Homogenous categories of the statistical standards Further Analysis of KSH paper Classification of statistical standards The standards can be classified according to the document presented in Rome (see: Annex 1.). The basic principle of the classification (scope of classification) is that those items are elements of the business architecture At the statistical system we can differentiate four strata of the operation as the above level of the classification. 100: the statistical domain 200: the IT system of statistics 300: the statistical organization 400: the statistical research and training The second aspect of the classification is that each stratum can have standards for products, processes and other type of standards (source: The ABC’s of standards activities, Maureen A. Breitenberg).. Therefore the second digit of the code is: 0 for the level of stratum 1 for the product type of standards, 2 for the processes type of standards 3 for the other type of standards Figure 1. Standards of statistics Standards for the operating strata of a statistical organization Product standards Process standards Standards for the strata of the statistical domain Product standards Process standards Standards for the strata of IT support Product standards The third digit of the code is a serial number. Process standards Standards for research and training of statistics and supporting activities Product standards Process standards On the base of the above categorization we can make the coding of the topics of statistical standards: 100 Standards of the statistical domain 111: Standards of the statistical products (previously A) 121: Standards of the statistical methods (previously B) 122: Standards of the statistical production process (previously C) 200: the IT system of statistics 211: Standard application systems, software (previously E) 221: Standards for IT developments (previously D) 222: Standards for the operation and management of IT systems (previously F) 300 Standards of the statistical organization (previously G) 400 Standards of the research and training (previously H) The “100 Standards of the statistical domain” class contains all standards where it is said “statistical standard, that is related the main activity of a statistical organisation. The class of “111 Standards of the statistical products“ includes all standards that describe the result of the statistical process (like statistical units, registers, measures, classifications, metadata, publications, statistical databases, product quality, etc.) “Statistical products are generally, information dissemination products that are published or otherwise made available for public use that describe, estimate, forecast, or analyse the characteristics of groups, customarily without identifying the persons, organisations, or individual data observations that comprise such groups”. (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms) The class of “121 Standards of the statistical methods” includes the standards that describe the elements of statistical processing, the methods of solving a problem, the standard procedure, method to a step of statistical processing (like survey design, questionnaire design, data collection, sampling, response, non-response coding, describing editing rules, estimation, process quality, etc.). The standards on statistical methods are ‘structured approaches, to solve a problem. Methodology is a set of research methods and techniques applied to a particular field of study. (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms). The class “122: Standards of the statistical production process” includes the standards that describe the standards of the statistical processing as a production flow, using the standards of the statistical methods to produce the statistical product (GSBPM, metadata for driving process steps, workflow standards, responsibilities of steps, etc.). The standards on statistical production processes include the standards for manipulating or classifying statistical data into various categories with the object of producing statistics. In SDMX, "Statistical Processing" refers to a description of the data compilation and other statistical procedures to deal with intermediate data and statistical outputs (e.g., data adjustments and transformation, and statistical analysis)… (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms) The class of “200: the IT system of statistics“ sums up the IT standards supporting and realizing the statistical production. The class of “211: Standard application systems, software” includes all standard IT system that are applied in the different steps of statistical processing flow. The extension of using the software can be different. The usage is standard, if the applications are independent from e.g. any subject matter domains or it can be use an important part of the subject matter domains. The IT systems can be either target application systems developing for statistical purposes to a given statistical procedure or we can use general commercial, software for carrying out a processing step. This item includes standards on the products of IT developments, which are application systems, applications, and modules for the statistical business process model in order to conduct it The class of “221: Standards for IT development” include the standards those using is expected at the software or other IT development in the statistical system (project management, designing, programming, testing, documentation tools, etc.). This item includes standards on the process of IT developments, which are application systems, applications, and modules for the statistical business process model in order to conduct it. The class of “222: Standards for the operation and management of IT systems” includes the standards that are applied for working of the IT environment (like documenting, maintaining IT infrastructure, security policies, etc.) This item includes the standards on the operation and management pf IT systems e.g.: responsibility, security, issues, etc The class of “300: Standards of the statistical organization, administration includes the standards for operating a statistical organisation, implying the planning, financial activity, human resource, etc. This item includes standards on statistical administration, which are support activities for the statistical business process e.g. planning of resources, financial activity, templates, etc. The class of “400: The standards of the statistical research and training include the standards of the activity of statistical education and R&D. This item includes the standards on the statistical research and training, which support creating new results in the statistical science and practice, and the better understanding and the knowledge of the above mentioned classification items. Other opinions about the topic The above mentioned standards can link to the terms, documents of other authors. Only two examples: The items of the classification can be matched to the concept statistical standard of OECD. Statistical Standard Statistical standard provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for surveys and administrative sources collecting information on a particular topic. Components of a standard include 1. definition(s) A 2. statistical units A 3. classification(s) A 4. coding process(es) B, C 5. questionnaire module(s) A, B 6. output categories A Source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms The component of the standard can be assigned to the elements of proposed classification. But it contains only the element of the statistical domain. In contrary that, if we can see Bo Sundgren description about the statistical data and metadata model, we can see a much more extension of the statistical system, because he regard the part of the statistical system for example the organization, the IT environment and the research as well. Figure 2: Overview of data/metadata resources and flows in a statistical organisation. DOCUMENTED KNOWLEDGE (methods and theories) PROCESS DATA & USER EXPERIENCES USE PROCESS R&D PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS OF STATISTICAL OUTPUTS STATISTICAL OUTPUTS (microdata and macrodata) DOCUMENTED EXPERIENCES PRODUCTION SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION PRODUCTION PROCESS PRODUCTION SYSTEM PROCESS DATA & PRODUCER EXPERIENCES EVALUATION PROCESS OBSERVED REALITY EVALUATION REPORTS DESIGN PROCESS Legend DESCRIPTIONS OF SHARABLE COMPONENTS SHARABLE COMPONENTS PROCESS RESOURCE METADATA input/output describes INFORMATION RESOURCES: concepts, data, processes, rules & tools ORGANISATIONAL AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES: personnel, hardware/software part of source of Source: Bo Sundgren: Developing and implementing statistical http://www.epros.ed.ac.uk/metanet/deliverables/D6/IST-1999-29093-D6.doc metadata systems, Why IT tools are standards? First of all, we have to define what we mean under the expression IT tool, application system, application, and module. IT Tool (1) A program used for software development or system maintenance. Virtually any program or utility that helps programmers or users develop applications or maintain their computers can be called a tool. Examples of programming tools are compilers, interpreters, assemblers, 4GLs, editors, debuggers and application generators. See toolkit. (2) A program that helps the user analyze or search for data. For example, query and report programs are often called query tools and report tools. (3) An on-screen function in a graphics program; for example, a line draw, circle draw or brush tool. (4) A software control panel for setting user preferences. See tools menu. (5) Sometimes, people will call any software a "tool." For example, the phrase, "there aren't any tools to do that job" means that no application is available to perform the required processing. Source: http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=tool&i=52979,00.asp Application system: A group of related applications programs designed to perform a specific function. Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/application-system#ixzz1QZoVGCLa Application: (1) The act of applying. (2) Something applied, such as a cosmetic or curative agent. (3) The act of putting something to a special use or purpose: an application of a new method. (4) A specific use to which something is put: the application of science to industry. (5) The capacity of being usable; relevance: Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation. (6) Close attention; diligence: shows application to her work. (7) A request, as for assistance, employment, or admission to a school. (8) The form or document on which such a request is made. (9) Computer Science. A computer program with a user interface. Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/application#ixzz1QZohONyh Module: (1) A standard or unit of measurement. (2) Architecture. The dimensions of a structural component, such as the base of a column, used as a unit of measurement or standard for determining the proportions of the rest of the construction. (3) A standardized, often interchangeable component of a system or construction that is designed for easy assembly or flexible use: a sofa consisting of two end modules. (4) Electronics. A self-contained assembly of electronic components and circuitry, such as a stage in a computer, that is installed as a unit. (6) Computer Science. A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program. (7) A self-contained unit of a spacecraft that performs a specific task or class of tasks in support of the major function of the craft. (8) A unit of education or instruction with a relatively low student-to-teacher ratio, in which a single topic or a small section of a broad topic is studied for a given period of time. (9) Mathematics. A system with scalars coming from a ring. Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/module#ixzz1QZooLTjp According to the definitions above, those concepts (IT tool and application system and the parts of the application system) are synonyms. The reason why we can call the IT tools standard is the following: There are application systems, applications or modules, which are for general purpose. It means that those applications are independent from e.g. any subject matter domains. Those are also developed for a certain function but not necessarily for a statistical one. When a NSI wants to decide what IT tool should support a certain methodology/method, the most likely tools are taken into consideration, which can fulfil the requirements of the methodology/method. As a conclusion it can be highlighted, that an IT tools exists independent from any methodology/methods. They have functions, which can be matched to a statistical or any kind of methodology/method. Annex 1: Standards of statistics Topics and examples I. Main topics A. – 111 Standards of statistical products B. - 121 Standards of statistical methods (theoretical and practical methods) C. - 222 Standards of statistical production process D. – 221 Standards for IT developments E. – 211 Standard application systems, software F. – 222 Standards for the operation and management of IT systems G. – 300 Standars of statistical administration H. – 400 Standards of statistical training II. Content of main topics (and some example) A. – 111 Standards of statistical products Description: This item includes the standards on “statistical products, which are generally, information dissemination products that are published or otherwise made available for public use that describe, estimate, forecast, or analyse the characteristics of groups, customarily without identifying the persons, organisations, or individual data observations that comprise such groups”. (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms) 1) Terms of statistics i. OECD Glossary of statistical terms, ii. SDMX Metadata Common Vocabulary, iii. SDMX Cross-domain concepts 2) Classifications, nomenclatures i. SDMX Standard Code lists ii. EU regulation on NACE Rev 2 3) Statistical units, registers 4) Metadata descriptions for statistical data included description of methodology of statistics i. 1/2009. (SK 1.) Statistical standard on the system of domains and on the description of domain’s methodology 5) Expectations on statistical publications 6) Expectations on accessibility, processibility of statistical data on internet, in research room, etc. 7) Product quality i. VI/2008. (SK 2.) HCSO prescription for the calculation of product quality indicators 8) Expectations on saving, archiving statistical data 9) Prescriptions, regulations on interfaces to different systems B. – 121 Standards of statistical methods (theoretical and practical methods) Description: This item includes the standards on statistical methods, which are ‘structured approaches, to solve a problem. Methodology is a set of research methods and techniques applied to a particular field of study. (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms) 1) Survey design i. I/2010. HCSO prescription for design of statistical survey 2) Questionnaire design 3) Methods and types of data collection 4) Methods of sampling 5) Response -non-response control 6) Measuring response burden 7) Methods and description of data editing i. Methods of imputation 8) Methods of index calculation 9) Methods of weighting 10) Methods of statistical analysis i. XXXII/2005. (SK 2.) HCSO prescription for the practice of seasonal adjustment 11) Disclosure control methods 12) Evaluation of result of data collection, non-response, 13) Process qualitiy i. 1/2010. Statistical standard on the quality directives for certain phases of statistical production flow in HCSO 14) Standards of documentation i. XXI/2005. (SK 2.) HCSO prescription for the aspects of methodological documents C. - 122 Standards of statistical production process Description: This item includes the standards on statistical production processes ‘The processes are for manipulating or classifying statistical data into various categories with the object of producing statistics. In SDMX, "Statistical Processing" refers to a description of the data compilation and other statistical procedures to deal with intermediate data and statistical outputs (e.g., data adjustments and transformation, and statistical analysis)...’. (source: OECD Glossary of statistical terms) 1) Phases and sub processes of statistical production process, GSBPM 2) Common standards for the different steps, blocks of statistical production process, e.g.: i. Metadata for describing and driving the step, ii. Information for quality indicators, iii. Support statisticians in the step, iv. Logging the step, etc. 3) Standard for given types of steps (data collection, data editing, etc.) 4) Relations among phases, sub processes, steps 5) Workflow standards i. Standards for managing the phases, steps ii. Standards for roles, logistic, organisation D. – 221 Standards for IT developments Description: This item includes standards on the process of IT developments, which are application systems, applications, modules for the statistical business process model in order to conduct it. 1) Tools for project management, e.g.: i. PRINCE2 is a de facto standard developed and used extensively by the UK government and is widely recognised and used in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally. It embodies established and proven best practice in project management. http://www.princeofficialsite.com/ 2) Tools for systems design and modeling, e.g.: i. The Unified Modeling Language™ - UML – is OMG's most-used specification, and the way the world models not only application structure, behavior, and architecture, but also business process and data structure. UML, along with the Meta Object Facility (MOF™), also provides a key foundation for OMG's Model-Driven Architecture®, which unifies every step of development and integration from business modelling, through architectural and application modelling, to development, deployment, maintenance, and evolution. http://uml.org/ 3) Software palette for the development of common application software (open source products, Oracle, SAS, Java, stb.,) Environments (operation systems, browsers) in that the application system have to work. 4) Programming, naming conventions, data modeling standards, 5) Standards for transmission data metadata: i. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML (ISO 8879). Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. www.w3.org/XML ii. XBRL is a language for the electronic communication of business and financial data which is revolutionising business reporting around the world. It provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis and communication of business information. It offers cost savings, greater efficiency and improved accuracy and reliability to all those involved in supplying or using financial data. It is an open standard, free of licence fees http://www.xbrl.org/Home/ E. 211 Standard application systems, software: Description: This item includes standards on the products of IT developments, which are application systems, applications, modules for the statistical business process model in order to conduct it. 1) Software developed for a given statistical block: i. BLAISE, ii. Argus, iii. Demetra, etc. 2) Commercial, canned software: i. SAS, ii. SPSS, iii. Interactive Reporting, iv. Excel, etc. F. – 222 Standards for the operation and management of IT systems: Description: This item includes the standards on the operation and management pf IT systems e.g.: responsibility, security, issues,etc. 1) Regulations for IT security, protection, documentation i. ITIL®(Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world. ITIL provides a cohesive set of best practice, drawn from the public and private sectors internationally. http://www.itil-officialsite.com/ G. – 300 Standards of statistical organisation, administration Description: This item includes standards on statistical administration, which are support activities for the statistical business process e.g. planning of resources, financial activity, templates,etc. 1) Oracle Financial Analyser 2) Book-keeping applications, etc H. – 400 Standards of statistical research and training Description: This item includes the standards on the statistical training, which support the better understanding and the knowledge of the above mentioned classification items. 1) ESTP courses 2) Former TES courses, etc.