
 Individual work
Each learner receives some information about a specific cultural aspect. S/he will
decide to which station (country) this information is belonging.
 Discussion
Once all learners have made their decision about where they belong, they share the
content of their information with others and explain why they have chosen this
specific country. During the discussion learners are encouraged to express their
agreement and disagreement. The danger of a stereotypical vision of a culture within
the working environment is discussed.
 Pair or group work
Summarise points of discussions as a mind map.
Possibly, the teacher could use pictures instead of quotations. In this case s/he should include
pictures of the work place: offices, canteens, manufacturing space, board rooms, people at
meetings etc.
Possible follow-up:
 At the end of the lesson a 5 minute video clip showing real life examples in the
host country is shown and learners are made aware about the people in the video and
their diverse cultural backgrounds. The danger of a stereotypical vision of a culture is
explained if this has not happened previously.
 Individual work
For their homework the learners are asked to look for statements, pictures, books,
leaflets etc. describing the different cultures mentioned in the previous stage. They
share the materials that they have found about their own and their partners’ cultures
in class. Learners could discuss what they need to know if they work in multicultural
After watching the video learners will look up statements representing different cultures seen
on the video for the next lesson. (
 Pair or group work
During the next lesson, the learners prepare cards with specific information about
certain cultures. The information should be about their own country and the other
country(ies) involved. These cards will be used later with all learners. Doing this
selection, they reflect and discuss about the choices they make.
Is it really typical?
Is it typical for some people?
Is it important?
Is it interesting?
Is it surprising?
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Is it the same as in other places, is it different?
 Pair or group work
The learners add information to their mind map.
The learners use all cards with the information / quotations / pictures prepared in advance by
all partners in the same way as in the preparatory phase.
It is important that there is a place for discussion, if necessary with the teacher’s help for the
language. It is important that learners notice that there is a common culture but that at the
same time there are differences even within a culture.
Learners are asked to collect stories about their experiences during their work placement in
relation to multicultural environments.
Example of observation at the work place can be found at ICOPROMO – Acquiring cultural
knowledge “All eyes and ears”: http://archive.ecml.at/mtp2/Icopromo/results/index.html
You will find a list of questions and guidelines for observation. The learner is asked to look
closer at the environment at work and the interaction at the work place.
After the mobility learners review the points in the mind maps and discuss any changes in
their perception. They also exchange their stories from the work placement.
Mind map that is representing different views on other cultures.
1. Sample film clips:
http://youtu.be/lX0a6Zf2GHU (stereotypes)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA0a62wmd1A (perception)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miUKTDMtTXg (anti-racism)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5sjXyqmWkQ (Berlin-Kreuzberg)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP21EP_is4Q (Life in Prague)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQvlfJ-Wdmo&feature=related (Walking in Naples)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlwHotpl9DA (about Belgium in English)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rfWsAQkb_o (about Belgium in English – easy to
notice some ‘typical’ pictures even if the pupils don’t understand everything)
There are many more examples available – feel free to look for any more video clips about
your own country.
These modified sample statements came from http://www.culturecrossing.net/
Communication style: They are direct and say exactly what they mean. Some people may
think that they are rude but they are not – it is their culture. [the Netherlands]
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Greetings: When you meet a person, shake their hands. Good friends and family kiss each
other on one or both cheeks. Some men kiss a woman’s hand when saying hello. [Poland]
Meetings: Always be on time. They believe that it is rude to be late. [Germany]
Pictures about the target country
Example of a website that could be used to prepare cards before the mobility
Example of postcards about European people – clichés – prejudice
PluriMobil – lesson plan 1 – USV_views on culture © ECML