
King County Fire Protection District #2 does not accept Household Hazardous Waste.
This service is Provided by:
The Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County
Contact phone (206) 296-4692
Household Hazardous Waste Station:
8105 5th Ave. South
Hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
For Everyone's Safety, Please:
Don't not mix products
Keep products in original containers
Label products not in original containers
Secure products so they won't leak
Store products away from the passenger compartment of your vehicle and keep them separate from
items you wish to retain
Stay in your vehicle during unloading at the Wastemobile
What to Bring
What NOT to Bring
Aerosols (if not empty), for others see below
Automotive batteries
Automotive products (oil, gasoline, antifreeze,
brake fluid, etc.)
Batteries (except alkaline)
55 gallon drums of household hazardous waste
Aerosols (empty)
Alkaline batteries
Biological wastes
Bullets, munitions, gunpowder, fireworks, etc.
Fluorescent light bulbs
Call Police-Non Emergency (206) 344-4080
Business or apartment maintenance waste
Glues and adhesives
Empty containers of any type
Hobby chemicals
Explosives-Call Police 911
Latex paint (For 1/4 can or less, dry it out and Garbage, tires, televisions
put it in the garbage)
Oil-based paints
Medical wastes (including sharps)
Indoor & outdoor pesticides
Products that contain mercury (Fluorescent
Oil-contaminated soil
lamps, thermometers, thermostats)
Propane tanks (7 gallon max)
Paint brushes and empty paint cans
Thinners and solvents
Smoke detectors, radioactive wastes
There is a limit of 30 gallons total liquid hazardous waste per customer per day at all household
hazardous waste (HHW) collection sites and Wastemobile events. No containers over five gallons in
size will be accepted at any of the HHW sites or Wastemobile. For clearances for larger volumes, call
the Household Hazards Phone Line 206-296-4692.
Questions? Call the Household Hazards Phone Line (206) 296-4692
Web Address: