PHOTOCHEM Material Safety Data Sheet
Date of Issue: 01.04.2007
Company: Business Trading name :Photochem (Australia)
Address: 53 -58 Munster Terrace North Melbourne
Telephone: (03) 9915 1900 Fax 03 9915 1905
Product Name: Thiourea GPR U.N. Number: 2811
Other Names: Thiourea, Thiocarbamide
Manufacturer’s Product Code: 30423
Hazchem Code: 2[Z]
Dangerous Goods Class: 6.1b
Dangerous Goods Sub Risk: 6.1b
Poisons Schedule: S6
Use: General Laboratory reagent. EEC#: 200-543-5
Appearance: White lustrous crystals (solid, colourless to white, odourless)
Solubility in water (g/1):Water (20degC) 137, ethanol (20degC) 37
Vapour Pressure (mbar at 20 C): (20degC)<0.0001
Density: (20degC) 1.41 g/cm3
Melting Point: 174 – 177 deg C
Chemical Entity:
Proportion (wgt%)
P\Log P)o/w): -
Toxicological information: Acute toxicity
LD50 (oral rat): 1750 mg/kg. LD50 (dermal, rabbit): . 2800 mg/kg. LC50 (inhalation, rat):> 170 mg/m3 /4 h. Subacute to chronic toxicity.
Ames-Test: No indication of mutagenic activity. Mikronucleas-Test: No indication of mutagenic activity. The carcinogenic potential requires further clarification. Chronic intoxication: changes in the blood picture.
Health Effects:
Swallowed: Ingenstion may result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
Eye: Mucosal irritations.
Other Information: Sensitisation with allergic manifestations in predisposed persons.
Systemic effect: Damage of thyroid.
First Aid
If swallowed: make victim drink plenty of water, induce vomiting, summon doctor.
Gastric lavage
Eye: rinse out with plenty of water with eyelid held wide open
Skin: wash off with plenty of water
Inhalation: fresh air. Consult a doctor if feeling unwell
First aid facilities: have eyewash within reach in working area
Personal Protection: overalls, safety shoes, face shield, air mask, gloves. Avoid all contact. Use with adequate ventilation. Always wash hands thoroughly after use and before smoking, eating, drinking or using the toilet. Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equipment before storing or re-using.
Flammability: Non-combustible material. In common with many organic chemicals, may form flammable dust clouds in air.
Storage and Transport:
Store away from oxidising materials and foodstuffs. Keep containers closed at all times – check regularly for spills. Container Type: Plastic film bags inside plastic fabric bags.
Spills & Disposal
Spills: Wear self contained breathing apparatus, rubber boots and heavy rubber gloves. Avoid raising dust. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material pickup is complete. Sweep up, place in bag and hold for waste disposal.
Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.
Fire/Explosion Hazard
Will not burn or explode. Reacts with various sulph-hydryl oxidising agents and forms complexes and adducts with metallic salts and many organic compounds including proteins and certain hydrocarbons. Incompatible with acrylaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid. May react violently with acrolein. Decomposition products: TOXIC fumes of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides.
Extinguishing Media: Evacuate area – move upwind of fire. Summon fire brigade immediately, DIAL 000, water spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder, alcohol or polymer foam.
Photochem Customer Technical Services: (03) 9827-0877
Additional Information: This material Safety Data sheet summarises our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of the product in the workplace. Each user should read this MSDS and consider the information in the context of how the product will be handled and used in the workplace.
The use should be considered also in conjunction with other products. If clarification or further information is needed to ensure that an appropriate risk assessment can be made, the user should contact this company. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions – a copy of which is sent to our customers, and is also available upon request.
Product Name: Sodium Hydroxide U.N. Number: 1823
Other Names: Caustic Soda; Anhydrous Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hydrate; White
Caustic; Soda Lye
Hazchem Code: 2R
Manufacturer’s Product Code: CASODA25 Dangerous Goods Class: 8
Poisons Schedule: S6
Use: NAOH solutions are used to nuetralise acids and make sodium salts, e.g. in petrolium to remove sulphuric and organic acids; to treat cellulose in making viscose rayon and cellophane; in reclaiming rubber to dissolve out the fabric; in making plastics to dissolve casein. NaOH solutions hydrolyse fats and form soaps; they precipitate alkaloids and most metals from water solutions.
Appearance: White deliquescent crystalline pearls.
Boiling Point/Melting Point(º C): 1390ºC
Solubility in water (g/1): 800
Specific Gravity: 2.12
Generates considerable heat when dissolved in water or acid solutions
Chemical Entity: CAS No. Proportion (wgt%)
Sodium Hydroxide
Health Effects:
Swallowed: Ingestion of the substance causes severe burns of the mouth and the oesophagous, nausea, vomiting and edema of the pharynx. In the worst cases perforation of the gastrointestinal tract and heart failure may occur.
Eye: Contact of this substance with the eyes may cause severe lesions and possible loss of sight.
Skin: Skin contact with this substance causes severe burns and necrosis
Inhaled: Inhalation of dusts may cause pulmonary congestion with subsequent compromission of respiratory functionality followed by loss of consciousness.
Extremely irritive to respiratory tract (including mucous membranes, throat and lungs). Slightly toxic.
Chronic: prolonged and reiterated inhalations of the dusts may cause chronic disturbance of the respiratory routes. May cause dermatitis.
First Aid
If swallowed: Contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre immediately Give patient 1-3 cups of water DO NOT induce vomiting. Immediately transport to a hospital or doctor.
Eye: Flood eye with clean water for 15 minutes - retract eyelids often Immediately transport to hospital or doctor.
Skin: Remove all contaminated clothing including footwear. Wash affected areas thoroughly with mild soap and water. Seek medical advice.
Inhalation: R4move from contaminated area immediately; avoid becoming a casualty.
If not breathing apply artificial resuscitation. Experienced person may administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. Immediately transport to hospital or doctor. ADVICE
TO DOCTOR: Wash skin until soapiness feeling disappears.
Threshold Limit Values
TLV: Air: 2 mg/m3
Engineering Controls: Provide general exhaust ventilation
Stnd: Air: TWA: 2 mg/m3
Personal Protection: Breathing routes protection mask with anti dusts filter. Safety goggles with complete protection of the eyes. Gloves and boots made from plastic or synthetic rubber materials impervious to corrosive action of caustic soda. Overalls.
Full-face shield. Hood.
Flammability: Material is not flammable
Storage and Transport:
Risk: R 35 Causes severe burns
Packaging Group: II
Dangerous Goods Class: 8
UN Number: 1823
Storage: Tightly closed. Dry. Away from acids. At room temperature
(recommendation: +15to+25 deg C). Requirements for storage rooms and containers:
No aluminium, tin or zinc containers.
Spills & Disposal
Wear appropriate protective clothing. If local regulations permit, mop up with plenty of water and run to waste, diluting greatly with running water. Otherwise transfer to container and arrange removal by disposal company. Wash site of spillage thoroughly with detergent and water. For large spillages liquids should be contained with sand or earth and both liquids and solids transferred to salvage containers. Any residues should be treated as for small spillages. No environmental hazard is anticipated provided that the material is handled and disposed of with due care and attention.
Harmful effect due to pH shift. Chemical residues are generally classified as special waste, and as such are covered by regulations, which vary according to location.
Contact your local waste disposal authority for advice, or pass to a chemical disposal company. Rinse out empty containers thoroughly before returning for recycling.
Product: There are no uniform Australian Regulations for the disposal of chemicals or residues. Chemical residues generally count as special waste. The disposal of the latter is regulated in Australia through Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local government laws and regulations. We recommend that you contact either the authorities in charge or licensed waste disposal companies, which will advise you on how to dispose of special waste.
Packaging: Disposal in compliance with official regulations. Handle contaminated packaging in the same way as the substance itself. If not officially specified differently, non-contaminated packaging may be treated like household waste or recycled.
Fire/Explosion Hazard:
Photochem Customer Technical Services: (03) 9827-0877
Other Information:
DISCLAIMER: All information given in this data sheet and by the company's technical staff is compiled from the best information currently available to the company. The company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for its accuracy or for any results which may be obtained by customers. Any customer who relies upon any advice or information given in this data sheet by the company or by its technical staff does so entirely at its own risk, and the company will not be liable for any loss or damage thereby suffered notwithstanding any want of care on the part of the company or its staff in compiling or giving the advice or information.
Product Name: Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) GPR (potassium ferricyanide)
Other Names: Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) Potassium ferricyanide
Manufacturer’s Product Code: 29610
Use: General laboratory reagent.
Appearance: solid, dark red, odourless Density: (20degC) 1.85 g/cm3
Solubility in water: water (20degC) 464, acetone (20degC) soluble.
Chemical Entity: CAS No.
Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) 13746-66-2 100%
(Potassium Ferricyanide)
Proportion (wgt%)
Health Effects:
Swallowed: Toxic after hydrolysis: The following applies to cyanogen compounds/ nitriles in general: utmost caution. Release of hydrocyanic acid is possible - blockade of cellular respiration. Cardiovascular disorders, dyspnoea, unconsciousness. Death.
After inhalation of dust: dizziness, dyspnoea, vomiting, cyanosis, cardiovascular disorders, and coma.
Eye: Irritations.
Skin: Irritations.
First Aid
If swallowed: Drink plenty of water. Better still, physiological saline solution.
Eye: rinse out with plenty of water with eyelid held wide open.
Skin: wash off with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before re-use
Inhalation: fresh air. Consult a doctor if feeling unwell
Advice to doctor: Induce vomiting. Immediately summon doctor. Gastric lavage. If breathing stops, immediately apply mechanical ventilation, if necessary also oxygen.
Exposure Standards : TWA STEL
PPM mg/m 3 PPM mg/m 3
- 5
Engineering Controls: Procedures for cleaning/absorption: Take up dry. Forward for disposal. Clean up affected area.
Personal Protection: required when dusts are generated. Ensure respirator is clean, well fitting and in good working order. All respirators should comply with Australian
Standard AS 1716 and be used in accordance with AS 1715.
Gloves and eye protection are required.
Flammability: Non-combustible. Development of hazardous vapours possible in the event of fire. Hazardous decomposition products: Hydrogen Cyanide
Wash hands and face after use.
Storage and Transport:
Tightly closed. Dry. At room temperature (recommendation +15 to +25degC).
Protected from light.
Spills & Disposal
Wear appropriate protective clothing. If local regulations permit, mop up with plenty of water and run to waste, diluting greatly with running water. Otherwise transfer to container and arrange removal by Disposal Company. Wash site of spillage thoroughly with detergent and water. For large spillages liquids should be contained with sand or earth and both liquids and solids transferred to salvage containers. Any residues should be treated as for small spillages. Do not allow to enter drinking water supplies , waste water or soil. The dfollowing applies to cyanogen compounds in general: cyanide ions: biological effects: fish: 60h. LC50: 0.08 mg/l;lethal from 0.05 mg/l up; for lower organisms lethal from 0.1 mg/l up. . Chemical residues are generally classified as special waste, and as such are covered by regulations that vary according to location. Contact your local waste disposal authority for advice, or pass to a chemical disposal company. Rinse out empty containers thoroughly before returning for recycling.
Product: There are no uniform Australian Regulations for the disposal of chemicals or residues. Chemical residues generally count as special waste. The disposal of the latter is regulated in Australia through Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local government laws and regulations. We recommend that you contact either the authorities in charge or licensed waste disposal companies that will advise you on
how to dispose of special waste. Packaging: Disposal in compliance with official regulations, Handle contaminated packaging in the same way as the substance itself.
If not officially specified differently, non-contaminated packaging may be treated like household waste or recycled.
Fire/Explosion Hazard
Non-combustible. Development of hazardous vapours possible in the event of fire.
Photochem Customer Technical Services: (03) 9827-0877
Additional Information: This material Safety Data sheet summarises our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard information of the product in the workplace. Each user should read this MSDS and consider the information in the context of how the product will be handled and used in the workplace.
The use should be considered also in conjunction with other products. If clarification or further information is needed to ensure that an appropriate risk assessment can be made, the user should contact this company. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions – a copy of which is sent to our customers, and is also available upon request.