SHM - University of Manchester


¶ 6) Simple Harmonic Motion

Very important - prototype for all oscillations and waves.

¶ 6.1) Definition

SHM is motion, in which a particle is acted on by a force proportional to its displacement from a fixed point, and in the opposite direction to the displacement.

F = - k x, where k is a positive constant.

Newton’s Second Law:

F = m a

equation of motion

- k x = m a, or a = - (k/m) x d

2 dt

2 x ( t )

 k m x ( t )

0 , or d

2 dt

2 x ( t )

 

2 x ( t )

0 , with

2  k m

¶ 6.2) Examples of SHM

(a) Mass m vibrating on an elastic spring, with spring constant k . Let the position of m , when the string is unstretched, be the origin x = 0.

O x m

Consider case of horizontal motion on a frictionless table. (The same result holds for vertical oscillations, but the analysis is slightly trickier, since we have to include gravity as well as the elastic force.)

F = - k x, by Hooke's Law

 a = F/m = - (k/m) x = -

2 x, with

2 = k/m.


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(b) Simple pendulum: Point mass m on a string of length L . The string has to be long and the oscillations small enough for the mass to move almost in a horizontal line.



O x m

 m mg




So from (1), and then, from (2),

T cos

- mg = may = 0, if approx horizontal

-T sin

= max sin

= x/L, cos


(1- sin 2 

) =

[1- (x/L) 2 ]

1, if x


L , so that

is small.



T = mg, ax = - (T/m) sin

= - (g/L) x = -

2 x, with



¶ 6.3) Solution for x and v

Note that in SHM acceleration a is not constant, so we cannot use v = vo + at, x = v

0 t + ½ at 2 .

What function x(t) satisfies a = -

 2 x or d 2 dt

2 x ( t )

 

2 x ( t )

0 ?

Calculus method:

Try x = A cos (

 t +

), where A and

are constants, because the derivative of cos is

sin , and the derivative of sin is +cos.

Then, velocity dx dt

 


 sin(


 



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and acceleration dt


 


 2 cos(


 


   2 x

Two special cases are and

= 0,

= -

/2 , x = A cos x = A sin

 t t, which has x =A at t =0,

, which has x = 0 at t = 0 .

x = A cos

 t v = - A


 t a = -

2 x

x oscillates between +A and -A. A is called the amplitude of the SHM.

Since A cos [

 t +

] = A cos [

(t +2


) +

] = A cos [

(t +T) +

], the motion repeats after a time T, where T = 2


. T is called the period of the SHM.


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The number of oscillations per second is called the frequency , f = 1/T, with units s -1 , also called hertz (Hz).

 

= 2

/T = 2

 f, is called the angular frequency , and its units are radians/s.

 

is called the phase constant of the SHM. Its value depends on where the particle is in its oscillation at t = 0, the time we start the clock. It is only important when we try to add two simultaneous SHM's. e.g. two out of phase sound waves.

¶ 6.4) Relation to uniform circular motion

This is important in its own right, but also gives a non-calculus derivation of the above results.

Consider a mass m at P moving round a circle of radius A with constant angular velocity

. It has tangential speed v =

A, along the tangent to the circle, and acceleration a = -

2 A, radially inwards.

Now consider the projection of this motion on a diameter.


If the chosen diameter is the X-axis, this is the point N.

As P goes round the circle, N oscillates along the diameter between x= + A and x = - A, so the radius A is the amplitude of the oscillation. The motions of both P and N have the same period T. By definition, the angular speed

= angle/time = 2

/T, so T = 2



We have still to show that the motion of N is SHM, i.e. that a = -

 2 x. To do this, resolve the velocity and acceleration vectors of the point P on the circle and look at the xcomponents, since these are the same for P and N.


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x = A cos

, v x

= -

A sin

, where a x

= -

2 A cos

= -

2 x


 t.


This shows that N does indeed move with SHM.

Phase constant:

To get the solution x = A cos

 t, we started our clock so that t = 0 when the point P was at x = A.

If we had chosen t = 0 when P was at angle

round the circle, then x = A cos(

 t +


This is the most general form.


Note the formulae for the period in the cases of section 6.2:

T = 2


= 2


(m/k), for spring,

T = 2


(L/g), for simple pendulum, with the rather surprising features:

(a) The period is independent of the amplitude, (which enables a pendulum to be used as a clock).

(b) For the simple pendulum the mass m does not matter either.

¶ 6.5) Velocity–displacement equation for SHM

Note that we can obtain an equation relating x and v, without involving t (the analogue of v 2 = (v


) 2 + 2ax in the case of constant acceleration a), by using cos 2 

+ sin 2 

= 1,

 2 x 2 + v 2 = A 2  2 [ cos 2 

+ sin 2 

] = A 2  2


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v =

  

(A 2 - x 2 ), showing that v is greatest, =

A, when x = 0, i.e. at the centre of the oscillation, and v = 0 at x =

A, at the extremities.

¶ 6.6) Examples

(a) 10 kg mass hanging on a spring has characteristic frequency 2 Hz. How much will the length of the spring change when the mass is detached?

Equivalent question: How much is it stretched, when hanging in the equilibrium position?

In this position

Now, mg = kx (equilibrium situation),

x = mg/k.

2 = k/m, and from above,

= 2

 f, = 4

s -1 ,

2 = 16

2 s -2

x = mg/k = g/

2 = 9.8 ms -2 x 0.0063 s 2 = 6.2 cm.

Note that we don't need to know the mass - the answer is the same for all m .

(b) A point on the end of a 440 Hz tuning fork vibrating with SHM moves a total distance of 1 mm from one extreme position to the other. What is the maximum speed and maximum acceleration of this point?

We have

= 2

 f = 880

Hz, and A= 0.5 mm = 5 x 10 -4 m. v =

 

(A 2 - x 2 ), v max


A = 880

Hz x 5 x 10 -4 m = 1.38 ms -1 a = -

2 x, so a max =

2 A = (880

Hz) 2 x 5 x 10 -4 m = 3821.5 ms -2 .


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¶ 6.7) Appendix: spring oscillating vertically

Take x to be the coordinate of the mass as measured from the point of support.

Let the natural, i.e. unstretched length of the spring = L

O x m

The equation of motion is mg


L )

 m dt



The equilibrium position is where the acceleration = 0, which gives x = L + mg/k, = x



Let X = x

– x


, the displacement from equilibrium, then

 kX

 m dt


, so we have SHM about the stretched position.


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