“To Kill a Mockingbird” Final Presentation 8th Grade Your final

“To Kill a Mockingbird” Final Presentation
8th Grade
Your final project will be a presentation of several projects. Each project has its own rubric and set of
instructions. This is not due until the end of the unit, however you should work on it continually
because it is a large assignment.
The final presentation has 5 main parts:
-Newspaper articles: One from now and one that is made up for the time period
-Graphs of time sensitive information
-Historical Information power point presentations based on 1930’s topics
-Scientific Discoveries of the 1930’s (Posters)
-Connections found in historical information and story events
For each part, students will break up into groups and work on specific elements. All elements will be
presented to the class on the final day.
Each day that you work on the project, whether in class or not, you will fill out a “what I did today” sheet
so that the teacher can see the progress you made and the effort that you put into the project. The
teacher will also check group progress throughout the unit to ensure that work is being completed. One
day each week will be designated to work on the project in class, however it is advised that work outside
of the class be completed so that the project will get done on time.
Following are the individual information sheets and rubrics for each part of the project. Notice the time
limits for each of the presentation parts. These must be adhered to so that each group can get through
their presentations in class. No group may go over the 15 minute time limit! You will be supplied with
the “what I did today” sheets and the final grading rubric that you MUST have in order for your project
to be graded.
If any student is caught misusing the computer (includes, but not limited to playing games, wasting time, etc.), the student will be warned once,
and will then loose computer privileges in English class for the remainder of the year.
Newspaper Articles
Presentation Time: 2 Minutes Each Article
Students will need to break up into sub-groups of 2-3 students within the group for this project.
Newspaper Article #1: 2-3 students
-Find a newspaper article that pertains to the 1930’s time period, or to subject matter consistent with
that of this time period.
-Write an article review (at least 200 words, typed, Times New Roman-12 pt. font, double spaced) that:
--discusses the main issues in the article (review)
--tells how this information relates to the 1930’s time period
Grading Rubric
At least 200 words
Discusses main issue and how it relates to the 1930’s
Picture and headline present
Spelling and Grammar
Newspaper Article #2: 2-3 students
-Create a newspaper article that depicts actual events from the trial in the book. It must include:
--1 picture
--At least 200 words – at least 10 details from the story that pertain the trial
-Make sure that it is written like an actual newspaper article from the time (like the events are
happening right now).
Grading Rubric
At least 200 words
At least 10 details from the story
Graphs of Time Sensitive Information
Presentation Time: 1 minute Each Graph
Students will need to break up into groups of 2-3 students for each graph.
Graph #1 (2-3 students)
-Through research, compare the population of Caucasians, African Americans, and other races in the
United States at some time in the 1930’s to the populations of those races in America now.
-Create a graphic representation of your findings (any type of graph that you choose that will show this
-Be SURE to include a title for your graph, and titles for each section of your graph to make it easy to
read. Also, include on the graph where you found your information.
Grading Rubric
All titles and information present
Spelling and Grammar
Information is correct and displayed correctly
Graph #2 (2-3 students)
-Through research, find the average cost of living in the 1930’s and the average cost of living now (this
should include: average income, cost of cars, gas, etc.)
-Create a graphic representation of your findings (any type of graph that you choose that will show this
-Be SURE to include a title for your graph, and titles for each section of your graph to make it easy to
read. Also, include on the graph where you found your information.
Grading Rubric
All titles and information present
Spelling and Grammar
Information is correct and displayed correctly
Historical Events Informative Power Point Presentation
Presentation Time: 3 Minutes Each Topic
Students should break up into groups of 2-3 students for each group.
Group #1 – Education
-Research education in the 1930’s. Be sure to include what it was like, what was taught, who was taught
and who wasn’t, and be sure to include African American education during this time.
-Create a power point presentation that discusses these topics in detail.
-Be SURE to include sources of your information throughout your power point presentation! Do NOT
read from the power point as you give your presentation! Not all info should be put on the slides!
Grading Rubric
Details on all topics
Flow of presentation (Do NOT read!)
Sources present
Group #2 – Great Depression
-Research what the great depression was, what caused it, and the outcome.
-Create a power point presentation that discusses these three topics in detail.
-Be SURE to include sources of your information throughout your power point presentation! Do NOT
read from the power point as you give your presentation!
Grading Rubric
Details on all three topics
Flow of presentation (Do NOT read!)
Sources present
Scientific Discoveries of the 1930’s
Presentation Time: 1 Minute
As a group, create a poster that depicts 5 important inventions or scientific discoveries of the 1930’s.
-Include pictures (computer or student generated) that depict the inventions.
-Write a 5-10 sentence description of each invention and include this on the front of the poster.
-The poster can be any size or shape and can be on any type of paper (other than notebook paper)
Grading Rubric
Pictures and descriptions present
Descriptions are at least 5-10 sentences
Neatness (no lined paper used!)
Connections to the Book
Presentation Time: 1 Minute
Keep track of connections you find from the book to the time period you are researching. Bring all your
ideas together after reading the book to finish this part of the project.
-Create a list of the connections you find between the book and the time period as you do research.
They can deal with anything that you have researched throughout the project and any part of the book.
-Type the list (any format or size) and present your findings to the class.
-As a group, you must find at least 10 connections for your list.
Grading Rubric
At least 10 connections present
Connections are detailed
Spelling and Grammar
Neatness (typed)
“What I Did Today” Sheet
Description of what you worked on (Be Specific!)
Final Project Rubric
Each member of the group MUST have a final project rubric or the student will not have the project
Newspaper Article
Historical Events Informative Power Point
Scientific Discoveries Poster
Connections to the Book
“What I Did Today” Sheet
Work in Class
(-1 point for each warning to get back
to work, stop messing around, not
getting along with group mates, etc.)
Total Project Grade