Elementary – Middle – High Schools
CTK Math Games For Kids: Games, Puzzles and Activities
This site present a collection of games and puzzles with mathematical contents and a few
practice exercises disguised as games.
Interactive Resources
This portal to interactive mathematics sites designed for grades one through six. It includes
algebra patterns and function, place value, money, arithmetic operations, time graphing,
measurement, fractions, decimals, and geometry.
Math Cats
This is a site for primary elementary grade students that uses attractive animation to teach
arithmetic operations, conversions, measurement, estimation, geometry, and other related topics.
The Math Playground
This graphically appealing site offers elementary and middle school students an entertaining way
to learn word problems, logic games, and mathematics games. This site also contains printable
worksheets, interactive quizzes, and practice facts.
Mathematical Interactivities – Puzzles, Games, and Other Online Educational Resources
Students here can play unique mathematical games, and find out how to do number tricks and
more on this interesting site. Teachers should preview the games before assigning them
because some of the sites are not self-explanatory and do not provide adequate feedback.
Number Worlds Elementary Mathematics Program
The Number Worlds program is a research based K-6 curriculum that teaches the specific math
concept and skills needed for later mathematical learning.
Ask Dr. Math
In fall of 1994 the Geometry Forum (now the Math Forum) discovered a dormant project called
"Ask Prof. Maths," where K-12 students could send in math questions and get personal answers.
We decided to revive the program, using Swarthmore College math students as 'Math Doctors' we called them the 'Swat Team' - students who loved to answer questions from other students.
By the fall of 1995, the rapidly increasing volume of questions required that new members of the
staff be recruited from other colleges around the country. By the year 2000, there had been over
300 volunteer 'Doctors' from all corners of the globe. The service continues to grow in popularity
and has received a number of Internet awards.
Interactivate Math Activities
From the Shodor Education Foundation, this site includes a curve generator, a bounded fraction
finder, and an impressive list of games for geometry, algebra, probability, statistics, and modeling.
Interactive Resources
This portal to interactive mathematics sites designed for grades one through six. It includes
algebra patterns and function, place value, money, arithmetic operations, time graphing,
measurement, fractions, decimals, and geometry.
Math Cats
This is a site for primary elementary grade students that uses attractive animation to teach
arithmetic operations, conversions, measurement, estimation, geometry, and other related topics.
The Math Playground
This graphically appealing site offers elementary and middle school students an entertaining way
to learn word problems, logic games, and mathematics games. This site also contains printable
worksheets, interactive quizzes, and practice facts.
Number Worlds Elementary Mathematics Program
The Number Worlds program is a research based K-6 curriculum that teaches the specific math
concept and skills needed for later mathematical learning.
Ask Dr. Math
In fall of 1994 the Geometry Forum (now the Math Forum) discovered a dormant project called
"Ask Prof. Maths," where K-12 students could send in math questions and get personal answers.
We decided to revive the program, using Swarthmore College math students as 'Math Doctors' we called them the 'Swat Team' - students who loved to answer questions from other students.
By the fall of 1995, the rapidly increasing volume of questions required that new members of the
staff be recruited from other colleges around the country. By the year 2000, there had been over
300 volunteer 'Doctors' from all corners of the globe. The service continues to grow in popularity
and has received a number of Internet awards. Automatic Calculus and Algebra Help
This site offers free and passworded help for finding derivatives, integrals, graphs, matrices,
determinants, and systems of linear equations. The solutions are provided in simple terms and
use standard mathematics notation, and show the steps used.
This fun site for calculus includes a problem of the week, tutorials, an interactive cheat sheet,
calculus music (the touching “Quadratic Formula Song” the catchy “Day before notebooks are
due blues,” and calculus holiday carols). The site updates often with new material.
Karl’s Calculus Tutor
This site provides extensive help with all areas in calculus, including number systems, limits,
continuity, derivatives, applications of derivatives, exponentials and logarithms, trigonometry
functions, and downloads for calculator programs.
Interactivate Math Activities
From the Shodor Education Foundation, this site includes a curve generator, a bounded fraction
finder, and an impressive list of games for geometry, algebra, probability, statistics, and modeling.
Professor Freedman’s Math Help
This site was created by Ellen Freedman, a professor form Camden Community College in New
Jersey. It provides information about basic mathematics, algebra, study skills, math anxiety, and
learning styles and specifically addresses the needs of the community college adult learner.
There are musical videos illustrating different mathematical operations, tutorials, homework
assignments, interactive games, and links to many more resources.
This award winning site provides links to lessons and tutoring, quizzes and worksheets, and a
collection of downloadable information on mathematics.
Assessment in Math and Science
This site is sponsored by Annenberg Media and contain free (with registration) online video
workshops on Knowing versus Understanding, Scoring, Embedded Assessment, Connections
Across the Disciplines, and Assessment Reform.
Coping with math anxiety
This site takes a constructive look at math anxiety, its causes, its effects, and at how students can
learn to manage this anxiety so that it no longer hinders their study of mathematics. It includes
special strategies for studying mathematics, dong homework, and taking exams.
Layered Curriculum
This is Kathie Nunley’s site, which offers information about her methods for layering the
curriculum in mathematics and other subjects areas.
The Math Forum
Sponsored by Drexel University, this site offers answers to many questions in mathematics, plus
weekly puzzles and games.
Math Teacher Link: Classroom Resource Bank
Sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana, this site connects to teacher created classroom
projects, algebra, geometry, calculus, and probability and statistics links. Project based Internet
lessons and sample mathematics lesson plans are also available.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Principals and Standards
The NCTM document from 2000 that recommends the processes and standards of mathematics
instruction for grades K-12.
Online Quizzes
Here is an extensive listing of quiz sites and quiz creators, including a free-to-nonprofits software
programs that allow you create interactive multiple choice, short answer, jumbled sentence,
crossword, and matching exercises.
PBS Teachers: Math
This is a curriculum data bank in all areas of K-12 mathematics provided by the Public
Broadcasting Service with links to books, media, and online professional development courses.
PUMAS = Practical Uses of Math and Science (NASA)
PUMAS (poo' • mas) -- is a collection of brief examples showing how math and science topics
taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings, including every day life.
The examples are written primarily by scientists, engineers, and other content experts having
practical experience with the material. They are aimed mainly at classroom teachers, and are
available to all interested parties via the PUMAS web site.
Our goal is to capture, for the benefit of pre-college education, the flavor of the vast experience
that working scientists have with interesting and practical uses of math and science.
SuperKids Math Worksheet Creator
This site helps teachers easily customize worksheets for arithmetic operations, fractions,
percentages, greater than/less, odd or even, rounding, averages, exponents, factorials, prime
numbers, and telling time.