Course Code: BBT2306
Course Credit: 3 CU
Brief course description:
This course will cover the interpretation of the DNA sequences in relation to evolutionary
change at the molecular level, mechanism of evolution of the genome, inter- and intraspecific genetic variation, genetic fingerprinting and natural selection.
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. interpret DNA sequences in relation to evolutionary change at the molecular
2. explain the mechanism of how genes and genomes evolve,
3. interpret inter- and intra-specific genetic variation,
4. reconstruct the evolutionary history of genes and species,
5. Identify the genetic fingerprints of natural selection in action at the molecular
Detailed course description:
Molecular biology versus molecular evolution (1 Hour), Synthetic nature of molecular
evolution (2 Hours), Gene structure, genetic codes and mutations (4 Hours), Nucleotide
substitution: synonymous and non synonymous substitutions (4 Hours), Rates and models
of nucleotide substitutions (3 Hours), Molecular clocks (2 Hours), Sequence alignment (4
Hours), Types of molecular data (3 Hours), Introduction to molecular phylogeny (3
Hours), Genome organization and evolution (2 Hours), Genome size and composition in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes (2 Hours)
Practicals (30 hours)
Mode of delivery:
The course will consist of lectures, practicals and tutorials
Assessment method:
This will be done through examinations (60%) and coursework (practicals, tests and
assignments) (40%)
1. GRAUR, D and WEN-HSIUNG, L. (2000). Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution. Sinauer
2. Higgs, P.G, and Attwood, T.K. (2005). Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution. First
Edition. Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
3. SACHDEVA, A.S. (2008). Molecular Biology of Evolution. Vista International Publishing