Complete review packet `11

Repaso – Midterm
Español 1
Unidad 1 – classroom phrases, alphabet, colors, numbers, calendar
A. Classroom phrases
¿Qué dirías tú…? (what would you say…)
…..when someone says “gracias”
___ ___
___ a ___ ___
…...when you want something
p __ __
__ ___ ___ ___ r
…..when you can’t write
n __ __ __ __ __ o __ __
__ á__ __ z
…..when you have a headache
¿ ___ ___ ___ do ___ r a ___ ___ c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___?
…..when a student doesn’t know the answer to question number one
___ ___
¿ Qué diría la profesora…..? (what would the teacher say…)
….when a student talks too much
___ __ l __ ___ ___ __ ___
….when she wants to check the homework
S___ ___ ___ ___ n ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
….when she wants to know if the students understand
¿ ___ ___ t ___ ___ ___ d ___ n?
….before a test
¿___ ___ ___ ___ ___ s?
….when she wants to practice pronunciation in Spanish with the class
____ ____ p ___ ___ ___ n
B. Alphabet/pronunciation
1. What are the letters in the Spanish alphabet which are not in the English alphabet? _____________________
2. Test yourself…can you pronounce all the letters in the alphabet? Can you pronounce all of these words?
A – nada
H – hola
E – bebé
I – idioma
Ll – amarillo R – pero
B – bien
J – dejar
V – vino
Qu – quince
C – casa/cinco
Z – zapato
O – loco
Rr – carro
U – mucho
N – nada
Ñ – niño
D – donde
G – gato / gente
stress – papa/papá
3. Websites to practice pronunciation
Pronunciation of words/sounds:
C. Colors
What color is…
1. Barney _____________________________
2. A banana _____________________________
3. the American flag _____________________________
4. the sky
5. a zebra
6. 2euro coin _____________________________
D. Numbers
Write out these numbers in Spanish:
a. 15 __________________________________________
E. Calendar
Answer the following questions.
1. How would you write out the following dates?
Monday, July 14th ________________________________
Saturday, December 21st ________________________________
2. How does a Spanish calendar look different from an American calendar?
3. How do you say…
4. In the US, when are these sports played?
Fútbol Americano
Los olímpicos: gimnasia
F. Culture
You should study any notes on culture. These are examples of some questions you might get on the test.
Answer them here.
1. What is a cognate? Give an example with its definition in English.
2. Why is it important to study Spanish?
3. In what region is…
4. How would this phone number be written in Spanish? 345-6729
Repaso – Midterm
Español 1
Unidad 2 – greetings, introductions, feelings, age, origin, activities, pronouns,
likes/dislikes, gender of nouns, Spanish names
A. Greetings/Introductions
Unscramble the following greeting words and write their definitions in English.
La mezcla
eonbsu sdai
En español
Buenos días
En inglés
Good morning
osiad nsearo
mooc et msalla
tees se im goiam
sanube nsehoc
B. Feelings
Give 2 examples of how these people might respond to the question: ¿Cómo estás hoy?
C. Age/pronouns
Translate these phrases to Spanish:
1. How old are you? ____________________________
2. He is 14 years old. ____________________________
3. Where are you from?
4. I am from Spain
D. Likes/dislikes
Write a sentence in Spanish telling whether you like or dislike the following things.
1. classical music
2. English class
3. football
4. salad
E. Gender of nouns
There are 2 genders of nouns in Spanish – masculine and feminine. How can you tell which is which?
Write M / F in each blank.
- ends in o:
- ends in l/r: ________
- ends in a:
- ends in d:
- ends in ión: ________
- ends in e:
Masculine nouns use the definite article “el” while feminine nouns use the definite article “la” to say the.
Fill in the proper article for the following words.
_____ clase
_____ dinero
_____ pared
_____ televisor
_____ tensión
_____ golf
_____ pasta
_____ consideración
_____ béisbol
_____ cancer
_____ mochila
_____ ciudad
_____ sol
_____ mosca
_____ tunnel
Now go back and circle any words that are cognates.
F. Culture
You should study any notes on culture. These are examples of some questions you might get on the test.
Answer them here.
1. How would a father and son greet each other in Spain? ___________________________
2. How would two teenagers greet each other in school? __________________________
3. How would you write your name in Spain? __________________________
4. How would your name be listed in the phone book?
Español 1
Repaso – Midterm
Unidad 3 – school supplies, plural nouns/articles, indefinite articles,
subject pronouns, tener/querer/necesitar, Euros
A. School supplies
Write the name of each of these supplies along with the correct definite article.
B. Making nouns plural
How do you make nouns plural? Explain below and give an example of each situation.
- nouns ending in o/a:
- nouns ending in consonant:
- nouns ending in z:
C. Indefinite articles
What do the following indefinite articles mean in English?
un __________
una _________
unos __________
unas __________
Why would you use one of these articles instead of using el/la/los/las? Explain.
Write the appropriate indefinite articles for the following items.
1. _____________ calculadora
5. _____________ papeles
2. _____________ carros
6. _____________ vacaciones
3. _____________ bolígrafo
4. _____________ computadoras
7. _____________ carpeta
D. Subject pronouns
We have covered the following subject pronouns. What do they mean in English?
Which subject pronoun would you use in the following situations:
1. talking about your best friend Amy __________
2. asking Rico how old he is
3. telling someone where you live
4. telling Mrs. Grant about your aunt __________
5. telling someone they look nice today __________
E. Have, need, want
How do you conjugate these verbs? Fill out the chart below:
Translate the following sentences to Spanish:
1. I have 5 pens.
2. Do you want a paper?
3. He needs the homework.
4. You have a binder, but you want a folder.
5. I want a dog.
F. Euros
Know the following information on Euros:
- what bills/coins are used and what do they look like?
- where they are used (general)/when they came out
- how to say certain prices Ex: 11,30 = once euros, treinta centavos
- how to write prices (comma instead of period)
- how to ask how much something costs
- how to convert a price in Euros to a price in American dollars