Woodford Shale Bibliography - Bureau of Economic Geology

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Midcontinent, 1999 symposium: OGS Circular 105, p. 17-29.
Al-Shaieb, Z., J. Puckette, P. Deyhim, and A. Close, 2001, Compartmentalization of the
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Carr, J.L., III, 1987, The thermal maturity of the Chattanooga Formation along a transect
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Carter, L.S., S.A. Kelley, D.D. Blackwell, and N.D. Naeser, 1998, Heat flow and thermal
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Comer, J.B., and H.H. Hinch, 1987, Recognizing and quantifying expulsion of oil from
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Comer, J.B., 1991, Stratigraphic analysis of the Upper Devonian Woodford Formation,
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