Terminology Project Opp Overview

Child Health Terminology Demonstration Project
Implementing Policy Statements as Interoperable Computerized Question/Answer
Set (QAS) Templates
Over-All Goal
The pediatric community would like to explore the feasibility of using a template method for
mapping pediatric clinical content to terminology systems to assist EHR system developers in
enhancing the pediatric usability of their systems.
CAP/STS Project Opportunity
Join with volunteers from CAP/STS to work through a SNOMED terminology template using the
AAP policy statement on Developmental Surveillance and Screening. Use this opportunity to
determine what is involved in producing a template model for a sample AAP policy statement.
CAP Volunteers
 Develop a “consensus-derived” QAS template derived from the policy statement and
clinical algorithm.
 Create QAS terms and data items using Template Editor and produce a printout suitable
for examination, discussion and editing by volunteers.
 Provide pediatric volunteers with education on using the QAS template.
 Provide input into recommendations for future work.
Pediatric Volunteers
(5-6 volunteers with domain-specific expertise; familiarity with informatics a plus but not
necessary; 8-12 hour commitment from each)
 Review the AAP policy statement on Developmental Surveillance and Screening and the
draft materials prepared by CAP to become familiar with project content.
 Participate in an educational webcast demo of the SNOMED template.
 Participate in 1-3 working webcast sessions to refine the QAS template.
 Provide input into recommendations for future work.
Project Deliverables
 A document depicting a mock-up of the logic behind the policy statement as
implemented in an idealized EMR.
 Pilot project scope document with detailed description of resource requirements to
assign or create SNOMED CT codes and/or other metadata to the QAS items and to
develop a white paper, journal article or some kind of informational offering provided to
the standards community regarding how one might proceed in defining terminology
requirements in pediatrics using the template method.
 Note: pilot project will likely require financial resources to cover assistance from expert
clinical editors as well as STS SNOMED training for pilot project volunteers. Could
explore grant opportunities jointly with CAP.
Possible Future Benefits
 Template approach to mapping pediatric terms with terminology systems facilitates use of a
common interoperable language for pediatric terminology.
 Terms can be used to facilitate measures of quality assessments between practices and
 Template might be used as “pseudocode” to assist EHR vendors in developing decision
support to implement policies.
 Other.
College of American Pathologists Volunteers
 Richard Moldwin
 Two additional expert clinician editors from CAP-STS staff
Potential Pediatric Volunteers
 Paul Biondich
 Christy Bryant
 Willa Drummond
 Michael Gould
 Craig Joseph
 George Kim
 Gregg Lund
 Jeannie Marcus
 Andy Spooner
 Geraldine Wade
 Timothy Williams
AAP Policy Statement Content Expert(s) Volunteer(s)
 Paul Lipkin
 Jen Mansour, AAP
 Beki Marshall, AAP
 Joy Kuhl, Alliance for Pediatric Quality