Polish - intermediate

Personal details
Name: Stanka Hristova
Birth date: 18. 01. 1949
Nationality: Bulgarian
Contact address:
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge
Moskovska 13A
Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone number:
Home: (+ 359) – 829 13 27
E-mail: tanushka.hristova@gmail.com
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski", Philosophical Faculty,
Philosophy and Psychology, 1967-1971
Institute of Philosophy
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy, 1972-1975
Defended dissertation: Evaluation criteria and moral behavior
Area of scientific research:
Applied Ethics
Morality and Artificial Procreation
The Moral status of the Human Embryo
The Moral Dimensions of the New Biotechnologies
(Artificial Insemination, Cloning, Human Genome,
Nanotechnology, Stem cells, GMO-s)
Ethics and Biotechnological Risk
Business ethics
Morality and Economics
The labor ethos and world religions
The labor ethos and mentality
The labor ethos in the transition society
Moral conflicts
The moral dimensions of political conflicts
Modernization and morality
West and East type of modernization
Belated modernization
Modernization in Balkan version
Degrees and academic ranks:
Attainment of academic ranks:
“Evaluation Criteria and Human Behavior” D.Sc.
Ph.D. degree
1972-1975, Institute of Philosophy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - defended – 1975.
Practical experience
Scientific posts:
Senior researcher
Institute for Philosophical Research 1975 – 1987
Associate Professor
Institute for Philosophical Research 1987-2010
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge 2010Department of Culture, Values and Morality
Training of specialists:
Supervising PhD students:
Institute for Philosophical Research, Department of Ethics 1999-2002
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge 2009Expert and consulting activity:
Expert – Found Scientific Research Ministry of Education and Science 20052010
Expert – HAOA MC 2006-2007
Academic activities
Participation in schools
and conferences:
1. “Childlessness and Adoption”, International conference “Fertility,
Infertility and the Human Embryo”, Nice, 1994
2. “Moral status of the embryo from everyday morality point of view”
International conference “Fertility, Infertility and the Human Embryo”,
Frankfurt Am Mine, 1995
3. “The value of the child and the status of the human embryo”,
International conference Loshini days of Bioethics 2002, Croatia (Croatian
Philosophical Society, Croatian Bioethics Society, Town of Mali Loshini)
4. “Modernization: a Balkan version”, International conference
“Controversial policies of the 21st century” - 2002, Novi Sad, Serbia
5. “The Universal Declaration on the Human Genom and Human
Rights: Some Ethical Considerations”, International conference
“Universal Declaration on the Human Genom and Human Rights: Present
Status and Future Perspectives”, 2003, Zagreb, Croatia (Croatian
Commission for UNESCO, Department of Medical Sciences, Croatian
Academy of Sciences and Atrs).
6. “Bioethics in Postmodern Conditions”,
International conference
“Bioethics and New Epoch”, 2003, Mali Loshini, Croatia (Croatian
Philosophical Society, Croatian Bioethics Society, Town of Mali Loshini)
7. “The Moral Conflicts of the Transition Society”, Mutual conference
Bulgaria-Russia “Social conflicts in the post communist countries in the
context of globalization and regionalization”, 2003 (Center for
conflictology RAS, IFR-BAS
8. „From Applied to Practical Ethics: Ethics of Decision Making”,
International conference “Ethical Dimension of Education” - 2008,
Jagodina, (Faculty of Education in Jagodina and supported by the
Embassy of Finland in Belgrade).
9. “Applied Ethics – Challenges and Tendencies” – 2000, Varna
International School of Philosophy
10. “Bulgarian values today – postmodern or not?” Varna International
School of Philosophy
11. “Bioethics at a crossroad”, ХХІІІ Session of Varna International
Philosophical School “Challenges facing philosophy in United Europe” 2004
12. “ The Economic Ethos of Orthodox Christianity and Our European
Future”, In: Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures: Universal,
Regional, National Values and Europe, XXIV Session of Varna
International School of Philosophy 2006
13. “Ethics of Pain” – 2006, III International conference of pain relieve
14. “Ethics of Pain in Children” – 2008, IV International conference of pain
15. “Uncertainty is my business”\Precautionary principle\, XXV Session
of Varna International School of Philosophy 2006
16. And about 15 – national conferences
Publications list:
Use the reverse chronological order.
1.“ Ethics in the World of Biotechnologies”, V. Turnovo, Faber, 2009
2. “From Frankenstein to Dolly (Morality and Artificial
Procreation) “, Sofia, Hristo Botev, 1999
3. “Moral Conflicts”, Sofia, Partizdat, 1981
2. Articles
1. Hristova, St. „Procedural Model of Ethical Decision Making. In:
Philosophical Alternatives, 2010 N 4
2. Hristova, St. “Uncertainty is my business: precautionary principle”, In: The
Philosophy of Security in an Insecure World. Proceedings of XXV Varna
International School, June, 1st-3rd 2008, ISBN 978-954-92549-2-1, p. 78-84,
Sofia 2010
3. Hristova, St.„Our Work Mentality – European or Not?”, In: „Ethics in
Bulgarian Economics”. Sofia. 2010
4. Hristova, St. „Ethical Approaches in Evaluation of Biotechnologies”, In:
Tradition and Modernity, № 8, Sofia 2009, ISBN 978-954-353-115-8, с. 174198
5. Hristova, St. „Biomedical Information, Confidentiality and Privacy”, In:
Philosophy and Eurointegration. Culture and Spirituality. Sofia 2009, ISBN:
978-954-3970-016-2, с.93-98
6. Hristova, St. „Ethical Expertise in Media”, In: Moralty in Bulgarian Media.
BAS- IFI, Sofia. 2009, с. 222-228. ISBN 978-954-92145-6-7
7. Hristova, St. „Ethical Dilemmas in Biomedical Research”. In: Health Policy
and Health Management 1, 2009, No 3, с. 65-68.
8. Hristova, St. „Perspectives of Applied Ethics”, In: Philosophy in the 21
Century. “Marin Drinov”, pp. 103-122, Sofia 2008 \in Bulgarian\
9. Hristova, St. „Gene modified Foods in “the Double effect” Trap”, In:
Philosophy and Contemporarity, Vol. 6, pp. 285-299, Sofia 2008 \in
10. Hristova, St. „Risk and Risk Situations”, In: Ethics and Social Risk. Faber,
pp. 11-35, V. Turnovo 2008 \in Bulgarian\
11. Hristova, St. „Ethics's Adventures in Nanowonderland”. In: Ethics and Social
Risk. “Faber”, pp. 219-242, V. Turnovo 2008 \in Bulgarian\
12. Hristova, St. „Ethics in the Institute for Philosophical Research”, In: Six
Decades Academic Philosophy. History, Stages, Generations, Paradigms,
Problems, Discussions, “Faber”, pp. 203-243, V. Turnovo 2008 \in Bulgarian\
in Bulgaria
13. Hristova, St. “Status and Perspectives of Bulgarian Ethics”, In: Perspectives
and Heritage of Bulgarian Philosophy. “Ivis”, pp. V. Turnovo 2008 \in
Bulgarian\ in Bulgaria
14. Hristova, St. „Ethics of Pain in Children”, In: Healthcare Policy and
Management, Vol. 8, Is. 5, pp. 112-116, 2008 \in Bulgarian\
15. Hristova, St. “The Economic Ethos of Judaism and “The Spirit of
Capitalism””, In: Trajectories of the Ethics, pp. 43-76, “Snt. Kliment
Ohridski”, Sofia, 2007 \in Bulgarian\
16. Hristova, St. “The Economic Ethos of Orthodox Christianity and Our
European Future”, In: Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures:
Universal, Regional, National Values and Europe. IPhR – BAS, pp. 162-170,
Sofia 2007 /in English/ Varna school
17. Hristova, St. „Institutional Ethical Regulation of Medical Practice”, In: Ethics
in Bulgarian Healthcare, pp. 411-419, “Simel”, Sofia, 2007 \in Bulgarian\
18. Hristova, St. “Is the Use of Stem Cells Morally Permissible” In. Philosophical
Alternatives, Vol. 2-3, pp. 5-24, 2007 \in Bulgarian\
19. Hristova, St. “How to Consider Stem Cells From An Ethical Point of View?”,
In; Philosophical Alternatives, Vol. 5, pp. 35-49, 2007 \in Bulgarian\
20. Hristova, St. “Ethics and the Contemporary Global, Technological and
Ecological Problems. Applied Ethics. Bioethics”, In: Knowledge and Society,
Vol. 2, pp. 215-234, “Snt. Ivan Rilski”, Sofia 2006 \in Bulgarian\
21. Hristova, St. “Belated Modernization and Socialistic Economic Ethos”, In:
Philosophy and Socium”, Vol. 3, pp. 232-247, Sofia, 2006 \in Bulgarian\
22. Hristova, St. “Why is the Optimistic Theory of Our Nation Problematic?” In:
Whether the Bulgarian People will Survive in the XXI Century. pp. 62-70,
“Zaharii Stoyanov” and “Snt. Climent Ohridski”, Sofia, 2006 \in Bulgarian\
23. Hristova, St. “Risk Socialization and Moral Deviations”, In: Morality and
Socialization of Children and Youth in Bulgaria”, pp. 317-324, Faber, V.
Turnovo, 2006 \in Bulgarian\
24. Hristova, St. “Ethics and Pain”, In: Healthcare Management, Vol. 6, pp. 62-
68, 2006 \in Bulgarian\
25. Hristova, St. “Applied Ethics – Abroad and at Home”, In: “Ethics in Bulgaria
– Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, pp. 109 -122, Faber, V. Turnovo, 2005
\in Bulgarian\
26. Hristova, St. “Catholicism and “The Spirit of Capitalism”, In: Philosophical
Alternatives, Vol. 3 -4, pp. 89–104, 2005 \in Bulgarian\
27. Hristova, St. Modernization and Individualization”, In: “Ethics in Bulgaria –
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, pp. 221 - 237, Faber, V. Turnovo, 2005 \in
28. Hristova, St. “”Gankovoto kafene” or the Everyday Discourse on the Political
Morality”, In: The Morality in the Bulgarian Politics. pp. 73-85, Faber, V.
Turnovo, 2005 \in Bulgarian\
29. Hristova, St. “The Radicalization of Islamic World in the Process of Belated
Modernization”, In: Risks of Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism in
Bulgaria. pp. 205-218, IPhR – BAS, Sofia, 2005 \in Bulgarian\
30. Hristova, St. “The Moral Conflicts of Transition”, In: The Social Conflicts in
the Process of Globalization and Regionalization. pp. 572-586, LENAND,
Moscow, 2005 \in Russian\ \in Russia\
31. Hristova, St. “Modernization: A Balkan Version”, In: Controversial Policies
of the 21st Century\Kontroverze politike 21 veka\, Skupstina APV, pp. 43-47
Novi Sad, 2004\In English\
32. Hristova, St. “ About Ethics - Ethically”, In: Philosophical Alternatives, Vol.
3, pp.124-128, 2004 \in Bulgarian\
33. Hristova, St. “Changes in Moral Values in Bulgaria under Conditions of
Globalization”, In: Bulgaria in Global Processes, Prodanov, Vassil (Editor).
pp. 407- 428, Global Scholarly Publications, New York, 2004/in English/
34. Hristova, St. “Bioethics at a crossroad”, In: Challenges Facing Philosophy in
United Europe. Proceedings of XXIII Varna International Philosophical
School 03-06 June 2004, pp. Institute for Philosophical Research, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, 262-267, Sofia 2004 /in English/
35. Hristova, St. “Islam and Modernization”, In: Philosophical Alternatives, Vol.
4-5, pp. 158-172, 2004 \in Bulgarian\
36. Hristova, St. “The Moral Conflicts in the Society of Transition”, In: The
Social Conflicts in the Postsocialist`s Countries under the Conditions of
Globalization and Regionalization”, pp. 241-256, “Chernorizetz Hrabur”,
Varna 2004 \in Bulgarian\
37. Hristova, St. “Morality and Belated Modernization”, In: Belated
Development, pp. 194-214, Faber, V. Turnovo, 2004 \in Bulgarian\
38. Hristova, St. “Bioethics – Past, Present and Future”, In: Bioethics, pp. 61-70,
MON, Sofia, 2004 \in Bulgarian\
39. Hristova, St. “Modernization – moral legitimation”, In: Philosophy,
40. Hristova, St. “The West and the East. Modernization perspective”, In: The
Problem East - West. Historical Perspective. Paradigma, Sofia, 2003, pp.273282
41. Hristova, St. “Thе Bulgarian Values Today – Postmodern or Not” In:
Philosophy between Old and New Values, Proceedings of XXII International
Philosophical School 29 may – 01 June 2002, Institute for Philosophical
Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 2003, p. 341-346
42. Hristova, St. “Sequencing the Human Genome and Moral Judgment ”, In:
Philosophical Alternatives 2001 N 1
43. Hristova, St. “Applied Ethics – Trends and Challenges”, In: Philosophy
between Two Centuries. Proceedings of XXI Varna International
Philosophical School 29 May – 01 June 2000. Institute of Philosophical
Research. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia 2001
44. Hristova, St. “”Hello Dolly” or “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”?” In: Morality
and the Global Problems of Modernity. Sofia, LIK 2000
45. Hristova, St. “Morality and Economic Rationality”, In: Crisis in Rationality
in Contemporary Bulgarian Social Life. Theoretical Problems and Practical
Solutions” Sofia 1998, Ffoundation "Choveshtina"
46. Hristova, St. “ Bioethics ”, In: Philosophical Forum 1998 N 1
47. Hristova, St. “The Orthodox Economic Ethos”, In: Philosophical Alternatives
1998 N 3-4
48. Hristova, St. “Morality and Artificial Procreation ”, In: Philosophy 1997 N 6
49. Hristova, St. “The Moral Status of the Human Embryo from Every day
Morality Point of View ”, In: Philosophical Alternatives 1997 N 3
50. Hristova, St. "The Economic Ethos of the Transition – Protestant, Confucian
or…? “, In: Philosophical Alternatives 1996 N 4
51. Hristova, St. “Bulgarian Economic Ethos. Traditions and Modernity ”, In:
Philosophical and Methodological Problems of the Economic Theory an
Practice”, Sofia 1996
52. Hristova, St."The Terror of the Success ", In: Philosophy 1994 N
53. Hristova, St." Social Disintegration and Anomy ", In: Transcendental
Philosophy. Science. Morality., Sofia, 1993
54. Hristova, St. “Management and National Mentality”, In: Philosophical
Research. Ethics. Philosophy of Religion. Philosophy of the Science and
Techniques. Logics. Vol. 3, Sofia, 1993
55. Hristova, St. "Business ethics ", In: Philosophy 1993 N 1
Cite Index - 90
Participation in national/ international
scientific research projects:
1. “Morality in the transition society” – 1999, Founded by Bulgarian
Ministry of Education and Science
1. „Decision Making in Situations of Biotechnological Risk”. International
Scientific Cooperation. Joint Research Project Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences - University of Pittsburgh, Center for Russian and East European
Studies). (2011 – 2014)
2. «Social an Philosophical Problems in Granting Social Security in
Relationship between Government, Business and Civil society in
Contemporary Europe and Russian» Joint Research Project Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences - RAN 2009-2011
3. “Social Conflicts: relationship between government, business and civil
society» (2006-2008), Joint Research Project Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
4. “Reparative medicine – high-tech biomedical technologies for disease
treatment and life extension. “ International Project Leonardo da Vinci
(Italy, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria) ”, 2006-2007,
5. " Fertility, Infertility and the Human Embryo", Project of the EU – 19941996
English - intermediate
Polish - intermediate
Russian - advanced
Computer skills
Windows, Power Point, Internet