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Foulcher, Keith, ‘Post-Modernism or the question of history: some trends in Indonesian fiction since 1965.’ In Hooker, Virginia Matheson (ed.). Culture and Society in New Order Indonesia. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 27-47, 1993. Foulcher, Keith. Literature, cultural politics, and the Indonesian revolution. In Roskies, D. M. (ed.). Text/Politics in island Southeast Asia. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University, 221-56. (Southeast Asia Series, 91) .1993. Harrison, Rachel. ‘Introduction’ in Sidaoru'ang. A Drop of Glass. Bangkok. Duang Kamol, 1994. Harrison, Rachel. ‘‘The son of a Javanese’: translating and positioning Luuk chaai khon chawaa in a comparative literary frame.’ In South East Asia Research, Volume 7, number 2, September, pp. 141-88. Hatim, B. and Mason, I. Discourse and the Translator. London and New York: Longman; 1990. Healy, Dana. Literature in transition: an overview of Vietnamese writing of the Renovation Period. 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