NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 1. Programme or Pathway Title, and Award B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science 2. UCAS or Other Admissions Code G3N5 3. Northumbria Programme Code Family = 21SMAT-N , Route = MAT2CTS 4. Mode of Delivery On Site Yes Distance Learning 5. Mode of Attendance Full Time 3 years Sandwich 6. Location of Delivery Northumbria Yes Distance Delivery 4 years Part Time Other UK please specify Overseas please specify Collaborative Provision if applicable 7. Franchised Validated Joint Dual Partner Institution 8. Date(s) of Approval/ Review 5 December 2014 9. QAA Subject Benchmark Group Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research ; Computing 10. PSRB accreditation if applicable 11. Educational Aims of the Programme Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its distinctive characteristics; these should be consistent with any relevant benchmark and with the Mission of the University. This joint honours degree enables students to take advantage of studying modules from two flagship programmes - Mathematics and Computer Science. This course will allow students to study both mathematics and computer science subjects at undergraduate level. As such, this joint honours degree contains two types of modules: mathematics modules and computer science modules. These modules work together to cover a range of theoretical concepts and ideas, as well as their practical applications. As such, there is a natural synergy between the mathematics and computer science modules. The relationship between theory and practice will be delivered through lateral module connections, as well as vertical implementation across all years of delivery. The mathematics modules that the student will study may be characterised as practice-based (as referred to in the QAA Mathematics, Statistics and O.R. benchmarking statement), in that they concentrate on the subject’s applicability to the real world and employment therein, in addition to equipping them to continue on to further study. The main aims of the mathematics modules are: to provide sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge in mathematics so as to give the student an appreciation of its applicability and importance to the outside world. to develop the essential depth of knowledge and skills to enable the graduate to practise as a mathematician, or proceed to postgraduate study in an appropriate area. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 1 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) to stimulate the student’s intellectual development and enthusiasm, and enhance their ability to apply their skills to a wide variety of problems in applicable mathematics. to ally the programme of study to the development of the key and transferable skills required of a graduate. to make students aware of on-going developments in mathematics. The computer science modules aim to produce graduates who are highly skilled and professional in developing and managing computing solutions, knowledgeable of current and emergent technologies, and with a broad business/industry awareness. Typically graduates from the programme would be expected to work in organisations developing solutions to computing problems using their software engineering skills gained on the programme, but would also be suited to employment in related areas such as embedded computing, network services and database development and management. It is intended that the programme will also sufficiently enthuse and excite students in the domain of Computer Science that some graduates will proceed to further study or research. The computer science modules aim to enable students to: • Identify the need for, elicit the requirements for, specify, design, implement and test computing systems in a range of environments and for a range of problems and thereby adopt a software engineering approach. • Successfully exploit a range of methods and tools in developing workable solutions to complex computing system problems involving current technologies. • Critically appraise the suitability of current and emerging computing technologies to support a variety of domains. • Act in a professional and ethical manner in the development and use of computing systems. • Work with users in the development and operation of computing systems. • Plan and manage the development and use of computing systems. • Use and evaluate a variety of commercial software, tools and techniques relevant to computing systems. • Specify network and security requirements to support business systems. • Communicate effectively (in writing and orally) at the appropriate business and technical level with users, management, customers and technical specialists. Level 6 content stems from research strengths within both the Department of Mathematics & Information Sciences and Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Environment and includes dynamical systems, statistical methods, mathematical cryptology, financial mathematics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision. Additionally, the students will plan, manage and undertake a substantial piece of individual project work. This creates the opportunity for in-depth study of advanced mathematical and computer science topics, where the students are able to appreciate the natural symbiosis between these two branches of research. Further, students will have the opportunity to, and will be encouraged to, undertake a placement between their Level 5 and Level 6 studies. The placement provides the student the opportunity to apply their learning in practice and return to university with a practical grounding. The value and benefit of placement experience will be emphasised. The programme will aim to develop students' critical abilities and general problem solving skills and lay a foundation for continuing education and selfimprovement. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 2 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 12. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development eg curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects. Students are supported in each year of study by: Induction Programme o Year 1: details of course structure, assessment, University support (Student Services), the Academic/Guidance Tutor System, Personal Development Plans, information services (library, internet, e-mail, MyNorthumbria, eLP); assigned Academic Tutor; advice with regards to study and time management. o Year 2: details of course/assessment, available support in seeking and preparing for industrial placement, advice from the Careers Officer. o Final Year: details of course/assessment, advice on projects and option choice, advice from the Careers Officer. Personal Development Plans managed by the Programme Leader. These allow the student to monitor their academic and personal development and the skills and experience acquired throughout the programme. Student Handbook detailing Programme Learning Outcomes, assessment schedule, regulations, advice with regards to study skills and time management, available support, the Academic/Guidance Tutor System, Web-based resources, link to module descriptors, mark/grade definitions. Year Tutor, responsible for managing of the year group and provides a point of contact for individual students who need specific information. Direct access to all staff by e-mail. Direct academic support in seminars/computer laboratory sessions. Academic/Guidance Tutor System – this provides access to their Academic/Guidance Tutor who monitors academic progress, through a series of mandatory tutorials, and by liaison with the Year Tutor. Student Representatives who represent their views and concerns at Mathematics and Information Sciences Programme Committee meetings. Use of eLP (Blackboard) by module tutors, for learning materials, assignments, past exam papers, notice board, etc. Encourage students to participate in Institute of Mathematics and its Applications as well as BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT, activities, particularly those held in the local region. An ‘open door’ policy that means students have access to support from academic staff. The design of this degree expressly supports the employability of its graduates. The programme provides experience in computing (e.g. use of industrystandard software) and I.T. (e.g. advanced word processing and spreadsheet manipulation) so as to produce a graduate who is computer-literate and numerate, with highly-valued analytical skills. The choice of skill and knowledge areas, tools, techniques and methods has been made to ensure students are immediately useful to employers, both at the placement and at the graduate stage. Transferable skills are embedded within all modules and developed throughout the course. In addition, a suitable range of relevant assessment techniques are employed which require the student to demonstrate a range of graduate skills. At Induction to Year 2, all students are encouraged to consider undertaking Placement in Year 3, to gain work experience and enhance their ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 3 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) employability. Subsequently, the Faculty Placements Team is available to give advice on CVs, seeking employment, researching companies and interview technique. The Careers Officer is invited to speak to Year 2 students at Induction to offer expert advice. Sandwich students, on placement in Year 3, obtain invaluable work experience in mathematics related or computing environment based employment, gaining in self-confidence and maturity, and greatly enhancing their prospects. The year is managed by the Faculty Placement Team and a Placement Tutor who maintains regular contact with students and arrange staff visits (at least two per year) to monitor progress and well-being. The Faculty Placements Team has developed a Placements Organisation on eLP to provide students with information on careers, events (through the Careers Service, for example), companies and advertisements, to help with career choices. Guest speakers from industry, commerce or education, who are themselves mathematics or computer science graduates, are invited to talk to students about their careers. Students undertake a supervised final-year Project at Level 6, working to set deadlines over a six-month period. They are effectively involved in ‘job simulation’, subject to demands similar to those in employment. 13. Learning Outcomes of Programme Specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme/pathway. Please identify numerically to correspond to the map of learning outcomes in section 18. a) Knowledge and Understanding The students will be able to: A1) Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts, principles and a range of fundamental areas of applicable mathematics. A2) Know and understand core software engineering technologies, development tools and languages, as well as hardware platforms, network architectures, technologies and standards, used in and to support computing systems. A3) Apply their skills to the solution of relevant problems, mathematical and statistical models, simulations, case studies and loosely-defined scenarios, using standard analytical, numerical and computational techniques. A4) Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a range of advanced topics in applicable mathematics and computer science, the advanced nature being characterised by relevance to graduate employment or direct underpinning to postgraduate study. A5) Specify, design or construct computer based systems and deploy these tools effectively. A6) Appraise the multi-disciplinary contexts in which knowledge base can be applied and identify appropriate fundamental principles. b) Intellectual Skills The students will be able to: B1) Construct logical and justified multi-step mathematical arguments. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 4 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) B2) B3) B4) B5) B6) Analyse a simple problem domain and develop or select an effective software solution to given problems in that domain. Select the most appropriate mathematical methods and techniques of solution to a given problem. Recognise the limitations of available techniques in terms of their applicability and accuracy. Discuss and critically evaluate the solutions and results of set and student-formulated problems, and derive appropriate conclusions. Demonstrate the ability to learn independently, with relatively little guidance and support. c) Practical Skills The students will be able to: C1) C2) C3) C4) C5) Analyse, design, build and test software solutions, adopting a software engineering approach to increasingly complex and varied computing. Use modern mathematical and statistical software, including developing and implementing computing algorithms. Present their work, and results of such, in an attractive and explanatory fashion, including the use of appropriate I.T. and graphical software. Design and build high quality, secure computing applications with appropriate interactive components, networking and database support. Program in a MATLAB environment. d) Transferable/Key Skills The students will be able to: D1) D2) D3) D4) D5) D6) 14. Communicate information, ideas, problems and their solution, in both written and oral form. Manage their time and resources efficiently. Work effectively both individually and as a member of a team. Exercise initiative and personal responsibility. Learn independently using a diverse range of resources. Make use of general I.T. facilities relating to information retrieval, analysis of data and presentation skills. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate the above learning outcomes. Learning and Teaching At all Levels, LEARNING and TEACHING take place via lectures supported by small-group seminars (problem-solving classes) or computer laboratory sessions, in which students obtain direct help, from academic staff, with problems associated with a particular module. Lecturers are free to adopt teaching styles to suit the material delivered, and their own personalities and abilities, and may choose to use distributed ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 5 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) materials (including via eLP), specified texts, OHP slides, projected material via a PC, lab-based teaching with appropriate software, traditional ‘chalk and talk’, or combinations thereof. To support lecture materials, lecturers regularly supply students with problem sheets (especially at Levels 4 and 5). Students are expected to consider these prior to seminars or laboratory sessions, referring to lecture notes and/or recommended texts. In this way the problem sheets encourage both directed and independent learning. During seminars students attempt problems and obtain help with any difficulties encountered. Seminars also provide a point of contact where both students and staff can reflect on the learning experience. At a more advanced stage (Level 5 and especially Level 6) seminars involve more open-ended or complex problems, arising from case studies or loosely-defined scenarios. These not only help develop higher level skills but also necessitate more interaction between students themselves, and with staff. Students participate in a mixture of learning experiences, including lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, individual and group work, independent learning, and where appropriate field study visits. Delivery is also supported by the use of a range of academic and case study-based learning materials. Where appropriate, teaching takes place in a computer laboratory, especially when students are being taught how to use or develop software. Many modules, at all Levels, utilise such sessions to support lectures. In this way students have laboratory time dedicated to the development of computational and numerical techniques, I.T. skills, high-level programming and advanced software. At Levels 4 and 5, most modules are supported by 3 hours of staff-student contact per week. At Level 4, this is necessary to enable entrants of varying academics background to settle in to H.E. and cope with degree-level work. At Level 5, it aids progress to more advanced areas of work. However, Level 6 modules are supported by only 2 hours contact per week. Students are expected to have matured by this stage and to be more adept at learning independently, using any resources at their disposal. Lecturers therefore use more directed learning in the delivery of material. At levels 5 and 6 students are increasingly expected to incorporate critical analysis and critical evaluation into their learning. Students will be supported in developing these skills throughout the programme. The development of transferable skills permeates the whole of the programme, particularly with regard to communication and presentation of the results of study. The subjects of Mathematics and Computer Science are continuously developing, evolving and changing and as a result students will be expected to keep up to date with developments through independent research. Also, at Level 6, a core Project module is undertaken by students in which a topic of an open-ended nature is studied. Supervision consists of 0.5 hours per week, a great deal of independent study and learning being demanded of the student. The ensuing report necessitates a significant depth of understanding of the work, and its conclusions, and the ability to critically appraise what has been achieved. The Project includes a critical review of relevant literature, implementation of demanding analytical work or computational/experimental investigation, data analysis, drawing suitable conclusions and critical appraisal. Students are supported in the development of these skills throughout the programme. The opportunity to undertake a professional placement between the second and final taught years of the programme provides the student the opportunity to apply their learning in practice, and offers highly valuable preparation for both level 6 study and graduate employment. Assessment At all Levels ASSESSMENT takes place via a combination of formal examinations and In-Course Assessments (ICA), such as individual or group assignments as well as tests. The form of assessment, and weightings, is specified by the Module Tutor, appropriate to the particular module. Some, ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 6 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) particularly those involving laboratory-based work or I.T., lend themselves to greater use of ICAs involving computational work. The aim of the assessment for any module is to assess the learning outcomes for that module as well as the programme learning outcomes, and the assessment methods used reflect the diversity of subject matter within Mathematics and Computer Science. They test the learning outcomes of each module in the most appropriate way, while ensuring a range of assessment methods across the programme. Examinations clearly test knowledge, understanding and intellectual skills and, implicitly, transferable skills. The inclusion of ICAs allows the full range of learning outcomes of the Programme to be tested. Formative assessment and feedback is incorporated into modules wherever appropriate and students are encouraged to participate in formative activities by using these activities to develop the skills, techniques and expectations of summative assessment. Summative assessment methods include exams, technical reports, case study analyses, presentations, portfolio and project work. The schedule of assessment for each year can be found in the programme handbook. For example, at Level 5 most modules use a combination of formal examination and ICAs, with the latter reflecting this more advanced level by often involving computational work or the use or development of software. At Level 6, the optional modules adopt a 70%:30% weighting between examination and coursework. Assessment is necessarily more demanding in terms of complexity and intellectual requirements. A core Project module is assessed via a written report combined with a poster presentation and interview (for mathematical projects) or a product with a viva (for computer science projects). The Project centres around an open-ended problem on a topic of interest to the student and can itself test most of the learning outcomes of the Programme. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 7 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 15. Programme Structure Diagrams can also be used to demonstrate the structure. Please refer to the PROGRAMME STRUCTURE DIAGRAM following. Programme Structure Refer if necessary to appended diagrams Progression for Honours Programme Levels 4 All modules are core. 4 Year-Long modules (20 credits each), of which 3 are Mathematics modules (MS0262, MS0410, MS0402) and 1 is a Computer Science module (CM0429). 2 semester modules (20 credits each), both of which are Computer Science modules (CG0047, CG0048). Progression point at level 4: 120 credits. Certificate of Higher Education awarded for 120 credits. Level 5 All modules are core. 4 Year-Long modules (20 credits each), of which 3 are Mathematics modules (EE0504, CG0029, CG0026) and 1 is a Computer Science module (CM0506). 2 semester modules (20 credits each), both of which are Computer Science modules (EN0572, EN0574). Level 6 16. Students undertake 1 core project module (40 credits): either MS0607 or CM0645. 2 core semester modules (20 credits each), both of which are Computer Science modules (CM0671, CM0669). Remaining 40 credits are chosen from four optional Year-Long taught modules (20 credits each), i.e. choose two modules. All of these are Mathematics modules (MS0602, MS0603, EE0604, CG0010). Overall, students must have 120 points in their portfolio. Progression point at level 5: 120 credits at level 5. Diploma of Higher Education awarded for 240 credits. Honours Degree awarded for total of 360 credits: 120 at Level 4, 120 at Level 5, 120 at Level 6. Pass Degree awarded for at least 60 credits at Level 6. Interim Awards Credit Structure and Programme Learning Outcomes for Interim Awards. Please delete or add rows as appropriate, with reference to section 8 of the Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards and specify learning outcomes for each of the interim awards. Award Credit Structure Programme Learning Outcomes May be completed with reference to section 13. Certificate of Higher Education ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 120 credits at Level 4. Learning outcomes. See Section 18. As for Level 4. Partial fulfilment of outcomes A2- A6; B1,B2,B4-B6; C1-C5; D1-D5. 8 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) See Section 13. Diploma of Higher Education 240 credits: 120 at Level 4 120 at Level 5 Pass Degree 300 credits: 120 at Level 4 120 at Level 5 60 at Level 6 ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 Learning outcomes. See Section 18. As for Levels 4 and 5. Partial fulfilment of all outcomes, except A2,A4,A5,B1,B2,B6,C1-C5. See Section 13. Learning outcomes. See Section 18. Partial fulfilment of learning outcomes A2,A4,B2,C1,C2,C4,C5. See Section 13. 9 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science YEAR 1 SIX CORE TAUGHT MODULES (total of 120 credits) LEVEL 4 Year-long modules except CG0047 (semester 1) and CG0048 (semester 2). MS0262 Calculus (Core, 20 Credits) MS0410 Statistics (Core, 20 Credits) MS0402 Computational Mathematics (Core, 20 Credits) CG0047 Programming 1 (JAVA) (Core, 20 Credits) CG0048 Programming 2 (JAVA) (Core, 20 Credits) CM0429 Relational Databases (Core, 20 Credits) YEAR 2 SIX CORE TAUGHT MODULES (total of 120 credits) LEVEL 5 Year-long modules except EN0572 (semester 1) and EN0574 (semester 2). EE0504 Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations (Core, 20 Credits) CG0029 Applied Statistical Methods (Core, 20 Credits) YEAR 3 YEAR 4 CG0026 Further Computational Mathematics (Core, 20 Credits) CM0506 Small Embedded Systems (Core, 20 Credits) EN0572 Operating Systems & Concurrency (Core, 20 Credits) EN0574 Computer Networks (Core, 20 Credits) OPTIONAL PLACEMENT / Professional Placement (EE0500) FINAL YEAR CORE AND OPTIONS (total of 120 credits) LEVEL 6 Core Project (MS0607 or CM0645, 40 credits) – year-long. Core modules CM0671 (semester 1) and CM0669 (semester 2), 40 credits. Choose 40 credits of options from year-long modules. MS0607 Project (Core, 40 Credits) CM0671 Artificial Intelligence & Affective Computing (Core, 20 Credits) or CM0645 Individual Projects (Core, 40 Credits) ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 CM0669 Machine Learning & Computer Vision (Core, 20 Credits) MS0602 Dynamical Systems (Optional, 20 Credits) MS0603 Advanced Statistical Methods (Optional, 20 Credits) EE0604 Mathematical Cryptology (Optional, 20 Credits) CG0010 Financial Mathematics (Optional, 20 Credits) 10 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 17. Variation From Assessment Regulations Provide details of any approved variations from the standard University regulations. None. 18. Mapping of Learning Outcomes This section shows how the individual modules (with module learning outcomes as written in the module descriptor) together contribute to programme learning outcomes. It is presented as a matrix of programme learning outcomes (as identified numerically in section 13), against modules. Where a module contributes to a programme learning outcome it is flagged by a shaded box. The matrix below is for a programme structure with learning outcomes in each of the categories of section 13, with Core modules ( C ) in Levels 4, 5 and 6, and Optional modules ( O ) in Level 6. The matrix shows how some learning outcomes are developed at particular stages in the programme, while others may be developed through the three levels. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 11 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) PROGRAMME TITLE - MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE MAPPING OF PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES (SEE SECTION 13)) MODULES a. KNOWLEDGE core (C) or UNDERSTANDING optional (O) LEVEL 4 MS0262 Calculus MS0410 Statistics MS0402 Comput. Mathematics CMO429 Relational Databases CG0047 Programming 1 (JAVA) CG0048 Programming 2 (JAVA) C C C C C C LEVEL 5 EE0504 ODEs & PDEs CG0029 Applied Statistical Methods CG0026 Further Comput. Math. CM0506 Small Embedded Systems EN0572 Operating Systems & Conc. EN0574 Computer Networks C C C C C C LEVEL 6 MS0607 Project CM0645 Individual Projects CM0671 A. I. & Affective Computing CM0669 Mach. Learn. & Comp. Vision MS0602 Dynamical Systems CG0010 Financial Mathematics EE0604 Mathematical Cryptology MS0603 Advanced Stat. Methods C C C C O O O O ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 b. INTELLECTUAL SKILLS c. PRACTICAL SKILLS d. TRANSFERABLE KEY SKILLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 19. Admission Requirements The ability to benefit from Northumbria University programmes is assessed on a combination of academic and personal qualities which can be demonstrated in a number of ways. Successful completion of a GCE or VCE Advanced level course of study (or some other equivalent qualification) is just one way. Students who can in other ways demonstrate their ability to benefit from a Northumbria University programme, in particular mature students without formal qualifications will always be considered and are invited to contact the Programme Leader to discuss their application. Applicants should use the personal statement on their application to illustrate their abilities, aptitudes, skills, qualifications and experiences which might be taken into account as well as or instead of any of the formal qualifications listed below. It is University policy to recognise a wide variety of evidence, and potential applicants may wish to discuss this aspect of their application with the admission tutor or Programme Leader. The following standard entry requirements are shown for guidance. A student’s particular combination of qualifications (including key skills) will always be taken into account in making an offer: GCSE grade C or above in English Language , plus one of the following: GCE and VCE Advanced Level 320 UCAS tariff points, with Mathematics at A-level minimum grade B. Scottish Highers BBBBB at Higher level including Mathematics BBB at Advanced Higher including Mathematics Irish Highers AABBB including Mathematics HEFC Access Three Distinctions and three Merits including Distinction in Mathematical Studies plus Toolbox. Progression Diploma Only acceptable in conjunction with GCE A-level Mathematics. Other IB 27 points, including Mathematics (at least 5 points). It should be noted that all applications will be considered on an individual basis. The above 320 points norm refers to a candidate normally taking at least 3 A-levels. An offer of a place is given on the basis of an applicant’s potential to succeed on the programme. There is an English language requirement. Interviews Interviews will be held where: ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 13 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) the suitability of a candidate is in doubt and further evidence is sought candidates present an unusual set of qualifications taken or pending, and an appropriate conditional offer needs to be determined candidates may need advice on the appropriateness of a course, or on the appropriateness of a proposed preparatory course of study Applicants invited for an interview will always be told its purpose. 20. Application Procedure Amend as appropriate Applications are processed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 14 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) The HEAR Supplement should be completed for all new and existing undergraduate honours degrees. Information in sections 7, 8 and 9 should apply to students gaining awards in the current academic year (with the possibility that this could differ from related information in the main programme specification). Once approved, it will be entered by Faculty support staff onto SITS and will be reviewed annually. 1. Academic Year 2014/15 2. Northumbria Programme Title and Route Code 3. Mode/s of Attendance B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics and Computer Science Sandwich Full Time MAT2CTS Part Time Other please specify 4. Partner Institution/s 5. Date of Approval 6. Programme Entry Requirements (150 words maximum) Validation event on 5 December 2014 This section should indicate any subject specific requirements, a statement regarding advanced entry to the programme and English language entry requirements (in line with the English language policy, IELTS component requirements should be specified in the Supplement and in section 19 of the programme specification). UCAS entry tariffs should not be specified. The following standard entry requirements are shown for guidance. A student’s particular combination of qualifications (including key skills) will always be taken into account in making an offer. GCSE grade C or above in English Language, plus one of the following: GCE and VCE Advanced Level 320 UCAS tariff points, with Mathematics at A-level minimum grade B. Scottish Highers Irish Highers BBBBB at Higher level including Mathematics BBB at Advanced Higher including Mathematics AAABB including Mathematics HEFC Access Three Distinctions and three Merits including Distinction in Mathematical Studies plus Toolbox. Other IB 27 points, including Mathematics (at least 5 points). ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 15 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) There is an English language requirement. It should be noted that all applications will be considered on an individual basis. The above 320 points norm refers to a candidate normally taking at least 3 A-levels. An offer of a place is given on the basis of an applicant’s potential to succeed on the programme. More detailed information is available in the programme specification and the on-line prospectus. 7. Programme Statement (250 words maximum) This should be written primarily for an external audience (eg employers) clarifying the aims of the programme, pathways, professional body implications (including where an alternative award title indicates that professional requirements have not been met) and opportunities for work experience/placements or study abroad. Please note that further information on professional status is required in section 10 below. This joint honours degree enables students to take advantage of studying modules from two flagship programmes - Mathematics and Computer Science. Graduates will possess the depth of knowledge and skills to practise as mathematicians or computer scientists within the professional working environment or to proceed to postgraduate study in an appropriate area. This degree programme gives students the ability to apply mathematical and statistical tools in the context of computer science. It also develops the theoretical and practical experience needed to understand important applications in automation. In the computer science modules students will cover important topics such as object-orientated programming, relational databases and embedded systems. They will also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practical applications. In the third year they have the option to go out into industry for a full 48-week placement. The University's strong research culture feeds into the programme, together with direct feedback from employers about the skills they want our graduates to develop. These ensure a degree programme that contains the most relevant up-to-date knowledge and skills on which to build a career. In the final year, students can specialise in areas such as mathematical cryptology, dynamical systems, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and have studied a challenging topic in more depth via an individual project lasting the full year. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 16 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) 8. Learning Outcomes applicable to students gaining awards in the current academic year. If these are the same as the main programme specification, please indicate ‘see section 13 of the main specification’ below. The learning outcomes for an Honours degree are as follows: a) Knowledge and Understanding The students will be able to: A1) Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts, principles and a range of theories. A2) Know and understand core software engineering technologies, development tools and languages, as well as hardware platforms, network architectures, technologies and standards, used in and to support computing systems. A3) Apply their skills to the solution of familiar types of problems, mathematical and statistical models, simulations, case studies and loosely-defined scenarios, using standard analytical, numerical and computational techniques. A4) Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a range of advanced topics, the advanced nature being characterised by relevance to graduate employment or direct underpinning to postgraduate study. A5) Specify, design or construct computer based systems and deploy these tools effectively. A6) Appraise the multi-disciplinary contexts in which knowledge base can be applied and identify appropriate fundamental principles. b) Intellectual Skills The students will be able to: B1) Construct logical and justified multi-step mathematical arguments. B2) Analyse a simple problem domain and develop or select an effective software solution to given problems in that domain. B3) Select the most appropriate method and tools of solution to a given problem. B4) Recognise the limitations of available techniques in terms of their applicability and accuracy. B5) Discuss and critically evaluate their solutions and results, and derive appropriate conclusions. B6) Demonstrate the ability to learn independently, with relatively little guidance and support. ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 17 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) c) Practical Skills The students will be able to: C1) Analyse, design, build and test software solutions, adopting a software engineering approach to increasingly complex and varied computing. C2) Use modern mathematical and statistical software, including developing and implementing computing algorithms. C3) Present their work, and results of such, in an attractive and explanatory fashion, including the use of appropriate I.T. and graphical software. C4) Design and build high quality, secure computing applications with appropriate interactive components, networking and database support. C5) Program in a MATLAB environment. d) Transferable/Key Skills The students will be able to: D1) Communicate information, ideas, problems and their solution, in both written and oral form. D2) Manage their time and resources efficiently. D3) Work effectively both individually and as a member of a team. D4) Exercise initiative and personal responsibility. D5) Learn independently using a diverse range of resources. D6) Make use of general I.T. facilities relating to information retrieval, analysis of data and presentation skills. 9. An unclassified degree or lower level qualification may also be awarded where students have not met all learning outcomes. Professional status (100 words maximum) Please provide a statement on the professional status of the programme for students graduating in the current academic year, noting the following extract from guidance from the Higher Education Better Regulation Group (HEBRG)1 for the collection of data for the KIS: Not applicable. 1,com_studrec/task,show_file/Itemid,233/mnl,12061/href,accreditation_guidance.html/ ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 18 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION (see guidance notes for completion) ugprogspectemplatefeb2003 19