Reserch knights and armor

Medieval Times Project
Go back in time and re-create life in Medieval Europe. Here is an opportunity to
combine research and creativity. Would you prefer a 3-demensional model, 2dimensional artwork, or do some research. Decide which medium suits you best.
Choose one of the following assignments. Any written part (description, labels,
notes) has to be done in French. I will help you during class time if you choose to
do some at home, you can email me to spell check your work.
The majority of the research will be done in class. You will then use your
research to complete your project at home.
Each person or pair will complete the following:
1. Project: Choose one of the projects from the following sheets. This is
what you will be researching and the topic for your summary. If in pairs,
create one fantastic project.
2. Summary: Before you can write a summary, you must collect information
or evidence. Once you have collected your evidence, on index cards you
will organize it by subtopics onto paper. Your summary should have a
clear topic sentence that answers the questions that connects to the big
ideas. If in pairs create individual bullet notes and summary. We will work
on that in class.
3. Bibliography: Each project must be turned in with Works cited
 Use at least 2 sources from our library or our textbook.
 Use at least 2 sources from the Internet.
Grading Rubric:
You followed the directions completely, fulfilling all requirements.
Your project is historically accurate, showing thorough research.
You show creativity with expression, materials, and design.
Your project shows effort, and is presented in excellent condition.
You took careful notes, gathered sufficient facts and information.
You used class time well.
_______________________ YOUR GRADE
Medieval Weapons
The Middle Ages was extremely violent. Castles were built to act as power
bases. Lands were subject to invasion. There was the need for a variety of
Middles Ages weapons to suit the knights, foot soldiers and archers of the
a) Are you interested in the weapons and warfare of castle times? Are you
mechanically inclined? Build a working 3-D model of a historically
accurate war machine.
b) Complete a written key explaining it’s purpose and demonstrate its uses.
(1 page in length, and in French)
Wood platform
Wood or metal parts
String, glue, rubber bands (for a mangonel only! I know, rubber wasn't know yet,
but fine twine doesn't hold tension well), sticks, dowels, gears, etc.
Build a working model of one of the following:
a) Counterweighted drawbridge
b) Portcullis
c) Ballista or crossbow
d) THE CHALLENGE! Catapult, trebuchet, or mangoes
Make it no larger than 2 by 2 feet, please, so it can fit on top of a desk. No large
scale lethal weapons!
This project must be created by your own hands, not from a manufactured kit.
It must use medieval engineering (no plastic spoon slingshots, no rubber band
slingshots, no guns).
Stand your model on a firm platform.
Label the parts and write a short key explaining their functions.
Glue this explanation to the base, so it can be viewed with your project. Don't
forget your name!
Knights wore heavy suits of armor to protect themselves while in battles
and tournaments. Research to find out the different types of armor
worn by a knight.
a) Illustrate a knight dressed in a full suit of armor.
b) Label and define each piece worn.
c) Show how a knight’s horse was dressed in armor.
d) Make a helmet. 3-D design
e) What type of equipment did they have? Draw and explain the use of each.
(One paragraph)
f) How were the tournaments carried out?
g) Explain jousting and other tournament battles of skill.
h) Explain a famous battle.
I) Identify one famous knight and his deeds. Be sure to include pictures. (One
page in length).
Middle Ages Castles
Middle Ages castles illustrate the strength, magnificence and power of the
Medieval warlords. The architecture of the Middle Ages castles moved from
the early wooden Motte and Bailey castles to stone. The kings, knights and
warlords who traveled to the crusades and who embarked on siege warfare
were influenced by the design and architecture of the fortresses in the Far
East. The designs of the Middle Ages Castles therefore altered during the
Medieval centuries.
a) Build your own 3-D medieval castle, complete with towers, gatehouse,
moat, drawbridge, and keep. Your castle should show an understanding
of how an army laid siege to a castle, how a castle was defended, or what
it might be like to live in a castle. Show what you have learned about the
defensive design of castles. Build a small model castle, with labeled
b) Complete a 2-D floor plan of your castle. Be sure to label specific parts of
your castle: moat, chapel, keep, gate, drawbridge, towers, well, armory,
dungeon, barbican, curtain wall, death traps?
c) What are the living conditions at the castle? How many people live there
(the lord, his/her family, knights, serfs, their families? – need actual
numbers!)? Do you grow crops? Do you raise livestock? If so, what kind?
Do you have a water source? (1 paragraph)
• Clay, wood, cardboard, styrofoam, or foam-core poster board.
• Wood or foam-core for the platform, not cardboard.
• Miscellaneous glue, paint, Femo clay, trees, cellophane, etc.
Make it no larger than 2 by 2 feet, please, so it can fit on top of a desk.
Include all the basic features of 13th-century concentric castles.
Include and label at least ten offensive/defensive features of your castle, such as
portcullis, crenellation, etc.
You may replicate an existing castle or design your own.
This project must be created by your own hands, not by a castle kit, Lego sets,
Innovations & Inventions
Inventions and innovations were made to make work easier. During the
Medieval period inventions were numerous and major developments were
made in this area.
Choose 2 inventions/innovations to research and answer the following questions
for EACH choice: Wheel, Printing Press, Sundial/Clock, Windmills, Horseshoes,
Longbow/Crossbow, Armor/Chain-mail, and Spectacles
a) Describe the invention—how it works and how it is used.
b) Who invented it and why was it invented?
c) Draw a picture of each of the inventions.
Medieval Clothing
Clothing and fashion like everything else during the middle Ages was
dictated by where people stood in the Feudal System. Clothing
provided information about the status of the person wearing them.
a) Find pictures of medieval clothing. On a Bristol board, illustrate the types
of clothing worn by men and women during the Middle Ages.
b) Label each piece of clothing.
c) What types of fabrics were used?
d) How were colors used?
e) Did certain pieces of clothing pertain to certain occupations?
f) What type of jewelry was worn?
g) Display clothes that were worn by the wealthy and the poor.
h) What was the difference?
Common Diseases & Medical Treatments
Health and medicine in Medieval England were very important aspects of
life. For many peasants in Medieval England, disease and poor health were
part of their daily life and medicines were both basic and often useless.
Choose 2 common diseases to research and answer all questions for EACH
choice: Scurvy, small pox, mental illness, leprosy, dysentery, malaria, measles,
typhoid, fever and influenza
Answer the following questions for EACH disease you choose:
a) Describe the disease—which was affected, how was it diagnosed, symptoms
and death rate if applicable.
b) Describe the medical treatments and/or everyday remedies for this disease.
c) Explain whether this disease still affects people today. If so, where is it most
common and why?
Diseases Websites
The Crusades were a series of Holy Wars launched by the Christian states
of Europe against the Saracens. The term 'Saracen' was the word used to
describe a Moslem during the time of the Crusades. The Crusades started
in 1095 and there were eight in number, the first four being sometimes
called the Principal Crusades, and the remaining four the Minor Crusades.
1. Describe the purpose and organization of the Crusades in general.
2. What impact did the Crusades have on the world?
3. Answer 1 of the following questions:
a) How did the Crusades end and why?
b) What was the effect of the Crusades (how did they change governments &
people's lives)? Why are the Crusades an important part of history?
Create a poster displaying this information.
Food and Feasts
Middle Ages Food changed considerably during the Middle Ages. Early
Middle Ages Food was basic and the ingredients were home grown. This all
changed in 1066 with the Norman Conquest and between 1095 - 1270 when
Europeans looked to the Eastern World and joined in the crusades.
a) What foods were consumed at breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
b) Were the types of foods determined by whether the people were rich or
c) How were the foods prepared?
d) Which spices were popular with Medieval people and why?
e) What types of dishes or cooking utensils were used?
f) What was considered proper etiquette for the medieval period?
g) Name 5 popular festivals or feasts. What was usually being celebrated?
h) What kinds of activities did medieval people participate in at a festival?
i) Find 1 medieval recipe and prepare this to be shared with the class on the
due date. Make a display showing your written recipes in the authentic
version. Be sure to illustrate your display.
Herbs and Medicines
During the medieval times, people relied on a number of herbal
preparations to treat various ailments. In the twelfth century, people
were not even aware of bacteria and viruses. As a result, illnesses were
deemed as punishments from God.
a) Name 5 diseases and their cures that were common to people in the
Middle Ages.
b) What ingredients were used in some of the remedies?
c) What were some unusual treatments for ailments these people suffered?
d) Are there any cures, medicines, remedies that are still in use today?
e) You will need to mix up and “package” for presentation two herbal cures
for common ailments (such as stomachache, toothache, gout, etc.) Be ready
to tell what ingredients are contained in the recipe and show how it is applied
or taken. Make a display showing your written medical recipe and application
method. Be sure to illustrate your display.
Robin Hood
a) Research Robin Hood. Who was he?
b) Was he a real person or just the subject of stories and legends? Where
and in what time period did he live?
c) What did he fight for/against?
d) Was he a hero or a villain?
e) Who were his friends and companions?
f) What were some of his accomplishments?
g) When did he die?
h) Build a panorama of what you think Robin Hood’s camp would of looked
Medieval Entertainment
What did people do in the Middle Ages for entertainment? Types of
Medieval Entertainment varied according to status but included feasts,
banquets, jousts and tournaments, Mystery Plays, fairs, games and sports,
hunting, hawking, animal entertainment using dogs, bears and monkeys.
Choose 1 of the following categories, and then choose 2 topics within that
1) Games (Chess, Backgammon, Nine Men's Morris, Fox and Geese,
Shovelboard, Knucklebones, Hazard)
2) Sports (Archery, Bowls, Colf, Gameball, Hammer, Hurling, Horseshoes,
Skittles, Stoolball, Wrestling)
3) Entertainers (Troubadours, Minstrels, Mummers, Fool /Jester)
4) Music (Research instruments, create a model of instruments used. Play or
sing a song.)
For each topic chosen, answer the following questions:
a) Describe the game, sport or entertainment, including: Who participated?
b) What were the rules--how/where/when was it played or given?
c) What was the purpose? What special training or skills were needed?
Medieval and Renaissance Instruments - get sounds, pictures, and descriptions
of instruments used during these time periods.
Medieval Music - facts about the medieval instruments called the shawm,
cittern, and recorder.
Medieval Music - Midi files you may download free