3rd Certificate Course on Assessment and Management of

3rd Certificate Course on Assessment and Management of
Constipation and Faecal Incontinence
Organized by Hong Kong Continence Society
Co-organizers: Hong Kong Association of Gerontology and
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association (Women’s Health Group)
Venue: Lecture Room, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
1/F, Kimberley House, 35 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Course Content and Dates:
7 May 2011 (Saturday) 14:30 – 16:30
1. Anorectal Physiology and Diagnostic Imaging for Functional Bowel Disorder
Dr. William Meng, Consultant Surgeon, Kwong Wah Hospital and Our Lady of Maryknoll
Modalities of investigations for bowel disorders
Case studies on faecal incontinence
2. Physiotherapy for Constipation and Faecal Incontinence
Ms. Brigitte Fung, Physiotherapist, Kwong Wah Hospital
Treatment of constipation and faecal incontinence Management of constipation and
from a physiotherapist perspective
faecal incontinence in KWH
Summary of the studies done in KWH on
constipation and faecal incontinence
14 May 2011 (Saturday) 14:30 – 16:30
3. Surgical Related Treatment on Constipation and Faecal Incontinence
Dr. Luk Lai Yin, Associate Consultant, Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Basic pathophysiology of functional
bowel disorders
Principles of surgical treatment of
Principles of surgical treatment of faecal
Other surgically related treatment of
functional bowel disorders
4. Nursing Role in Bowel Management
Ms. Chan Sau Kuen, Nurse Consultant (Continence Care) United Christian Hospital
Nursing management on constipation
Nursing management on faecal incontinence
Case studies
21 May 2011 (Saturday) 14:30 – 16:30
Childhood Constipation and Bowel Incontinence
5. Surgical Management
Dr. Leung Wai Yip, Michael, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Department of Surgery, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital
Management approach
Surgical treatment
Experience from QEH/UCH
Case studies
6. Nursing Management
Ms. Ng Wai Hing, Registered Nurse, Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Paediatric Bowel Management
Programme (BMP) in QEH
Strategies of BMP in childhood
constipation and bowel incontinence
Roles of nursing in BMP
Efficacy of BMP for bowel incontinence
Nursing management for constipation
Nursing management for bowel
4 June 2011 (Saturday) 14:30 – 16:30
7. Medical Nutrition Therapy on Constipation and Faecal Incontinence
Ms. Vanessa Lam, Dietitian, Kwong Wah Hospital and Wong Tai Sin Hospital
Introduction on MNT on constipation
and faecal incontinence
Introduction to high fibre supplement
Guideline for high fibre diet
Dietary assessment on dietary fibre intake
Food source of high fibre food
Case studies in constipation/faecal incontinence
8. Drugs and Bowel Disorders
Dr. Tong Bing Chung, Senior Medical Officer, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics,
Princess Margaret Hospital
Drug-related bowel disorders
Drug treatment on constipation
Drug treatment on faecal incontinence
Case studies
CME points for Hong Kong College of Surgeons, Hong Kong College of Physicians, Hong
Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Hong Kong College of Family Physicians,
Hong Kong College of Community Medicine and Hong Kong College of Paediatricians under
CNE and CPD will be granted
Award: Certificate of attendance for those who have at least 75% attendance
Course Fee: Members $500 (HKCS, HKAG, HKPA-women health group)
Non-Member $700
Deadline for Registration: 18-4-2011
For registration: Please complete the Registration Form with a cheque payable to Hong
Kong Continence Society Limited and send to:
Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
1/F, Kimberley House, 35 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
(Enquiry: Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Tel: 2775-5756)
Hong Kong Continence Society Limited
Co-organiser: Hong Kong Association of Gerontology &
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association (Women's Health Group)
3rd Certificate Course on Assessment and Management of Constipation
and Faecal Incontinence
(7-5-2011 to 4-6-2010 every Saturday except 28-5-2011)
Registration Form
Name (In Block Letter)
Telephone No:
E-mail address:
Course Fee: □ Member $500- HKCS/ HKAG/ HKPA-WHG (please circle)
□ Non-member: $700
Official Use □
Accepted □
Not Accepted □