ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ЗАНЯТИЯ для студентов V курса

The internal diseases, the hematology cycle - Y year course.
The plan of practical classes
The theme
The content
Introductory class. The
revising of base
knowledge about cells of
blood, hemopoeitic organs
and hematopoeisis. Skill
control of physical
Deficiency anemias. Iron
deficiency anemia.
Megaloblastic anemia:
Cobalamin Deficiency and
Folate Deficiency.
Oncohematology diseases.
Acute myeloid leukemia.
Chronic Leukemia:
chronic lymphoid
leukemia, Chronic
myeloid leukemia.
The hemostaisis.
The cells of blood: the quantity, the biological function, the life
span. The parameters of complete blood count (CBC), the different
WBC count in cases of norm and pathology.
Algorithm of
estimation of complete blood count in the patients with blood
diseases. The hematopoeitic organs, hematopoiesis: hematopoeitic
stem cells, myelopoeisis and lymphopoeisis, the specific lines of
the cell’s differentiation.
The four main hematological syndromes: anemia, bleeding,
immunodeficiency with inflammatory and hyperplasic syndrome:
the pathogenesis, the signs and objective symptoms, the date of
CBC. The physical examination the patients with blood disease.
The acquaintanceship with the working of the hematological
Iron deficiency anemia. (IDA): the definition, the iron metabolism,
the courses of iron deficit, the syndromes in clinical picture, the
diagnostic criteria’s, the differential diagnosis of microcytic
anemias, the treatment.
Megaloblastic anemias: normoblast, magaloblast, reticulocute.
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia: the definition, the vitamin B12
metabolism, the courses of vitamin B12 deficit, the syndromes in
clinical picture, the diagnostic criteria’s, the treatment. Folic acid
deficiency anemia, the common and differences with vitamin B12
deficiency anemia. The differential diagnosis of macrocytic
The examination of the patients with anemias, the clinical parsing.
The WHO classification of the tumors of hematopietic and
lymphoid tissue. Myeloid leukemias: acute myeloid leukemia
(AML), the definition, FAB classification of nonlymphoid
leukemias, the pathogenesis of acute leukemia, the syndromes in
clinical picture, the stages (the first attack, remission, early death,
resistance), the treatment (support therapy and chemotherapy).
The examination of the patients with AML, the clinical parsing
The WHO classification of the tumors of hematopietic and
lymphoid tissue. Myeloid leukemias: chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML), the definition, the pathogenesis of CML, the specific
cytogenetic abnormality – Philadelphia chromosome – t(9;22), the
syndromes in clinical picture, the stages (the chronic phase, the
accelerative phase, the blast crisis) , the treatment and its possible
Chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL): the definition, the pathogenesis
of CLL, the syndromes in clinical picture, the stages acoding Rai
classification, the treatment and its possible effects.
The examination of the patients with chronic leukemias, the clinical
The hemostasis: the primary (platelets) and the secondary
(coagulation blood) mechanisms, the five types of hemorrhagic
syndromes (the capillary, the hematomal, the mixed, the vascular,
the teleangioactesial): the clinical picture, the screening and
specific laboratory tests. The hemophilia: the definition, the
pathogenesis, the clinical picture, the diagnostic criteria’s, the
The examination of the patients with hemophilia, the clinical