June-2014-2 - Hallows, Twickenham

All Hallows Parish Church
Life continues without a vicar
It may be unusual for the treasurer to be
asked to write the Parish News, but I
write as part of the team that is keeping
All Hallows going while we have no
In fact life at All Hallows is not just
continuing but flourishing. The daily
and weekly rhythm of worship continues
virtually unchanged. We are fortunate
to have a number of retired clergy who
visit regularly, as well as our lay readers
and an ordained curate.
June 2014
church was filled with the music of
professional concerts.
The Notos
Saxophone Quartet played a variety of
chamber music on the Friday, and on
Saturday a concert of choral and
orchestral music concluded with English
music from Elgar and local West London
composer, Gustav Holst.
In addition to regular worship, All
Hallows continues to be here for the
wider community, especially in marking
significant moments in life. So far 2014
has seen more weddings, funerals and
baptisms than we did during this period
last year. And recently, Bishop Paul
joined us for a special evening service of
The church of All Hallows was erected in
1939 and we are shortly to celebrate 75
years since the laying of the foundation
stone. Its history, however, goes back
to Saxon times. Bizarrely the tower and
many of the interior fittings were moved
here piece by piece from their original
site in Lombard Street, London – a case
most literally of taking the church to the
Music has always been an important part
of life at All Hallows and our Sunday
worship is enriched by a traditional choir
and organist. As I write we have just
completed our first music festival. In the
following two sunny May days, the
The original London church was
designed by Sir Christopher Wren - the
architect of St Paul’s Cathedral - and
within the current “Wren” tower is a
fine set of 10 bells ranging in weight and
age and rung for services and special
occasions. The English method of bell
ringing is unique. To start, the bells,
which can weigh up to a tonne or more,
have to be swung until they are finely
balanced upside down. All this makes
considerable demands not just on the
bellringers but also on the bearings
which hold the bells, and we have
recently engaged the world famous
Whitechapel Bell Foundry in a project to
renovate them.
While on the subject of renovation, we
have also initiated a scheme to refurbish
a room in the Parish Hall which will be
used for the new “Little Wrens” preschool, opening in September 2014.
This exciting project will update the
facilities; from the installation of new
heating, toilets, and decor, to internet
and security, bringing the premises up to
date and in line with the needs of a
modern 21st century professional nursery
In contrast to the grade 1 listed church,
the 1960s Parish Hall might politely be
described as functional rather than
beautiful, and the car park even more
However the outside space is
currently being improved with a scheme
to develop the flower beds and plant
shrubs and bushes in the borders.
Further contributions are welcome!
And so life continues, even without a
vicar. All Hallows remains a place of
utility and of beauty; of reflection and
elation; a place both ancient and
modern. It is a place where you can
nurture your faith through seasons of
both doubt and certainty. It is here also
as a centre of activity for the wider
community. Do look through the
announcements which follow and see
what might be of interest to you.
Simon Wood
Treasurer, All Hallows Church
Children’s Groups at All Hallows
Oranges and Lemons
This is our Church Playgroup, where
parents, grandparents or carers are very
welcome to come along with their children
to spend some playtime together. This
group is run by church volunteers. Lots of
toys for babies and toddlers available and
Fairtrade tea and coffee is supplied as part
of the entrance fee which is £3 per family.
This runs on Thursdays (termtime) 10am to
12 noon in the Parish Hall.
Stay and Play
Chloe Joseph is running a Stay and Play
session for mums, dads, grandparents and
carers etc to come along during the summer
holidays and enjoy toys, games, arts and
crafts with their children. The group is
aimed at babies and toddlers, but children
of all ages are very welcome to come along
and enjoy the fun. Refreshments are also
on offer. Stay and Play takes place in the
Parish Hall on Wednesdays from 10am to
1.00pm beginning on Wednesday 6th August
(excluding every last Wednesday of the
month). Cost of the sessions are: Under 3
months are free; 3 months to 1 year £1.50;
3rd child or more £1.50; All other children
£3.00 per child. Please see Chloe’s website
for more info: www.mummystimeout.com
Little Wrens
Little Wrens is the new pre-school nursery
which will be running in the Long Room
from September this year. This is a very
exciting venture for our community For
more information please call Penny 07951
230754 or Laura 07773 409866 or email:
Coming Up…
Evensong & Benediction
There will be a service of Evensong &
Benediction on Sunday 29th June at 6.30pm
to celebrate the feast of St Peter and St Paul.
All are welcome!
75th anniversary
of the laying of the foundation stone for All
Hallows church.
A short service will take place on Thursday
10th July at 7.30pm to mark the eve of this
historic event. The service will incorporate
some reflections on the history of the
church and be followed by a drinks
reception in the cloister.
London Open House Weekend takes place
on 20th–21st September this year and All
Hallows has been signed up to take part.
The weekend will be filled with events
surrounding the history of the church and a
special ‘bell tower’ event to help raise much
needed funds for the bell bearing
replacement. Volunteers will be needed to
help with keeping the church open for a
few hours to welcome visitors and make tea
and coffee. If you would like to help out,
please contact the Parish Office (contact
details on the back page).
It’s Magic!!
100th Anniversary – World War I
The 100th anniversary of the outbreak of
the First World War will be commemorated
on Sunday 3rd August in our parish
communion service at 10.00am. The names
of those who lost their lives in the war who
were in some way connected with the
parish will be read out during the Eucharist
and remembered in prayer. If you would
like to have someone remembered in this
way, please add their name to the sheet in
the Narthex or drop a note to the Parish
All Hallows collect donations for the
Richmond Foodbank. If you would like to
donate any items please bring them along
to the Parish Office during office hours. At
present, most needed items are sugar,
tinned fruit/veg, cartons of juice, long life
milk and puddings.
London Open House Weekend
On Saturday 27th September, All Hallows
will be welcoming Mark Townsend, priest,
author and member of the Magic Circle, to
perform a magic show in our Parish Hall.
This is going to be a very exciting event for
the whole family and for our community,
so please do ensure you put this date in
your diaries. The magic show will begin at
6.00pm and will be followed by a buffet
and a chance to speak to Mark and to
purchase his books and magic tricks.
Tickets for this event are available from the
Parish Office (contact details on the back
page) and they cost £12 per adult and £5
per child (aged 5-15).
Mark will also be preaching at our Family
Eucharist the next day, Sunday 28th
September. All are welcome!
Regular Events
Weekly Practice:
Holy Communion BCP
Director of Music:
Parish Eucharist
with childrens groups
Choir Vestry Fridays 7.00pm
Philip Booth
020 8560 3638
Beavers, Cubs & Scouts
Parish Main Hall
Monday evenings (term-time)
For more information, please contact
the Parish Office
Brownies & Guides
Parish Main Hall
Thursday evenings (term-time)
Last Sunday of the month is Family
Eucharist –Children are invited to take an
active part in the service - All welcome!
Worship for All Ages
A relaxed ½ hour service
All welcome but particularly suitable for
parents with young children.
For more information, please contact
the Parish Office
Monday to Friday
Morning Prayer
Oranges & Lemons
Parent/Carer toddler group
Parish Main Hall
Said Eucharist
Thursdays 10am-12 noon (term-time)
This group is run by volunteers:
If you would like to help out
please contact the Parish Office
every Wednesday
First Sunday of each month
(excluding August and December)
at the 10am service
Lunch Club
Parish Main Hall
Last Wednesday of the month @ 12.30pm
Aimed at pensioners, (but all are
welcome!) lunch made by volunteers for
£3.50 per meal
The next Lunch Club is on
Wednesday 25th June
Church Contact Details
Parish Main Hall
Administrator: Mrs Alex Oliver
Office hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9.30am – 1.30pm
020 8241 2345
If you wish to order any goods from
Fairtrade at other times please contact
David & Avril Brown 020 8898 5714
For more information on the church services, activities, events
and what goes on in the hall,
please go to our website
Fairtrade stalls are held from 11am on
the following days:
Sunday 6th July
Sunday 20th July
Weekly Services
Vicar: Interregnum
(vicar to be appointed)
Curate: The Revd Andrew Williams
07824 310311
Parish Office & Hall Bookings