Biology 354 Molecular Biology Term III 2004 Beth De Stasio Office 331 Science Hall x7682 Welcome to Molecular Biology. The textbook for this course is Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish et al. (1999). This book is on reserve at the library as are several related texts. You may also wish to use "The Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology" from the reference section (QH506.E53). We will not cover all the material in our text in this one course. Complementary portions are used in Cell Physiology (Bio 241). We will also be reading a few papers from the primary literature, distributed as needed. Your learning in this course will be evaluated in both lecture and laboratory settings. There will be one conventional midterm, one short take-home exam, and a non-cumulative final exam. There will be two laboratory reports; both can be done with your lab partner. Our laboratory time will include both bench work and a few discussions of primary literature. Some lab work will be completed outside of the regularly scheduled lab time. Because much of the material in this course is cumulative, regular, punctual attendance is expected. Participation during discussion sessions can include asking questions for clarification or further information, or answering questions asked by student leaders or the instructor. Grades will be determined approximately as follows: 100 points 100 points 135 points In-class exam I Take-home exam II In-class exam III (during finals) 30 points 50 points 50 points 35 points Discussion Leadership Lab Report I - Restriction Mapping Project Lab Report II - Accuracy of Translation Genomics lab 500 points total. Final grades will be determined roughly as follows: 90%-100% = A range; 8090% = B range; 70-80% = C range. Exam and other due dates are indicated in the syllabus; conflicts may be resolved by taking exams earlier than scheduled. Any work handed in beyond appointed deadlines will be penalized 10% per day (about 1 letter grade). Work will not be accepted any more than 3 days past a deadline without prior approval. Biology 354 Molecular Biology Term III, 2004 DRAFT3/23/04 Week 1 Mar 31 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology Apr 2 DNA Structure Apr 4 DNA Modifications & Replication LAB: Restriction Mapping Project I Week 2 Apr 7 What is a Gene? Apr 9 Transcription - Prokaryote Apr 11 Prokaryotic Operons I LAB: Restriction Mapping Project II Discussion 1: Week 3 Apr14 Prokaryotic Operons II Apr 16 Translation I Apr 18 Translation II LAB: PCR & DNA Purification (NEW LAB) Discussion 2: Week 4 Mapping Project Due at start of lab time Apr 21 Mutation & Repair Apr 23 Protein Structure I Apr 25 Protein Structure II LAB: Cloning (NEW LAB) DISCUSSION 3: DNA Repair & Cancer Week 5 Apr 28 Eukaryotic Genomes Apr 30 Eukaryotic Genomes, Transposons May 2 Eukaryotic Chromatin Structure LAB: Bioinformatics - NO LAB PREP NEEDED DISCUSSION 4: Bioinformatics Week 6 May 5 May 7 May 9 LAB: READING ASSIGNMENTS 4th edition 4.1 1.4 228-231 & 208-214 9.1 346 & 4.3 10.1 & 10.2 405-407 4.4 & 4.5 8.1 241-242 3.1 & 94 3.2 9.2, 9.5, 9.6 9.3, 9.7 NO LAB PREP NEEDED Biotechnology I Biotechnology II NO CLASS – READING PERIOD EXAM I – Tuesday afternoon or arranged Week 7 May 12 Forward Genetic Mapping May 14 Transcription Class I & III May 16 Transcription, Class II LAB: Translational Accuracy DISCUSSION 5: Biotechnology I 8.3, 8.4 10.3 & 397 11.2&11.5 Week 8 Translational Accuracy Report Due on Friday May 19 Transcription Cascades May 21 Reverse Genetics May 23 Post-transcriptional Processing LAB: Reporter Genes DISCUSSION 6: Biotechnology II 10.4-.6 Week 9 Developmental Gene Expression Splicing Translational Control in Eukaryotes Take Home Exam Due Friday LAB: Western Blot I DISCUSSION 7: mRNA localization Week 10 NO CLASS – MEMORIAL DAY Engineered Products Student’s Choice LAB: Western Blot II DISCUSSION 8: Viral Molecular Biology FINAL EXAM: Wednesday June 9th 8:30 am 11.2-11.3