Date Received Spring 2009 Semester Assessment Report Form DUE October 30, 2009 Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506 or via email at: 1. Program Information: Program Chemistry PhD and MS Department Chemistry College Sciences Program Dennis Lindle Assessment Coordinator Semester Data Spring 2009 Collected Report Dennis Lindle and Larry Tirri Submitted by Phone/email 702-895-4426 Date Submitted 4/14/2010 2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the Fall 2008 Academic Semester? You may want to copy and paste from this program’s assessment plan. Which outcomes for this program were measured? How did you measure the outcomes? What results did you expect? If the students performed well what would their performance look like, i.e. percentages, means, or comparisons to a national standard? __4__outcomes out of a total of __4__ outcomes evaluated this semester. 1. Technical Seminars, thesis, Thesis ranking? Seminar assessment competency 2. Language Seminars, prospectus, thesis, papers, oral reports, surveys Seminars, thesis defense, thesis, student prepared manuscripts, surveys Thesis defense, thesis 3. Analysis 4. Expertise Presentations grades, seminar assessment, paper grades, pass/fail prospectus Seminar assessment, pass/fail thesis, publication reviews Pass/fail thesis, thesis ranking? 3. Results, conclusions, and discoveries. What are the results of the planned assessments listed above? What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or attach to the form. Results, conclusions, and discoveries The grade distribution for the seminar series indicates solid satisfaction with graduatestudent performance with a large majority of students receiving a grade of A. During the fall semester there was one defense by a Masters Student. See below for details Eight journal articles were published and nine papers were presented at professional meetings with at least one graduate students listed as a co-author. 4. Use of Results. What program changes are indicated? How will they be implemented? If none, describe why changes were not needed. The program is running successfully. No major adjustments are required at this point. 5. Dissemination of results, conclusions, and discoveries. How and with whom were the results shared? The results are shared and discussed with fulltime chemistry faculty. Graduate MS Thesis: Becky Hess, Identifying lethality and DNA repair efficiency in response to novel cisplatin analogs in cancer cells (Defended 2-20-09) Graduate PhD Thesis: none Presentations that list Graduate Students: UMSL, March 2009- “Kinetics and Inhibition of Bacillus Spore Germination” - Zadkiel Alvarez-Mallorga , Nadia Jiménez , Helen Luu , Denis Nformi “Microscopic and Spectroscopic Studies of Metal Deposition on Carbon Nanomaterials”, I. Tran*, R. Felix, Y. Zhang, M. Bär, C. Heske, and L. Weinhardt, New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference (NDNC 2009), June 7-11, Traverse City, MI (poster). “Impact of oxygen-annealing on the morphology and chemical properties of Au/Ni contacts on p-GaN”, S. Pookpanratana*, M. Bär, C. Heske, E. Dimakis, R. France, T. D. Moustakas, L. Weinhardt, M. Blum, W. Yang, and J.D. Denlinger, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2009, Strasbourg, France, June 8-12, 2009 (oral). “Chemical and Electronic Structure of the CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Interface”, S. Pookpanratana*, M. Bär, R. Félix, M. Blum, C. Heske, I. Repins, M.A. Contreras, L. Weinhardt, W. Yang, and J. D. Denlinger, 34th IEEE PVSC, Philadelphia, PA, June 7-12, 2009 (oral). “Impact of air-exposure on the chemical and electronic structure of ZnO:Zn3N2 thin films”, M. Bär*, L. Weinhardt, S. Pookpanratana, K. George, Y. Zhang, C. Heske, K.-S. Ahn, S. Shet, Y. Yan, M. Al-Jassim, O. Fuchs, M. Blum, W. Yang, and J.D. Denlinger, 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13 – 17, 2009 (oral). “Chemical and Electronic Structure of a-SiC Thin Films for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, Y. Zhang*, K. George, M. Bär, C. Heske, J. Hu, F. Zhu, and A. Madan, 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13 – 17, 2009 (oral). “Contact Formation on (Al, Ga, In)N-based Semiconductors Investigated with Electron and Soft X-ray Spectroscopies”, S. Pookpanratana*, M. Bär, L. Weinhardt, C. Heske, R. France, E. Dimakis, T. D. Moustakas, O. Fuchs, M. Blum, W. Yang, and J.D. Denlinger, 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13 – 17, 2009 (oral). H. D. Mandal, P. K. Bhowmik, H. Han, and A. K. Nedeltchev, “Poly(pyridinium salt)s Derived from ,-Diaminoalkanes: Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline and Photoluminescence Properties,” Polym. Prepr., Am. Chem. Soc. Div. Polym. Chem. 2009, 50(1), 250-251. H. D. Mandal, P. K. Bhowmik, H. Han, A. K. Nedeltchev, J. A. Jimenez-Hernandez, and P. M. McGannon, “Poly(pyridinium salt)s with Organic Counterions Derived from Aromatic Diamine Containing Tetraethyleneoxy Unit Exhibiting Thermotropic Liquid- Crystalline and Photoluminescence Properties,” Polym. Prepr., Am. Chem. Soc. Div. Polym. Chem. 2009, 50(1), 252-253. Publications that list Graduate Students: T. S. Jo, M. Yang, L. V. Brownell, C. Bae, "Synthesis of Quaternary Ammonium Ion–Grafted Polyolefins via Activation of Inert C–H Bonds and Nitroxide Mediated Radical Polymerization " J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 2009, 47, 4519–4531. T. S. Jo, S. H. Kim, J. Shin, C. Bae, "Highly Efficient Incorporation of Functional Groups into Aromatic Main-Chain Polymer Using Iridium-Catalyzed C–H Activation and Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 1656–1657. P. K. Bhowmik, A. K. Nedeltchev, and H. Han, “Synthesis, Thermal and Light-Emitting Properties of Anthracene Derivatives,” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2009, 498, 125137. “Impact of air-exposure on the chemical and electronic structure of ZnO:Zn3N2 thin films”, M. Bär, K.-S. Ahn, Y. Yan, L. Weinhardt, O. Fuchs, M. Blum, K. George, S. Pookpanratana, W. Yang, J.D. Denlinger, M. Al-Jassim, and C. Heske, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 012110 (2009). (3 pages) “Spectroscopic Analysis of the Chemical Structure at the CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Interface in HighEfficiency Solar Cell Devices”, S. Pookpanratana, I. Repins, M. Bär, R. Félix, M. Blum, L. Weinhardt, W. Yang, J.D. Denlinger, M.A. Contreras, and C. Heske, Proceedings 34th IEEE PVSC, Philadelphia, PA, June 2009, p. 1060-1063. “Migration and Oxidation of Sulfur at the Back Contact in CdTe Cells”, X. Liu, N.R. Paudel, A.D. Compaan, K. Sun, L. Weinhardt, M. Bär, S. Pookpanratana, C. Heske, O. Fuchs, W. Yang, and J.D. Denlinger, Proceedings 34th IEEE PVSC, Philadelphia, PA, June 2009, p. 2107-2110. Dodatko T, Akoachere M, Muehlbauer SM, Helfrich F, Howerton A, Ross C, Wysock V, Brojatsch J, Abel-Santos E: Bacillus cereus spores release alanine that synergizes with inosine to promote germination. PLoS ONE 2009, 4 (7):e6398. Authors: Kelly K. McGrath, Kyoungmi Jang, Kathleen A. Robins, and Dong-Chan Lee* Title: Substituent Effect on the Electronic Properties and Morphologies of Self-Assembling Bisphenazine Derivatives Journal: Chemistry-A European Journal 2009, 15, 4070-4077.