Student Portfolio

Assessment 5: Student Portfolio
A brief description of the assessment and its use in the program (one sentence may be sufficient)
The Student Portfolio is a compilation of several assessment reports and instructional plans written
by teacher candidate on a pupil who is blind/visually impaired. Each report consists of results and
recommendations based on the candidate’s work with the student and collaboration with the
student’s family and other professionals. The purpose of the assignment is to assess candidate
proficiency in measuring impact on student learning.
A description of how this assessment specifically aligns with the standards
The key assessment aligns with the standards in the following ways:
Key Assessment Task
Perform a functional vision assessment (FVA) on the learner over the course of
several sessions that includes
-a review of ophthalmological and medical records
-use of optical devices
-use of special equipment
-recommendations for accommodations
Conduct learning media assessment (LMA) to document the learner’s use of
sensory channels and to select the appropriate literacy media/medium.
Consider input from all team members.
From assessments, determine likely learners for print literacy program
From assessments, determine likely learners for braille literacy program
Report whether the learner is establishing solid reading and writing skills in an
efficient medium
Utilize child’s current IEP/IFSP that
-addresses concerns of and considers information attained from meetings and
collaboration with parents, other teachers, related service providers, and the
-reports the findings of all of the assessments administered to the learner who is
blind or visually impaired
In the IEP/IFSP, report the present level of performance of the learner who is
blind or visually impaired; include goals and objectives based on evaluation
Administers informal and formal pre tests to determine the learner’s current
level of functioning.
Based upon the results of the assessment, the teacher candidate utilizes lesson
plans to address any areas of learning i.e Braille, math
Administer a post test to determine the progress made toward achieving the IEP
The assessment tool or description of the assignment
Alignment with
Standard 8 VI8K1,
VI8S1, VI8S5
Standard 8 VI8K4
Standard 8 VI8K4
Standard 8 VI 8K6
Standard 8 VI8K4
Standard 8 VI8K4
Standard 8 ICC8S8
Standard 10 ICC10K3
Standard 10 ICC1052
Standard 10 ICC10S6
Standard 7 VI7K1
Standard 8 ICC8S1,
Standard 8 ICC8S2
Standard 8 ICC8S5,
Standard 8 ICC8S8
1. In order to determine how a learner with a visual impairment uses his remaining vision for
functional skills, the teacher candidate performs a thorough functional vision assessment
(FVA) on the learner over the course of several sessions. Included in the FVA are the
 A review of ophthalmological and medical records (VI8K1, VI8S1, VI8S5)
 A review of the educational testing done on the learner including modifications for test
 Reading or close viewing behaviors
 Preferred viewing distance for near and far work
 Preferred or optimal positioning for viewing.
 Use of writing equipment
 Writing
 Lighting requirements
 Contrast needs
 Mobility and distance tasks
 Use of eyeglasses
 Use of optical devices (VI8K4)
 Use of special equipment (VI8K4)
 Recommendations for accommodations (VI8K6)
In addition, several protocols are given to the teacher candidate to follow depending on the age of
the learner. The set of protocols can be found in course documents on Blackboard.
2. The purpose of the learning Media Assessment is to document the learner’s use of sensory
channels, consider the learner’s use of general learning media and select the appropriate
literacy media or medium. These decisions are made on the individual needs of the learner,
reflect input from all team members, are collected over time through diagnostic teaching
and provide decisions on literacy tools across various activities.
Likely Learners for Print Literacy Program (VI8K4)
 Uses vision to complete tasks efficiently.
 Shows interest in pictures and demonstrates the ability to identify pictures or picture
 Identifies his/her own name in print and understands that print has meaning.
 Uses print to accomplish other prerequisite reading skills.
 Has a stable eye condition.
 Has an intact central visual field.
 Shows steady progress in learning to use vision as necessary to assure efficient and
comfortable print reading.
Likely Learners for Braille Literacy Program (VI8K4)
 Shows a preference for exploring the environment tactually.
 Efficiently uses the tactual sense to identify small objects.
 Identifies his/her name in Braille or understands that Braille has meaning.
 Uses Braille to accomplish other prerequisite reading skills.
Has an unstable eye condition or poor prognosis for retaining current level of vision in
the near future.
Has a reduced or non functional central field which makes print reading inefficient.
Shows steady progress in developing tactual skills necessary for efficient Braille
Is free of additional disabilities that would interfere with progress in a conventional
Braille reading program.
Reading Efficiency
Reading Efficiency =reading rate + reading comprehension
 Select a published informal reading inventory
 Prepare passages in the appropriate medium
 Collect data from both oral and silent reading
 Time passages with a stop watch
 Ask and score comprehension questions
 Continue testing to frustration level
 Calculate reading levels and reading rates
 Number of words in passage ___________X 60=wpm
 Number of seconds spent in reading
 Number of words in passage ____________=wpm
 Number of minutes spent in reading
 Collect reading samples with content materials.
 Collect data in alternate media if appropriate.
Academic Achievement
Informal Data
 Informal Reading Inventories
 Criterion-referenced tests
 Chapter tests
 Teacher-made tests
 Observations and interviews
Formal Data
 Standardized tests
 State required mastery tests
 Can the learner communicate with himself or herself?
 Can the learner communicate with others?
Guiding Questions
 Is the learner establishing solid reading and writing skills in an efficient medium?
3. In writing the IEP/IFSP, the teacher candidate must collaborate with parents other teachers,
related service providers and the learner to fully assess and make known the findings of all
of the assessments administered to the learner who is blind or visually impaired by
addressing the concerns of the family (ICC10K3) by collaborating and meeting with the
family (ICC1052) and collaborating with all other relevant school personnel (ICC10S6).
4. The IEP/IFSP indicates the present level of performance of the learner who is blind or
visually impaired; includes goals and objectives based on evaluation criteria. (VI7K1)
 Use the learner’s current IEP/IFSP (ICC8S1, VI8S5)
5. The teacher candidate administers informal and formal pre tests to determine the learner’s
current level of functioning. Based upon the results of the assessment, the teacher candidate
utilizes lesson plans to address any areas of learning i.e Braille, math
 Teacher candidate utilizes formal and informal assessment tools i.e. Brigance, Braille
Inventory (ICC8S2)
 Based on the results, the teacher candidate develops appropriate lesson plans to address
learning needs. (ICC8S5, ICC8S8)
6. On going assessment throughout the semester will monitor the child’s progress and
achievement of IEP/IFSP goals. (ICC8S2)
7. At the end of the semester, the teacher candidate will administer a post test to determine the
progress made toward achieving the IEP goals.
 Ongoing assessment for measuring student progress (ICC8S8)
 A post test will be administered at the end of the semester to determine progress made
toward achieving the IEP/IFSP goals. (ICC8S8)
The scoring guide for the assessment
CEC Standard
Does Not Meet Standard
Meets Standard
Above Standard
Standard 8:
Assessment is integral to
the decision making and
teaching of special
educators and special
educators use multiple
types of assessment
information for a variety
of educational decisions.
Special educators use the
results of assessments to
help identify exceptional
learning needs and to
develop and implement
individual instructional
programs, as well as to
adjust instruction in
response to ongoing
learning progress.
VI8K1 Specialized
VI8S1 Interpret eye
VI8S5 Gather
background information
and family history
VI8K4 Specialized
procedures for individuals
with visual impairments.
VI8K6 Interpretation and
FVA: Teacher candidate provides
limited identifying components of
background information, e.g.
medical, visual and developmental
information. Little information about
current educational placement,
related services, past functional
vision assessment results or reason
for assessment are provided. Few
details are given about any
category in background information.
Recommendations for modifications
in the lesson plans are missing.
LMA: Teacher candidate minimally
addresses some of the following:
initial selection of learning media,
readiness for a literacy program,
selection of appropriate medium
based on visual impairment
secondary literacy medium
(auditory or print). Teacher
candidate provides limited
documentation regarding time and
testing accommodations, reading
efficiency, selection of additional
literacy tools for goals such as
Braille, large print or adaptive
technology (JAWS or MAGIC).
Teacher candidate provides little
information regarding
accommodations on the IEP of the
student with a visual impairment
FVA: Teacher candidate
provides the required
components of the functional
vision assessment from
reports about the child.
The teacher candidate gives
adequate information on past
functional vision assessment
results and educational
testing. Teacher candidate
appropriately addresses
some modifications based on
the FVA in individual lesson
plans, addressing such
issues as lighting, print size,
low vision aids.
LMA: Teacher candidate
effectively notes reasons for
assessment, e.g. initial
selection of learning media,
readiness for a literacy
program, selection of
appropriate medium based on
visual impairment secondary
literacy medium (auditory or
print). Teacher candidate
provides adequate
documentation regarding time
and testing accommodations,
reading efficiency, selection
of additional literacy tools for
goals such as Braille, large
print or adaptive technology
Teacher candidate
FVA: Teacher candidate provides
medical, visual and developmental
assessments from reports about the
child and includes information on
current educational placement and
related services received. The
teacher candidate gives complete
and highly significant information on
past functional vision assessment
results, educational testing where
appropriate and notes educational
placement. Teacher candidate is
highly effective at assessing
modifications based on the FVA in
individual lesson plans, addressing
such issues as lighting, print size,
low vision aids.
LMA: Teacher candidate is highly
effective at noting reasons for
assessment, e.g. initial selection of
learning media, readiness for a
literacy program, selection of
appropriate medium based on visual
impairment, secondary literacy
medium (auditory or print). Teacher
candidate thoroughly documents
time and testing accommodations,
reading efficiency, selection of
additional literacy tools for goals
such as Braille, large print or
adaptive technology (JAWS or
Teacher candidate recommends that
accommodations be noted on the
IEP of the student with a visual
impairment in detail.
Teacher candidate is highly effective
Standard 10
Special educators
routinely and effectively
collaborate with families,
other educators, related
service providers, and
personnel from
community agencies in
culturally responsive
ways. Special educators
use collaboration to
facilitate the successful
transitions of individuals
with ELN across settings
and services.
ICC10K3 Addresses
concerns of families
ICC1052 Collaborates
with families
ICC10S6 Collaborates
with school personnel
Teacher candidate minimally
provides background information
from checklists or formal
observations. Documentation of
accommodations was minimally
provided on the lesson plan.
Teacher candidate provides very
limited information about
assessment strategies. There is
limited collaboration with student,
parents, teachers and related
service providers. Teacher
candidate minimally modifies the
environment based on assessment.
The teacher candidate recommends
few modifications on the IFSP/ IEP.
satisfactorily recommends
that accommodations be
noted on the IEP of the
student with a visual
Teacher candidate
appropriately utilizes some
checklists or informal
observations, across multiple
environments. Teacher
candidate appropriately
indicates some examples of
the strengths and needs of a
child with a visual impairment.
The results are highly
reflected in the lesson plan.
Teacher candidate clearly
explains how the assessment
was conducted by including
some of the areas:
environments, collaboration
with student, parents,
teachers, and related service
providers. Teacher candidate
provides information on
assessment./checklists and
review of records. Teacher
candidate selects some
appropriate assessment
strategies. Teacher candidate
adequately modifies the
environment based on
assessment. The teacher
candidate makes appropriate
modifications on the IFSP/
at utilizing checklists, informal
observations and discrepancy
analyses to report student behaviors
in objective terms. Teacher
candidate provides multiple highly
relevant examples of the child with a
visual impairment’s strengths and
needs based on ongoing
observations/checklists. There is
strong evidence that the results are
clearly reflected in the lesson plan.
Teacher candidate demonstrates
mastery or assessment
implementation by providing a
comprehensive explanation about
observations in specific
environments and collaborates with
the student, parents, teachers, and
related service providers. Teacher
candidate thoroughly reviews
records and previous assessment
results and selects highly relevant
strategies for a child with a visual
impairment for functional level and
learning environments. Teacher
candidate collaborates with the
interdisciplinary team which includes
related service providers and parents
of the necessary modifications.
Teacher candidate modifies the
environment based on assessments.
The teacher candidate clearly
recommends such modifications as
preferential seating, time allotment
for test taking and method of
answering questions on the
Standard 7
Instructional Planning
Special educators
develop long-range
instructional plans
anchored in both general
and special curricula.
Instructional plans are
modified based on
ongoing analysis of the
individual’s learning
VI7K1 Relationships
among assessment,
individualized education
plan development and
placement as they affect
vision related services.
Standard 8 Assessment
ICC8S1 Gather relevant
background information
ICC8S2 Administer
nonbiased formal and
informal assessments
ICC8S5 Interpret
information from formal
and informal
ICC8S8 Evaluate
instruction and monitor
progress of individuals
with exceptional learning
VI8S5 Interpret and apply
background information
and family history related
to the individual’s visual
The teacher candidate has difficulty
reporting the Present Level of
Performance and difficulty
synthesizing observations and
assessment data.
The teacher candidate
effectively reports the Present
Level of Performance and
synthesizes observations and
assessment data.
The teacher candidate expertly
reports the Present Level of
Performance and synthesizes
observations and assessment data in
a highly meaningful way.
Selects and administers
inappropriate informal and formal
Selects and administers
appropriate informal and
formal pretests to determine
the learner’s current level of
Selects, administers, and critically
analyzes results of informal and
formal pretests to determine the
learner’s current level of function.
Writes and implements lesson plans
minimally addressing few areas of
learning needs.
Writes and implements
lesson plans effectively
addressing identified areas of
learning needs.
Writes and implements resourceful
lesson plans targeted at fully
addressing identified areas of
learning needs.
Administers an inappropriate post
test which does not reflect the
attainment of goals and objectives
on the IEP/IFSP.
Effectively administers post
test to document the degree
to which the IEP/IFSP goals
are met.
Administers post test to fully and
accurately document how the
IEP/IFSP goals are met.