Granville Public School: Anti-Bullying 2010 GRANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ~ ANTI-BULLYING PLAN ~ POLICY STATEMENT “NSW public schools have always taught the values that are the basis of law, customs and care for others in our society. Values shape attitudes to the changing circumstances, events and issues encountered in daily life. Schools in NSW share with families and the community the responsibility for teaching values. While values are learnt predominantly in the home and modified through relationships and life experiences, parents and the community have high expectations about commonly held values also being taught in schools. Values guide student welfare and discipline ” (Values in NSW Public Schools, 2004) The Government recognises the importance of the following core values to the Community. These are promoted and taught by the school: INTEGRITY Being consistently honest and trustworthy. EXCELLENCE Striving for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of schooling and individual and community action, work and life-long learning. RESPECT Having regard for yourself and others, lawful and just authority and diversity within Australian society and accepting the right of others to hold different or opposing views. RESPONSIBILITY Being accountable for your individual and community’s actions towards yourself, others and the environment. COOPERATION Working together to achieve common goals, providing support to others and engaging in peaceful resolution of conflict. PARTICIPATION Being a proactive and productive individual and group member, having pride in and contributing to the social and economic wealth of the community and the nation. CARE Concern for the wellbeing of yourself and others, demonstrating empathy and acting with compassion. FAIRNESS Being committed to the principles of social justice and opposing prejudice, dishonesty and injustice. DEMOCRACY Accepting and promoting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen. The school has included PERSEVERANCE as another values dimension These values are embedded in the Granville Public School 2009 Discipline Policy & Program. This Anti-bullying Plan is a key part of the school’s planning for student wellbeing and effective learning. We promote an inclusive environment, where diversity is affirmed and individual differences are respected. Quality education is provided for students to meet their learning needs in a secure, ordered and supportive environment. The focus of quality education is for students to learn and grow with confidence. Granville Public School: Anti-Bullying 2010 Schools exist in a society where intimidation and harassment occur. Bullying is to be taken seriously and is not acceptable in any form. Students have the right to expect that they will spend the school day free from the fear of bullying, harassment and intimidation. Teachers, students, parents, caregivers and members of the wider community have a responsibility to work together to address bullying. DEFINITION Bullying is repeated oppression, psychological or physical, of a less powerful person by a more powerful person or group of persons (Farrington, 1993 and Rigby, 1996). It has an intent to injure and is not random. It is deliberate. (Slee, 1993). Bullying can include: Physical behaviour such as hitting, kicking, punching or spitting Throwing objects Threatening gestures Verbal insults Use of body language to threaten Removing and hiding belongings Psychological harassment Social isolation Racial, religious or cultural insults Setting up hurtful WebPages Sending malicious, hurtful or vindictive sms or email messages STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Granville Public School Community (students, staff and parents) are opposed to any form of bullying and will promote its eradication in all instances. As part of the school’s welfare and discipline policies, the core values as outlined in Values in NSW Public Schools will be promoted. The school aims to: Provide a safe and happy environment for students, staff and parents. Develop a school culture in which co-operation is fostered and harassment is not tolerated. Eradicate bullying and associated learned behaviours and empower students, staff and parents to deal with issues associated with harassment. Detail strategies, which proactively deal with issues of violence, harassment, intimidation and bullying to create a safe environment. Provide the understanding that social sensitivity can be taught in a systematic manner through the curriculum and school culture. Granville Public School: Anti-Bullying 2010 Acknowledge that all school community members have a responsibility to work together. The following expectations are at the core of the anti-bullying plan: Students are expected to play safely; report all bullying incidents; co-operate with other students and staff. Staff are expected to encourage co-operative behaviour through co-operative learning techniques; be vigilant and proactive on playground duty; respond to all students' concerns and complaints; assist with the identification of students who are using bullying behaviour; be positive role models for all students; and be aware of the DET discrimination policies. Parents are asked to discuss the policy with their child; encourage co-operative behaviour in the children; discourage retaliation of any kind; encourage independence in their children; and report any incidents of harassment. MANAGING BULLYING Whole school strategies Social skills programs when appropriate PBIS Program (Granville Galaxy) including specific anti-bullying lessons Encouragement of an ongoing commitment from staff, parents and students to a safe and happy playground through promotion of a school culture that values cooperation, learning and participation All staff, parents and students having high expectations and this being part of the school culture Weekly Peace Awards. Intervention programs including ISTB and School Counsellor support. Surveys. Co-operative learning techniques within the classroom. Teaching of appropriate playground activities. Active identification of students requiring intervention. Discussion of bullying in assemblies. Articles in the newsletter. Large posters developed by the students. Professional learning of staff Consistent implementation of the school’s discipline policy and program Participation in the annual ‘Harmony Day’ Promotion, through the school discipline system, of the Department’s / school’s values. Development of effective, positive leaders Include student leaders and SRC in initiatives to counter bullying such as playground programs, friendship circles, buddy class programs. Classroom strategies Regular classroom discussions of bullying. Granville Public School: Anti-Bullying 2010 PBIS Program (Granville Galaxy) Explicit teaching of appropriate behaviour Maintenance of records detailing students' behaviour. Designing of classroom peace symbol. Teaching of games. Implementation of social skills programs Buddy and peer support programs in which older and younger students work together Role play or highlighting appropriate interactions to deal with instances of teasing which may lead to bullying Empowering students to act in an assertive manner when dealing with situations of conflict. All students, staff and parents are encouraged, and obliged, to report in the first instance, any form of bullying behaviour which may take place in the school environment to either the Principal or a relevant staff member. If the person reporting the behaviour wishes to make a formal complaint, the procedures as outlined in ‘Responding to Suggestions, Complaints and Allegations’ will be followed. Parents, students and staff will be regularly reminded of the procedures to report bullying behaviour. As it is expected that the majority of reports will come from the students themselves, staff will encourage students to approach their classroom teacher (if the bullying behaviour takes place in class); the playground teacher (if the bullying behaviour takes place in the playground); or a staff member with whom they feel ‘comfortable’. This includes directly approaching the Principal. Bullying behaviours will not be tolerated from any one in the school community. This includes students, staff and parents. Everyone has the right to exist in an environment free of harassment. All reports will be taken seriously and dealt with in an efficient manner. MONITORING AND EVALUATION Indicators of successful implementation of the strategies described will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. fewer reports of bullying behaviours more students attaining higher award levels fewer ‘low level’ suspensions more students utilising their playground time in a constructive manner earlier intervention fewer students being identified as causing problems in the playground other data as relevant to the PBIS program Granville Public School: Anti-Bullying 2010 This Anti bullying plan will be updated in accordance with the Department of Education and Training’s requirements and as the school’s Discipline Policy changes.